Episode 106. Slay the Dragon (2)

The subjugation started right on time.

When the sun went down to some extent, the knights headed for the mountain range with the territory of the dragons.

“then… .”

“yes. Good luck.”

When they arrived at the beginning of the mountain range, the elite members separated from the rest and headed for its lair.

The location of the nest was found a long time ago, so there was no need to search separately.

“I will take the lead from here on out.”

After entering the depths of the mountains where people cannot reach, Fei, who is bright in the terrain, went ahead.

And me, Dante, Yuriel, Iris, and other members of the archery team followed suit.

“… … .”

“… … .”

The members were extremely quiet, perhaps because they were nervous about the upcoming battle.

Rather, Iris, whom I thought would be the most nervous, was far more relaxed than the members.

When I ask if she’s not trying to express herself, she replies no with a strange eye smile.

“What is that? I even passed the risk of death in the past.”


“And do I have to die? Someone is risking their lives to protect you.”


He said, raising the corner of his mouth and looking at me.

I was confused for a moment, but then I realized.

It was my story.

Come to think of it, I said something like that when I went to meet the king about the delegation issue.

“yes. what… .”

I didn’t react much.

However, the response came from a different place.

“… ?”

just Noah.

Today’s limited Iris’ escort puts a question mark on her forehead when she hears our story.

Soon after, he looked at me and Iris alternately and then asked.

“What are you talking about?”

“There is something like that.”

“… … .”


“… … tell me.”

Perhaps because he was really curious, Noah rarely asked someone other than me to do so, but Iris refused to tell her until the end, saying it was a secret.

I’m really, what is that?

The way I see it, the reaction is funny, so they’re just teasing.

“… … .”

Even after chasing after him for a long time, the corner of his mouth goes down as he does not open his mouth.

Faye and Dante, who were looking at it, approached with a laugh.

“Aren’t those two even nervous?”

“On the contrary, why are you so nervous?”

“Then don’t be nervous… ! The largest group of orcs I’ve ever caught was going to catch something like a dragon.”

Orcs can be dealt with in the 4th year, so I guess that’s what he said.

Well, if you think about it, it makes sense.

I’ve been through a lot of things and overcame this or that, but they didn’t have any particular experience other than the academy.


Not only the two of them, but most of the members were nervous, so I explained the strategy one last time to relieve their tension.

“The battle begins with surprise.”

Since you know the location of the dragon’s nest, if you can approach without being noticed, you can start the first room unconditionally.

At this time, the target part is the wings, eliminating the means to escape as quickly as possible.

Probably won’t be able to neutralize it with one shot.

If the hit area is good, I remember that it was neutralized if I hit at least two hits, usually three hits.

When I was playing the game, I started by neutralizing it at once by memorizing all the matching positions and matching the spells of Kayle and Iris together, but this time I can’t do that, so it’s a bit tricky.

Even though Faye and Iris practiced breathing together for several days, it would be too much to hit the stinging, flying guy.

So, me, Dante, and Uriel have to buy time by attracting his attention as much as possible.

And when he loses his wings and lands on the ground, it’s easy from then on.

All I had to do was to fall in line with the timing of Iris’ attack and then repeat the attack.

The angry dragon’s counterattack would be fierce, but that would be enough if it didn’t hit.

At this time, Dante, who had been listening quietly, tilted his head and asked.

“Is that easy?”

“I am easy.”

“… Eh?”

That’s because you know all the patterns.

Even the dragons would have become stronger by 5% depending on the tuning, but that amount of error can be corrected during battle.

After figuring out everything like that, I’m going to show you how to break, so Uriel and Dante will be able to learn the pattern right away.

“don’t worry. I stole your swordsmanship, but it’s about the monster’s pattern.”

“Then I have nothing to say.”

“… I am?”


Then Noah pulls the hem of my clothes and asks what he is doing.

But do you know what I was talking about?

Noah has only one role today.

Iris, who is weaker than the knights, must be protected as she dies the moment she brushes against an attack.

Of course, there are defensive magic, but reacting to the opponent’s attack and activating the shield in time is another matter.

It was something Iris couldn’t do with her skills yet.

“You have to protect our glass cannon.”

“Who is the glass cannon, who.”

“Nope… .”

“Sir, you don’t like it!? You can’t believe I didn’t tell you that earlier… .”

Embarrassed by the shocking refusal, Iris opens her mouth a few times and then runs after Noah.

He made a mistake, so please protect him.

… Well, even if Noah said that, he probably wouldn’t really hate it.

If that was the case, I wouldn’t have gone near Iris at all.

anyway. Perhaps the atmosphere of the two spread to the surroundings, and the tension of the members eased a little.

“We are almost there.”

After getting so completely close to the dragon’s nest, he demanded that the members kill the presence.

“Now it breaks. Faye, you lead. Do you know where everything is?”

Faye nodded quietly and took Iris along with the troops.

With me, Yuriel slowly moved towards the dragon’s lair, contrary to the crowd.

“… … .”

“… … .”

Let’s move quietly while exchanging glances.

Soon you will see the wide entrance to the cave.

We held our breath and lowered our stance.

Dante asks.

“… Are you inside?”

“there is.”

After fully awakening my household ability, my qi sense became abnormally wide.

It’s not night now, but it was still enough to detect a hundred meters away.

In addition, the vicious aura of the dragon, which has lived for more than several centuries and has great power, was influencing the surroundings by itself, so it was harder to not notice.

“I don’t know?”

“You are insensitive.”

“… Will you do it alone?”


“Both of you, be quiet. … Don’t talk nonsense.”

While Dante and I are talking in whispers, Yuriel, who has been staring straight ahead with a serious expression, scolds us with tears in her eyes.

To be honest, it wasn’t something to be this serious yet, but since that’s my original personality, it seemed that Yuriel was uncomfortable with the two of us relaxed.

So, I also stopped being playful and pointed forward.

“Let’s wait a bit and catch it.”


I was referring to the gatekeeper.

A gatekeeper who protects Lair.

“If you catch it, it will jump right out.”


In fact, the dragons are not as strong as the dragons commonly imagined.

In the first place, there are no dragons in this world.

It’s just a mutant creature born from an ancient witch who existed a long time ago under the influence of intense demonic energy.

Its appearance is similar to that of a dragon, hence the name Dragon Dragon, but it cannot use magic and does not have overwhelming magic or curse resistance.

Still, one curious thing is that he resembles a lot of the dragon’s habits we imagine, even though the appearance is just coincidentally similar.

Like her arrogant personality, her habit of making rares, or her extreme dislike of invading her territory.

Therefore, the moment you invade the territory and kill the gatekeeper protecting the rare, the dragon will come out in a rage.

“… … .”

Hold your breath and wait in front of its nest for a while.

I noticed a flag waving on a hill far away.

This is a signal from Faye that all members are ready.

“Now we begin.”


The moment I confirmed that, I filled the short spear I had brought for throwing and fired it.


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The short spear that flew through the wind did not die even after it blew off the head of the monster guarding Lair, so it extended all the way to the end of the deep cave.


It was an attack that poured 30% of the mana in the body to spread the heat.

Even though there was some distance, a powerful throw, enough to feel the vibration caused by the impact, immediately responded.

kurrr… !

A low-pitched cry is heard.

Soon, demonic energy came out in all directions, and the dragon that was sleeping in the cave revealed its huge body.


As soon as our eyes met, he let out a bloody scream.

“… … .”

Just that alone blows a gale.

Stone fragments and sand pounding on the body.

I ignored them and drew my sword.

A deep blue sword that covered the sword in an instant.

“… … !”

The dragon took a deep breath, probably judging it as an attack intention.

The boy’s chest swelled up.

Bruce’s foreshadowing.

It’s not a power that surpasses that of a first-class magician like Iris, but it must be a power that is hard to ignore because it’s a guy with a lot of demonic energy.


“… !”

Dante and Yuriel’s complexion turned hard as they watched their chests swell in real time right in front of their eyes.

“It’s okay, don’t avoid it.”

I calmed them down and stayed where they were.

We have to stay in place so that the ‘target’ is also fixed.

“We’re faster anyway.”

As expected, right before the evil dragon leaned back and fired a breath.

ping… !

My sensitive ears picked up the faint sound of bowstrings in the distance.

Almost at the same time, I felt the energy of the otherworld, which was hard to ignore, following closely behind.

Just like that, just before the dragon opened its mouth and fired a blazing sword from its mouth.

There was an attack that arrived one step earlier than that.


“… … ?”

An arrow of insignificant power.


The judo magic of a sorcerer who reached the 7th rank that chased after him.

The magic hit the dead dragon’s right wing.

Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwam!!

Soon there was a big explosion.

The condensed energy spreads in all directions, instantly evaporating the still unmelted snow and heating up the atmosphere.

Even though it wasn’t a direct hit, the power was enough to send chills down the spine.

… KIaaa!!!

The screams of the dragons could be faintly heard through the ringing in the ears due to the roar of the explosion.

After a while, when I open my eyes, I can see the figure of the dragon that can’t come to my senses in extreme pain and confusion.


It must be because he was hit right before the attack.

The boy seemed more confused than he thought.

If that’s the case, it’s worth trying what you’ve prepared right away.

… Whoops!

after taking a deep breath.

I poured my mana into it and screamed at the top of my voice.


“… !”

The high-pitched voice pierced the reverberation and clearly reached the surrounding members.


After belatedly coming to his senses, he must have sensed something ominous, and the dragon spread its wings and tried to soar into the sky.

But it’s already too late.

“Back off.”

I took Dante and Uriel out of the surrounding area for a while.

At the same time as we retreat, harpoons are fired from all sides.

Papa papa papak!!

“… !!”

A harpoon covering the sky.

They were prepared for this day from the first day they arrived at the manor.

A guy who instinctively crouches.

Thanks to this, more than half of them could not penetrate the hard scales and slipped, but some penetrated between the scales and got stuck in the flesh.



When the members pull as hard as they can and tie it to the support, the rope is pulled tight from all sides and fixed.

Considering his size, this wouldn’t be a fatal injury, but it would make movement uncomfortable.


Then, two flags are raised.

It’s time left until the next spell.

‘Two minutes.’

He muttered as he looked at the dragon looking around for the wizard.

“Now it is our turn.”


Time is what we have to earn.

to never lose sight of it.

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