Chapter 119. invasion (4)

arrows rain down

Arrows that covered the sky fell on a group of orcs.

majestic sight.

However, even after seeing this, the Orcs did not back down with their shields raised.


However, it was difficult to block the rain of arrows with only a crude shield.

As a result, Orcs collapsed with screams of pain in various places.

But the numbers were too many.

It was a large army, approaching 4,000 even at a rough estimate, so I didn’t feel that the number was reduced.

the captain shouted.

“Keep shooting! Don’t wait for orders, shoot! And soldiers who can aim aim for the enemy’s elite!”


In fact, humans cannot accurately distinguish which orc is stronger.

It’s because the appearance of an orc is honestly all there, and depending on the position, the armament or the outfit doesn’t change.

However, even if you look closely, there were guys who were one head taller, so the advanced soldiers who could aim precisely shot arrows at these guys.


However, the effect was minimal.

As the orc roared and swung his heavy axe, the arrow flew away only with the wind pressure, and even the mana-filled arrows were blocked by the ax blade.

It was an unfamiliar scene to the soldiers as well as to the knights.

“Ugh!? what an orc… !”

One of the knights who was eagerly shooting arrows muttered in bewilderment.

An Okrani armed with a shield and deflecting arrows with an axe.

I had subjugated the Orc village a few times, but I had never seen an Orc like that.

But what does this mean?


“… !”

One of the officers shouted like a scream.

The orcs who had approached the castle wall were building ladders.

At the same time, hooks with pointed ends flew over the walls.

“Stop! Don’t let it come up!”

“Raise the window!”

“The Knights, aim for the ladder first!”

“The hook… .”


With the weight of the orc, the end of the hook was firmly caught on the wall, and it was impossible to remove it by hand.

“… cut!”

As the threat approached right in front of their noses, soldiers and even commanders shouted as if their feet were on fire.

Push off the ladder and shoot an arrow at the orc who threw the hook.

Because it was an arrow shot right in front, most of the orcs could not block it and their bodies were pierced.

However, the distance was close enough that the Orcs were able to counterattack.

Without hooks or ladders, the orcs grabbed the short spears at their waists and took a javelin stance.

“… Don’t stick your head out!!!”

The officer who saw the scene suddenly shouted, but it was buried in the noise of the battlefield, and a hook flew right in front of it. How easy it was.

“Cut it! … Cuckoo!?”


A soldier leaned forward, his body pierced by a javelin and fell.

The soldier soon met death by being torn to pieces by the orcs crowded under the walls.

“… Hee!”

“What, what are you doing… !”

The soldiers who caught a glimpse of it became contemplative and muttered in trembling voices.

All the soldiers assigned to the fortress were strong soldiers who had defended the border for more than several years, but it was because they had never seen such a vicious monster in their lives.

Normally, monsters in the winter show their appetites, but there were no cases where they expressed their lives like that.

“Be careful!”

One by one, the soldiers died from the spears the Orcs threw from below.

It is true that the defending side had an advantage, but the difference in numbers and strength was so great that a one-sided offensive was not made.

Naturally, the soldiers shrank, and Orcs climbed up ladders and hooks in the gap.

“Oh, it comes up!”

“Prick it with a spear!”

“Pour the oil on the ladder!”

hooked! Pupuk!

The guys climbing up the hook stabbed them with long spears from behind and poured oil prepared in advance on the ladder.


The orc that was coming up was covered in oil and his hand slipped and fell.

Soldiers ignite arrows and shoot them at puddles of oil on the floor.



The oil-covered orc’s body caught fire and glowed here and there.

Seeing that, the soldiers increased the rate at which they fired flaming arrows.


However, the Orcs did not stand still.

Some of the strong orcs climbed the ladder several steps at once and in an instant climbed to the top of the castle wall.




The soldiers instinctively flinched at the orcs who had risen to the top of the castle wall almost flying up.

As soon as the orc let out a scream, his expression turned pale and he threw out the spear as hard as he could to save his life.

But the orcs were strong.

As long as the walls that protected the soldiers were gone, they could not compete with the strong Orc warriors.


“… !!”

As the blunt ax blade was swung from left to right, a soldier’s upper and lower bodies were separated and fell down the wall.

A jaw-dropping sight.

One of the commanders let out a scream.

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“Stop! Stop the knights!”

“… !”

They were absolutely impossible to engage in hand-to-hand combat at the level of ordinary soldiers.

To stop it, the knights had to block it.

The knights who grasped the situation quickly ran over the wall and sprayed their swords against the orcs coming up.


“Don’t even let your feet set on the wall!”

“There it is too!”


At first, I wanted to be a mess, but with the knights’ struggle, the top of the castle began to evolve slowly.

The soldiers also poured stones at the orcs climbing up the ladder and stabbed them with spears.

The soldiers’ spears were not powerful enough to pierce the thick skin of the orcs and inflict fatal wounds, but the height of the walls was so high that the falling orcs were almost dead.


“Push everyone together!”

The soldiers remove the ladders and hooks, the knights deal with the guys climbing up, and the rangers shoot arrows at the orcs who appear to be strong soldiers.

Even if no one commands it, it knows its own role and moves.

“… Whoa.”

It was only then that the leader sighed and looked into the distance.

There, like the leader, there was an orc watching the chaos with his back stiff.

A giant orc among orcs.

Ballack… It wasn’t, but it looked like an orc with a water level just below it.

muttered the captain.

“… Is he the commander?”

The captain knew one more thing from the way he stared at the fighting without participating in the battle.

Those guys know that this attack wasn’t very sincere.

It seemed like they were just spraying soldiers to check the opponent’s level and checking how they responded.


The leader crumpled his teeth.

Doesn’t that mean that the Legion’s elite soldiers haven’t even come forward yet?

With that attitude, I could tell that this was the weakest level of attack and that the attack would become stronger in the future.

Is that why?

“… Enemies retreat!”

“No, blocked!”

After several hours of battle, when the orcs who had not crossed the wall retreated and the soldiers cheered, the captain was not happy with the success of the fortress.

Rather, it was complicated.

Today the enemies fought primitive battles without using even the meager siege engines.

Even so, the number of dead or injured soldiers was by no means small.

It is impossible to estimate how much damage will be caused if they launch an all-out offensive.

“… … .”

Can the next attack, and the next attack, be stopped?

The captain wasn’t sure.

Besides, even the Dark Elves haven’t shown up yet.


He sighed and regained his composure, calling an officer.

“Yes, Captain.”

“Send a messenger immediately. Report the invasion across the front lines.”


“and… .”

Should I ask for support?

The leader thought about it for a moment and gave up.

Even now, it belongs to the axis that has been allocated a lot of elite soldiers because it is a key point.

The situation in other places is not better than here, so if you ask for support, the answer will come back saying it’s impossible.

So I added another word.

“… Also, the level of the Orcs is never low, so be careful.”

“All right.”

The number and the fighting power of each person overwhelms the human army, so if you fight on the plains, you will never be able to win.

* * *

[The invasion has begun.]

The next day after arriving at the border.

I have heard that a battle fortress far from here has been invaded by orcs.


[yes. The orcs have just retreated. The size… .]

The explanation of the unit continued.

The size was about 4,000, and it seemed that there were elite soldiers here and there, and the corps commander and dark elves were nowhere to be seen.

[The damage to allies is minor.]

[I guess so.]

[…] ?]

After hearing the explanation, the Orcs didn’t attack with all their might.

If you really wanted to push the fortress away, you wouldn’t have attacked with ‘only’ 4,000 troops.

I seemed to know the intention.

‘… It must have been curious about the castle walls.’

When the siege weapons arrive, the siege will begin in earnest.

Before that, it seemed to be his intention to check the kingdom’s strength and wall condition, even if it meant consuming some general troops.

‘That means… .’

With one plausible assumption in mind, I went straight to Sigrun.

She and the elves were staying in a barracks a bit far from the kingdom’s army.


“This is Roan Karziel.”


“Allied staff.”

“Oh that… .”

The elf, who was wary of strangers, immediately erased his wariness when he revealed his identity and guided me.

Certainly, looking at these things, the king’s influence on them is great.

She didn’t know a thing about me, and her vigilance was gone just because she vouched for it.

“The staff has come to visit you.”

“Come in.”

Upon entering the barracks, a tired Sigrun greets me.

“What is the captain doing?”

“There has just been an orc invasion of the fortress on the other side of the front line.”

“… !”

Hearing those words, she immediately changed her posture and put on a serious expression.

I told my family exactly what I was told a while ago.

Judging from the fact that they are trying to grasp our condition, it seems that the orcs are about to start a full-scale attack soon.

“So, we have something to do.”

“A thing to do? what is that?”

“I’m aiming for the back.”

Sigrun narrowed his brows and replied.

“You mean a surprise attack? It won’t work. rather… .”

“no. It is not a surprise.”

“… … ?”

I know that ambush is dangerous.

If we recklessly go out to the plain, we may face a crushing defeat.

“It’s not the army that’s aiming.”

The fact that the enemy threw some of their troops to check the condition of the walls would mean that the siege engines would soon arrive.

so… .

“… So, we are aiming for the siege engines that are coming.”


It is not difficult to find either.

There is only one road that goes around the mountain range that is large enough to carry heavy siege weapons.

There may be an escort force, but if you select the elite among the knights and elves, they will be enough to deal with.

“It would be best to steal it, but that would be realistically impossible, so burning it would be best.”

“… … .”

“It takes a while to get away, but considering that the fortress that was attacked today is far away from us, I think it will be fine if we get back quickly.”

Isn’t it the specialty of elves to ride back through the mountains?

I thought it was the perfect role for me.

Sigrun seemed to have the same idea, so she quickly gave an estimate and replied.

“I think it’s worth a try.”

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