Chapter 116. invasion (1)

I have very sensitive senses.

After long training with Sir Kayla.

After reaching what is commonly called the master’s stage, I became particularly sensitive to changes in my body.

Even if I’m not particularly conscious, my body always sends me signals to stay in optimal condition.

That’s why I react sensitively even if I lose only 100 grams.

So, the fact that I felt something out of place and couldn’t detect the change was likely simply an illusion stemming from the psychological part.

After a bit of confusion, I came to that conclusion.

“Roan? What is it?”

Uriel asked with a puzzled expression on his hand that suddenly stopped.

I was moderately evasive.

“I’m tired for a while.”

Then, he picked up the fork he had put down and ate the noodles covered in red sauce.

This is what Uriel did.

There must be a lot of work to be done camping in the future, but he said he wanted to cook simple dishes in his spare time, so he did the morning training and finished it himself today.


As soon as you put it in your mouth, you can feel the moderate umami with mild spicy taste.

To be honest, when the dish first came out, it didn’t look appetizing, but when I ate it, it was pretty good.

‘It’s fine.’

I don’t know how it might be for other people’s tastes, but personally I like spicy food, so it was perfect for my taste.

So when you try to say yes.

Dante, who was wandering around the neighborhood, found me and approached me. Seeing the dish with a somewhat unkempt exterior, he asked with a puzzled expression.

“What? Something like this crap.”


During my stay in the family, Dante and Fay, who knew that I was an apostle, were invited to dinner with the family a few times.

Seeing the skill of the family chefs at the time, it is not unreasonable to find this kind of dish strange.

However, I should have thought about this to myself.

“This is what the vice-captain made.”

“Vice-captain? … ah.”

Our vice-captain is Yuriel.

After blinking for a moment, Dante grasps the situation and looks around.

Unfortunately for Dante, Uriel was right nearby.

As soon as I turned my head, my eyes met and a confused voice came out.


“b*tch… ?”

Yuriel looked at the plate she had served and muttered in a quiet voice.

Somehow it sounded bleak.

Seeing that, Dante hurriedly makes excuses.

“No, that. You mean it looks delicious? In our local dialect.”

“… … .”

It’s a dialect. There was no way that such a crude explanation would work.

As Uriel’s gaze grows even more bleak, Dante looks at him, but eventually avoids the seat, perhaps because his gaze stings.

“… sorry!”

You should always be careful with that.

Afterwards, Yuriel sighed and looked at me with a nervous expression.

“Roan… .”

“I was good. And how important is the appearance? Speed matters.”


Fortunately, my answer made Yuriel’s expression softer.

At that time, Noah approaches from afar as if he smelled a pungent smell.

Sniff, sniff.

He sat down in front of me while I was eating and asked.

“… what?”

“It was made by Uriel. Would you like to eat?”

“… … .”

“It tastes good.”

When I push the plate, Noah gives me a sharp eye and takes a pinch of noodles.

Well well.

After savoring the taste, he immediately gets up from his seat.

What are you doing besides eating?


“wait for a sec.”

She searches through her luggage and brings up bottles full of powder.



“… Do you carry anything like that?”

I asked in surprise.

Instead of answering, Noah mixes some spices and sprinkles them lightly.

Then he pushed the plate in front of me again.

“… Eat now.”

“… ?”

“It will suit your taste.”

How much does it make a difference?

Thinking so, I ate a pinch and soon changed my mind.

I didn’t add much, but it tasted like I usually ate.

‘Is it much better?’

It’s not to the point of saying it’s objectively better compared to the former, but at least for my taste, this one was much better.

Noah’s lips went up in a slightly round shape, probably showing my thoughts through his facial expression.

“… … .”

“… !”

Conversely, that light smile made Yuriel look shocked.

but what In fact, it is natural.

When I was in the academy, most of my meals were made by Noah, so he must be more aware of my taste buds.

In the first place, I was amazed that Yuriel could taste this much.

How did you do it?

You look better than me who was a trace master… .

“Thank you anyway.”

“… yes.”

Instead of being served a meal, I served tea after the meal.

While I was resting leisurely like that, the family butler came to me and said.

“young master. The family lord is looking for it.”


“yes. You just came back.”

At that, I poured the still-not-cooled tea into my mouth and got up.

The duke had been away for a while due to recent events on the borders of the Empire.

The fact that he called me as soon as he returned must mean that he has urgent news to deliver.

“sorry. I will wake up first.”

As expected, the Duke’s words implied that the uneasy peace so far would be broken.

“Orcs have been found on the border.”

“Isn’t that something that often happens at the border? With this… .”

“The case is different this time. A battle broke out while chasing after him, and half of the rangers were killed.”

“… !!!”

From noble mtl dot com

The duke gave a detailed explanation.

While the rangers were searching near the castle wall, they found a group of dozens of orcs, and they followed them as they seemed to be spying on the castle rather than just wandering around.

However, during the chase for about a day, they were caught following them, and they fought because they were about the same number as their allies.


I sensed the seriousness of the situation.

Usually, rangers belong to ordinary soldiers, but even in the midst of this, they were advanced combatants who received special training.

Of course, they would be weaker than knights, but if they were border guard rangers, they wouldn’t be so weak that they couldn’t deal with an equal number of orcs.

together was defeated.

And half lost in the process of running away.

Even if there were only soldiers, there was no problem in subjugating the Orc village, but there was only one possibility left to think of the excellent rangers losing in a match.

If your opponent is not a regular orc.

in other words.

“They are Orcs who have become corps.”

“… Probably.”

Unlike the wild Orcs you faced in Eden, the Legion’s Orcs are individuals that constantly grew in a strong group, so they are much stronger and have a longer lifespan.

The fact that such guys are found around the kingdom means that Balak’s army has established itself in the area.

The Duke continued his explanation.

“The conscription will take place within a week. And the border will raise the alert level two more levels.”

“Have the Dark Elves been identified?”

“They were invisible. But, you have to think that there will be.”

It is.

I excluded them because I couldn’t see them and made an estimate, but if that was the enemy’s goal, the border could be breached.

‘Can the kingdom stop it?’

I’m honestly worried.

I don’t know how many of Balak’s troops came, but if it was an invasion of the same level as when attacking the empire, the power of the kingdom alone could never stop it.

Then you’ll need reinforcements.

“So I requested reinforcements.”

“If it’s the reinforcements… .”

“Elves. He should be on his way by now.”


After all, it was an alliance.

They will definitely help as long as they don’t betray you first.

In the first place, Mercedes knows that I am an apostle.

“So you have something to do.”

I thought I knew what it was to do.

Even though they have established diplomatic ties with the human kingdom, the image of humans is still not good because of the slave hunt that has taken place in the past.

As an ally, there is a high possibility that they will provide support but be reluctant to receive instructions.

“I’m the middle leg role.”

“yes. More precisely, they asked me to hand over your knights.”

“… aha.”

Then, in the end, it seems that it will be a form of moving separately from the kingdom army.

I only help when we coordinate our opinions.

“For details, you can ask after meeting the commander.”

“All right. If you do, we will leave as soon as we are ready.”

If Balak’s soldiers have already been found at the border, it is urgent.

I informed the resting members of the departure and prepared to leave.

I was ready to leave at any time, so it didn’t take a day to prepare.

so the next day.

The knights set off for the northern border of the kingdom, where elves gathered.

* * *

As the temperature warmed up and the weather gradually became spring, the horses became more active.

Thanks to this, it seemed that it would take less than a week to get to the northern part of the kingdom during the busy times.

‘I’m glad.’

However, the closer I got to the border, the more I could feel that the atmosphere had subsided every time I stopped by the village.

This is because conscription was carried out from areas close to the border, although dangerous is also dangerous.

“Let’s stay quietly.”

“… yes.”

As armed knights came and went, they seemed even more anxious, so instead of staying in the village, if possible, we only got supplies and camped out.

It was a rather uncomfortable journey, but no member expressed dissatisfaction.

“I think it will arrive in a day or so.”

“Then you are almost there. Stop for today and camp here.”


Eat a simple meal.

The knights immediately began preparing for bed for the next day’s move.

At that time, Iris sees the firewood piled up and approaches and asks.

“Roan. Do you need a fire?”

“Ah, please.”

Magic was very convenient at times like this.

Originally, she couldn’t have asked for this because she was afraid of starting a forest fire, but recently, she has become quite good at controlling firepower, as if the training had been successful.

Roaring… !

A bright red flame erupted and soon faded to a small size.

Confirming that the fire was properly lit, Iris yawned and waved her hand.

“… Then you suffer. catch me?”

“yes. Thank you so much.”

Wiping the tears from her eyes, she slips into the tent.

Yuriel, Dante, and the other members go to sleep one by one.

Shortly after that, all the members fell asleep and the son-in-law became quiet.

Only the sound of a crackling bonfire under the bright full moon rings in my ears.

“… … .”

The closer I get to the front, the weirder I thought it would be.

Every night, I feel like my eyes aren’t closing well and my head isn’t clear.

It was for that reason, rather than to set an example, that he was vigilant despite his position as leader.

I’m not going to sleep well anyway, so the moon is bright, so I’m trying to change my mood.


I put a rug behind me and lay on my back.

And our eyes met the bright red eyes on the tree.

he said, sighing.

“Oh, what a surprise.”

“… … .”

“What are you doing there?”


Noah silently climbs down from the tree and sits next to him.

“… … .”

Noah was calm enough to wonder if he didn’t understand the current situation.

Same expression as always.

Now I know what that means.

“… … .”

I feel sorry for Noah, but to be honest, I’m not sure this time either.

Not sure.

He asked, holding out his hand.

“Can we win?”

“… ?”


When you dealt with Ymir in the past.

We couldn’t even get to his feet.

Of course, our level is very different from then, but that is also true of our opponents.

Balak is a corps commander who boasts exceptional military strength among corps commanders, and his army is also warlike, so I couldn’t guarantee the outcome apart from doing my best in the process.

So when you are secretly worrying about deepening.

said Noah.

“are you okay.”


“I won’t lose to orcs.”

At those words, a laugh came out.

Logic, anyway, because it was perfect for my current situation.

A ruler must not be intimidated by his prey.

I was relieved in an instant and muttered in a weak voice.

“… yes.”

“… … .”

It was late at night.

and the next day.

We have arrived in the northern part of the kingdom.

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