Episode 109. Apostle’s Priest (1)

There are gold coins that are in poor condition and cannot be paid for, but even taking that into account, the amount is too large.

It is clear that it must be a considerable amount even if only the intact ones were selected.

“We are rich.”

“… … .”

Dante and Noah blink.

I still can’t seem to come to my senses.

However, Uriel quickly came to his senses and returned the answer.

“My family is originally rich.”

“… That’s right.”

I and she are of the same ducal family, but financial resources are not likely to be on the same line.

Unlike Karziel, who is a military family, the other side is a politician family.

From noble mtl dot com

Even the family head is the incumbent prime minister.

I only pick up the cash I can mobilize, but there will be an overwhelming majority there.

“… Still, it’s the first time I’ve actually seen an amount like this. Roan, how are you going to do this?”

“Of course they are all ours.”

Our knights are not a volunteer group, and we plan to take care of everything in return for our efforts in the future.

I have no intention of giving it away.

“But is it okay? As far as I know, saints and apostles throughout the ages did not touch wealth.”

“That’s their situation, and I can’t live like that. It doesn’t matter since you haven’t revealed that you’re an apostle in the first place.”

“… Oh, is that so?”

And this is my personal opinion, but it’s not like the apostles in the past didn’t have any material desires.

Unlike saints, who are born from among the priests, apostles are born from anyone chosen by God.

Anyone is really ‘anyone’.

Could be one of the soldiers.

Could be one of the merchants.

It may even be a beggar.

An apostle is determined only by potential, regardless of background.

If a person who lived a worldly life becomes an apostle, will his worldly desires suddenly disappear?

I don’t think so.

However, I wonder if it was because of the heavy responsibility on my shoulders that I had no choice but to take on the image that the subjects wanted.

Yuriel, who had been quietly listening to my words, asked with her eyes wide open.

“Is that so?”

“I don’t know. No.”

“… … .”

It soon turns sour.

“I’m pretty sure, but maybe not. Because I didn’t meet them in person at that time.”

“ah… .”

“In the first place, it’s not very reliable that it’s a record from a long time ago.”

“Well, that was centuries ago.”

With that in mind, we looked to see if there were magic tools or elixirs in the Treasure Mountain.

In case a dispute arises.

Unlike gold, which can be divided by amount, this kind of goods are difficult to distribute, so if you find it, you will eat it as it is.

However, no magic tools or elixirs were found, probably because of excessive greed.

“… Well, where are you going to be?”

As a rule of thumb, if you add this and the gold you received from the royal family after your trip as an envoy, you can cover the knights’ budget for several years.

Since it was a new knight order, there might be a lot of money to spend in the future, so I thought about accepting a request from the upper ranks, but it was no longer necessary.

“Let’s go out. now.”


When I went outside, I saw Yeongji-gun and the rest of the members gathered in front of the dragon’s corpse after the battle.

“Ah, Captain.”

Squad leader Verze, who confirmed me and the party coming out of the rare, approached quickly.

Judging from the blood splattered not only on his clothes, but also on his face and hair, it seemed that there was quite a fierce battle there too.

“Are there any casualties?”

“There are no casualties among the members. Nine people are injured, but they are injuries that do not leave after-effects.”

“Right. What about the soldiers?”

“… There are some casualties. We’re still counting, but it looks like we’re in the 30s.”

Not a lot of numbers.

No, much less than I thought.

They didn’t directly deal with the dragons, but since the battle was long, I didn’t think it was strange that the soldiers, who had less stamina than the knights, had many casualties.

‘I guess I fought better than I thought?’

I didn’t get to see them fight, but I couldn’t think of anything other than that it was thanks to the hard work of the members.

However, perhaps because it was the first time he had seen a person die right in front of his eyes, Verse’s voice was slightly trembling.

Seeing that, I was reminded again that most of the members were young members with little experience.

It’s time for mental management.

“I suffered once. The knights immediately return to the territory and rest! Please lead the vice-captain.”

“Ah, yes.”

I handed over the control of the tired members to Yuriel and went to the commander of the Territory Army.

“You worked hard.”

“Oh, no. Captain.”

After giving a short word of effort.

“We will clean things up for you. The knights can rest.”

“What are you going to do with the corpse?”

“That… .”

After talking with him about cleaning up the battlefield and how to deal with the dead dragon, I also returned to the manor.

It was the next day that he visited the newly appointed young lord.

* * *

“I got it.”

Looking at the lord, whose complexion was haggard, probably because he had a lot of work, he said,

He jumped up, straightened his glasses, and answered.

“… I know. How can you not know that the vibration is transmitted all the way here? At first I thought it was an earthquake.”

“… … .”

“Anyway, you worked hard. The promised reward… . I’m sorry, but I’m very busy with work, so could you wait a few days? I haven’t even touched the ledger yet.”

It is a situation where the important officers of the estate, including the former lord, have died at once.

Because of this, it was understandable that Yeongji would be busy handling most of the work alone, so he did not rush.

“yes. I’m not leaving right away anyway, so that’s fine.”

Instead, while I happened to meet the lord, I wanted to make sure that the ownership of the by-products obtained during the subjugation process was clear.

I’m sorry I was busy, but I opened my mouth carefully.

“What I got from rare… .”

“Take it.”

“Ah, yes.”

… You didn’t listen and answered?

Even though I only brought out the rare ‘re’, he returned a knife-like answer without even raising his head from the document, as if he had expected my question.

Seeing that, it seems that even if I gave it to him, he would not accept it.

“Hmmm. All right. then… .”

“yes. Take a look.”

I left his office clearing my throat in embarrassment as I thought I had been worrying about useless things alone.

When I return to the knights barracks, Lord Dyke, who has been waiting for me, asks.

“How was it?”

“The payoff will be given in a few days. All by-products belong to the Knights.”

“Good for you. I thought the members would have to take a few days off anyway.”

As the saying goes, you can hardly see the members outside today.

Probably because everyone is sick.

Because it must have been really hard

The only one snooping around with me intact was Noah, who was less consumed.

Because all Noah did was protect Iris.

Even that, Noah had nothing to do as the dragon didn’t aim for Iris at all, probably thinking that the attack was meaningless later on.

“… … !”

Bored with no one, I stretched out on the roof, and my eyes met.

Noah crouched in surprise.

After confirming that the opponent is me, I come down from the roof.

“I’m bored?”

“… no.”

do it right

It just went well.

I was thinking of going to see Laurel while all the members are taking a break.

I’m sorry to wake you up during the day, but I had something to say, so I couldn’t help it.

“Come with me.”

“… … .”

I fixed my face as I did then and headed for Laurel.


[…] … .]


[…] … .]

Laurel didn’t answer.

So I thought I was sleeping, but after a few seconds, a clear voice returned.

[Yes load. What are you doing?]

[I am on my way now. Is the location the same as back then?]

[yes. You can come to the warehouse]

When I arrive at the warehouse, I see Laurel waiting for me, hanging from the corner of the warehouse ceiling.

And Eric below him too.

The child had been with Laurel for more than a week and was sleeping soundly as if her fear of strangers had completely disappeared.

he asked with a sullen expression.

“Can I leave it there?”

“yes? ah… .”

Even though he was made into a vampire, Laurel was a little different from me and Müller, probably because she hadn’t lost her intelligence.

Originally, he did not know that his family had poisoned him for over ten years.

A person who is kind when it’s good and naive enough to be foolish when it’s bad.

Seeing that a child who has to worry about what to do after a few days has passed so well, it doesn’t mean that his nature has completely disappeared.

Laurel answered with a troubled expression.

“I’m not good at handling small children… . sorry. Captain.”

“No, that’s it.”

It’s heaven, what can I do?

Instead, you need to think about how to dispose of it.

At that time, Laurel, who was pondering something, answered.

“But can’t we just go?”


“Anyway, these are the words of a child. Can anyone believe that?”

“… … .”

but. That’s right.

No matter how much a child about 10 years old talks about the truth of the incident, who will believe it?

‘Did I think it was too complicated?’

Even if the simplest solution is left, it seems that I have found a difficult path because of my personality that hates uncertainty.

“Then do it.”

“Then I will return the child to the nursery on the day of departure.”

“okay. Make sure you don’t get caught.”


concluded so simply.

The child will be confused, but over time he will gradually forget it.

After all, it happened when I was young, so when I get older, my memory will fade and it will remain in my memory as one of the miraculous things that happened in my childhood.


When I tried to solve it so easily and go back to the inn.

Hold on.


Noah grabs my hem.

She was staring at the child, tilting her head.

“huh? why.”

“… … .”

When asked out of curiosity, he quickly says.

With an expression that I don’t know what the hell the two of us are talking about.

“… Aren’t you sleeping?”


“Stay awake.”

“What are you talking about? I am sleeping.”

“no. Pretend to sleep.”

Are you pretending to sleep?

I was startled and looked at the child again, but the child’s breathing and pulse were exactly those of a sleeping person.

Of course, you can artificially create that state (I can), but it usually takes a long time to train.

“I don’t think so?”

So I shook my head and said, but Noah was very determined.

“that’s right.”

A confident look as if there was a corner to believe in something.

I thought about what it looked like.

‘… hmm?’

Because sometimes Noah is very keen on these issues.

As if she had some kind of secret, she was adept at spotting lies and deceit.

It was almost as if he was using lie detection magic.

Considering that pretending to sleep is a kind of deceit, this sharp side may have been revealed again.

“okay. I’ll check.”

It’s been a while since I’ve seen it, but what.

Thinking so, I opened the eyelids of the sleeping child.

The idea was to shine the sunlight through the cracks in the roof shingles.

If the child is conscious… .


In an instant, a shrill voice came out from the shock as if he had been hit in the back of the head.

Because the child’s pupils constricted the moment the light shone on them.


So, I wasn’t sleeping.

‘… Where did you hear that?’

A cold sweat ran down my back.

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