Episode 117. invasion (2)

Arriving on the northern front, the first thing I did was visit the border commander.

He had been on the border for 17 years, an old man with short-cropped hair and graying hair in places.

“Loyalty, Commander. I am Roan Karziel, leader of the Karziel Knights.”

Let’s salute, the commander turns his gaze this way.

he said, accepting the salute.

“Welcome. I was just thinking about organizing a unit. I’m sorry I’ve just arrived, but the captain, can you come with me right away?”

“of course.”

“Then follow me.”

As if the word urgent was not a lie, he strode forward before even asking about the Knights.

I winked at Lord Dyke and followed the commander.

“… there! It doesn’t fit right and left!”

“Is it okay if it is as high as two?”

“No, just a little more… .”

Due to the quasi-war situation, the area near the wall was in full swing with extension work.

The soldiers carried stones to extend the walls, and were preparing plenty of materials for repairs, probably to prepare for damage from siege weapons.

Orcs are much bigger and stronger than the monsters that have always threatened the borders of the kingdom, so the existing walls must have felt insecure.

Looking at the speed at which the soldiers work, it seems that the wall extension will be finished in the next few days.

“… … .”

When he looked at that figure and took a step behind the commander.

He suddenly opened his mouth.

“I heard a lot about the captain. You recently subdued a dragon.”


“How did you catch it?”

“… yes?”

“It may sound like an excuse, but the kingdom did not intend to neglect the evil dragon from the beginning. But it’s because I can’t see a way to catch it.”

The attack of ordinary soldiers would not be effective against him when it came to deploying the army, but it would be enough to fly away then, when it was time to send in high-level knights.

So, he thought there was no way to catch it other than setting a trap thoroughly, but it was surprising that he subdued it in an instant before the season passed with only one knights and the power of the Yeongji Army.

he asked.

“Was there a way?”

It seemed like a question out of pure curiosity, not a question of authenticity.

It was because the young leader who hadn’t even been on the frontline caught the evil dragon that even the kingdom’s leading generals had delayed subjugating.

In their eyes, I will be seen as an excellent commander who came up with an amazing tactic and subdued the dragon.

In fact, the commander’s expression looking at this side was subtly like that.

But the reality is a bit different.

‘… Mmm.’

Half of the subjugation is the princess’s credit.

Sealing the flight, which is the key to subjugating the dragon, was all possible because her wings were broken with her magic.

I replied with an awkward expression.

“The level of the members was high.”

“That alone doesn’t explain it.”

“We also had wizards.”

“… Wizard?”

It certainly happened in the opposite region of the kingdom, and Commander Deok-Inji, who spread rumors to make Muller appear as my credit as much as possible, did not know the details of the subjugation.

“He is a mage who can produce the firepower of a hundred high-ranking knights with a single body.”

“… one hundred!? Is it really?”

The Commander asks in surprise.

As soon as he said yes, he nodded his head.

“I can understand that much. Existence itself must have been a tactic.”

That’s what it says.

In a world where there are no weapons of mass destruction, a 7th rank wizard is itself a strategic weapon.

Perhaps she will be of great help in the forthcoming siege.

Because such a large-scale engagement is a good environment for battle mages to play an active role.

If you put it in a high position with a proper escort force, that alone will put a lot of pressure on the enemy.

You never know when a fire pit will fall from above your head.

“Right. Not for my reference.”

To the unexpected harvest, the commander replied with a straightened expression.

And about that time we arrived at the commandant’s barracks.

Inside the barracks, there was an elf with a familiar face and a staff member.

“See you again.”

High Elf Sigrun.

She checked this way and nodded slightly to say hello.

After the commander sat down, I also found my seat and hugged him.

“That’s right. It would have been better if it was for good business.”

“It is unavoidable in these difficult times. How is my pupil?”


A short greeting was exchanged.

The commander looked at the sight curiously, then cleared his throat.

“hmm. Since the Seven Swords have brought you the one you were looking for, I would like to continue what I was talking about just before.”

“It was about organizing. We want two things. One will not dictate. The two of you will hand over Captain Roan to us.”

“Not to order… .”

From noble mtl dot com

“It doesn’t mean that we will move separately from the Kingdom Army. However, it means to reduce interference as much as possible in consideration of ethnic sentiment. Commander, I think you’ll understand what I’m saying.”

“… … .”

The commander kept his mouth shut.

taking into account tribal sentiment.

The history of slave hunting is long and still continues, so the commander understood what he meant.

“Basically, I want to move separately, but I want to do the necessary communication through the general manager here. This is all I want for now.”

“… All right. If so, I’d like to take action so that I can move as an independent unit with Captain Roan, is that okay?”

“yes. It’s good.”

“I will tell you the details after talking with the other commanders.”


After a few more words, the commander left.

With him and the staff rushing somewhere for discussion, I asked Sigrun as I came out of the barracks.

“Did you do that on purpose?”

In fact, even if the emotions of the elves are not friendly to humans, they can suppress their emotions enough and follow the queen’s orders.

Of course, the efficiency of work will decrease, but it will not be enough to say not to give orders before the war even starts.

The reason I made such a request was probably to give me strength.

Even though I haven’t asked for anything yet.

“… It seems that the Queen has studied human society a bit?”

After subduing the dragon, the overall level and reputation of the knights rose a lot.

Based on this, Mercedes seemed to think that it would be okay, unlike before, even if it gave me some strength.

As expected, Sigrun nodded calmly.

“yes. I decided it would be helpful for the apostle. Was it a hindrance?”

“no. It will work.”

If the situation is like this, my remarks are not simply the words of one knight commander, but the words of the entire volunteer force.

No matter how experienced the commanders are on the frontlines, they won’t be able to ignore my words.


Of these, I am the only one who has experience fighting Balak’s Legion.

Of course, the military force of the Legion is a kind that is difficult to block even if you know it, but if you understand Balak’s mindset, it will be much easier for you to defend.

There are few eyes to see there, so it’s easy to use the ability when the need arises.

“I will now go back to the members. You just arrived.”

“yes. Come back when it’s convenient for you.”

It was only after I went back to the place where the members were and organized the military equipment that I heard about the situation on the front line through the junior commanding officer who visited the barracks.

“This front line is relatively outskirts, so no monsters have been discovered yet. On the other hand, in the central part of the frontline or in the part connected to the Goul Mountains, there were a few Orcs who looked like warriors.”

“Did you just see?”

“yes. There was no invasion, just watching. but… .”

he blurted out

I could infer enough.

An orc warrior is a human equivalent of a knight.

Or it could be more than that considering the racial difference.

It is too hopeful to think that such guys have been found, but it will be over after examining the walls.

If you think realistically, it would be correct to say that the invasion has already been confirmed and you are looking at where to aim.

‘It’s not strange when they invade.’

It is no exception here.

It’s unlikely that Ballack will hit from the side, but we should keep that possibility in mind.

“… All right. thank you.”

“no. rest.”

A junior commander salutes and leaves the barracks.

Seeing that, Yuriel widened her eyes and asked.

“Does Roan get the salute?”

“huh? Ah, so it happened.”

No matter how great aristocratic children may be, they should not assert their authority even in front of military discipline.

So, originally, it would be right for me to salute him in my first year, who had no experience working on the front line, but this time it was a bit special.


“I was given a chance.”

“… ?”

I was temporarily given the grandiose title of Allied Staff until reinforcements left the kingdom.

In fact, the name alone is grandiose and the work I do is not much bigger than I thought, but it is still quite high in terms of hierarchy.

“Probably taller than your older brother?”


It’s only a temporary status, but thanks to it, my body will feel a little more comfortable.

Not just me, but the entire Knights.

“How are the members?”

“I am nervous.”

“… hmm. Is it natural?”

I, who have never been nervous a few times in my life, was nervous until just yesterday, but they are different.

This is unavoidable.

Still, the fortunate thing is that the main members, including Yuriel, seem to be fine.

Certainly, talent is talent.

I said as I stepped out of the barracks.

“We will finish organizing and join the reinforcements today. Please pass it on to Lord Dyke.”

“yes. Where is Roan going?”

“I need to get ready too.”

“… … ?”

It was about family members.

Of course, I don’t intend to use it in battle.

Movement is restricted during the day, and it is difficult even considering the emergency situation to reveal that they are not a group that does so proudly.

However, as a simple contact, there is no better means than this.

In this world with the technological level of the Middle Ages, there is no faster contact than a vampire.

Even if we have to travel for several days on horseback, our mental strength is consumed, but communication is possible without difficulty.

Regardless of the era, the difference in information has always determined the outcome of a war.

So if you use it well, you can get significant results.

[Spread the members widely throughout the frontline area.]

[Yes, loaded.]

Müller left it as it was and planted personnel throughout the frontlines, mainly Laurel’s combatants.

That’s how I prepared for the upcoming war.

* * *

Orc Corps Headquarters located dozens of kilometers away from the kingdom border.

Carrying a bloody ax on their shoulders, the orcs who had just returned to their unit entered the barracks of the legionnaires, as gigantic as their bodies.

These were scouting troops dispatched to grasp the kingdom’s defenses.

Balak asked.

“How are you?”

“Kuruk. The wall is now about 7, 80 cm taller. I think it will eventually be expanded by about 1m.”

“… … .”

The height of the walls is not a big problem.

In the first place, the existing height of the castle wall exceeded 10m, but adding only 1m was not a big change.

However, if the thickness of the wall is thick, the power of siege weapons will start to decrease by half, so it may have an effect.

‘I’ll have to move slowly.’

Balak raised a giant.

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