Episode 123. Kingdom Shield (2)

It has already been three days since they left the fort and entered the forest.

We rode the rugged mountain range and moved towards our destination in the shortest distance.

On the way, they were attacked by monsters in the forest a few times, but there was no damage because the combat power of the members was high.

However, the stamina consumption of the members was faster than expected, as if the harsh environment and the constantly swarming monsters caused tension.

“omg… . omg.”

“… … .”

After moving through the night, around dawn, breathing was heard here and there.

Yuriel checked the condition of the tired members and said.


“uh. I need to rest. Let’s stop.”

I had to get some sleep while resting.

Anyway, it took just one more day to reach the destination, so there was nothing to be in a hurry about.

So, it would be better to let him manage his condition on his own in preparation for the upcoming battle.

Since they did not bring their own military equipment for fast movement, the members lay down on fallen leaves or climbed high trees to take a break.

That’s how everyone except the guard fell asleep late.

I had plenty of stamina, so instead of sleeping, I received reports from my friends who planted them all over the frontlines.

“… … .”

Fortunately, nothing major happened.

It is said that there was a case when the commander of the corps appeared on the front line and asked for a duel by staking prisoners, but it was said that this was resolved well with Ian stepping forward.

[Is your brother all right?]

[yes. It seems a bit overbearing, but it’s okay.]

Well, it’s fortunate, but after hearing the detailed explanation, it was a little creepy.

Going alone to rescue prisoners in a place where the opponent’s elite gathered.

If Balak, who values the honor of a warrior, wasn’t there, he might have died.

[From now on, I will report anything about my older brother at any time.]

[Ah, I see. sorry.]

[Nothing to apologize for.]

Because I didn’t tell you beforehand.

After hearing the situation on the other wire, I disconnected it.

And just in time, an elf on top of a tree approached.

“Sir Roan.”

For a human, he was an elf who also served as a Ranger soldier.

he said quietly

“I found something up there.”


“… It would be good to see it for yourself.”


I followed him up the tree.

He pointed to one side of the branch.


As his eyes followed his fingers, he saw a black discoloration on the branch.

‘This… .’

Anyone can see that it was Magi.

Looking at the shape, it looks like the traces left by the monster when it released demonic energy under its feet while climbing a tree.

There is only one monster that can pass through such a tall tree.

‘Dark elf.’

Looking at the condition of the traces, it has already been several days since the color has turned gray.

In other words, the Dark Elves had moved along this road a few days ago.

I frowned and thought.

‘Can you believe we came out?’

I don’t think it’s possible because it came out as secretly as possible, but I had to check it first.

Because if the enemy already knows our purpose and is prepared to take it, the lives of everyone here could be in danger.

I’m sorry to wake you up after a long break, but the situation here is more urgent.

I immediately gave instructions to the members and elves.

“Traces of Magi have been found. I guess I’ll have to search around.”

“… … !!”

The members whose expressions change to serious in surprise.

I spoke.

“It’s a trace from a few days ago, but there may be more. So, get together two by two and search the surroundings.”


“If you find a monster, kill it immediately without waiting for instructions.”

The last instruction was in case there were any Dark Elves left around here.

They are especially strong in the dark forest, so if you are late, the one who finds them may be in danger.

“… All right.”

At my words, the elves and members scattered around with nervous expressions.

The search, which started so early in the morning, stopped when the sun passed over the top of the head.

Fortunately, no monsters were found.

However, several additional traces of Magi were found, and each trace had something in common.

“The direction of movement is constant.”

“The direction?”

“yes. There are subtle differences, but the overall direction is northwest.”

“… … .”

At those words, I realized where these dark elves were headed.

The Dark Elves didn’t notice us, they seemed to be headed that way just to prevent the Empire from coming to their aid.

‘It’s different.’

Although they had different goals, they could have met in the middle even if the time was just a few days apart due to coincidence.

“I’m so glad. And I’m glad I figured out the purpose.”

It was as Sigrun said.

If I hadn’t found this circumstantial evidence, I was thinking of going back to the castle as it is.

No matter how much the existence of siege engines was a threat to the kingdom, there were several people here who shouldn’t have died, and I couldn’t gamble with their lives.

Still, it turned out to be a good thing.

It was confirmed that they crossed paths with each other, and it was now clearly confirmed that the Dark Elves were involved.

“Everyone has suffered. Increase the number of guards and then rest.”

When the situation was sorted out, the members were relieved and finally took a break.

“… … .”

After looking at it for a while, I relaxed and climbed up the tree to sleep late.

rest so well

It was after sunset that day that we started moving again.

* * *

After a good night’s rest, we arrived at our destination after a full night’s travel.

It was a place where there was a flat road that the enemies must pass through, and it was a place that could be seen clearly from the mountain range where we were now located.

Faye looked down and said.

“… But nothing?”

“are you okay.”

On the road, let alone weapons, there were no monsters pulling noses, but there was no trace of heavy objects moving.

So, because we were late, we hadn’t already passed the corner.

“Balak says he’s not doing anything yet, so it’s clear they’re waiting for siege engines.”

If you wait, it will definitely come.

With such conviction, I gathered the members and elves and explained what to do when the enemy appeared.

“It starts with a night raid.”

They are all sharpshooters here, so you can use that to kill the enemy commander as much as possible from a distance and start the fight.

It was said to be a night raid, so it would be difficult to dodge the arrows that basically flew from a dark and high place.

After weed out only the elite soldiers or commanders, they quickly approach and annihilate the enemies and destroy their weapons.

At this time, our purpose is not to annihilate the enemy forces, but to destroy their weapons, so if the enemies give up fighting and run away in all directions, we don’t bother chasing them.

“And, in the unlikely event of an unexpected situation, I will fire a flare. Then you can run away on your own without waiting for separate instructions.”

“All right.”


Everyone here has the ability to take out one of their own bodies, so escaping shouldn’t be a problem.

After explaining the operation, we quietly waited for the enemies to come.

A day passes like that

Another day passed, and on the seventh day after leaving the castle, it was afternoon.

The long-awaited enemy finally showed up.

* * *

“… Captain!”

Verse, who was looking into the distance on top of a tall tree, noticed something and urgently called me.

I sensed the purpose and immediately climbed up the tree and looked ahead.

There, a procession of what appeared to be monsters was entering along the street corner.

‘I’m here now.’

I lifted my head and strengthened my eyesight with mana to take a closer look.

‘Goblins, orcs, gnolls and that… . Is that a night wolf?’

Hundreds of low-level monsters, including goblins, were dragging weapons, and there were orcs around them.

Seeing that all of the orcs, slightly over a hundred, were armed, they were combatants, not workers.

“Berge. Wake up all the members and spread the situation to the elves.”

“… ! All right.”

Even after ordering Bergé, I continued to look at the situation.

Just by looking, I was able to infer quite a few things.

‘There are dozens of orcs who appear to be elite warriors. There is no leader level.’

‘Armed with an axe. Is this natural?’

‘Workers other than Orcs are not armed at all. … Is this to dominate the races with low intelligence but high aggression by force?’

‘then… .’

Quotes came quickly.

I said to Sigrun, who came to my side and looked at me.

“Fortunately, nothing is wrong.”

“You mean that number?”

“yes. There are just too many of them.”

Obviously, the number overwhelms the allies, but when you look at the armed status, you can see that the actual strength is all about 100 orcs.

On the other hand, there are only about 20 people in the allies, but there are four strong people who have reached the level of masters.

“We have the upper hand in power.”

This is not the end.

The battle starts with a surprise attack, and since we are on the side of destroying rather than defending, the combat structure is much more advantageous.

If the members do not make mistakes because they are too nervous, they can catch them all without losing enough power.

“… For some reason, hearing that makes me more nervous.”

Fay said that she was starting to get nervous when the time came, but in fact, Fay didn’t have to be nervous at all.

“Is there anything wrong? And don’t worry, you’re not going to melee.”

“what? why?”

“What if I die from a blind axe? I still have a lot to do in my life.”

“… … .”

“It’s a joke, and you have to look back. We may have to retreat.”

Fei is perfect for such a role.

The bow is the main weapon, so it basically has a wide field of view, and it also has the best sense of movement among the members except for Noah.

“Ah, it stopped.”

Berger said.

After the enemies continued to move, they stopped at a pre-expected place and started preparing for camp as the day was about to end.

“… Keep waiting.”

“… yes.”

Quietly, I waited for the night to come.

A few more hours passed like that, and when the sun went down and the son-in-law got dark.

“… … .”

“… … .”

From noble mtl dot com

quiet son-in-law.

I looked up at the pitch-dark sky where the clouds covered the moon.

He said to the members who were already waiting with the bow string taut.


at the same time.

Arrows imbued with blue mana were fired at the barracks of the demons.

* * *

Love and love… !


“… … ?”

A dull sound awakened one of the guards who had been dozing off.

Didn’t you just hear something break?

“Kureuk… ?”

When you look around in a hazy mind.

fit… .

A blue flash was drawn in the air.

at the same time.

puck! Perpuck!

… Wow!!

Along with the dull sound from before, someone screamed in pain.

It’s the enemy’s night raid.

wait, night raid… ?


Only then did the orc come to his senses and turned his head.

Then, I witnessed dozens of lines of blue light embroidering the air.

“… !!”

The boy’s judgment was quick.

As soon as it sensed a crisis, it lowered its body flat and curled up into a circle.

Pak! Papak!

It was possible that the desperate struggle had not been hit by the arrow.

… Woooooo!!!

The boy hastily blew his horn.

Then, sleeping orcs and other monsters hurriedly jumped out.

“Kureuk! There is a human over there!”

“… !!”

One of the orcs shouted when he saw a silhouette approaching from a distance.

As they said, dozens of people were descending from the mountains.

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