Episode 122. Kingdom Shield (1)

Ian took off his cloak with the family crest on it, left it in front of the castle wall, and started walking towards the orcs.

“Sir Ian!?”

“What are you doing now… !”

The commander and other commanders panicked and shouted at the sudden situation, but Ian did not slow down.

One of the commanders said urgently to the commander.

If Ian lost too, it was certain that the situation would spiral out of control.

“How do I do this? It’s not too late. Shouldn’t it dry?”

No matter how great a knight has crossed the master’s threshold, only about a year has passed.

Compared to the real strong, there is still no choice but to be inferior.

Even if you can beat the elite warriors, of course, it will be difficult against the generals and corps commanders behind them.

That’s why the commanders all held back.

The commander looked at Ian’s back as he left, pondered for a moment, then shook his head.

“Just watch.”

“Wouldn’t that be dangerous?”

“… that would be dangerous But, it will be fine.”

The Commander knows Ian well.

He is never a knight who does things only with emotion.

He is a person who is too strict with himself to the point of not being able to do that.

So even if it seems like an act done out of anger, there must be some basis.

No, I had to.


The commander thought to himself.

Please turn this situation around now.

* * *

“… sorry.”

Avoiding the corpses of the cold allied knights, he arrived in front of the Orc warrior.

As I quietly grabbed the spear pole, the orc in front of me spoke with his buck teeth exposed.

“Kuruk. Are you next?”

“… ?”

‘Do orcs talk?’

His pronunciation was muffled, but he clearly spoke in the imperial language.

I was surprised at the moment, but I remembered that the orcs of the Legion are highly intelligent and often come face to face with humans, so there is a corner where they can talk to each other unexpectedly.

I had heard from the Sword Saint before.

I told you to be careful because the more fluent you are, the longer you live.

As I calmly recalled the memory of that time, the guy continued.

“I am a quadr.”


From noble mtl dot com

“human. what is your name?”

“… under.”

Certainly they were different from the wild orcs.

They look similar, but it’s safe to say they’re completely different species.

It’s the first time I’ve seen an okrani that demands a full name because it’s not enough to speak human words, and I couldn’t even imagine it.

He replied with a laugh.

“There’s no name to tell a guy who’s about to die.”


The orc frowned fiercely for a moment, then exploded into a frenzy.

Soon after fixing the ax that had been soaked in the blood of the knights, he radiated speculation and strode forward.

“Kuruk. You’re the best cubic tablet ever, human. You just need to have some skills.”

Otherwise, he added that he would not be able to avoid dog death like them.

“That’s nothing for you to worry about.”

I answered, calming my gurgling stomach.

In my heart, I wanted to get rid of the guy who was talking like that with his incompetent skills, but… .

‘You have to be calm.’

To be honest, beating him is not that difficult at my level.

The problem is:

It becomes a problem when the commanders of the corps behind them start moving too quickly.

You can catch one or two people, but after that it’s impossible depending on your strength.

In the end, I will die along with the knights who preceded me.

‘I can’t do that.’

You have to think soberly.

The value of my life is not light enough to be worth catching a few leaders.

You have to take responsibility.

The war has now begun.

As much as I was determined to spend my life for the sake of the kingdom from the moment I picked up the spear, I had to win the duel, save the prisoners, and return alive.

‘To do so… .’

You need to be a little cowardly.

It was for that reason that he did not tell me his name and took off his cloak with the family crest engraved on it.

“… Kuwaaa!”


An orc screaming and running.

Since the strength and stamina of an orc is different from that of a human, even if it is only one or two feet, it is narrowed by more than ten meters in an instant.

But that’s it.

The physical ability was superior to the opponent, but the realm was several steps lower.

“… … .”

I fixed the window sill.

When the orc’s ax blade was swinging with force, he leaned back.

Then, he pointed his spear at the opponent’s ax blade.

Pan… !

As it spreads out, the blue mana naturally dwells on the spearhead and its tip.

Because he was controlling his power, the power was much weaker than the level he had reached, but it didn’t matter.

“It should be enough against you.”



The spear blade pushed the opponent’s ax blade at an angle and turned its trajectory.

Attacks that are not directed are meaningless, so this was sufficient for defense.


An ax stuck right next to where you were standing.

With a roar, a thick cloud of dust rose up in the area, obscuring the view.


The orc furrowed his brow with a look of bewilderment as if his hands were tingling.

I moved right away.


With one simple step, I widened the distance and moved my back and shoulders.

The muscles of the whole body hold elasticity and are pulled tight like a bow.

It was a skill that had been practiced thousands or tens of thousands of times, so the connection between the skills after the defense was as clear as running water.


It was only then that the orc realized that the opponent was strong and was startled.

But it was too late.

I threw a spear at the opponent’s wide open chest.


The spear cut through the opponent’s bones and tough skin and pierced the heart with one stroke.

As the dust settles belatedly, an orc collapses in despair with a groaning death beyond it.

thud… !

“… Kuruk?”

I could feel the atmosphere of the orcs watching the duel change from a distance to a smiling day at the shaking of the ground.


He took a deep breath and quickly regained the momentum he had instantly raised.

don’t get excited

There were still many prisoners to be rescued.

“I won the duel!”

He strode towards the orcs and shouted in a loud voice.

“Will warriors who know honor not keep their promise!”

“… ! Keep your promises, human!”

Only then did the orcs come to their senses and freed a few prisoners.

“Go, thank you! Knight!”

“Go back to the castle and inform them of the situation.”

“Yes, yes!”

“How many prisoners are left?”

“There are 20 left.”

They released 2 people, so I had to win 10 more times to save everyone.

‘No. 10.’

If only the corps commander didn’t come forward, he could do this much.

And while the countermeasures for the corps commander came out, he thought of them in advance.

At the orcs whose atmosphere had changed, I shouted warmly.

“… Isn’t the next opponent coming out!”

It’s a bit like a gamble, though.

It might work now.

“They said it was an army of reversals, so they couldn’t deal with even one of the intermediate commanders of the kingdoms on the periphery of the continent!?”

“… !”

I am unusually young among knights of the highest age, and the orcs have little information about the realm.

I also adjusted my strength and left behind things that symbolized my family, so there was plenty of room for me to be mistaken for an ordinary knight.

Even if you realize it, it will be after I rescue all the prisoners.

As expected, an orc who appeared to be an ordinary warrior reacted violently to the provocation and came out as the next opponent.

“Kureuk! There’s no word that can’t be called a pierced mouth, human!”

“Who are you?”

“I am… .”

After a conversation in a similar context to the one before.

The duel began immediately.


‘… hmm?’

The spearhead trembled at the tremendous force, and the opponent was definitely stronger than the orc called Quadre earlier.

Indeed, the warriors of the Legion had unexpected skills.

‘… quite.’

But even so, it was no match.

Although fighting by limiting various things such as secret and mana to hide the game, their movements were clearly visible due to the basic difference in level.

After exchanging dozens of sums.


“… Knock off!?”

It perfectly grasped the opponent’s movements and was able to pierce the neck.

As in the previous duel, he quickly gained momentum and shouted.


“I’ll deal with you this time!”

The next opponent was a bit stronger.

However, the level of difference was clear.

It was still an easy opponent.


the next opponent.

“… next!”

And the next opponent.

But after that it was different.


The guys who felt that the opponent’s skills were not serious skipped the elite warriors and immediately sent the general manager.

These were the most elite warriors, the next corps commanders, corresponding to the level immediately below the corps commander.

“That’s quite right, human.”

“… … .”

“I am… .”

Therefore, their attacks were too fast to drain with limited mana, and it was difficult to destroy them with spears that hid their state.

Fatigue gradually accumulates in the body.

He knew how to make good use of the power and speed emanating from his overwhelming weight class.


“… !”

When the spear and the ax blade collided head-on, a tremendous shock hit the body.

Regardless of my will, my knees bent momentarily and my breath stopped.


In the wind, the mana he had been suppressing to hide his realm went wild.

This was a great defense mechanism built into his instincts through various training and combat experience, but it didn’t help now.


If caught, the corps commander will come out.

I barely suppressed the rampaging mana and looked at the surrounding atmosphere.

Still, no Orcs noticed the situation, probably because they responded quickly.

‘It’s fortunate.’

I let out a sigh of relief inside.

After exchanging dozens of sums, I made a hole in the guy’s heart.

The next opponent was also a leader-level orc.

“Ha ha ha! Truly an example of a warrior. human!!!”

“… … .”

He burst into a frenzy, talking about whether he was excited about the duel, but by this time I was coughing because I felt sick to my stomach.

A little swaying eyes.

Breathing was already hard.

‘How many times is it already?’

I do not know.

I didn’t have time to think like that.

but… .

“… … .”

I can’t change the situation, but I can save at least the soldiers in front of me.

stop breathing for a moment

I followed the movement of the orc with my eyes wide open.

The moment I found a gap like that, I moved forward and stretched out my spear, avoiding the opponent’s ax blade.

The opponent could not escape this exquisite blow.


“… What!?”

An orc dying in despair.

After I took a moment to breathe.

He said to the agitated orcs.

“… next!”

As the kingdom’s, royal family’s shield.

I took up a spear to guard.

so… .

‘I’ll save you.’

I had to fulfill my calling.

* * *

I thought something was strange.

It wasn’t until the final duel that Balak realized what was wrong.

‘… That’s right.’

that spear.

Although he pretended to be mediocre, he was able to glimpse the extraordinary when he delivered the final blow.

‘It’s a warrior’s spear technique.’

Did you call yourself a mid-level commander?

It’s definitely not a lie.

But he told less of the truth.

‘It was a knight who had reached the state.’

From noble mtl dot com

Considering his level of spearmanship with that depth, his true identity was easily inferred.

Balak knew it well, having heard it from Ymir before.


Are you sure it was a family called the kingdom’s shield?

It certainly looked like that.

He fought several duels without being caught until the end, and as a result, he rescued all the prisoners before the corps commander stepped forward.

“Whoa, whoa… .”

A knight of the kingdom gasping for breath without clearing his wariness toward this side.

said Balak.

“Send it.”

He was cunning, but he was a warrior.

A warrior who knows true honor.

So, I had to keep my promise.

“yes? However, the author… !”

“The result doesn’t change anyway.”

“ah… .”

Anyway, the purpose of this duel was to relieve one’s boredom for a while.

As long as the weapons arrive, the kingdom will end regardless of the outcome of this duel.

“Go back.”

“Kuruk. yes. go back!”

Balak turns around without regret.

But he didn’t know.

That there is not one shield.

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