The Uzumaki And Kurogane Clan

Chapter 40 - 37 Battle Against Yagura (1)

Yagura coldly looks at Mei, the person that has given him so much trouble.

"So you're finally here..." Said Yagura in a cold, deep voice.

Mei takes a step forward and said "Give it up Yagura, you already lost."

Yagura narrows his eyes "Lost? No. I am still alive and i'll do anything to protect Kirigakure from all threats and that includes you..." He then bega walking out of the barrier along with his entourage and his shinobis.

That act surprise everyone, they thought he would have stayed inside the barrier, temporarily safe. Kira and even Naruto thought about using the seals they pick up from Yagura's dead shinobis to enter the barrier, but now.

Yagura stop after exiting the barrier and smirks at their faces "You thought i would stayed inside when i'm perfectly capable of killing you all? Foolish, the only reason why your petty rebellion has stayed active is because i didn't give a damn. But apparently i was wrong, so i decided to just get rid of all of you. After all of your deaths, Kirigakure will finally become stronger that it was."

Mei grips his hand in anger "Become stronger? By what?! Mass genocide against all bloodline users? You think that will restore Kirigakure?! Of course not! That path will just weaken it even further!! I refuse to let Kirigakure be destroy by someone like you who can't even see the harm that it's doing to the village!" She loudly proclaims.

"Damage?" Then he scoffs "Bloodline users are a blight towards Kirigakure and they need to be eliminated. But, i didn't come here to negotiate with my enemies, no. I came here to end you all." After he said that in a dark voice, all of Yagura's Shinobis gave a war scream at them.

All the Rebel Shinobis answer with their own war screams and Yagura yell "Kill them all!! Leave Terumi Mei to me!"

"HAI!!!" All of Yagura's Shinobi said then they began running towards the Rebel nins.

"Strike back at them!!! Remember! Our cause it's just, if we win here, Kirigakure will heal!" Mei loudly said.

"Right!!!" "AAAH" All the Rebel Shinobis nodded and began rushing towards the incoming attack.

Darui then looks at his group "Kira, Naruto, Killer Bee. You two go help Mei-san, even if she's a powerful ninja, she can't take on Yagura alone due to his Jinchuriki status. Make sure she survive this" All of them nodded and rush to help Mei, who began following Yagura, bringing them to another area for their fight.

Yagura narrows his eyes "So you ask for help in our fight, Mei?" He mockenly said. It annoys him that other 'bugs' came into the fray when he was about to fight Mei. Though it would have been obvious since if Mei's dies by his hand then the entire Rebellion will be done. Having help to keep her alive is something that he should know.

Before Mei could answer back. Kira began talking "You're a Jinchuriki, only fools would fight one by themselves, so don't try to provoke us and besides. Only an intelligent person can survive in this world and clearly you're not one" He mock Yagura back.

Yagura narrows his eyes at his words but in the end, he smile "You're right, only an intelligent person can survive in this world." His answer surprise them but then he brought two seals out of his sleeves. Kira and the other enter battle stance but Yagura used one of his seals. The seal glow and a barrier is form, keeping everyone out.

They became shock and waited for the effect to activate just like the Outer Barrier but nothing happen.

Yagura laugh "You think this is the same Barrier as the one you destroy? No, it's just a normal Barrier seal, keeping us inside. No one now will bother us in our battle" Then he activates the other seal and a red aura surrounds him. Kira and the others felt his power dramatically increase and were in shock.

"Hahaha... This is something that our payed Seal Master made for me for a 'Just in case' situation. I never though i would have to use it but you four forced me to. The Rebellion will END here with your deaths!" Yagura yell at them and began making a fast handseal.

Everyone prepare themselves to fight while Kira activates his Matured Sharingan to see if he can get Yagura out of his Genjutsu that he's been under. But after he tried it, he found out that it was stronger than he thought. So he knew what he had to do.

Kira mentally sighs and his failure and decided to just make Obito pay for what he did.

Yagura screams "Water Style: Water Exploding Wave" Then the water under him suddenly move towards them. Everyone separates, dodging the attack while explosions happen were the waves ended up. Naruto in mid-air made some handseals and after he fell to the water, he yells "Wood Style: Wood Spike Jutsu" Spikes made of branch appears in the path towards Yagura.

Yagura saw Lava arrows coming at him and he narrow his eyes before making another handseal, that brought the water up and use it to lightly deflect the arrows but then got hit in the face by Killer Bee. Yagura looks at him with cold eyes and cleans up the blood from his mouth before engaging him in another Taijutsu battle. They block and parry fist with fist, leg with leg, before Yagura in the middle of the Taijutsu battle, slightly move a small amount of water in Killer Bee's left leg, making him step uneven and catching him off-guard.

Yagura block Killer Bee's punch and knee him in the stomach before giving him a 1-2 then a full kick sending him back. Before he could catch his breath. Yagura saw a growing shadow below the water then looks at the sky and saw lava falling into him. He's eyes became wide before the Lava fell into him.

*Sizzzz* It's the sound that's making the Lava once it fell on Yagura and the water. Mei lower his guard thinking she got him. A grave mistake when she suddenly got kick in the face and sent flying.

Naruto grabs her in mid-air and brought her down on the water.

Kira and Killer Bee appear next to them. "Whatever that seal was, it truly greatly increased his strength. I still feel the punch in my stomach" Kira gruntly said. All of them nodded at my comment.

"I said it didn't i? That today was the day of your death. I was not kidding when i said that" Yagura slowly said.

Kira scoffs at him then looks at Naruto. Naruto nodded at him knowing what he's thinking.

'Fenrir, are you ready? It's time to make him pay.' I seriously said.

'Finally, i would be embarrassed if you lost against the host of the Third Tails.' She said with a grin.

I nodded at her "Let's go, Naruto!"


Suddenly our bodies began releasing red bubbling aura, creating the Tail Cloaks. From 1 tail to 4 Tails, their bodies began losing their skin and became fully black with red edges and four tails behind them. Right now they are in full control of their power in Four Tails Cloak but Kira's eyes are still showing the Matured Sharingan. Mei was surprise about what's happening but saw Killer Bee nodding at her and she calms down. She almost believe that both lost control until she got confirmation from Killer Bee that they are fine.

"This time, we are all going out! Yagura!!" Yell Kira in a malignant voice.

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