Episode 103. pubic hair (3)

I returned to the unit in the morning.

They said that it was enough for them to deal with the lord, so they didn’t have to do anything, just gave instructions.

As the leader, I couldn’t leave the knights vacant for too long.

‘Let me solve it on my own.’


It was also a good opportunity to test Laurel’s problem-solving skills.

Through this opportunity, we will be able to find out whether he is simply a great talent or whether he is good with his head.

“Captain. Are you back now?”


Dyke, who has been up since early hours, finds me and approaches me.

I have something to explain to him, but I’m a bit tired right now, so I put it off until later.

“I’ll close my eyes. I will wake up around noon, so please come by then.”

“All right.”

“In the meantime, members, send them to subjugate nearby monsters, and don’t touch anything else.”

“yes… ? I understand for now.”

He answers with a serious expression, as if he intuitively noticed that there was something wrong.


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“yes. rest.”

* * *

I woke up around lunchtime.

As if all the members had left, I could feel nothing but me, Noah, and Dyke in the spacious inn.

I quietly left the room and went to see him alone.

“Ah, Captain.”

“I said I had something to say.”

I immediately told him everything I had learned last night and what I was going to do next.

Startled by my words, he reflexively looked around and asked in a quiet voice.

“You’re changing the lord?”

“If you find evidence. But well, maybe you can find it. Being fascinated explains all the strange things I felt on the first day.”

“I felt that too. But is there no other way?”

It’s an expression of reluctance

“Wouldn’t it be nice if it was more moderate?”

“no. It’s not like that. If what the captain said is true, then the lord is a wicked man who deserves to be killed.”

Even if it was under power.

But there is something to be concerned about.

“Isn’t that too dangerous?”

It is, of course, a crime to replace a lord by force, that is, to kill it.

Also, as titles and territory autonomy are given directly by the king, if they are caught, severe punishment cannot be avoided, even if they are children of dukes.

That’s right.

But nothing to worry about.

In other words, it means you don’t have to be noticed by anyone.

“So from now on, I think you should be careful about your words and actions that stand out.”

“Why is that?”

“Perhaps the estate can be a little noisy over the next few days.”

“… … ?”

Because Laurel is moving.

I don’t know how to deal with it, but noise is sure to occur.

If we do things without leaving a trace, we are, of course, the first group to be suspected.

In a place where there are few mercenaries, outsiders like us stand out.

Of course, with the brilliance of his family, there was no way he would be treated absurdly, but he wanted to avoid unnecessary suspicion.

“ah. understand.”

He was quick to understand, so I didn’t have to explain at length.

“We can’t subdue the dragons until Laurel comes back with good news, so let’s try something else in the meantime.”

“How about something else?”

“Please keep sending the members to subdue the monsters, and take out Sir Fay and Aris separately. They both have something to learn from me.”

“… … ?”

sorcerer and archer.

It’s a combination that doesn’t go well with me who uses a sword as my main weapon.

Maybe that’s why he looked puzzled, but it wasn’t that kind of technical part he was trying to teach in the first place.

“if… ?”

“I will show you that later.”

He replied with a confident expression.

It is me who has caught only named objects like the dragon (in the game) hundreds of times.

During my spare time, I was thinking of passing on that know-how to the two of them.

* * *

During lunch, when the members briefly returned, I called Faye and Iris.

I told them that they had to train separately ahead of the subjugation.


“uh. Let’s go, let’s go.”

“Ah oh.”

The two follow me even as they stare at each other as if they don’t know the situation.

I stopped walking when I arrived at the opposite direction from where the members were heading, in an area where there were almost no monsters.

A high, open place.

Faye looked around and asked.

“What are you going to do here?”

Instead of answering, I asked questions.

What should I pay most attention to when subjugating the dragon?

After thinking about it for a while, Fay replied that the safety of the members was of course, and Iris was firepower.

Both are correct, but slightly wrong.


“uh. The correct answer is that the most important thing is to prevent him from escaping.”

“ah… .”

We fought hard, but if the guy flies away in the end, everything will go to waste.

So we have to be careful of his escape throughout the subjugation, and we have to block it whenever he shows signs of it.


“First of all, the most effective thing is to aim for the wings.”

It boasts tremendous body durability, but its wings made of thin film are not very hard.

The wings can be easily neutralized with one or two magic shots.

“is it so?”

“yes. But it will be difficult to match.”

“… is it so?”

“If you see it in person, it will be much faster than you think. Matching things moving in the air won’t be easy with my current skills.”

On the other hand, Fei can hit enough, but lacks power.

Even if you make the most of the magic tool’s effect, which increases in power in proportion to the range, you cannot show enough stopping power to stop flight.

Then what should I do?

I know the answer.

Compared to Kayle, which I controlled myself, Iris had a slightly lower accuracy rate, so I thought about the solution several times and found the answer.

“Can you use induction magic?”

I asked if I could do it, but of course I can.

Because Iris’ magic didn’t change compared to the game.

And the wizard can naturally use all kinds of magic that he can use the moment he awakens.

“i know. I’ve never used it, but… .”

“It is enough for the two of us to work together for a few days to use judo magic at the timing of shooting arrows.”

“I think I can do that too. … But how did you know about judo magic? This is something I’ve never shown before.”

“Battle mages usually know how to do at least one of those things.”

“Oh yeah?”

Actually I don’t know.

just say anything

I did believe in it though.


I was given an explanation.

“The speed of the magic is just right enough to follow the back of the arrow.”


“I only practice lightly 100 times a day.”

“… omg.”

You shouldn’t make mistakes in real battles, so you need to learn the sense of speed in advance.

I urged training by punishing the two who made a harsh number of tears.

* * *

“… … .”

The office of the lord of the Bern estate.

The lord, who was looking out the window, closed the curtain while watching the knights return.

“What are they doing?”

As I turned around and asked, an answer came back from the chief of the police force.

“Judging by the fact that he stopped by the workshop on the first day and bought a harpoon, it is certain that he came to subdue the evil dragon. However, there is no movement yet.”

I’m just preparing and going to the subjugation, so I’m just holding on to the monsters that have been heralded around me.

“… Right.”

The lord rubbed his chin and fell into thought.

‘Isn’t it that strong?’

I thought he would naturally be strong because he was Karziel, but surprisingly it wasn’t like that because it was a new knight order.

I was going to do the next meal after they went back, but if I do this, I can change my plan a bit.

‘Anyway, they… .’

Wasn’t there a shortage of people at the time?

So it was to the point that several well-run nurseries were forcibly demolished.

In the meantime, if I could use them well, there would be no better result than this.


The lord, whose thoughts had gone so far, let out a laugh.

‘… … .’

And there was someone hiding and watching him in a place where the sun did not shine.

* * *

“… Seeing it in person, that’s for sure. The lord is fascinated.”

“Good work.”

After receiving the instructions from the Lord, I was able to receive confirmation from the member hidden in the lord’s castle.

There is no reason to hesitate now.

‘… Remove.’

Laurel decided to call all the members who had been scattered here and there.

and gave the order again.

Start with the lord and figure out where to cut out.

There was no reason to be sure that the only one who was affected by the power was the lord, so this was a natural move.

“All right.”

“How long will it take?”

“I will finish it in three days.”

“… good.”

Laurel, who had destroyed the personnel, thought as she moved to the warehouse.

What should I do now?

‘I need to find a replacement first.’

Eliminating the lord is not the end.

What Lord wants is a clean resolution of the case and support for the subjugation operation after that.

To do that, it is necessary to have the ability to resolve the confusion caused by the disappearance of the lord as quickly as possible, and at the same time to seat someone with the same will as the lord.

‘There must be legitimacy.’

A minimum justification is required.

If anyone sits down, the center may think it suspicious and an investigation may come in.

The best thing is, of course, that they are related by blood, but unfortunately, Yeongju had no children.

“yes? Isn’t it?”


Eric, who was sitting next to me, seemed to have muttered what he was thinking inadvertently.

But, no?

“Yes, no.”

“No way. I’ve never seen it.”

“no! You are very nice. In the past, you often came to the orphanage to see us. 3 times a week. You haven’t been here lately… .”

Laurel frowned.

It was difficult to understand because it was a jumble of words for a child.

“What are you saying. Say it straight again.”

“Uh, um… .”

He rolled his eyes and folded his fingers one by one, continuing his speech.

Eric’s explanation started like that.

“First of all, the lord has a son. Poor Abel. He is a considerate person.”

“That’s enough.”

“Well, then… . You are very smart.”

It is said that he left it because of the situation in the territory, but if he had made up his mind to do so, it would have been easy to enter the royal capital’s academy.


It is certain that he has a son.

I don’t know where it is.

“Go on.”

“Ah yes.”

He was said to be smart, well-liked, and a man who took good care of the residents.

But one day, he suddenly disappeared.


“… I don’t know that. Originally, you came to the nursery school very often.”

“Did something happen? Or is it something you often say?”

“Uh… .”

The child is immediately lost in thought.

after a while like that.

“… Oh! He often said that he had to subdue the dragons.”

“… !!!”

Laurel’s eyes widened at Eric’s words.

As soon as I heard the story, a thought passed through my head.

‘… You’ve been searching in strange places until now.’

The place to search was not Yeongju Castle.

“But what does this matter… .”

“Good job.”


* * *

pop… .

Drops of water fall from the ceiling.

Abel, who was about to fall asleep, opened his eyes at the cold feeling on his forehead.

“… hmm?”

there is someone in front

It was dark, but judging by the mask covering his face, he wasn’t a jailer.

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I woke up in surprise.

“Who, who are you!”

“Are you awake?”

Could it be an intruder?

“… … .”

he didn’t answer

When you think all kinds of things in your mind.

fit… !

A whitish flash passes before my eyes.

Soon, the straightened iron cage rolls across the hard prison floor.

“ah… ?”

When you absentmindedly shed a bullet.

He strode inside and asked.

“Are you thinking of becoming a lord? Abel.”

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