Episode 121. invasion (6)

After the Orcs’ attack on the left fort on the front, there were several more attacks of a similar scale.

However, instead of engaging in an all-out war, the enemy held a sit-in for several hours and retreated repeatedly.

A few days passed like that.

And for some reason, the orcs haven’t been moving much lately.

No attack, no particular spying here.

After the commanders’ meeting, Ian muttered as he moved to the barracks with his aide, Caliburn.

“It’s been quiet for days.”

“That’s right. anxious.”

“… … .”

As Caliburn said, this was unexpected.

why don’t you attack?

He shouldn’t have been taken aback by the strong resistance of the kingdom’s army.

The first reason is that Orcs are not a race that will shrink for that reason, and the second reason is that the kingdom’s potential is objectively not that strong.

Except for a few strategic areas, most areas were in a form of hastily adding conscripted personnel to the existing troops, so it was not at the level of being a strong force.

“Ah, maybe that’s why the regular soldiers suffered a lot.”

“… I guess so.”

Even if he was a seasoned soldier or knight, the current situation would have been difficult.

Not too long ago, there was no way that those who plowed the fields would have been able to fight a proper battle against Balak’s troops, called the Legion of Reversal.

Killed or wounded by blind spears, staggered and stabbed by own or friendly weapons.

The number of injured soldiers that appeared like that was quite a lot more than expected.

“after… .”

Caliburn let out a deep sigh, perhaps recalling the chaotic battle of the past.

Perhaps trying to change the mood, he brought up another story.

“Still, I’m glad the captain is here. I couldn’t count them, but at least a hundred soldiers didn’t they?”

Of course, Ian was the most active player in the last battle.

In addition to the tens of thousands of Orc warriors he shot and killed with his arrows, he also captured the most Orcs who climbed the wall.

In the meantime, Caliburn’s words that he would have saved one hundred soldiers because he even cut the spear flying toward the soldiers were not bluffing.

This was the best possible outcome of an individual’s ability.

Ian answered without inspiration.

“It was something I had to do, of course.”

“… hmm. Is that so.”


lined up above.

And as a knight, it was only natural to protect soldiers and borders.

… Besides, no matter how much I knew that Roan was an apostle.

As an older brother, there was no reason why he couldn’t carry at least one of the heavy burdens on his younger brother’s shoulders.

I haven’t heard the news yet, but Roan must be moving busier than anyone else somewhere on the front line.

While talking a few words, they arrived in front of the barracks.

He said looking at Ian at Caliburn.

“I will distribute the minutes of the meeting to the members. Rest, Captain.”

“okay. to suffer.”

Caliburn gathers members.

Ian looked at it for a moment and then moved to another place.

During my spare time, I intended to directly observe the condition of the wounded and conscripts as a mid-level commanding officer’s duty.

kill the gicheok

Ian thought as he quietly walked towards the soldiers.

‘I hope it’s okay.’

Even though they won the battle, they saw the strength of the corps clearly, so they thought it wouldn’t be strange if they were left behind.

However, contrary to such worries, the atmosphere of the soldiers was not so bad.


To the point where I felt that all the worries and the serious atmosphere at the commander’s meeting were useless.

“Huh, I should have put a spear in that orc guy’s face.”

“I am, you? I’ll be fine. You were shaking like a little girl?”


Seeing the soldiers joking with each other and talking about what happened after the war ended, Ian was momentarily confused.

‘Did I underestimate it too much?’

I wondered if he was worried because he underestimated the mental strength of the soldiers.

But no.

There was another reason why they looked good.

Ian realized that at the soldier’s words that followed.

“after. But this time I lived. Will it be okay next time? we.”

“Maybe I won the next battle too? Because Sir Ian is there.”

“… !”


From noble mtl dot com

“Ah, that young knight. Hey, you should have seen it yourself? Those big orcs can’t do anything and are swept away… !”

At the words of the excited soldier, Ian, who was standing behind him and listening to their conversation, stopped breathing.

Hearing those words made my heart sink.

“… … ?”

I couldn’t figure out the cause, so I thought about it for a while, and I realized the reason when I found the fingertips that were shaking thinly.

because it was too heavy.

that expectation.

‘… this.’

I had no idea.

How did those soldiers not lose morale in this situation?

Ian let out a laugh.

‘… I’ll protect you?’

I don’t know anything.

It is obviously impossible for a knight, no matter how advanced, to change the battle situation with his own power.

Ian knows it, and all the other commanders know it.

But the soldiers didn’t know.

So they gave unfounded trust, and they were reassuring themselves.

I mean it will protect you.

… Actually, the person who is expected is not capable enough to take responsibility.

I felt like I had heard something unpleasant and strange, something I shouldn’t have heard.

‘… Was it like this?’

Even a single knight was like this, but I couldn’t even imagine how much pressure the apostle felt.

While everyone is looking for and leaning on him, it is all the more so since he himself cannot rely on others.

“… … .”

Ian, who had been standing like a nail for a long time, moved on.

My stomach was disturbed, so I thought it might be luck.

But before moving a few steps.

… Woooooo!!!

Ian’s steps came to a halt at the sound of a horn coming from above the watchtower.

And immediately ran in the direction of the sound.

‘Is something here!?’

However, I couldn’t see anything even when I looked outside the wall, so I asked the soldier at the watchtower.

“soldier! Can you see something!?”

“Oh that… !”

The soldier who played the flute pulled his head out to check in the distance, and then shouted down.

“The orcs are approaching! The numbers… . There are not many of them!”

“Yes, huh?”

“Something is wrong… . ah… . Looks like they brought prisoners!”

… Captive?

I was momentarily confused and speechless.

Are you here for a prisoner exchange?

But we have no prisoners to exchange, is that possible?

It was strange that the orcs would come up with such an idea in the first place.

He must have other plans.

By the time the soldiers and knights came up armed and the commanders rushed out, Ian began to see the other person in his eyes.

As the soldier said, there were only a few orcs.

Dozens or so by eye mass.

But behind him, he saw friendly rangers who were dragged in one after another.

In the early days of reconnaissance of the enemy’s movement, they were soldiers who were caught because they could not gauge the opponent’s level and approached closely.

“What is going on?”

The late commander asked, but there was no way he could tell it was Ian.

After shaking his head, he asked in reverse.

“How do I do this?”

“… Just watch.”

Some of the commanders looked like they were about to kick out the castle gate at the sight of the friendly rangers being dragged away, but the commander remained calm.

It could be an enemy trap, so I quietly watched the actions of the orcs.

Orcs stopped midway.

the commander asked Ian.

“Can you reach me?”

“I can reach it, but the power is weak, so I can dodge or block it enough.”

Seeing that the distance fell just right, it seemed that the orcs knew that and stopped there.

‘What are you thinking?’

Are you planning on holding an execution ceremony in front of your allies?

It was bubbling inside, but in fact, it was a common thing to do during war, especially on the siege side.

So he suppressed his anger, but the Orcs’ intention was not that great.

“… What!?”

The prisoners were lined up, and the commander’s eyes widened in astonishment at the subsequent actions of the orcs.

right! right!

They shouted with a mixture of speculation as they pointed the tips of their ax blades here.

We couldn’t communicate with each other, but we could understand the meaning of their actions.

Let’s take prisoners and fight.

“That cheeky… !!”


Young knights inevitably go after seeing the appearance of taunting and waving the flag of an ally captured during the siege.

“… Commander!”

Then, he glances at the commander as if he is going to run away at any moment.

This was no different than Ian.

But there were people who stopped it.

“It’s not possible.”

“… !”

As soon as his hand went up to the window, his adjutant, Caliburn, spoke firmly.

never to step out

“It could be the enemy’s aim. The commander must not move.”

“… … .”

“Think about your worth.”

Although the words were written, there was nothing wrong with the adjutant’s words.

The commander had to be as cold-headed as anyone on the front.

Also, since the soldier’s life in his hands was never small, he could not act recklessly emotionally.

“Whoa… .”

I barely held back my anger.

One of the orc warriors stepped forward alone and pointed an ax at the prisoners behind him.

He threatened to kill them if no one came out.


“… … .”

The commander, who closed his eyes tightly, made a difficult decision.

I had to fight.

Things that were looked down upon as trivial things are ridiculed like that, but if nothing is done, the soldiers may become agitated.

Of course, losing was a problem, but there was no other way.

I can only hope that the knights win.

“Only applicants will be accepted.”

* * *

It was not difficult to recruit people.

‘I’ll go.’

‘me too… !’

It was because all the young knights raised their hands and applied.

They were confident that they could win even in the midst of their anger.

I know that Balak’s Legion is strong, but I didn’t think they would lose in a one-on-one match.

But the results were grim.

Young knights who had not matured yet were no match for Orc warriors.

The knights who confidently stepped forward were slaughtered by the Orcs one by one.

A suppressed sigh flowed from the allies.

“Keuk!?ぅ… !”

“ah… !”

Just like that, before long, even the last remaining knight had his throat pierced.

The number of Orc warriors that seven stood up to turn was only one.

… Wow!!

The orc warrior who had won the duel with the last opponent let out a wild roar towards the castle wall.

“… !”

The senior knights who watched the duel flinched.

They wanted to run away right away, but they couldn’t.

If they step out, the opponent will send out the elite warriors waiting behind them accordingly.

In the end, it’s a step back.

‘… Horrible.’

Ian trembled with helplessness.

Have you ever been so angry with yourself in your life?

right! right!

Orcs screamed as if ordering the next opponent to come out.

It was hard to bear the mocking cries as if they were directed at him.


“There is a corps commander behind me.”

“… … .”

“It’s not that I don’t trust you, but it’s still too dangerous.”

Ian took a deep breath.

It wasn’t to hold back my anger.

It was to clear my head and think about the right way to act.

‘If you… .’

The worry was soon over.

Because the answer is easy.

‘… I’m sure he did it like this.’

said Ian, who made the decision.

“I’m sorry, Commander.”

“What!? for a moment… !”

A voice of astonishment could be heard from behind, but Ian did not care.

He jumped down the wall and headed for the orcs.

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