Episode 102. pubic hair (2)

In fact, it doesn’t matter where you go, Noah originally intended to go with me whenever possible.

Or leave it alone to Iris, who needs the protection of others.

It is said that Noah has improved compared to before in terms of sociability, but it was difficult to expect that he would organically fit in with the other members, and it did not match his own inclination in the first place.

Therefore, it is far better to allow individuals to use their abilities rather than melt into group tactics.

The reason why I decided to create an agency was just to prepare for the time I was away due to an unexpected event.

“… aha.”

From noble mtl dot com

When I said that, he muttered that with a very relieved expression.

Then, as if he was concerned about the members around him looking at him, he quickly climbed onto the wagon.

Even though they went to Elvenheim for a while this time, elves would still be mysterious to the members.

It is also said that Noah is of mixed blood, with fewer numbers than the High Elves.

I understand that you’re curious about it, but if you pay too much attention to it, you might not come down there all day.

And if he doesn’t come down first, Noah won’t catch any of us.

So I paid some attention.

“Don’t look at me too much.”

“Ah, yes.”

It will be fine once you get used to each other.

It was awkward at first with Yuriel and Dante, but it seems like it got better later.

After the introduction of the new member, the members gathered together and explained about the next dragon subjugation.

“First of all, we will proceed with the subjugation of the dragons with the best among us.”

Members who do not have enough offensive power to break through the dragon’s mighty defense and inflict damage are of no help.

Such people are only going to make conducting difficult.

“So I’m thinking of picking only 10 people.”

“Would you like to have that many people?”

“The number of people is not that important. It doesn’t matter if you have enough firepower.”

And half of that firepower will be taken by Iris alone.

The rest will be filled by members who are good at archery, led by Fei.

“Then what are the members of the punitive squad doing in the meantime?”

“Oh, you have a lot of work to do.”

“… ?”

The power of the four dragons is fascination.

In a way, it’s similar to making my own family, but it’s a little different.

The degree of brainwashing is probably weaker than mine, but the way to exercise power is overwhelmingly simple.

To a certain extent, he was able to control all monsters and monsters in the area and command them with his limbs.

Even though he has such a convenient ability, there’s no way he’ll stay still when we go on subjugation.

They’ll probably try to stop us using the guys they’ve charmed beforehand.

“There will probably be fierce resistance.”

“ah… .”

“So the role of the rest of the members is to help the subjugation team fully focus on subjugating the dragon.”

This is never easy.

I don’t know how far he spread his influence, but maybe he has to deal with all the monsters and demons nearby.

“Can we do it ourselves?”

“It won’t work. So, I plan to seek support after arriving at the estate.”

If it wasn’t support for the dangerous dragon subjugation party, but a request to catch the crowd of subordinates, they wouldn’t have any reason to refuse.

From what Laurel had told me, the situation in the estate wasn’t too bad.

* * *

However, a few days later, when the knights arrived at the Bern estate.

When we go to the lord for a subjugation request, he says with a puzzled expression.

“Are you talking about subjugating the dragons? hmm… .”

“… … ?”

It’s hard to say with my own mouth, but we are the Knights of Karziel.

Of course, I expected to welcome it with both hands open, but the lord of Bern blurted out his words with a fierce expression somewhere.

Even though I felt that something was wrong, I continued the conversation.

“Is it because of the compensation?”

“Oh, no.”

“If you do, what are you worrying about?”

“Wouldn’t that be dangerous? I don’t know if I’m good at it, but I’m sure the damage won’t come out of nowhere in the subjugation process… .”

“yes? No, you can’t just leave it alone.”

I asked in bewilderment.

If you touch it, you may suffer damage, so isn’t it the tone of saying that you should leave the guy who has settled in his front yard?

I came here to catch you, but what kind of lords are there?

“And the subjugation will proceed only with the strength of the Knights. The lord will have nothing to worry about.”

“… I’ll get it right away Then I will support you.”

“yes. Thank you.”

It felt like a reluctant acceptance.

In the first place, he didn’t ask me a word about how he had no interest in the subjugation plan.

Of course, if you have never studied strategy, you may not understand even if you hear it, but isn’t it a normal reaction to ask at least once even if you don’t understand?

“… what is it?”

“I’m a bit embarrassed too.”

Lord Dyke said this as soon as he came out, perhaps feeling the lord’s strangeness.

But I don’t know either.

‘That kind of person is the lord?’

Besides, for such a lord, the city runs so comfortably.

It is very unnatural.

‘Could this be it?’

Come to think of it, didn’t Laurel say something was weird on the first day?

I haven’t contacted him again since he’s been busy since then, so I don’t know the situation here yet.

I think we should meet and talk before the full-scale subjugation operation.

“I’ll go out for a while that night.”

“Oh, is that you?”

“yes. Please take care of the members.”

“All right.”

It was embarrassing, but I informed the members that they had received support.

“When does the subjugation start?”

“I’ll report the situation first and decide.”

“All right.”

Then, after resting the horses tired from moving for three days, the members headed to the workshop in the territory to prepare for the subjugation.

Vice-captain Yuriel visited the lord’s main military base for a joint subjugation.

After giving each of the bustle members work one by one, I called Faye, who was in the middle of her work.

“me? why me?”

“You quit your job and come with me.”

“If you take it out, it will be me.”

The guy who was carrying his luggage to the inn he rented the whole thing puts down his luggage and approaches with a happy expression.

“But why?”

“I need your opinion.”

“… ? What are you talking about?”

“Let’s fix the face first.”

As we learned from Müller, we fixed our faces and changed our clothes to look like locals, and then we went out into the streets.

Fei, who felt uncomfortable wearing wide-brimmed clothes, adjusted her dressing style.

“What is that?”

He even disguised himself and asked with a rather serious expression what he was going to do.

I looked around the streets and answered.

“ruler. From now on, tell me anything you think is strange.”


I noticed something was wrong with this estate, but I didn’t know the details.

Although I am an expert in this game, I am not familiar with the lifestyle of this world or the life of ordinary citizens.

So, now is the time to ask the opinion of the representative of commoners and adventurers.

“I just came to meet the lord.”


To Fei, who already had a question mark above her, I told her about meeting the lord a little while ago.

“… It’s kind of weird.”

“yes. But I don’t know specifically. On the outside, the manor is also clean.”

“Yeah, since you were a noble, in detail… . Oh, is that why you called me?”

“uh. Help me.”

Fay did not refuse.

He paused for a moment and thought about something, then nodded and said:

“Let’s walk for a while.”

We walked all the way from the center of the city to the outskirts of the city, looking at the residents and various facilities passing by.

In the process, I couldn’t feel much appreciation, but Fei, perhaps, was different, but she sometimes narrowed her eyebrows or made a thoughtful expression.

by the time the sun goes down

Unlike the first time, Faye, whose expression became more serious, muttered.

“I know. It’s a little strange here.”

* * *

That night.

“great job. good night.”

“Yes, Roan too.”

“you also.”

After confirming that Yuriel and Dante, who had returned from working late among the members, went in, I went out with Noah.

I cover my face and walk down a dark alleyway.

Noah, who had followed me two steps behind me, asked.

“… Where are you going?”

“To see Laurel. Why is there someone I saw in the empire back then?”

“ah. I almost died.”

“that’s right. You can’t tell the other members about this yet.”


I was able to meet Laurel when I entered the alley like that.

But he wasn’t alone.

A small head stuck out from the side of his thigh.

“Who is next to you?”

“Ah, Ro… . No, Captain.”

He finds me belatedly and greets me.

However, perhaps he was conscious of the child next to him, his usual salute and the title of “Rod” had disappeared.

“I haven’t been able to contact you for a while because I have a lot to know. … You can stay in for a while.”

“Ah yes.”

A child who quietly walks away.

After confirming that the child was completely inside the warehouse, Laurel began to explain.

“It’s strange here.”

“I see.”

“There are no sick and low-class people. As if someone was cleaning it up.”

It was strange, so I was continuing my investigation, that child. I think I met Eric.

‘Please hide me!’

A frightened child asks for help from an outsider he sees for the first time.

I felt something was there and hid the child, after which I heard a shocking story.

‘Soldiers will catch you if they find out you’ve been kicked out of the orphanage.’


‘… Because it’s useless. The same goes for the sick and the elderly. They will all be taken to the territory in useless order.’

‘… … .’

I didn’t know what was going to happen when I was dragged away.

But seeing as none of the residents knew about it, it would never have been in good shape.

“I don’t know if this will have an impact on the subjugation, but I was investigating.”

At that moment, a thought passed through my mind.

“… for a moment.”

I remembered what Fei said after looking around the estate all day today.

He paid attention to the bizarrely low number of soldiers and adventurers.

‘There’s a dragon nearby, but it doesn’t make sense to have this much troops.’


‘uh. This is less than Eden. But what’s even more strange is that the security of the territory is being maintained with just this amount.’

It is said to be impossible.

He said that if stable defense was possible with just this number, Eden wouldn’t have summoned so many adventurers and mercenaries every winter.

‘no way.’

Recalling the lord’s sullen attitude, and combining the information the two found out, there was one conclusion.

Unknowingly, harsh words came out of my deep displeasure and disgust.

“… You crazy bastard.”



Laurel and Noah looked this way in surprise at the sudden swearing, but I was in no mood to answer that I didn’t tell them.

Because this terrible assumption that passed through my head seemed to be true with a very high probability.

I was able to get specific hints from the child’s words.

‘… Because it’s useless. The same goes for the sick and the elderly. They will all be taken to the territory in useless order.’

The lord was dedicating the residents to the dragons in a ‘useless order’.

The reason why there were few soldiers was because they were satisfying the dragons like that.

“… under.”

Suddenly, a mischievous laugh came out.

I’m not particularly an adult, but I’m a human with a minimum level of morality.

Is that why?

I thought about how to do this for a long time, but only one conclusion came out in the bubbling.


“yes. road.”

“Is the level of the members usable?”

“We are still developing, but… .”

He opened his eyes wide for a moment, and soon understood the meaning of my words and replied.

And this was exactly the answer I was looking for.

“… Still, it should be enough to bury a lord of the periphery.”

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