Episode 110. Apostle’s Priest (2)

‘Where did you hear that?’

It was the first thought I had.

Of course, I thought I was sleeping, so I talked a lot, but there were many things I shouldn’t have heard.

Like vampires, things like disposition, things like Laurel calling me Captain and Lord interchangeably.

If the child is aware, he will know that many of the murders in the estate are related to Laurel.

But this is no problem.

Because this is not a clue that he has a relationship with Roan, the leader of the Knights of Carziel.

On the surface, Laurel and I were just doing our part.

Laurel overthrew the important responsibilities of the lord and the land that were fascinated by monsters.

The knights arrived at the territory at the right time and proposed a subjugation.

From noble mtl dot com

The timing was exquisitely right, but I didn’t create any evidence to doubt that Laurel and I were in a relationship.

But if the child overhears our conversation, the story is different.

‘… this.’

Even if you cover your face.

Because Laurel, who introduced herself as a mercenary, is the only person in the territory whom Laurel can call ‘Captain’, as I am almost the only outsider.

I immediately took out the dagger.

The day I stood in blue.

Laurel was startled.


“I am awake.”

“ah… ?”

I didn’t mean to go this far, but I may have to remove it.

No matter how young I was, I couldn’t just let go.

There’s no way I can forget these memories, even if time passes.

On the contrary, you may notice that your head is getting bigger and you shouldn’t know.

“Open your eyes.”

Gently pressing the sword over his eyelids, he shook his brain in a low voice.

“… … .”


The child was still unresponsive.

It looked like he was trying to trick me, but I couldn’t let it go like that.

First of all, this is for Eric.

It’s because I want to find another way before removing it right away.



“… … !”

When I applied my strength to the sword as if it would really cut me down, the child suddenly opened his eyes as if he couldn’t stand it.

And then I beg and apologize.

“Sin, sorry! Help me!”

“… … .”

“I will never tell you!”

In an instant, my eyes widened and I begged, but I answered firmly.

“It can’t be like that.”

This is an important issue.

I don’t know if I could swear mana like Noah, but I can’t leave it to the conscience of an individual without any restraint.

‘… … .’

What should I do?

Making them members of the family or counting the stamps of slaves is practically no different from killing them by my standards, so I thought about excluding the two of them from the family.

Excluding these two… .


I rested my chin and pondered for a long time, and came up with a method.

It doesn’t matter if you know the secret, and there’s no way to reveal it in the first place.

I said to Eric, who looked up with watery eyes.

“Would you like to try a priest?”

“… hehehe? yes?”

Send it to the sanctuary.

Now that Amy has firmly established her position as a saint, she can push ahead with one of my unreasonable requests at her own discretion.

If you go to the sanctuary and become a priest and Amy’s attendant, Amy will be able to control things about Eric.

Also, since the sanctuary is a space completely cut off from the outside world, even if you want to reveal something, there will be no way to do so.

You can also ask Amy to reshape Eric’s mind (of course, I don’t know if he will do it).

“I can’t think of any other way to save you.”

“But I can’t use divine power? How do I become a priest?”

“That’s for later. answer first I will do it or not.”

“Ouch… .”

Do you want to die now or will you follow?

The child responds that he will, of course.

“Good idea.”

After hearing the answer, I drew my sword.

Then I gave instructions to Laurel, who looked at me with a blank expression.

“For now, take you to the family.”

“… Ah yes!”

“After a while, the kingdom will send an envoy to the empire. Our family is included, so no, you should explain the situation to the head of the household and take him with you.”

“All right.”

“Also, I will write a letter for you to show to the Sword Saint when you arrive in the Empire. You can get help.”

I finished it and let out a deep sigh.

“Whoa… .”

took ten years

If it wasn’t for Noah, I might have left the territory without knowing it, leaving an element of uncertainty behind.

“Goes. Rest now.”


Leaving Laurel and Eric behind, I walked to the inn.

way to walk.

I asked Noah how he noticed he was awake.

“I really didn’t know.”

“… I was conscious. If I was sleeping, it wouldn’t have been used at all.”

“uh? What is written?”

“mind… .”

After saying that, Noah stopped talking.

Soon enough, he stops walking and makes a look of regret.

“… ?”

It was strange that he suddenly stopped talking, but he didn’t do something incomprehensible once or twice.

I waited quietly

Noah answered after a while.

I really don’t want to tell you, but I have no choice but to tell you.

“… law.”


“Magic. The magic of detecting lies… .”


You said you were a wizard!?

When I turn my head in surprise, Noah averts my gaze.

That’s also something I do often.

But this time, as usual, it wasn’t a problem that could be overlooked.

I grabbed the crown of her head, returned my gaze to the original position, and asked.

“… !?!?”

“I’m sorry, I was really surprised. Are you a wizard?”


“Why didn’t you tell me until now?”

Like I said, I didn’t know that at all.

What I didn’t know in the game is that Noah is a very mystical NPC.

It was a bit shocking that I didn’t know such a basic thing even after watching it for well over a year.

why didn’t you tell me

After a while, Noah answered in a voice the size of an ant.

“… I didn’t ask.”


“I didn’t ask if he was a wizard… .”

“… Someone asks that, usually.”

But apart from being absurd, it’s the right thing to say.

I didn’t ask… .

‘for a moment.’

What did I lie about?

First of all, I don’t remember it, but it might be different from Noah who can catch even a trivial lie.

When I was searching through my old memories with a sudden surge of worry, Noah shook his head and said,

“doesn’t exist.”

“Oh yeah?”

“… Roan doesn’t lie.”

Looking at it with serious eyes, I feel embarrassed for no reason.

what’s wrong with that

But when I think about it again, I think it’s worth it.

Back in the day, the first day of sparring.

I heard her life story at that time, but she said that there were only hunters and people trying to trick her.

I was probably the first person to tell the truth consistently.

Because I was thinking of making it the same side from the beginning.

‘Oh, so… .’

When I first met him in the black market, I thought he would follow me without hesitation, but I think he had his own reasons.

“How many ranks are you by any chance?”


“… Ranks aren’t everything.”

If it wasn’t offensive magic like Iris, ranks were just numbers.

If it’s a lie detection magic, even a low rank has room to use it sufficiently usefully in the future.


If you take it with you whenever you meet someone, you won’t be scammed anymore.

With an unexpected income, we returned to the inn.

* * *

When I returned to the inn, Dante seemed to have regained some energy and was out to warm up.

Noticing the approaching sign, he turned his head and asked.

“huh? Where have you been?”

“I came to meet the lord. Are you feeling okay?”

“What am I?”

Dante shrugs.

Well, except for me, there is no other member of the Knights who recovers as quickly as Dante.

Yuriel, who plays the same role, struggles to the point that the servants bring her breakfast, and you can see how much this guy is fine when he wakes up after a night’s sleep.

muttered involuntarily.

“Did you have some orcs in your ancestors?”

“… Is that a compliment or an insult?”

“I didn’t talk about your face.”

“I didn’t do that!?”

Dante gets excited about my adultery(?).

“Or not. Why are you angry?”

“What… !?”

I shrugged my shoulders and answered briefly, blocking objection.

Dante groaned with a disgusted expression, and soon changed the subject.

“How long will we be here?”

“I’ll leave as soon as I get the money.”

Judging from the amount of paperwork piled up, it seemed like it would take about three days.

And after that, I plan to visit the family once in a while.

“Your house?”

“For now, we are also a knighthood bearing the family name. With the feeling of making a regular report to your father?”


While I was gone, I planned to do maintenance and pay back the amount of money I had made to my father when I first founded the knights.

* * *

Rumors spread throughout the kingdom.

Rumor has it that the evil dragon, who had coiled itself in the kingdom five years ago, was subdued by a certain order of knights.

As the news spread throughout the capital that a nuisance that had been postponed in the kingdom was subdued this spring, people wondered who it was.

‘It was subjugated?’

‘Who did it?’

The truth soon came out.

It’s because Müller did a good job.

‘The divinity of Karziel subdued the evil dragon and saved the territory!’

‘Also, thousands of monsters and monsters were slaughtered and their seeds were dried!’

Rumors spread throughout the kingdom through merchants centered on the capital.

However, is it because Müller’s information breakfast did a better job than expected?

‘… The dead dragon was subdued?’

Rumors soon flowed into the palace, and this auspicious news reached the ears of the king.

That’s why.

The reason why I turned my head toward the family and met the king.

“God Roan Karziel greets you. How have you been?”

“… … .”

I greeted according to the etiquette in the palace.

The king, who had been silent for a long time, soon spoke with an expression of seeing something strange.

“See you again.”

“I’m just grateful that you called me like this on a ball that wasn’t a big deal.”

“It’s nothing… .”

I shuddered in unabashed humility.

However, the king’s mouth went up, perhaps because it was rather funny.

he asks.

“It’s not a big deal, but since you’ve solved the headache in the kingdom, you can’t go over without giving a prize as an example. Do you want anything?”


I had no intention of rejecting it, and I couldn’t decline to give it as an example.

I thought deeply.

Shoemaking is enough, so except for this one.

If you ask for it, it seems like a good idea to ask for an elixir or armor… .

‘What’s in the kingdom storage?’

Faye already has a dedicated weapon, and I have something similar, although I can only pull it out at night.

So, the only members who need to adjust their equipment are Uriel and Dante.

However, Dante still has a place to grow before borrowing the power of equipment, and there is no equipment suitable for Yuriel in the kingdom storage right now.

‘It’s ambiguous… . ah.’

So while I was thinking about what to ask for, a thought passed through my head.

It’s the dragon’s horn.

Rehearsal wasn’t going to be easy, so I thought I’d just have it for now, but isn’t it a perfect opportunity?

“majesty. Does it matter if what you want is not money?”

“… ? tell me.”

“I want to obtain materials that are difficult to handle in the process of subjugating the dragons, and entrust the request to Master Zeke.”

Zeke is a blacksmith belonging to the royal family who produces only 12 arms a year and presents them to the royal family.

Even though the weapons he made were made by simply hammering steel, their value is comparable to that of middle and low-level magic tools, so their skills are definitely guaranteed.

From noble mtl dot com

If he was like that, wouldn’t he be able to handle this material full of demons?

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