Chapter 112. war clouds (2)

Imperial Front.

Out of 365 days a year, there are only a handful of days without clouds of war, and battles were in full swing today as well.

However, the difference from usual is that the imperial army, which had always been defensive, was in an attacking position this time.

“I have returned from my mission. As a result of reconnaissance, we found enemy camps. Over the ridge, four battalions are resting.”

“Good work.”

After the scout’s report.

The general, noticing that the enemy was resting, gave the order.

“When they came in, they were allowed to do whatever they wanted, but when they left, they couldn’t send a single person alive. attack right away Give orders.”


Originally, it was a lesson learned from the long war that the Imperial Army had learned to avoid confrontation with the Orc Legion on the plains as much as possible, but this time the situation was different.

This time, the enemy is in a position to retreat, and this side is in a position to pursue.

The numbers also differ noticeably.

There was no reason to avoid fighting.

“… ah! Enemy spots found!”

The sharp-eyed archer shouted.

The rider who received the information immediately blows the horn.


“The leading knights prepare to break through! A first-class grand!”

“ancient! 1st Jin Geochang!!!”


In the distance, the orcs can be seen roaming around at the sudden appearance of an army of humans.

The general of the imperial army sneered at the sight.

“They say it’s an army of reversals, but looking here, there’s no such thing as a rogue.”

True to his words, the Orc Corps, who were usually valiant, could not hide their confusion from the Imperial army that appeared behind them.

It was really because they were unfamiliar rather than ragtag.

This is the situation in which the enemy appears behind them.

Even if they faced death, it was the first time in decades that they retreated from the front without looking back.

Doo doo doo!

The sound of horses hooves shook the earth, and the orcs moved in a hurry.

“Kreuk!? It is a human army!”

“Hold up the window!”

It was too late for them to prepare for battle, but the lead knights had already accelerated their breakthrough.

About a hundred knights gathered in a narrow V-shape and charged.

Blue aura from mana rises from their whole bodies, adding to the speed of breakthrough and the power at the tip of the spear.

“Find a barrier ahead!”

“Destroy and enter!!”

tutu tutu!!

After raising the speed to the limit.


Kwak Kwa Kwak!!!!

Even if there were obstacles, they were not strong enough to withstand the hard work of a well-trained knight.

As the vanguard knight fired the spear with all his might, the wooden fence shattered.

The knights dug in, receiving the pieces of wood bouncing in all directions with their whole bodies.

Orc warriors responded with their spears, but they were helpless in front of the cavalry who had already accelerated.

“Leaders collide!”

When the heavy armored knights, even the horses, rammed at full speed, even the strongest orcs could not stand it.



“Kreuk! Avoid!”

The Orc warriors were torn apart helplessly as soon as they collided.

The knights did not lose speed even after that, so they broke through the orc camp and charged again.

“… The battle is won.”

The general of the imperial army, who was looking at it from a distance, murmured.

The battle was over when the cavalry troopers roared through the enemy camp like they were at home.

The win or loss has been decided, so now the key is how many of them you can take.

“Enter the 2nd and 3rd lines! Let the rest return to the outskirts and encircle the enemy.”


“Hold up your shields, soldiers! Enter!”

Against Orcs, it is very rare to use tactics using numerical superiority.

The infantry entered along the way the knights penetrated the enemy camp, and the remaining troops went back and blocked the enemy’s retreat.

“Kill them all!”

Although the Orc Corps had the highest combat power among monsters, the battle situation was already too unfavorable and the morale of the Imperial Army was high.

The battle, which started early in the morning, ended when the sun went over the pass.

Out of thousands of orcs, only a few dozen escaped alive.

Imperial losses, on the other hand, were only a few hundred casualties.

“It’s a great victory, General!”

“Good job. Report specific results as soon as you find out, and release the scouts to scout the surroundings.”

“All right.”

In fact, the exchange rate of power is overwhelming, but this in itself cannot be said to be very advantageous.

Compared to human armies, orc armies recover much faster from losses.

Thousands of damages are quickly repaired.

However, biting the wires is a big achievement.

The Imperial Army general muttered as he looked at the ridge that stretched out in front of him.

“… Perhaps, sooner or later we will be able to build a new line of defense.”

“yes? Oh, I see.”

If you can build a defensive line around the highlands along the ridge and fix it, you can have a great advantage in the future defense.

“… … .”

The problem is that I feel uncomfortable because I can’t understand the intentions of the enemies.

It was hard to think positively because I did not know why the offensive suddenly stopped and retreated for years.

‘… No, maybe.’

As I was pondering it, an assumption passed through my head.

he said to the lieutenant.

“Adjutant, as soon as the skirmisher finishes reconnaissance of the surroundings, start building positions with the follow-up unit.”

“yes. General… .”

“I’m going back to the headquarters for a while because I have something to see and discuss.”

“All right. Please leave this to me.”

The general nodded and turned around with an escort.

After returning to Corps Headquarters, he went to visit Sword Saint John.

I had something to ask him.

* * *

After Roan left for Elvenheim with Sigrun, Johann met with the Emperor that way and demanded a change of position.

At the request, which had never been made in his lifetime, the emperor asked with a questioning expression.

‘The swordsman is on the front line? Why?’

‘… … .’

At this time, he revealed Ymir’s death to the emperor.

I didn’t hear the apostle’s intention, but I thought it didn’t matter anyway.

It was too big an incident to cover up until the end, and it would eventually become known if Ymir didn’t show up.

‘You mean the corps commander?’

‘The help of the elves was great.’

Anyway, that’s why.

It’s a good thing that the corps commander is dead, but inevitably change will happen.

And the place where you can feel the change the most is, of course, the front line.

‘I want to be of help.’

So, I want to leave the kingdom.

The emperor accepted this.

‘There are already great knights around Jim. Do whatever you want.’

‘thank you.’

It had already been two years since they settled down on the border of the Empire along that road.

In the meantime, John had easily counted the number of monsters he had killed and easily crossed the thousands.

His skill was also a skill, but it was possible because the number of Orcs knocking on the border at a certain point steadily increased.

It was somewhat expected.

Didn’t he come down to the front to prepare for this situation in the first place?

But the recent situation is strange.

“… Hmm.”

John looked over the reports from all over the front line and let out a drool.

And at the same time, a knock on the door is heard.

“Come in.”

John closed the papers and said.

The one who came to see him was a general with a familiar face.


“Hmm? What is the person who should be on the battlefield doing anyway?”

“I came here for a while because I wanted to see and discuss something.”

After looking around, the general finds a seat and sits down.

John asked.

“Are you going to report it right away?”

“The number of monsters has decreased by more than 40% compared to the previous week. They are definitely withdrawing.”

“… … .”

This meant that all those confusing reports from all over the front were true.

Knock knock.

John knocked on the table a few times before asking.

“What if it’s a trick?”

The general shook his head and firmly replied that it could never happen.

“If that was a delay to fool our allies, the empire would have fallen to the orcs centuries ago.”

If the crude orcs had such a cunning side, the empire would have been burned right away.

‘I guess so.’

In fact, even John knows.

However, it was too strange to believe it right away, so I only asked.

Johann gathered the papers and pushed them to one side before asking.

“Is that the only thing to report?”


“Then let’s talk.”

In response to Yohan’s question, the general soon took on a serious expression and continued.

“Commander. In my opinion, it seems that a new corps commander has been decided.”

“If it’s a new corps commander.”

“Over two years have passed since that day. No matter how different the elves’ sense of time is from humans, isn’t it strange that it’s decided at this point?”

“… It doesn’t.”

No matter how much it is, I can’t leave the corps commander’s position empty for several years.

And if this guess is true, there is one reason why the orcs suddenly retreated.

The Dark Elves lost their leader and did not move much for over two years.

In other words, it means that there was no loss in troops, so once the corps commander is decided, it can be the most threatening.

If the strength of the Orc Legion were added to that intact power, it would be able to break through the defenses of most kingdoms without knowing the Empire.

“Then, does the lack of orcs mean that you are going to set a new goal at all?”

“For now, I think so.”

Dark Elves and Orcs.

It was hard to find a few times in a long history to match each other, but there is still a precedent.

It’s a possibility enough to dismiss it as something insignificant.

“… this.”

John’s expression became serious.

This is not simply a matter of reassurance that the Empire is safe.

The empire is, of course, powerful, but it’s not enough to deal with all monsters alone.

The collapse of neighboring countries is sure to come back as a serious blow to the empire in the long term, no, even in the short term.

After thinking for a while, John said.

“For now, move forward the defense line as originally planned, and continue to release the skirmishers to keep an eye on the legion’s movements.”


“and… .”

John, lost in thought, tapped the table with his fingertips.

Circumstances made me think of several possibilities, but I couldn’t act hastily because it was still a realm of speculation.

‘then… .’

The timing is good.

The front line is in a lull, and soon an envoy from the kingdom will arrive, so I have to go to the capital.

‘First, I need to meet the saintess.’

Don’t you know?

Did something come down?

* * *

7 days after submitting the request.

I went to see Zeke.

From noble mtl dot com

“Has production been completed?”

“hmm? Ah, you. It’s over.”

Zeke handed me a sword that was entirely black, starting with the handle.

“oh… .”

It was very dull and looked like a magic sword to anyone, but Noah looked quite satisfied.

“Smelting was not easy. If you ever get sick, come back.”

“Oh, thank you.”

“All right. It was an interesting job for us as well.”

After getting the sword and leaving the workshop, I hurriedly prepared to go to the family.

It was because he heard Müller’s urgent report and had something to discuss with the Duke.

I already told him my many secrets.

Things about Balak aren’t known to the kingdom yet, but he has a heavy mouth, so it’s worth asking for advice.

So, as soon as I arrived at the family, I started looking for the duke.

“welcome. young master.”

“Where is your father?”

“He is in the office.”

However, there was not one sign felt in the office.

‘A passenger?’

The passenger was Yuriel.

She was drinking tea with the Duke of Gilead.

Uriel, noticing my presence, naturally smiles and gestures.

“Ah, Roan. Welcome.”

It’s a flawless and beautiful smile, but for some reason I feel a sense of incongruity.

‘… hmm?’

I thought for a while about why.

Looking at the duke’s expression, I realized the true nature of this sense of incongruity.


Because the duke, who usually doesn’t smile even in front of his family, was smiling happily.

‘How did you bake and boil it?’

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