Episode 108. Slay the Dragon (4)

This year is 387 years.

Leviathan, a dragon that has been around for over 400 years, including when he was a Witchbeast, felt a deep displeasure for the first time in his life.

While living a comfortable life in a secluded corner of the kingdom after a long time, some humans came in.

‘… … ?’

When I first felt the presence, I thought the tribute had arrived early.

But no.

The humans killed Rare’s gatekeeper out of the blue (!) and made a mess, awakening the old dragon from a long slumber.

Although Leviathan is a monster with intelligence, it is not a rational monster.

When he smelled blood while waking up unpleasantly, he became extremely agitated and exposed his huge body outside the lair.


He let out a roar at the sight of the three humans standing with their heads stiffly raised.

The roar mixed with a thick murder made the ground shake and a gale arose.

This was a cry that would make any living being shrink, but surprisingly, the humans did not shrink at all, only their expressions stiffened for a moment.

Even the man in the middle was staring at Leviathan with straight eyes, as if asking him to try more.

“… !”

Leviathan was on fire.

Dare to beg for not enough?

I will kill you.

No, I will make you my servant after thoroughly subduing it by force.

The guy thought so and raised his demon.

However, the opponent had a corner to believe.

Just before firing the breath.

I felt something strange after being hit directly by an arrow that flew in from somewhere and the magic that shot after it.


… The power is a bit odd.

Even if you think it can’t be, maybe? I think it is.

This thought gradually turned into certainty as the battle continued.

Harpoons flying from all directions.

Magic flying without rest.

Up to the level of stronger humans than expected.

“Where are you looking?”

“… !?!”

In particular, one of the dogs was so good at evasion that I wondered if he was reading the other person’s thoughts at all.

I can’t quite fit it

In addition, the attack was so stinging that I couldn’t just ignore it.


The sword that penetrated the gap between the hard scales cut through the soft flesh.

Heat rises in his head, and his eyes gradually turn white.

Soon, she forgot her priorities and went after the man.

Of course, the price was harsh.



After being hit directly by the second spell, Leviathan suddenly woke up from the terrible pain.

“Krrr… .”

this really dies

The monsters I called a long time ago didn’t come because there was a problem, and as time goes on, this one’s stamina gradually wears out.

So either find the wizard and kill him, or get out of here, you have to do something.

It hurts my wings from two feet hit in the same place, but it’s not to the extent that I can’t move yet.

From noble mtl dot com

However, if I get another hit with that power, then I really can’t move, so I had to do something before that.

‘… … .’

During the cooldown of the magic, Leviathan calmly looked around with sunken eyes.

“… !”

The human mage that he found.

At first glance, she was a weak human woman.

It looked like it could be killed just by grazing it with its front paws, so it attacked right away.

A gust of wind blows as the massive body moves along with the forepaws.

Knock! Kwadeuk!

In the process, a few more harpoons fell out and a sharp pain rose, but compared to the magic that the wizard would shoot, it was tolerable.



Unable to respond to the attack, he stunned the opponent with his forepaw.

Part of the mountain range collapses with a roar.

It is a force that small-sized humans cannot withstand.

“… ?”

But something is missing in my hand.

Why can’t I feel anything?

The reason was realized later.

“Lord, I thought I was going to die. thank you.”

“… … .”

“… !!!”

The human wizard was far away, in someone’s arms.

How soon?

I tried to wiggle my arms a few more times to see if I didn’t hit it by mistake, but the opponent was too fast to reach.

In addition, the moment you meet the opponent’s red eyes.


Instinctively, all the nerves are on edge and the huge body stiffens.

It was because he felt a mighty demonic energy that did not suit his small body.

… You haven’t noticed someone so strong yet?

I realized that the level of my opponent is much higher than I thought.

‘… … .’

Leviathan conceded.

This subjugation is definitely different.

That I had to throw away the old dragon’s pride and run away right now.

I was more confident in the rain of arrows flying in the midst of a brief pause.

puck! Perk!!


Because there were many areas where the scales came off, the arrows that I ignored at first were really painful now.

He spread his tattered wings.

In order to survive, I had to abandon the rare and run away even now.

I thought it wasn’t too late.

Because I thought there was no human with the stopping power enough to interfere with flight, except for that human wizard.

Flying up, he vowed never to set foot in the kingdom again.

but… .

It’s already too late.


Kreuk… ?

When I lowered my gaze to the sound of footsteps that came in short cycles, the figure of a human swordsman rushing forward caught my eye.

Burning mana as much as possible and leaping high into the sky, I felt a deep sense of uneasiness.

As if he had anticipated the opponent’s movements, he exquisitely avoided the swinging forepaws and got closer.

Soon he raises his sword.


“… !!!”

A sword that cuts deeply through the body.

A pain on a different level from before came over me, and the flapping of my wings was disturbed.


“… !”

Human wizards do not miss this gap and fire their magic right away.

“Kreur… .”

Is it because he intuitively felt that he could never avoid it when he saw the trajectory and speed?

Leviathan looked at the flying magic with a devastated expression.

Soon the magic runs out.

Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwam!!!


With a tearing scream, one of the ancient dragon’s wings broke powerlessly.

This means that escape is no longer possible.

“Let’s finish now.”

“… !!”

It was like a signal announcing the end of the subjugation.

* * *

Even in a hopeless situation, the dragon that had lost its wings resisted fiercely, as if a monster that had lived for a long time showed its potential, but it could not change the tide.

As the dragon got tired and lost its mobility, Iris’ magic accuracy increased vertically.

“Keep shooting!”

When the other wing was broken too soon.

The dragon sat down helplessly as if it had completely lost its will to escape.

In fact, the subjugation ended at this point.

Since there was no need to worry about running away, from this point on, I started attacking without complicated adjustments, and Dante and Uriel also became accustomed to the dragon’s movements, and their attacks gradually became bolder.

by the time the sun goes down


“Grrruk… … .”

The dragon finally collapsed with a agony as Iris’s magic was lodged in the center of its abdomen.

“Whoa, whoa… .”

Yuriel, who has the weakest stamina among us, collapses with weakness in her legs.

“… Are you done?”

“uh. I stopped breathing.”

Dante chanted a resurrection spell, but the pre-determined result did not change.

I gestured toward Iris, who was looking down at me from afar.

Receiving a signal, she fires a salute and signal flare high into the sky.

puff… !

After informing the soldiers and members who would be guarding the defense from afar about the victory, I let out a breath I had been holding back and sat down.


There was no particular crisis, but the battle time was long and it was physically difficult to run around to deal with a very big guy.

“great job.”

I thanked Yuriel and Dante who were panting beside me.

Dante nodded, saying, “You’ve worked hard, too,” and it seemed okay, but Uriel was on the verge of dying.

“… ok, heck I don’t think I’ll wake up tomorrow.”

That’s how I see it.

In the first place, Yuriel was not that strong compared to the other female knights.

His stamina and strength are just average.

“You should have put on some weight.”

“Then you can’t beat Roan.”

“… Oh, is that so?”

“And this time, the opponent was so big that it was difficult. Considering my swordsmanship, this is just right.”

then i have nothing to say

And since monsters of that size aren’t common in the first place, there’s no need to fix them.

I sat down and rested for a while and got up when Fei and the members came down.

“For those of you who can afford it, let’s help those guarding the defense line over there. You will still be fighting.”


“We are still fine.”

They also suffered from shooting harpoons and arrows, but they were in much better condition than us, who had been running around all day.

Maybe that’s why most of them went to help the people on the defense line.

All that was left was Noah.

When she sees the dead dragon, she asks.

“… How are you going to do this?”

“Okay. There is no use for it.”

“Something like bone must be quite hard, but can’t you process it and use it?”

“I can’t. It must have been pickled with magic. Since he has lived a long time, it will take over a hundred years for him to lose his energy.”

“Oh yeah? Something is missing.”

Dante licks his lips, saying that it’s a shame that he’s so big and there’s nothing to help him.

It’s definitely a good material, but it’s like that from the monster’s point of view, and from our point of view, it’s just huge garbage.

There’s really no room for anything… .

“… No, you are fine.”


“Isn’t it okay if there’s a bit of magic on it now?”

Noah nods.

Rather, it is added that if used well, it will be much better than a normal sword.

“… You mean that?”

I looked around for a while.

After confirming that there was no one but ‘us’, we brought out the lunar eclipse.

Even though the subjugation started during the day, the battle time was long, so I was able to take it out because the sun was setting.

“What are you going to do?”

“Just in case you don’t know, let’s get some.”

I got close to the dragon and cut off its middle horn.


The horns were the hardest part of the dragon’s body, but during the lunar eclipse, they were cut off like paper cut.

I don’t know if there is a blacksmith with the skills to reforge this, but I decided to try it out.

‘It will come in handy later.’

After carrying the forearm-length horn separately, I headed for the rare entrance.

“Let’s go in first.”

It didn’t look like the young lord would ask for their share, but people never know.

If you have anything to pack, you should take it away before Yeongji-kun arrives.

Dante says he likes it and follows him.

And Yuriel, who had originally stopped talking like this, nodded, asking if she was now stained.


“… yes? why.”


I smiled in satisfaction and headed inside.

Inside was a goblin.

Dante is startled as if he thought it would be empty.


“Oh man, what a surprise! What is that!?”

“He must be the one managing here.”

“A goblin?”

Not all goblins are stupid.

Rarely, smart guys are born, and high-ranking monsters used to catch them and treat them like this.


The shivering guy was cut to death with a single knife and headed inside.

The moment I checked the deepest part of the rarity like that, admiration came out without me knowing.


Mountains of gold are piled up.

Looking at the amount, there are too many to be just extortions from the estate here.

When the nest was moved to the kingdom, it seemed that everything that was in the old nest was carried.

‘How did you carry it?’

The amount is considerable, did you swallow it in your stomach and then spit it out?

I do not know.

But one thing was certain.

with a smile on your lips.

I said to Dante, Uriel, and Noah, who were staring blankly at the golden mountain.

“We got rich.”

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