Episode 107. Slay dragon subjugation (3)


The dragon kicked the ground right before it could find Iris’ location.

blame, blame!

When it picked up speed, it spurred the thick trees around it at an angle and took a leap toward the dragon that was looking for the wizard without paying attention to it.


exhale once

He flew through the air and twisted his back.

A sword that swings from left to right.

As it stretched out, a deep blue black energy naturally formed on the sword body, adding to its cutting power.

When I reached the guy’s nose like that, I muttered softly.

“Where are you looking?”

“… !!?”

It was only then that I noticed something small and fast and looked behind me in surprise.

Soon, it struggles with the large body as if chasing flying insects.

I calmly twisted my body, dodged the attack, and then thrust out my sword.



The feeling that remained in my fingertips was good.

As expected, after landing on the floor, I was able to confirm the flesh of the dragon that had been cut into chunks.



The guy screams at the unfamiliar pain and emits demonic energy in all directions.

It’s the first time in my life that I’ve completely turned my eyes to the pain.

‘… First of all, it definitely attracted attention.’

It wasn’t fatal, but it served its intended purpose.

As soon as I saw his red eyes fixed on me, I ran away without looking back.

Seeing him running away while turning around has rather angered him, and soon follows him in a frenzy.


“… !”


The moment I thought I saw something flying, I reflexively threw myself to the side.


Then, the dragon’s forepaw struck the place where it was standing just now.

The power emanating from the massive body instantly sends a shock to the extent that the body floats.

This was such a force that no country would be safe if it was hit directly.

The guy must have noticed that too, and the speed of chasing me became even faster.

I forgot one thing.

A harpoon that was set a while ago.

Kwadeuk! Knock!!

“… … !!!”

After moving a certain distance, the rope connected to the harpoon is pulled taut in an instant, and the speed slows down.

Because the power was so strong, many of the harpoons connected at this time were pulled out with the speed, but the role of the harpoon was enough to kill the speed once.



When I noticed, Yuriel, who was observing the situation, suddenly came to her senses and ran toward me.

Seeing that he did not slow down even as the distance got closer, he leaned down and made a foothold with both hands.

“… … .”

each other’s eyes meet.

A few words of communication passed without words.

Even if I didn’t know Yuriel, I perfectly understood her thoughts as I exchanged swords with her again and again, stealing them again, so I could understand what she wanted without saying a word.


Uriel jumped toward my clasped hands, and I tossed her high into the sky with all my might.


Perhaps because of her light weight, she could effortlessly fly up to the top of the dragon’s head with just the strength of her arms.

“… after.”

In the midst of this, Yuriel was in a throwing stance, perhaps aiming for the eye, but the four dragons, feeling threatened, shook their heads and the aim was canceled.

However, as she fell, she attacked the relatively fragile underside of her jaw and ripped off a few scales.

An excellent attack with amazing reflexes that reached human limits.

However, the dragon wasn’t alone.

He catches Uriel falling from the air and blows a hook.

“… Ah!?”

At this, Yuriel flutters in the air like a paper doll and loses her balance.

The lioness aimed at her and swung her forepaw like a deaf moon.

It was an attack in a state where even she was not in a defensive posture at all, so it was a blow that seemed unlikely to be safe if hit.


The attack was blocked by Dante, who narrowly intervened between the two.


He scratched the ground and pushed all the way back, but his knees did not bend.

At the sight of it, a mischievous laugh came out.

‘… under.’

I’ve definitely felt it for a long time, but it’s amazing strength and athletic ability.

If only the fingertips were good, maybe a knight comparable to Lee An could have been born, but it’s a pity.



Taking advantage of the gap where the dragon’s gaze was focused on Dante, I grabbed Yuriel from the air and landed on it.

“… Go, thank you.”

“You should say thank you to him, not to me. and… .”

2 minutes.

Do you think it’s gone?

As expected, when I rolled my eyes and checked the flags, there was exactly one remaining flag on the way down.

I told Faye not to pay attention to the situation below and to shoot, so it’s up to us to avoid it.

Putting down Yuriel, I spread the distance and warned Dante as well.

From noble mtl dot com



Only then did Dante recognize the time, stop the attack, and hurriedly widen the distance.

The four dragons suddenly stop attacking and see us running away.

“… ?”

Because the opponent who had been driving me crazy was suddenly running away.

The guy couldn’t understand the situation, so he stood awkwardly with his front legs raised, but soon grasped the situation.


“… !!”

The air trembles with mighty energy.

Belatedly, he recalls the existence he had forgotten and spreads his wings.

I’ve only been hit once, but that was enough to alert me.

Even when a harpoon is stuck and one wing is tattered, it desperately flies up and tries to avoid magic.

Did that desperate struggle that threw away pride worked?

The second spell missed him by a single inch.

Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwam!!

In the aftermath of the missed magic, the surface of the dragon’s scales was fried and a huge pit was created at the point of explosion.

“… Kreuk.”

At that tremendous power, the dragon turned its head and stared blankly at the huge pit dug.

Soon after, it spews out demonic energy in all directions as if it felt that it was really dangerous.



Dante and Uriel frown at the intense signal that passes through their heads.

It was an exercise of power.

The guy who has established himself as the lord of this mountain range is calling the monsters under his control.

“Crrr… .”

After exercising his power like that, he looks at me with his spirit rising.

It was as if he was asking, ‘What are we going to do now?’, so a blank laugh escaped my lips without my knowledge.

How many times have I caught you

The reinforcements he’s waiting for won’t come.

Even if they do come, there will be only a few of them.

“It’s too bad.”

“… ?”

As I raised the corner of my mouth and said it, a question lingered in the guy’s expression for a moment.


It didn’t take long for the doubt to turn to bewilderment.



5 minutes, 10 minutes pass.

Until the film is torn from the magic and arrows that pass closer and closer to the wings.

Because the monsters I called didn’t come.

* * *

After being separated from the members of the punitive force, the remaining members of the Knights surrounded the nest with the Yeongji Army and sealed it off.

Because the number of soldiers given by the lord was quite large, they were able to form a tight blockade.

“Now wait.”


At the words of the squad leader, Berze, the nearby territory troops and members answered.

Due to the distance, I couldn’t receive a signal when the battle would start, but I knew it naturally.

It was hard not to know.

Kwak bang… !!

bang… !

Because of the explosion heard from far away and the echo transmitted through the ground.

“… Has it started?”

It is so powerful that I wonder if it is a phenomenon created by the same human being.

The faces of the soldiers turn pale against the trembling ground as if an earthquake had struck.

one of them murmured.

“Yeah, a monster after all.”

“I’m going to catch something like that… ?”


However, the reason the soldiers were surprised was quite different from that of the knights.

Those who did not know the existence of the magician naturally thought that it was the evil dragon who caused the explosion.


Seeing the soldiers like that, he muttered to himself while fiddling with his sword.

Well, at first glance, who would believe that a person did it?

If I hadn’t seen it myself during the demon subjugation, I wouldn’t have believed that such a wizard existed.

‘How the hell did he bring it?’

They are not from the same country, and it is also known that the director left the academy without leaving home.

Then there would have been no contact.

‘… … .’

Other than that, there were a lot of strange things about this knights.

Aren’t knights founded less than a year ago included in the national delegation?

After visiting, isn’t an elf naturally added as a member?

even very strong

The other day, I was curious about the elves’ swordsmanship, so I applied for sparring several times, but they all lost in an instant without even a single resistance.

And such an elf absurdly took on the role of the leader’s handmaid (?).

Considering her formidable fighting power, it ended up being that way due to extremely abnormal and inefficient personnel selection and her own stubbornness.

‘… … .’

I’m not sure yet.

Why did Captain Roan create such a peculiar order of knights?

Even when I asked the knights from the family, they only answered that they didn’t know, and the leader’s motives avoided answering this question at all.

Still, one thing was certain.

“… coming.”

Doo doo doo!

Seeing the demons and monsters coming in groups from afar, Bergé drew his sword and shouted.

“All swords! Don’t send any of them back!”


One thing is certain.

That is, this Knights Order is so strong that it cannot be placed on the same level as the other new Knights Orders.

It was to the extent that they chose to subdue the dragons, which had been postponed by the state, as the first official mission of the Knights.

None of the comrades who had been with the leader for a long time and the knights of the family raised doubts about this decision.

It was natural even though he didn’t press it with the authority of the leader.

Is that why?

I wasn’t particularly worried about the noise from behind me.

I raised my will to fight thinking that I could only do well.



When I gave strength to my stomach and let out my sword, the three demonic beasts that ran in front of me split obliquely and died instantly.

And the demon beasts next to them screamed as their bodies were pierced by spears fired by nearby soldiers.


The Witchbeasts, raging in pain, were neatly split in half by the second sword attack.

Soldiers gulp at the sight of blood splattering in front of their eyes.

Fortunately, I wasn’t particularly scared.

“… After, good. Please keep doing it like this.”

“Ah, I see! Knight.”

While cutting down the waves of monsters, he looked around.

‘… … .’

The defenses were still stubborn.

There were no injured or dangerous looking parts.

Rather, the members had been unable to go outside due to the situation in the territory, so they were randomly cutting down the monsters as if to solve the accumulated problems.

“A little slower… .”

“… there! Kill them!”


“… Whoa, yes?”

“… No, that’s all right.”

I was going to stop him from the excited look, but I gave up because the soldiers were getting morale from such a combative look.

Instead, they supported them.

They find empty hands and help them, or send reinforcements there when they see soldiers struggling.

“Whoa, … It’s empty over there! theory! grid! You two stop it!”

“… ! yes!”

“The wounded fall back!”

“Over there… !”

The defensive line was firmly guarded by the existence of Bergé, who coordinated the battlefield situation with a calm head.

so late.

The mountain range was covered with the blood of monsters.

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