The Uzumaki And Kurogane Clan

Chapter 39 - 36 Encounter

In a crater a few meters ahead lies the lifeless body of the Fourth Mizukage. Kira, Naruto, Killer Bee and Mei are sitting a little away from the crater, gasping for breaths with wounds on their body after having defeated Yagura in battle.

"Well.... with this Mei-san..... Kirigakure can now heal...." said Naruto gasping for breath but with a wide smile. Mei nodded at him with happiness. Kirigakure can now heal after Yagura's dethronement, those that sacrifice in the past from the Rebel forces can now rest in peace because their sacrifice were not in vain.

Everyone was smiling at their victory.

Kira gets up and said to them "With this, the Civil War ends and Kirigakure can now heal from all the damage that Yagura did. You have a lot of work to do, Mei-san." Mei smiles knowing that she truly will have to do a lot of things to restore Kirigakure to his former glory and more, so she can't stop now. She has to keep going forward. All of Kirigakure will go forward now.

While everyone was smiling.

*Stab!* Kira suddenly got stab through his stomach from his back. This surprise attack leaves his eyes wide open in pure shock. The pain that he's feeling from the stab hurts a great deal and what's worse. He began feeling less and less the presence of Fenrir herself, heck she's been screaming at him yet her voice began growing smaller and smaller until he stops hearing her altogether.

Everyone are wide in shock for the sudden attack on Kira and Naruto screams.


- A few hours in the past -

With the conquered base, they now have a shot towards Yagura himself and ending this war. With help from Ao and his group, Kira and the others were able to conquered the last base in their path towards Kirigakure. Although Kira's body is fine due to Fenrir's chakra. Mentally, he feels tired due to all the fighting so far, but to finish this mission, he'll keep moving forward.

"Are you alright?" Said Darui looking at Kira with a worried look. Darui saw him battling the base's Commander earlier and even though he won, he knows that he received some injuries in their battle.

Kira sighs "I'm alright, don't worry. I'm just happy that this war and our mission is ending. Here's hoping that nothing interrupts mine and Samui's honeymoon this time." He said that last words with a laugh.

Darui smiles at him because of the last comment then turns serious "Remember what i told you when we were going towards Ao?"

Kira nodded. He was surprise that Darui wanted to impart his teaching on the Black Lightning techniques to him. Something that only Darui and the Third Raikage knows and the reason why the Third Raikage was know as one of the strongest kages in the past.

- Flashback -

Kira was running through the woods, using his Sensor ability to detect Ao and moving towards him. Darui was behind him, letting him take point due to his ability. Along the way Darui thought for a second before stopping Kira.

"Wait." He said to Kira surprising him and stopping.

"What's wrong?" he asked Darui. They were press on time to take the base, so stopping was not in their schedule and it came out from Darui. Kira knows that his sensei, Darui, was the type of person who concentrates on the mission first so he can completed it without a hitch. But now he's stopping, why?

Darui looks at Kira and with a serious voice said "Kira. I wish to impart my teachings on the Black Lightning techniques on you after we return to Kumogakure and you return from your honeymoon."

Kira was shocked. Honestly he never thought that Darui would one day make him the next successor of the Black Lightning techniques. Sadly, the Canon version didn't show much about the Black Lightning techniques and what it could do, but he does knows that it's power increases the damage that Lightning techniques gives. I do have a theory that the Black Lightning is Otsusuki techniques since Kaguya herself use Black Lightning. Hell, Sasuke had an Onyx Chidori and i felt that must have come from Indra's Chakra that the Cursed seal forcely awaken. But that's just a theory.

Thinking about it, i decided.

Kira nodded at him "If you don't mind me, then i'll accept it." Darui smiles proudly at him because he knows that Kira is the perfect successor of the Black Lightning techniques.

"We'll start your training after you return from your honeymoon with Samui. But for now. Let's concentrate on the mission."

Kira nodded to him and they kept going towards Ao.

- End of Flashback -

If i'm honest with myself. I am excited to train on the Black Lightning techniques and see if they can affects all of my Lightning Jutsu and see what more they can do.

Darui nodded at him then turns serious "We have conquered this base and now we have a straight line towards Kirigakure. Knowing that Yagura will have the strongest of his people closest to him, it will be a tough battle."

Kira nodded. Having to fight Yagura and take care of his allies in mid-batlle will be difficult indeed.

"What do you have plan." Kira asked Darui.

Darui nodded and began to talk "We'll be leaving some of the Rebel Nins to take care of the prisoners and the few left, will follow us towards Yagura. Ao will come with us as well and if we are lucky, we'll meet Mei-san and his group on the way."

Kira nodded and they began preparing to leave.

After a few minutes later. Everyone regroup outside of the base, in the path headed towards Kirigakure.

Running on the road, they see Kirigakure and close to the Hidden Village, they find Naruto's group with more Rebel nins behind them.

"Hey!!" Yells Naruto with a grin. From the way their clothes looks neat, they didn't have problems on their side.

Kira's group smiles at them and move towards them.

"I can see taht everyone is alright" said Darui

"Those of Yagura's nin can beat the power of my soul! Oh Yeah!" rapped Killer Bee with a grin. Naruto and the others nodded at him, despite his way of saying it.

Mei looks towards Kirigakure in earnest. She can see the end in sight and all they need to do, is defeat Yagura himself then all the senseless slaughter will end and Kirigakure can finally recover from the war. The deaths is something that everyone will never forget but for them, Kirigakure will keep moving forward.

"We are finally here.... After all the deaths, all the sacrifice.... we are finally here. Now we can end it all, so those that gave their life for saving Kirigakure can rest in peace, knowing that their deaths were not in vain."

Mei eye's shows a flash of determination. Determination of ending this war and Yagura's Tyrant rule.

"Look!" A random Rebel nin points towards the Gate of Kirigakure. Everyone see how the Gate opens and they saw him. The culprit of all of Kirigakure's problem.

Yagura stands at the edge of the barrier in Kirigakure. Around him is his entourage of Shinobis, waiting for their Mizukage to say the word so they can attack.

Yagura looks at the Kumo nins. If it wasn't for his spies, he would have been surprise at their presence here. Then he coldly looks at Mei, the one responsible for all of his problems.

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