Episode 120. invasion (5)

“Even if we fail, we’ll have enough to escape.”

That’s what it says. Because they are a forest species.

However, apart from that confidence, I couldn’t start right away.

“… first. I think it would be better for us to decide the number of people first.”

“Are you not talking to the commander?”

“yes. There’s no way to explain it. Commander-nim, you don’t know anything about my subordinates.”

“ah… .”

Even if you don’t have to be too impatient, the news will come within a day.

So, after making plans for what to do among ourselves, as soon as the messenger arrives, we can explain to the commander a little while ago and depart.

“All right. So how many people will you need?”

“It’s mainly for those who are quick on their feet. It doesn’t have to be a lot of numbers.”

Since we are not going to engage in an all-out war, the minimum number is fine.

Even if it is a platoon unit (2 to 30 people), there is no problem in destroying the weapon and escaping.

However, it would be good if you have fast feet and strong stamina to perform such a process.

“All right. Let’s try to figure out the number of people.”


As soon as I returned to the Knights’ barracks, I found Yuriel and Lord Dyke.

And I found a map and opened it.

“Everyone come and see.”

“… … ?”

Uriel and Sir Dyke approached at once, even though they had suspicious expressions.

I pointed to the map and explained.

“I have something to go out.”

“If you’re going out… .”

“I’m leaving the castle. Here, here, here… . Up to this point.”

The place I picked up was a way to turn around and ride the mountain range to the plains.

Considering the surrounding topography, it was a must-have path, so I planned to move as quickly as possible, settle down, and wait for the opponent.

“Choose the number of people.”

“How many are there?”

“As long as it happens. I’m going to skip one more time after seeing the number of people over there.”

“ah… . All right.”

we are quiet However, he moved more busily than anyone else.

In preparation for the forthcoming campaign, the weapons were redone and personnel were selected.

‘hmm… .’

Me, Yuriel, and Fei should go, of course, and Berger put them on the list.

With the exception of a few monsters, they are among the nimble side of our knights, and they have a good level of weaponry, so it will be helpful.

“Am I not going?”

“Aris… .”

It’s honestly disturbing.

I’m not going to a forest fire, so of course she doesn’t take me.

“I want you to watch Dante.”


“Because Noah will go with you. You are not very useful in the mountains.”

“… It doesn’t.”

Dante readily admitted.

The dense mountain range was not a very good environment for him, who had large movements and heavy swordsmanship.

I’m not agile enough to take that into account.

Since there weren’t many members of the Knights, the number was quickly decided.

The messenger he had been waiting for arrived at night.

* * *

almost midnight.

A messenger has arrived.

“A messenger?”

“The fortress has been attacked!”

“… !”

It was late, but the seriousness of the situation led to a command meeting.

In fact, it is correct to assume that there is little danger of being attacked right away because the area where the attack was made is far from here.

However, the news brought by the messenger made the commanders very anxious.

“4,000 troops.”

“Even the elite said they felt threatened even though they didn’t step forward.”

The messenger also warned them not to confront the orcs on the plains.

He must have been fairly shocked by Balak’s Legion, seeing as his choice of words was quite radical.

Although he became somewhat passive, the messenger’s words were not so wrong.

Doing an honest turn with the Orcs on the plains was an idea that only Golbin commanders would do.

Or that he had a really overwhelming level of regular soldiers.

We are not in either case.

‘I can’t win at all.’

But that doesn’t mean you have to do ‘only’ Mercury.

Depending on the situation and terrain, we can fight outside the walls well enough.

“It is said that most of the orcs are over 2m tall, so we are equipped with long spears accordingly… .”

When the commanders are giving various opinions.

I met Sigrun’s eyes.

“… … .”

Then she nods.

From noble mtl dot com

I quietly raised my hand.


“… So, um? What is it, Captain?”

“I have something to tell you.”

“Is it important?”

“yes. It is a matter to be decided in haste.”

The commander frowned for a moment, but then urged him to explain.

‘thank god.’

I wondered what I would do if I didn’t listen, but it seems that the weight of the temporary position and the crush I felt on the first day were not lies.

He let out a sigh of relief and opened his mouth.

“This is just my guess… .”


The explanation started like that.

At first, the commanders listened with an expression of wanting to say something, but as the explanation continued, the expression gradually changed to a serious expression.

“It is a race against time.”

“… … .”

“You would never have thought that the kingdom would still climb the mountains and seek reinforcements from behind.”

So you have to quickly hit the back and come back before you notice it.

It is something that can only be done now.

so… .

“Please let me go. I will complete my mission in ten days and return.”

“… … .”

I finally shut this up.

First of all, I said everything I had to say.

“… … .”

The commander was silent for a moment.

So did the other commanders.

Everyone was organizing their thoughts.

how long has it been like that

The commander, who was the first to organize his thoughts, opened his mouth.

“Wouldn’t that be dangerous?”

“yes. However, I decided it was worth a try even at the risk.”

“… What do you mean?”


The commander frowned at the meaning hidden in that word and asked.

I caught my breath and answered.

“… I’m sorry, Commander, but it’s because the kingdom’s walls are weak.”

“… … !”

The shocking remarks from the young leader’s mouth stir up excitement around them.

No matter how temporarily the position was raised, it was common sense that this was not something a commander who was on the frontline for the first time this year would say to a commander who had been defending the frontline for decades.

A disturbing air flows in the barracks.

“buy… . No, Lord Roan.”

“… it’s okay.”

Sensing such an atmosphere, Sigrun stepped forward and tried to help, but I stopped her.

It was because the commander’s expression was still calm.

After a while he calmed down the confusion and asked.

“… Quiet everyone! Captain, please explain in detail. What do you mean?”

“It’s a simple story.”

The walls of the kingdom were built to prevent the invasion of demons, beasts, and dark elves in winter.

Therefore, the wall is high, but relatively thin, to prevent people from secretly climbing over the wall.

The problem arises here.

“Even now, extensions are being made, but compared to the walls of the Empire, it will be quite weak.”

“… !”

I said with confidence.

Because I’ve experienced it myself.

It is certain that the walls of the kingdom will not last for a few days and will be pushed away like cans of millet if the weapons arrive in time.

“… yes. Our walls were not built to deal with orcs.”


“… … .”

So even if you take a little risk, you have to get out of the castle wall.

Only then did the commander, who understood the true meaning of my words, look depressed.

“… I didn’t have a choice in the first place.”

At this time, some commanders expressed objections, but the commander’s decision did not change.

“I have never seen any siege weapons. Aren’t you being too pessimistic?”

“Wouldn’t that be better than being optimistic?”

I got up and answered.

I will definitely come back with success.

“Sooner or later, I will bring you good news.”

* * *

Since 1:00 was urgent, Sigrun and I left the barracks before the meeting was over.

dark savage.

It was time to sleep most of the time, but there was no time to delay.

“I can’t help it. Let’s go right away.”


Gather a pre-determined number of people.

A 30-member unit consisting of 7 knights and the rest being elves.

This was by no means a small number as only high-level personnel were selected.

“… Let’s go.”

We escaped through the back door, avoiding possible enemy scouting.

And after getting out, I quietly headed for the dense mountain range.

It took a few hours to arrive at the beginning because we moved without riding a horse.

The beginning of the Sakkaman Mountains.

Because the son-in-law was as quiet as a rat, the cries of wild monsters could be heard from inside.

Aww… .

“… !”

In the bleak atmosphere, I could see some of the members trembling.

There’s no way they were frightened by demonic beasts, but it was said that the thick darkness ate up their vision and brought about all sorts of ominous imaginations, so it seemed that they were instinctively intimidated.

“… By the way, Roan looks good.”

“… huh? Oh, what am I?”

Like Uriel said, it was an incomprehensible sensation to me.

In the first place, everything was clearly visible to my eyes, and the darkness was an environment that made me feel comfortable.

“It rained a few days ago, so it will be a bit slippery. Everyone be careful.”


We went into the mountains.

I, who can see in the dark, took the lead and pointed to the ridge in the distance and said,

“My goal is to cross that peak within tonight.”

“… Are you talking about today?”

In the far distance, one of the members muttered blankly, but my decision did not change.

“I have to go early and wait at the corner of the road, so I have to go quickly.”

“… … .”

“Hmm, wasn’t the usual training lacking?”

“Oh, no.”

The member hastily changed his words.

After resolving the minority opinions, we accelerated in earnest.

* * *

After launching the first assault on the battle fortress, Balak invaded several others with similarly sized forces.

There was no place to break the defense at this time, but the information was definitely obtained.

‘Kuruk. Compared to the Empire, the walls are much thinner.’

‘Even a few chumps would be enough… .’

Compared to the thick walls of the empire, which even bounce off stones from catapults, this place is insignificant.

Ballack immediately stopped attacking.

ten days.

No, just wait a week or so and the siege weapons will arrive.

In other words, it was only a matter of time before the kingdom’s defense line was breached, so there was no need to waste troops.

“Cancel all departures.”

“Kirik. All right.”

“and… .”

I have nothing to do for the time being anyway, so it would be okay to enjoy entertainment for a while.

Balak asked the goblin.

“Are there any prisoners left?”

“Kirik! of course. I tried to kill myself, but I let it live.”


Entertainment was nothing.

Instead of torturing or executing captives, the orcs would drag them close to the walls and fight for their lives.

This was entertainment for them, and at the same time, it was a way to lower the morale of the enemy and raise the morale of the allies.

said Balak.

“Bring out all the prisoners. Let’s see the skills of the knights of the kingdom.”

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