Episode 104. pubic hair (4)

‘As expected, he was here.’

It was a thought I had while watching Abel blankly looking up at the stranger.

It’s not usually easy to think of putting your son in prison, but maybe it’s because he’s had a similar experience.

As soon as I heard the child’s words, I was convinced.

Abel fell out of sight of the lord and was imprisoned.


Lightly cutting through the barbed wire, he asked directly.

“Are you thinking of becoming a lord?”

“Who are you?”


“mercenary… ?”

“Once you know that.”

From those words, you should know enough that I am not a mercenary.

And that he would not reveal his identity no matter how many times he was asked.

He didn’t ask about his identity any more, as if the description of being clever wasn’t wrong.

Instead, he looked at me with sharp eyes and asked something else.

“This is a prison where the prisoners of the territory are imprisoned. Do you know what it means to subdue the guards there, break the bars, and steal the prisoners?”

“It is a crime. A serious offense punishable by death under Kingdom law.”

“if… .”

“If you don’t get caught, that’s it.”

“… !!!”

Abel’s eyes widen.

If you think about it, it’s a gangster who cut through the iron cage like a piece of paper.

There’s no way I can catch him at the level of Yeongji-gun.

I don’t know if it’s the central army.

No matter how you report it now, interest cannot stand still until they arrive.

“Abel, that’s not what you meant. Just answer the questions asked.”

“what… .”

“Are you going to become a lord and subdue the dragons? Or will I continue my imprisonment like this?”

He answers with a dejected expression.

“… Was it because of it? In vain. I’ve said several times that we have to subdue the dragon that eats the territory, but no one moved.”

“I guess so.”

“Even if it’s brainwashed… . what?”

“Your guess is correct.”

Abel’s eyes widened.

Are you really brainwashed?

“You should know that the dragons have authority, right?”

“I knew that it was used against monsters and monsters, but… . Does that apply to humans as well!?”

“It is possible.”

Compared to monsters and monsters, brainwashing is not easy to see in humans with a high level of mental system, but in other words, it is possible.

“It must have been a very weak person.”

“… ah.”

Abel sighed, wondering if he had any insight into those words.

He bows his head.

So I had no idea what kind of expression he was making or what he was thinking.

how long has it been like that

he opened his mouth

“If what you say is true… .”

“It is true.”

“I believe only what I see. I want to check on my father’s condition first.”

“is it?”

“You can’t believe the words of an outsider who hasn’t revealed his identity, can you?”

Stop talking for a while

he says with a determined expression.

I don’t know what the purpose of making him a lord is.

If brainwashing is certain.

“Then I will become a lord.”

Even if it meant bringing down his father.

* * *

After making a firm decision in prison, the unknown masked man told him to follow him.

I followed him to a shabby warehouse in a back alley and found a familiar face there.

It was much more sloppy than in memory, probably because he had suffered a lot, but there was no problem recognizing it.

It was definitely the child I saw at the nursery school sponsored by the estate.


“… omg! young master!?”

Two eyes that grow to the size of a lantern

Soon after, she burst into tears mixed with sadness, patted the back of the child she was holding, and looked to the side.

“They were being chased.”

“… Thank you.”

“Take it in moderation and follow me. I will show you the condition of the manor.”

He ignores the thanks and walks ahead.

His pace was quite fast, so he hurriedly followed him and asked.

“Didn’t I ask you to show me your father’s condition?”

“I will show you that too, of course.”

“… … .”

He didn’t speak after that.

And I became more and more speechless.

Although the reason was different.

“… what.”

He rebelled against his father and was confined to the mansion for about 5 months.

When he didn’t change his attitude after that, his father became more angry, and he was imprisoned about a month ago, so it’s been almost half a year since he’s been looking outside the territory.

If it’s long, it’s a long time, but this is just a personal sense, it’s a short time for changes to occur in the estate.

But what does this mean?

Why can’t anyone see me?

The atmosphere in the estate was quite different compared to half a year ago.

The exterior has changed to be much cleaner, but there is a creepy desolation.

No human traces are visible.

“What is this… .”

“Still left.”

The sense of incongruity peaked when he inspected the barracks where the soldiers were stationed.

Compared to half a year ago, the scale was reduced by half.

An ominous assumption passed through my head.

said the masked man.

“Next is the last.”



It was the lord’s, father’s mansion.

“Quietly follow me.”

“… … ?”

He was quicker at arranging the escorts than the landlord.

“Wait 5 minutes and move.”

“… !?”

It gave me a little goosebumps at the sight of them threading their movements minute by minute.

Anyway, when I went to my father’s office without being noticed by anyone, the office was empty, probably because he had gone to bed late.

He said, pointing his chin at the desk cluttered with papers.

“Let’s check it out.”

“… I get it.”

And then he disappeared after killing the presence in an instant, perhaps trying to look out.

“… … .”

In the office left alone like that, I slowly flipped through the papers.

“What is this… .”

Unknowingly, a sigh mixed with anger flowed from the corners of my mouth.

There, it was written in detail about the misdeeds committed during the past days.

Kidnapped street vagrants, elderly people living alone without guardians, and a few mercenaries who flowed in from outside.

Recently, due to the lack of offerings, he closed the nursery school he sponsored, and was planning to target the knights who came to the territory a few days ago.

Is this what people do?

No, I want to deny the reality that there is no way, but I can tell that my father wrote it just by looking at the handwriting.

I knew that people had changed strangely from one day, but I had no idea that it had changed to this extent.

“… Whoa.”

take one deep sigh

muttered into the void.

“… Are you there?”

The figure is still invisible, but the answer comes back immediately.

“Speak. I am listening.”

“… … .”

Unspeakable stealth ability.

That would be enough skill to take the lord’s neck of such a periphery like he said.

“… … .”

I was hesitant at first.

I wondered if I could find some other benign method, since I was just struck by an evil power.

But looking at the reality, that thought went into my head.


murmured softly.

I’m sorry to you, but you’ve already committed too many sins, and you’re about to commit them again.

There was only one thing I could do as a son Dori.

Breaking the chain before accumulating more bad karma.

So I made a clear decision and asked the person behind me.

“I will obey your wishes.”

“… … .”

“Please help me.”

Then he answered, quietly emerging from the darkness.

“Good idea. Then, I will tell you what to do from now on.”

* * *

It wasn’t much of a thing to ask of Abel.

I’ll give you a member, so I’m going to follow him and hide well, and I’m going to have a good time with him, and I’m going to have a good time.

Is it because you have already made a decision?

Abel obediently called those people.

‘The lord will move in three days.’

At that time, it is said that they are planning to attack the back after proposing to subdue the dragon with the knights, so we have to solve the problem before that.

I expected it to take more than three days as the rotten part had to be cut out at once, but it seemed that Abel’s testimony could speed it up a little.

So, you can finish grasping and move before that.

As expected, the next night.

One of the quick-footed members in charge of the contact network came directly.

“Captain. Certain over.”

“How many are there?”

“Five people were affected by authority. There are a total of 37 people to cut out.”


5 people suffered.

However, there are 37 people to cut out.

Laurel, who had a despondent expression on her face, murmured with a hollow laugh.

“… Maybe the Authority wasn’t that much of an issue.”

Even though they were sane, there were more than 7 times as many people who agreed with this ridiculous plan.

Once again, I realized why Rod had taken him away.

There are people in the world who cannot be understood with normal people’s common sense, and there are problems that cannot be solved through dialogue.

In this case, there is only one option left.

“Move right away tomorrow night.”

“All right.”

The cause of the problem had to be erased.

* * *

late night.

It was late, when all the residents and soldiers of the Bern Territory were asleep, but the light was still on in the office owned by the Territory Security Guard.

The captain of the security forces asked the commanding officer of the Territory Army, who will go on a subjugation tomorrow with the Knights of Carziel.

“Are you ready?”

“It is over. Fortunately, the leader there didn’t suspect it at all.”

“but. Because he still looked young.”

“It takes the status of ‘artist’, but as long as post-processing is done well, there will probably be no problem.”

In the first place, the evil dragon is a strong monster.

To be honest, I didn’t think that the subjugation would succeed even if there was no interference from this side.

From noble mtl dot com

So if it’s going to fail, wouldn’t it be nice to use it as a tribute?

“is it?”

“yes. Even if we win the battle in the first place, isn’t there a way to chase the flying dragon to the end?”

It was not for nothing that the kingdom was left unsubdued for five years.

“Well, this side will take care of it, so tell the soldiers to keep quiet.”

“… … .”

Saying that, the commanding officer of the Yeongji Army rises after pouring the tea in one gulp.


Something round rolled in front of his feet.


It was dark under my feet, so I couldn’t see well.

So I lifted the lamp above the desk and looked at it, and was shocked.

Because the head of the person I was chatting with a moment ago was there.

“Uh, ugh, suck?!”

Reflexively, I tried to scream, but a hand appeared from behind and blocked my mouth.

It was so tough that I couldn’t resist even the slightest, such as biting my hand.

“Yeah, that… !”

I desperately rolled my eyes and tried to check at least the other person’s face.


Soon after, his neck broke along with his jawbone, and he died instantly.

“… … .”

The member who killed the two in an instant piled up the bodies neatly and erased only his traces.

It is impossible to start a fire, and since there are not one or two people to be killed today, complete concealment is impossible.

The clean-up will be done by Prince Abel, who will become the lord.

“… move.”

“… … .”

“… … .”

At his words, the other members waiting outside nodded.

They soon melted into darkness in search of their next target.

late night.

Vampires started blowing blood in the territory.

And, this manor house was no exception.

* * *

Awesome… .

“Who is it?”

The lord, who had been awake in the library until late at night, turned his head at the sound of the hinge.

Soon, her eyes widened to the size of a lantern.

Because Abel, the son who had escaped prison a few days ago, was there.


“yes. father.”

“… What kind of face did you come here with? Can’t we go back right away!”

He raised his head as if to ask why he was calling him, and fired at him with anger.


My son, who usually wags his tail when he does this, was quite different today.

“… hmm?”

One step, two steps.

Isn’t it getting closer

After stopping right in front of him like that, he makes direct eye contact and speaks.


“… what?”

Take a moment to think about the meaning of that word.

fit… !

With the sound of something being cut, a silver sword flashed in front of my eyes.

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