Chapter 125. Flowers on the battlefield (1)

After burning all the weapons, we returned to the front as quickly as possible.

The terrain that went down the hill opposite to when I went, so the time it took to return was within two days at most.

After taking dozens of enemy flags, we returned confidently, unlike when we sneaked out of the castle late at night on the first day.

“Open the gates!”

When the alert was informed of the return, all command staff, including the commander, immediately came out.


Perhaps our comeback was faster than expected, and the look on their faces showed bewilderment, and since they must have seen the acting from afar, they also showed a bit of anticipation.

“How did it go?”

Without a long word, I handed over the enemy corps flags I had brought.

“It’s the enemy’s Legion flag.”

“… !!”

A whopping dozens of flags.

What this meant was clear.

Allied overwhelming victory.

In other words, the operation was a success.

“The enemies no longer have siege engines.”


The commander, who was idly looking down at the enemy flag held in his hand, immediately shook his head and said.

“I heard it’s the kingdom’s shield.”

The family’s reputation was not false, but it was the older brother and the younger brother.

“It’s overrated.”

“… Exaggerated? No way.”

This was like saving the entire frontline with a little exaggeration.

Looking at the number of flags, we could see that the number of weapons was by no means small, and if we concentrated on attacking one area with that number, no fortress on the front line would be able to block it.

“You suffered.”

I followed him and the other commanders for a detailed report.

There was one more thing to report besides the mission.

It was the traces of the Dark Elves that he found along the way.

“You found it?”

“yes. It seems to be to prevent any possible support from the empire.”

Because the direction of movement was exactly that.

At this, the commander laughed.

“… under.”

The Legion and the Kingdom hadn’t even started a full-scale war yet.

Nonetheless, some of the main forces were diverted to prevent reinforcements that were not even sure whether they were coming or not.

What this meant could anyone here know.

“Well, you’re looking at the kingdom fairly easily.”

“The previous battles would have been the basis. You must have figured out the level then.”

In fact, compared to the Imperial Army, we are quite easy opponents.

There is a big difference in the number of troops as well as the level of troops.

From Balak’s point of view, it’s harder not to belittle him.

‘But, it’s okay.’

Balak is a clever orc, but he is only as clever as an orc, and his resourcefulness is far below that of a human.

If he is looking down on you, you may have an opportunity to use it to gain several benefits.

“It’s reassuring to hear the captain say that.”

“… hahahaha.”

After talking seriously for a long time, I laughed awkwardly at the commander who said that with a more relaxed expression.

The meaning contained in the words was also burdensome, but more than that, it was because the trust was visible in the eyes looking at me.

The success of this mission must have left a deep impression on him.


I finished speaking with a cough.

“The attack will probably come in a few days.”


“The reason they’ve been quiet so far is because they were waiting for siege weapons.”

However, now that the weapons have been lost, there is no reason to wait.

Since there was no option for the orcs to just back off, it was certain that a response would come soon.

As expected, the next day.

Thoughts came at the same time from the people who were released across the frontlines.

[The fortress is under attack!]

“… !”

The number reached seven.

It wasn’t long before the enemy showed up here at the fort.

“… It’s an oak!”

The corps, which had been quiet for a while, began to attack.

* * *


The watchtower’s soldier blew his horn.

The sound of the flute immediately raised the soldiers who were leaning against the wall, and immediately gathered the knights who were resting in the barracks.

“Red raid! It’s an enemy!”

“Everybody go to location!”

I was already at the castle wall with Sigrun because I was expecting an attack through my followers to some degree.

She opened her eyes, looked into the distance, and said.

“That sounds like a lot. It looks like at least five thousand.”


Compared to previous raids, there was not much difference in numbers, but the quality of the troops was greatly different.

Unlike the last time they attacked for the purpose of reconnaissance, this time there were many Orcs who seemed to be of the warrior class, perhaps because the attack was sincere.

‘That’s fine.’

When soldiers and knights hustle and bustle around.

I stood still and looked for Balak.


I looked around, but as I couldn’t see him, he wasn’t there.

Perhaps he’s aiming for something else, or he’s not planning on stepping out yet, since he hasn’t heard of Balak appearing from his family.

Whatever the reason, there was no reason to be nervous.

Because I was confident that I would not lose on a battlefield without him.


As he looked away after confirming that Balak was gone, the commander shouted.

Arrows rained down at the dark green waves approaching the castle walls.

Among them were many arrows of elves who were good at archery, so the leading orcs fell pick and pick.

“Shoot! Keep shooting!”


But the number was too many.

Obviously, many orcs fell dead, but the size of the green wave did not seem to have decreased at all.

From noble mtl dot com


It could be because he stepped on the corpse of his fallen colleague.

Some of the commanders muttered in bewilderment at that extremely belligerent appearance.

“Muh, what an orc… .”

I’ve heard about ferocity through messengers, but hearing about it in words and actually seeing it are two different things.

As the commanders panic, the soldiers follow suit and begin to agitate.

Sensitively aware of the atmosphere, the commander exclaimed.

“Don’t stop your hands!”

“… !”

Suddenly, the soldiers came to their senses and continued to shoot arrows.

Puck, Puck!

The number of normal orcs in the front row gradually decreases.

Conversely, the distance got closer and closer.

Considering the speed of the orcs, they would soon cling to the walls and start attacking.

“… … .”

Even so, I just watched the scene without doing anything.

because I was worried

Can I reveal my power now?


At that time, Iris, who had come to my side before I knew it, called me.

When I turned my head, I saw Iris, who was staring at the battlefield with some kind of heat in her eyes.


“Am I not writing?”

“I am thinking about it.”

The 7th rank magic is so powerful that even Balak can be seriously injured if it can be hit.

But that’s only when you’re not paying attention. If you show magic now, Balak will be alert, and her slow magic will be an attack that can be avoided enough.

“… … .”

Now, the attack can be sufficiently blocked without magical fire support.

Of course, there will be additional damage from that, but wouldn’t that be seen as the opportunity cost of inflicting an unexpected fatal wound on the corps commander?


For that reason, I pondered for a while.


However, that worry did not last long.

“Soldiers will die.”

“… !”

I suddenly came to my senses at Iris, who was staring at me and talking that way with an uneasy expression.

“I told you before.”

Belatedly, when he visited the royal palace as a night guest.

I remembered the promise I made when I promised to recruit her.

It doesn’t matter if life becomes very tiring in exchange for health.

I want to live like a human being.

Everyone’s standard for ‘like a human being’ is different, but for Iris, at least, judging people by their numbers would go against it.

When I remembered what happened then, I stopped worrying.

“All right.”

“… !”

It is a promise with a person who gave up guaranteed wealth and fame and stood on the battlefield.

Then you should protect

“Go up to Noah and the watchtower.”

“… thank you.”

“no. That saved me the trouble of worrying.”

I sent Iris to the watchtower and I went straight to the commander.



I had told the commander about the mage beforehand, so he nodded without a word.

As a sign of acceptance, I summoned the commanders and knights under my command.

“Gather in front of the wall. I will go out with a signal.”

“… ! yes!”

It was a ridiculous order, but perhaps because he had accomplished a ridiculous feat not too long ago, no commander expressed objection to the order.

“Stop! Push it out with your hands!”

“There they come!”

When the soldiers were struggling to push the ladder across the wall and the knights were busy searching for the orc warriors who had climbed the wall.

I stood in front of the knights, cavalry, and foot soldiers gathered in front of the castle gate.

Then he waved the flag and gave a signal to the watchtower.

Despite the distance, Noah didn’t miss my signal.

She nodded and said something to Iris, who was standing next to her.

at the same time.

Tingle… !


“just now… .”

The knights and elves who were sensitive to the flow of energy shuddered.

The only ones who didn’t have a double reaction were the members of our knights.

Rather, they were laughing at the reactions around them.

Trick, Trick!

When the manifestation of magic is imminent.

I muttered quietly.

“… Everyone close your ears.”

“yes? what… .”

The commander next to me muttered.


His words behind his back were drowned out by the roar that accompanied the heat.

* * *


I thought something was going to explode, and a shockwave came along with the heat.

As a result, a large number of Orcs camped in front of the castle wall were caught up in it.

hood gain.

Not long after, along with the terrible burnt smell, the orcs fell to the ground in pieces.

“Kureuk… ?”

Even with sore eyes and deaf ears, one surviving orc warrior managed to get up.

And saw.

“… … ?”

First of all, he didn’t have an arm of his own.

And there was a big pit in front.

Around it were charred, unrecognizable chunks of meat scattered here and there.

As a result, his hair turned white.

“What… .”

Not only the allies, but also the enemy archers’ hands stopped with a spirited expression.

everyone on the battlefield.

“… Chwik! It’s over there!”

… No, not everyone stopped.

The wizard of the watchtower was preparing the next magic right away.

… Pachichichit!

“… Chwiik?!”

As the harbingers of magic he had felt a while ago swept through his body, a commotion arose among the surviving orcs.

Warriors were no exception.

My head turned white and all thoughts stopped.

Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwam!!!!

While wandering around like that, the second magic fell.

As the powerful magic exploded in the air this time, there were more casualties than before.


The arrows of the soldiers who had come to their senses at this point also flew with magic.


At this time, all the Orc commanders on the battlefield thought.

can’t win

It wasn’t a matter of showing fighting spirit, it was just a matter of dying in front of that powerful magic.

One of the warriors shouted urgently.

“Kureuk! retreat!”

Of course, it’s shameful to turn your back on the enemy, but that doesn’t mean you can’t face natural disasters.

Orcs decide to retreat.


What a profit… .

It was then that the gates opened.

The gate slowly went up, revealing the knights and soldiers waiting inside.

The knight standing in the front shouted.


Burning up blue mana.

They charged furiously toward the already chaotic battlefield.

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