Episode 101. pubic hair (1)

As Mercedes told me beforehand, the diplomatic relationship went smoothly.

There was a lot of talk in the military aspect as they bordered each other, and before a week passed, the two countries became allies.

Soon the day to leave Elvenheim arrived, and we returned to the kingdom.

* * *

The delegation produced tangible results.

The Knights didn’t do anything other than follow along, but the level of creating a place for conversation was recognized as merit and received a small amount of gold.

Of course, it was a small amount, but it was a reward from the royal family, so it was a large amount for a small knights like us.

“The adjutant rolls this well.”

“All right.”

Now that the operating expenses of the Knights were resolved, I left the money to Lord Dyke and prepared for the next mission.

It’s about subjugating the dragon.

There are many monsters in this world.

Among them, there are things that do not form a race, such as Orcs and Dark Elves, and exist as ‘individuals’.

Among them are the hydra that lives in the far-off swamps, and the dragon that has settled in the high mountains of the Kingdom of Teria.

‘It probably hasn’t been subjugated yet.’

He is a powerful monster that can wield power.

Right now, because it can fly, it’s difficult to subdue it, so it’s probably left unattended.

In addition, there was no reason for him to touch the beehive because he had no particular movement other than doing some damage to the nearby village unless he touched it first.

So, in the game, there were many cases of subjugation at once, with Kayle and Iris at the forefront, mainly around the 3rd year.

However, since I knew what the situation was like, I couldn’t be so relaxed.

I had to grow my influence within the kingdom as soon as possible.

This is because the main stage of the attack is not here in the Kingdom of Teria.

The Empire is where the most battles take place.

and the northern part of the continent.

The kingdom and its neighboring countries are more like a place to go through to promote growth in the beginning rather than a specific battleground.

So, after a certain amount of time, I have to leave the kingdom, and this is where a problem arises.

That my status is nobility.

It is also the son of Duke Karziel, who is called the shield of the kingdom.

From noble mtl dot com

A person like that can’t just leave the kingdom alone in wartime and wander around on his own.

There is even a princess here.

This is a problem that cannot be completely free even after revealing that you are an apostle.

So, there is only one way for me to lead the knights to another area.

Going to support forces drafted at the country-to-country level.

In order to do so, the reputation of the Knights was not enough.

Not only are we not the Central Knights, we have few members, and we are newcomers.

Even if this side volunteered, it would be impossible to send them from above.

[Did you find it?]

That’s why.

It might be a little dangerous, but the plan to subdue the evil dragon quickly.

The answer came back soon.

[Found. road. It lives near the Bern Territory in the northeastern part of the kingdom.]

Müller is looking for the location, and Laurel says she is going to see the situation.

[How is the situation?]

[I’m looking into that now, but Yeonji seems to be peaceful in its own way. The number of mercenaries is small.]

[is it?]

This was a bit surprising.

The fact that the ratio of mercenaries is lower than that of adventurers means that there are fewer combatants flowing in from outside.

Except for special cases such as Eden, which is threatened by monsters and monsters all year round, adventurer licenses are not easily issued to outsiders.

[yes. Youngji-kun is also steady.]

[…] hmm.]

So, this means that the area is worth living in its own way.

To the point where you don’t have to buy someone else’s knife with money.

It was a very unexpected situation, but it wasn’t bad anyway.

This meant that it was an environment where he could focus solely on subjugating the dragon, and it also meant that the economic foundation was strong enough to properly pay.

[Then go right away.]

[yes. If we find out anything more, we will report it immediately.]


After talking with Laurel, I went straight to Lord Dyke.

“Ah, Captain.”

“I have the following schedule. Rest today and start tomorrow.”

“You mean tomorrow?”

Bewildered by the sudden schedule.

I continued my words to the pupils who demanded his explanation.

“We’re going to hunt the dragons nestled in the northeastern part of the kingdom.”

“If it’s a dragon… .”

“This is a guy from the northern region. I know it was discovered about five years ago, but it’s a monster left unattended in the kingdom until now.”

He blinked for a moment, then asked with a serious expression.

“Can we catch it?”

“yes. If I thought I couldn’t do it, I wouldn’t even say a word.”

The firepower to catch him is enough with just one iris.

However, as long as there is no kale, it’s not enough to melt him in an instant, but there are many variables… .

Considering the level of other members, I see that as the margin of error.

“Whatever it is, you just need to get support from the Yeongji Army. There’s no way you won’t support me when you say you’ll subdue me.”

“It is.”

He thought about it for a while and then said he didn’t care if he could catch it.

Perhaps, no matter how strong the dragons are, it might be much safer than the battlefield where the situation changes rapidly every day.

“I will notify the members later.”

“yes. Please.”

After Lord Dyke left, I leaned back in my chair and thought.

‘It might be an easy solution.’

It was because when he heard Laurel’s words, Yeongji’s situation was so good.

The raid was supposed to be as easy as it was expected to be able to receive full support.

‘We’ll just have to fight well.’

With that thought in mind, I slowly devised an attack method.

It was the next morning when the knights left for the Bern estate.

* * *

A dark and quiet back alley in the city.

Perhaps because it had rained the day before, the alley was full of damp and mold.

Occasionally, rats poked their heads out over the pile of garbage.

“… … .”


At that time, the rats in the quiet alley turn their heads at the sound of stepping on a puddle.


When they don’t hide their presence, the rats soon scatter in all directions.

I looked at it for a while and muttered.

“… Strange.”

Very strange.

No matter how clean the city is, the back alleys are dirty.

‘Why is it so quiet?’

He moved his steps deeper into the alley and frowned.

It was strangely quiet and unpopular, unlike a back alley.

As a city with a large population, there must be homeless people or lower class people in proportion, but none of them are seen here.

‘… … .’

I still don’t know the world, and it was unreasonable to think that this was simply good.

Anything with a bright side naturally has a dark side.

Although the existence of the lower classes may be uncomfortable, it is by no means unnatural.

Rather, it is natural to exist.

In other words, the other side of this seemingly peaceful city was very unnatural.

It feels artificial.

like… .



Laurel lost her thoughts at the words of the member who quietly appeared and called her.

After confirming the opponent, he asks.

“How was the other place?”

“It is the same. I can’t see anything but wheels and rats.”

“Not even one?”

“yes. It is hard to see even ordinary passers-by, let alone homeless people.”

“… … .”


This is definitely unnatural.

It was as if someone was ‘cleaning’ the area.

Few people could have guessed that he was capable of such a thing.

Guard captain, security guard captain, lord, etc.

And these were all characters that were difficult to touch.

‘Something suspicious… .’

Still, if you touch it carelessly, it may spread to a problem that is difficult to suture.

In the first place, something was just weird right now, and it was a situation where the specific problem was not identified.

Then how far should I go?

After thinking about the appropriate line, he said.

“First, gather as much information as possible. Please don’t show your face carelessly. You two are researching the guild.”

“All right.”

“I will always be waiting for you at this place at this time of day, so if you find anything, you can come and report it.”


“Then, let’s go back to our respective positions.”

When the number of members is destroyed, dozens of members hide in dark shadows and scatter in all directions.

“… … .”

When I was left alone in such a quiet space, I moved quietly, just like the members who had disappeared.

The sun will rise soon, so it’s time to find a place to hide.

Chabak… .

Wearing a mask up to the tip of her nose, she moved to the shabby, empty warehouse she recognized on the first day.

Judging by its condition, it had been untouched for several weeks, so it was enough space to hide.

But today was different.

You can feel the presence in the warehouse.

“… … ?”

To be an enemy, shedding signs is too lousy.

Seeing that there was even a small sobbing sound, it seemed that he was not a back alley thug.

‘Young kid?’

Inside the warehouse, a boy about ten years old was squatting and crying.

I thought about finding another place, but soon changed my mind.

Although he is a child, he is the only person he finds in the back alley.

So instead of avoiding it, I pulled up the mask a little more and approached the child.

“Hey, . . . Huh?”

Crying stops at the sight of popularity.

red eyes.

I’ll look up at this soon.

He said in a soft voice that he drew as much as he could because it would be difficult if he cried any more.

“who is this?”


The child’s figure reflected in the moonlight that came in through the crack in the old window was pitiful.

Even though he abandoned his humanity through his own choice a few years ago, his emotions fluctuated for a moment.

“… … .”

“… … .”

How long has it been since we’ve been looking at each other quietly?

The child who swallowed dry saliva asks with a nervous expression.

“… who are you?”

“Do you answer questions with questions?”

“Oh, I’m Eric… .”

“I am a mercenary.”

Moderately disguised a fake identity.

Then, the child who introduced himself as Eric opens his eyes wide.

“ah… !”


Even though he told me that he was a swordsman, his expression was holding a rope rather than fear.

When you have a moment of doubt about this.

The child bows his head and pleads in an urgent voice.

“Please hide me!”

* * *

[Something is strange. We’ll keep looking until we get there.]

Early in the morning, it was a sudden message from Laurel.

There seemed to be more to say, but it seemed to be cut short because it was time for the sun to rise.

[okay. Let me know later.]

Finally, contact was cut off.

I was curious about what it was, but it looks okay since it doesn’t say it’s dangerous.

“Let’s go.”


As scheduled, the Knights set off for Bern as soon as the day dawned.

“really. Everyone pays attention here.”

While moving, I introduced the members about Noah, which I couldn’t do yesterday.

I met him because he saved me from a difficult life, and later I returned to Elbenheim, but I met him again this time and joined him through a relationship.

“ah… .”

No member specifically asked if he had recalled the general situation in the passage about living a difficult life.

After being relieved by this,

Then, Noah told me the truth about being strong enough to be comparable to me and the vice-captain, and even being of mixed blood.

“What are seeds… .”

Faye, who now noticed Noah’s true identity, grumbles, saying that they were pure scammers.

So when you sneak a glance.

Lord Dyke, the adjutant, asked.

“Which role is it?”

“yes? Oh, I will. What are you going to do?”

Basically, he’s an assassin, but if he’s Noah, he’ll do just about anything.

So I handed over the option, but the answer that came back was completely different.

“… chambermaid.”



“No, I’m not talking about that.”

“I like maids.”

“… Okay, then.”

Why are you so stubborn here?

He nodded his head saying he understood.

I’ll put it somewhere later.

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