Episode 124. Kingdom Shield (3)

Dozens of people who appeared to be human were approaching from the mountains in the distance.

“It’s an assault!!”

The orc who came to his senses first shouted.

At that cry, the eyes of the orcs who had just woken up and were confused changed sharply.

Since they had been at war with the Empire not too long ago, there was little confusion even though they were ambushed.

The elite warriors who survived the barrage of arrows raised their fighting spirit and prepared for battle, and the remaining ordinary Orcs urged the lower-level monsters brought as porters to lead them.

If they died, it would be difficult to transport weapons, but winning the battle was more important.

“Kureuk! come!”

In the meantime, the opponent was in a state of reaching right in front of me in an instant.

It was dark, and most of them had just woken up, so they couldn’t see clearly, but they could be roughly identified by their silhouettes.

“… Kuruk?”

One of the orcs let out a confused voice.

This is because the shape of the silhouette was quite different from that of humans.

Long ears and too slender lines for a human knight.

“… Elf?”

Humans and elves mixed.

It must be Elvenheim’s reinforcements.

“There is an elf!!”

“… !!”

The eyes of some orcs changed.

It was because the instinct of the race, somewhere in nature, was stimulated, and an unpleasant feeling rose involuntarily.


“… … .”

At the same time as they roared, one of the leading elves burrowed into the ranks of lesser monsters.

tremendous speed.

It was as if he was throwing himself into the enemy camp.

‘It’s an opportunity!’

An elite orc shouted at the appearance of being surrounded by dozens of goblins in an instant.

“Catch as much as you can… .”

But the boy’s cry didn’t last.

I thought a blue flash was drawn in front of my eyes.


The upper bodies of dozens of goblins were cut off at once and flew through the air.

“… !?”

The sound of metal, the sound of wind cutting.

There wasn’t even that common cheering sound.

All I could hear was the horrifying cutting sound of something sharp cutting through bone and flesh.

“… What!?”

Shocked belatedly, the orc involuntarily took a backward step.

Goosebumps ran down his thick forearms.

The attack was so fast that I couldn’t even follow it with my eyes.

The swinging process seemed to be cut off into two scenes, the beginning and the end.

‘… Go, strong!!’

Chew! Chow!

Eerie noises coming from all directions.

Except for the foremost elven warrior, the other raiders were also excellent.

All of them were light-weight and showed no hesitation in their movements, as if their eyes were already bright even in the dark.

‘It’s definitely the best of the enemies!’

And the fact that such an elite force suddenly emerged from a place so far away from the wall means that there was a clear intention.

‘… Did you know we were coming?’

And the intention must be to destroy the siege weapons, judging from the current situation.

In other words, you are already in a trap.

Realizing the situation, he exclaimed.

“Chwik! Warriors, be vigilant!”

“… Chwik!”

While the orcs were preparing for battle, hundreds of low-level monsters had already died or fled.

All that was left were about a hundred orcs and about twenty raiders.

… Chew!!

Shortly thereafter, the last remaining goblin collapses, decapitated.

“… Kreuk.”

“… … .”

“… … .”

There was a lull for a while.

When we are looking at each other and looking at opportunities without saying anything.



An arrow from afar ended this confrontation.

“… !!”

Compared to the insignificant amount of mana, the strangely powerful arrow pierced the entire shield and pierced the nape of an orc warrior.

“… go!”


And with that as a signal, the opponent rushed at once.

Blue flames bloom everywhere when some went back.

In response, the Orcs shouted militantly.

“Kreuk! Fight!”


They thought that, whether it was a surprise attack or something, they could win as long as they fought eye to eye.

It simply had more heads, and it was actually that kind of race.

Because of their innately strong physical abilities, they are a race that can easily win in an all-out war.

So it was.

“… Ho, won’t you run away?”


The one who approached with red-stained eyes and returned an answer with a ferocious smile to the man who was talking that way.

“You will regret it, human.”

… However, it didn’t take long.

Until the orc realized how far-fetched that statement was.

* * *

Indeed, elite warriors, their level was by no means low.

Even so, the battle did not last long and ended before dawn.

It was unfortunate for them, but it was because the opponent’s level was too high.

No matter how elite warriors were, it was difficult to deal with a force that included four master-class knights.

I was even assaulted there.


“Keuk… .”

The clean plains were soaked with the blood of monsters.

After cutting down the orc in front of me with a single blade, I slowly let out a warm breath.

“… after.”

It wasn’t that hard, but the strong smell of blood vibrating from all sides stimulated the instincts of a vampire and made my head dizzy.

The blood-sucking instinct is not a side effect, but an innate habit of the clan.

Because of this, even now that I have fully awakened, this still remains.

‘It’s much better though.’

However, my patience increased a lot.

Even now, my head is still a little hot, but I didn’t feel a huge urge.

“I think it’s over.”

I looked around.

There was only one orc alive.

And even the one remaining guy had his heart pierced by Noah.


“what… .”

“… … .”

Even the moment he was dying, the orc muttered something with a grievous expression on his face.

Noah didn’t wait, as if he wasn’t interested in the other’s will.

As he twisted the pitch-black sword and pulled it out, blood spat out and the last remaining orc collapsed exhausted.

I saw it from afar and then came closer.

“good job.”

“… … .”


“why? stop now.”


“… ?”

It was what he said after seeing him continue to stab the guy who was already on the verge of death, but Noah shook his head and said softly.

And keep doing what you used to do.

‘Does that mean I have to suffer more?’

It doesn’t matter what the reason is… .

I glanced around and said with an old woman’s heart.

“… Do you, never do that in the presence of other people?”

I don’t think it’s necessary to protect the dignity of a monster, so I don’t care what I do with it.

However, that kind of appearance may seem a little creepy to others.

It’s all the more so because it’s the exact opposite of Noah’s usual quiet and calm atmosphere.

“… I will not.”

“That’s it.”

Leaving behind Noah, who is preoccupied with checking and killing (?) here and there, I looked at the siege weapons left unattended with the members.

After examining the weapon carefully, Yuriel muttered, unable to hide her surprise.

“It’s very sophisticated, isn’t it?”

how would you make it

Orcs too.

This was an expression that everyone, not just Yuriel, was curious about.

That would be the case, because the weapon was so large and sophisticated that it could not be made with the skill of an Orc.

From noble mtl dot com

But that’s what it says.

This is not made by orcs.

“yes? Then who made it?”


“Were the dwarves monsters?”

“It’s not a monster.”

It’s not hostile to humans, but it probably had no choice but to make it.

“… … ?”

“You are in the realm of monsters.”

The place where they settled is a rugged canyon in the northernmost part of the continent.

A place out of reach of humans.

However, it is a place where Orcs and other monsters often come and go.

“Because they have to live too.”

“ah… .”

Since they are a race with excellent skills in making things but poor fighting skills, a certain amount of submission would have been necessary in order to survive in the gap of such strong people.

‘I have to go there later too.’

As the scale of the war grows, being able to supply quality weapons will come as a great advantage, so we had to recruit them.

If I were there, the acquisition itself wouldn’t be that difficult.

The difficult thing is to break through the road to get there.

‘… … .’

It’s a situation where I can’t roam freely outside the kingdom right now, but it won’t take too long.

‘Maybe two or three years.’

It’s already been more than 4 years since I possessed it, but that much passes quickly.

Well, anyway, it’s not a problem to think about now.

I stopped thinking and called all the members.

Now that the battle is over, the original objective must be resolved.


“… Are you really burning everything?”

When I handed out the ignition stone I brought, one of the members said that with an expression that he would die of regret.

But there is no other way.

“Well, I can’t help it.”

It’s not a waste to see such well-made weapons.

However, it is impossible to take it, and hiding it and coming to take it later is likely to be discovered by enemies, so it should not be dangerous.

“Don’t be remorseful. With this number of people, it was a good thing.”

“… yes.”

Swallowing regret, he lit a fire.

A roaring fire.

“Now let’s go back. Enemy sentries may see the smoke and come.”


That’s how we returned to the front after a week’s mission.

* * *


“… That, that, has already turned to ashes… .”

Balak hit the table.


“Kiruk… !?”

A shivering goblin stood right in front of him as the splinter of the tree splattered, and let out a shrill voice in surprise.

“… … .”

“I’m sorry!”

Seeing him pathetically asking for forgiveness, Balak calmed down and said,


“… ! yes.”

A goblin who runs away without looking back for fear of being called again.


Last night, a sentinel scouting the area noticed thick smoke coming from behind the garrison.


‘Kuruk. There’s some distance.’

It was late, but something didn’t feel right, so I immediately ordered a search, and the result was just reported.

The warriors who were in charge of the transfer mission were all found dead, and the siege weapons that should have arrived today were all turned to ashes by someone.

It must have been the knights of the kingdom.


Balak thought, clenching his fists.

‘… I was complacent.’

The problem was that he was sure that he would be safe because the Dark Elves were blocking the way to the Empire and Kingdom.

On the other hand, the kingdom was too bold.

Didn’t he deduce our intentions based on the circumstantial evidence alone and smuggled the elite to that faraway place?

If that guess had been wrong, or if he had encountered the Dark Elves on the way, he would have been surrounded in enemy lines and could not have avoided dog death.

‘… You’re crazy.’

The commander who ordered death, and the knights who put it into practice.

It was clear that they all had one screw missing from their heads.

What’s even more annoying is that the crazy instructions worked in the end.

The weapon has already burned out.

It is possible to bring weapons back from the far north of the continent, but then it will be after winter.


Balak, whose expression was wrinkled, clicked his tongue and stood up.

He was not the type to dwell on the past for long.

“I can’t help it.”

If you don’t have weapons, you have no choice but to fight.

This would take more time to capture and increase troop damage, but that wasn’t enough to change the war situation.

‘I can push with force.’

After organizing his thoughts, Balak left the barracks and spoke to the goblin waiting outside.

“Prepare for departure.”

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