Episode 111. war cloud (1)

The King granted my request to lend a craftsman instead of money.

Rather, I ask if I didn’t know that I would ask for this much.

“Are you really going to be okay with that?”


The rest of the things I want can be obtained later, so that’s fine.

However, being able to request Zeke is because you never know when there will be another opportunity next time.

After the audience, I summoned Noah.

“… ?”

“Let’s go make your equipment.”

It would be nice if there was a request from the person himself to make it custom-made.

After hearing the explanation, Noah follows.

We headed to the royal forge.

“who are you?”

Soldiers were deployed because it was a space with tight security.

While crossing the window to block the road, I politely asked if he knew I was a high-ranking nobleman with his eyes.

“Roan Karziel. I have received permission from Her Highness to enter and exit.”

Take out your pass and show it, and the soldiers quickly clear the way.

Then, seeing Noah standing next to me, I ask for confirmation.

“Could the other side… .”


“… !?”

The soldiers are startled when they hear that the person carrying the sword is a maid.

But soon, ‘As expected, Karziel… .’ He muttered and nodded.


Is it the idea that it is not strange to wear a sword as a maid of a samurai family?

If you think about it for a bit, you can see that it doesn’t make sense, but is it because the family’s status and perception are too firm?

The soldier figured it out.


“yes. When you come out, just tell the guards.”

When you enter the blacksmith’s, you can see the appearance of numerous field chiefs.

However, it was difficult to tell them apart because they all wore the same clothes and had similar builds.

In addition, most of them were shaved, so it was even more difficult to distinguish them, perhaps because they were dealing with fire.

“That’s bald.”

“… Shh. I’m not talking like that.”

I hurriedly shut Noah’s mouth when he said something serious.

And I found a familiar face.

Grab any of the artisans around and find the material Zeke right away.

‘There he is.’

He had a private forge away from the other artisans.

Certainly, Ira is called a master even if he is a blacksmith belonging to the same royal family.

The treatment is different.

“excuse me.”

“… … .”

Kang! Kang!

He didn’t answer back, probably because he was busy working.

I was going to call it one more time, but I gave up.

I’ve heard that artisans are very sensitive about this issue, so I couldn’t give them a bad impression before even asking for it.

“Let’s wait.”

“… … .”

Fortunately, the work was over quickly.

When he put down the hammer and straightened his back, I tried to talk to him again.

“excuse me. excuse me.”

“… What are you, newbie?”

He scans this side up and down.

But to anyone’s eyes, I look different from the blacksmiths outside.

“No. Then who is it?”

“This is Roan Karziel. master.”

“Roan Karziel. where did you hear… . no wait Karziel?”

His eyes wide open.

It’s new now that Karziel is famous for being called the kingdom’s shield, but there is one more reason.

The place that consumes the most of the weapons he made is our family.

“Sir Ian… .”

“You are my older brother.”

“is it. I was told it was somehow similar.”

“Do you know my brother?”

“Everyone knows. I’ve had custom orders before, of course. How is he?”

“I know you are busy right now.”

It’s because after he reached the level of a master, he was called to many places.

The existence of a knight of that caliber does not simply mean adding one more capable combatant.

Only one person’s existence can change the atmosphere on the battlefield, and actually change the outcome.

So I thought I’d meet him once before the Knights were founded, but I was too busy to see his face.


Short greetings come and go.

He asked, as if he remembered now.

“But what are you doing?”

“Ah, I want to entrust the request to my father-in-law. Get it here.”

He answered by handing over the dragon’s horn.

He accepts the horn without much thought, and then his arm snaps down at the weight heavier than it looks.

“… her?”

Unfamiliar weight.

He asks with an interesting expression on the material he is seeing for the first time.

“Request. I can understand it because it seems that permission has been obtained. … What is this more than that? The intensity is considerable.”

“It is the horn of a dragon.”

“A dragon? Ah, that, the monster.”

“yes. I want you to reforge it and make a weapon for us here.”

He pointed to Noah and said.

Then Zeke frowned.

“Are you asking me to make a sword for self-defense? With these materials?”

“yes? aha. no.”

It was a misunderstanding that could have been caused by Noah wearing a maid’s uniform, so I explained the circumstances.

Even if Noah looked like that, he was much stronger than most of the knights in his family.

“Huh, is that so?”

“Will the son of a warrior tell a lie about something like this? Give me that.”


Noah handed over the sword.

I gave this as a gift two years ago, so it’s a long-used sword.

“like. indeed.”

Zeke carefully observed the stained sword and nodded.

“It’s a trace of a prosecutor.”

“Then the request… .”

“You should get it. Do you want anything?”

“Tell the two of you about that.”

It’s not something I’ll write, so it would be better if Noah said it himself.

“first… . It’s about this long.”

Noah immediately starts explaining whether there is a shape he has thought of in advance.

“70cm? It’s an ambiguous road.”

“I like that.”

“Hmm… .”

“And you can only have one blade. Instead, it would be nice if there were several grooves on the other side.”

“Then it’s more of a murderer’s sword than a knight… .”

A conversation between the two follows.

Noah also explained in detail the weight of the sword, the shape and length of the handle, and the shape of the tip of the sword.

how long has it been like that

“And this… .”

“But. for a moment.”

“… ?”

Zeke, who suddenly cut off Noah’s words, said with an uncomfortable expression.

“How can you not talk like that? It’s not that I don’t want to be treated in particular, but it’s a little uncomfortable for me to keep talking casually.”

“… My master is Roan?”

Noah’s answer was simple.

You are not the one who serves, so why do you respect yourself?

To this, Zeke replied in a voice that seemed to be deliberately admonishing.

“I know. But shouldn’t we be polite to those who have lived a long time, even if they are not our attendants?”


That’s right.

So that was the problem.

According to that logic, the legitimacy was not in him now.


“okay. Respect for elders… .”

“I would have more.”

“Very natural… . huh?”

Noah looks at me.

As I nodded that the situation was going well, Noah lifted his robe and removed his earmuffs.

and even say

“I’ve lived twice as long as you. human.”

“… uh?”


Surprised by the shape of the ears unlike humans, Zeke drops the hammer.

However, as soon as he grasped the situation, his eyes filled with amazement.

“How could an elf… ?”

Now the situation has been reversed.

Noah, his eyes bent into half-moon shapes, stared down at him and said,

“It is short.”

“… !!!”

* * *

Zeke who gave it back and got it back with words.

But he had nothing to refute.

Because I just got back what I said a moment ago.

Of course, there could be a difference in the mental age of humans and elves by age.

But it was also too ugly to mention it, so he had no choice but to apologize.

“Okay. I’m sorry.”

“I will forgive you.”

“sh*t. I’m forty years old and like this… .”

Even though they had established diplomatic ties with Elvenheim, it was only a month ago, so it must have been difficult to imagine that there would be elves in the kingdom.

Besides, Noah was in disguise, so there was no way to know.

Anyway, all of Noah’s requirements were delivered.

“The work begins right away.”

“Before that, take a close look at the horns.”


“Because it is part of the dragon’s body, it has demonic energy. Is it possible to reforge?”

Zeke’s expression changes.

He salivated and answered.

“No matter how hard it is for me to take out demonic energy? That is the priest’s role.”

“Ah, Margie doesn’t care.”


“It is better to be there. Can you reforge it while keeping it completely inside?”

“… I don’t know why you’re asking that, but then it’s possible. Looking at the robbers, it will take a while.”


He responded by tapping the horn once with his hammer.

By the way, does it take long?

“It is the first material to be used, but in my opinion, a month if I work alone. I think it will take about a week if we mobilize craftsmen from outside.”

“… Excuse me, but can I ask for a week?”

A month isn’t much.

But it’s worth waiting a week.

“I’ll have to ask that over there.”

So I asked.

Fortunately, there was not a single artisan who refused to help, as if everyone was interested in the material they were seeing for the first time.

“Then come see me in a week.”

“yes. please.”

* * *

I returned to the Knights and found Lord Dyke first.

After the conversation with the king, he told me that he had been paid.

“So, are you going to go to the family right away?”

“no. I couldn’t go.”


It was because I had to stay in the royal capital for a week while the sword was being made.

So I asked him to take the members and go to my family without me.

“Haven’t our knights been trained in group tactics yet? Please ask your father to do something while I am away.”

The reputation of the Knights rose a lot with this dragon subjugation.

As reputation builds up in this way, it will not be long before you stand on the battlefield, and this is a necessary training for that time.

Because there will be most of the operations in conjunction with the military rather than solo operations.

While returning to the family, training with the other knights of the family will definitely help in the future.

“My father will not refuse. It’s because our individual powers are never going down.”

“All right.”

No, rather, I think we have the upper hand in terms of individual strength.

Not only the named-level NPCs, but all of the members have achieved considerable growth with the opportunity to subdue the evil dragon.

“It is still light, so we will depart today.”

“I will take about a week. If the schedule is messed up, I’ll let you know through Laurel.”


He left as soon as afternoon came.

All that was left was me and Noah.

‘What do you do? Shall we fight?’

Come to think of it, I had never seen Noah’s skills properly before.

It’s boring, and it’s also the leader’s job to check the members’ skills.

I thought it was a good opportunity, but I had no choice but to put it off.



Müller, who had never contacted her first during the day, had sent her thoughts.

From noble mtl dot com

He broke the usual reporting system and contacted me, so I realized that it was not a light problem.

[What’s going on?]

[…] … .]


[…] Oh, sorry. There is so much information that I missed it for a while.]


The large amount of information means that thoughts are coming in real time from members other than me.

‘By this time?’

It seems like something really happened.

And this was evident in Müller’s words that followed.

[A little while ago, I received an urgent report from a member who was infiltrated into the Empire.]

I haven’t been able to figure out the detailed causal relationship or authenticity yet, but I’m going to report it because it’s so important.

[Urgent news that Corps Commander Balak has withdrawn from the borders of the Empire.]

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