Episode 126. Flowers on the battlefield (2)

hee hee hee!!

After the knight’s cry, the horses raised their paws and started charging.

The infantry followed after them.

“Chwiik! Enemies are coming!”

Some of the orcs who had already decided to retreat at the sight of the enemy turned their heads in a huff.


It was at this moment that a thought popped into their heads.

It’s not like they’re overwhelming in numbers, but they dare to step out of the wall.

I’ve lived on the battlefield my whole life since I was able to hold a weapon, but I’ve never seen anything like this.

“… Chwik.”

My feet did not fall from the humiliation.

The appearance of the elves sparsely mixed there also played a role in holding their feet.

Turning your back on the enemy of your tribe and running away.

Because the warrior’s pride did not allow it.


As the elite orc warrior roared, the orcs around him shook off their fear and roared in turn.

Of course, there were plenty of reasons.

A cavalryman dies when he stops.

Therefore, if you can stop the charge just once, you can break through the gap between the enemy formations.

Then, it is clear that the opposing wizard will not be able to use magic for fear of getting his ally caught up in it.

“Kureuk! Stop it!”

Layer upon layer of Orcs blocking the path of the charging cavalry.

Although there would be damage in the first collision, I thought that if I slowed down the breakthrough once like that, I would eventually be able to win with a difference in numbers.

But when the distance is close.

“Chwik… ?”

The orcs took a step back.

It was because I felt goosebumps all over my body.

They thought about the reason for a while, and realized the reason the moment their eyes met with the foremost knight.


The moment we meet two bright red eyes with bright eyes.

As if facing an overwhelmingly strong man, his strength drained from his body and his fighting spirit melted away like snow.

“Did you know now?”

“Chwik… !?”

Even though it was said from far away, the low voice rang vividly in my ears.

this was a long time ago.

The moment I became a warrior, it stimulated the primal fear that I thought I had forgotten.

The blade of the ax shivered in the same way as the trembling body.

‘ah… .’

then i realized

That the opponent is an overwhelming force.

There was a reason why he confidently opened the wall and came out.


However, it was a realization too late.

Having stopped once, there was no option of retreating again against the cavalry who had now sped up.

Whatever it was, I had to fight.


grit your teeth

The orc warrior shouted militantly, trying to forget his fear.

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“Chwik! Stop it!!!”

“… !”

The orcs, who suddenly came to their senses, blocked the advance of the cavalry with thick shields and axes.

Doo doo doo!

As a result, the opponent increased its speed even more.

It was a rush like a doctor who would destroy it with his shield if he blocked it.

A distance approaching in an instant.

“Dig in!!”

“Don’t be scared! Break through!”

With the roaring cheers of several knights, the first collision occurred.


A dull roar rang out.

Blue flames flew in all directions along with fragments of the shattered shield.


“What… !?”

In an instant, a thick cloud of dust obscured my vision.

All he could perceive was screams coming from all directions.

The dust was quickly lifted as the wind swept across the battlefield.

It’s late and the front is a dog.

It was only then that the Orcs were able to grasp the situation on the battlefield.

“Keep going!”

“Don’t stop!”

The opponent’s speed did not decrease at all.

Rather, it was gradually accelerating and stirring thousands of troops in the enemy camp as if it were their own home.

The driving force behind such a breakthrough was a few knights who stood at the forefront.

“Sue… .”

I catch my breath and blow out the window.

It was a simple action.


The aftermath was by no means small.

The giant orcs who were blocking the path to prevent the breakthrough fell like fallen leaves in a single blow.

As they pierced the front road with overwhelming power and speed, the formation split as if splitting the head.

One surviving Orc commander shouted like a scream.

“Chwiik! Don’t block everyone! Aim for the side!”

I had to find a way somehow.

The atmosphere had changed a long time ago, but the numbers were still much higher this way.

‘It’s not over yet.’

He thought he would stand a chance by calmly targeting the relatively vulnerable flank of the cavalry.

‘If you stay calm… .’

It was devastating for him.

Suddenly, the leading knight raised his spear high into the sky.


I suddenly wondered what he was doing while rushing, but I knew it soon.

That was a signal for allies.


The soldiers on the castle wall stopped for a moment and started shooting arrows at the orcs aiming for the side.

Tingle… !

I felt a harbinger of magic.

“ah… .”

Took… .

The ax fell from the hand of the Orc commander who had lost his will to fight.

Soon, a rain of arrows filled his eyes and the image of a fireball chasing after him came in.

* * *

A barrage of arrows that fly over the heads of allies.

Numerous arrows rained down on the orcs who blocked the cavalry’s path.


“Avoid! shield… .”

The enemies were distracted whether they were concerned about the arrows or the cavalry charging right in front of them with fearsome momentum.

Even if the Legion’s Orcs were strong, they were no match for the cavalry in such a confused state.

“I found dust proofs ahead!”

Seeing the orcs gathered in front with their shields tightly clenched, he shouted.

Then Yuriel next to me followed my words and shouted.

“Break through!”

At first, when he said he was going out of the castle, he looked quite nervous, but now he seems to be completely relaxed.

No, it wasn’t just Yuriel, but the other members and knights who followed us as well.


“Speed up!”

Everyone shouted excitedly with expressions that showed no signs of tension and increased their speed.

“Sue… .”

Take a breath.

He threw his spear at the orcs.



Unable to withstand the spear attack, which contained strength and speed as it was, the enemy’s defensive formations built up in 3 or 4 layers were shattered.


In the end, a defensive formation that breaks through like tofu.

There was nothing rough after the formation was pierced like that.

We wielded our spears as we saw the enemy, roaming around the enemy lines in a quarrel.



Every time he swung his spear lightly, drops of hot blood grazed his side.

Because the weight and speed itself were enormous, it was a fatal blow to the enemy even if it was swung casually.

The magic of Iris that periodically fell there was no different from a disaster for the Orcs.

Unlike arrows, which can be avoided or blocked at least, magic was an area attack and could not be countered.

Tingle… !


The moment I felt a strange wave passing through my body, I checked my back and ordered the entire cavalry.

“Turn left!”

“ancient! It’s on the left!”

Noah’s signal was to the right.

So we turned the horse’s head slightly to the left so as not to get caught up in it.

Cavalry rushing through the enemy’s left flank.

It was right after that that Iris’ magic fell.


The ground rumbled.

Also, a hot wind blew from behind, accompanied by a smoky burnt smell.

One hundred would have been killed or injured even if it had not been done with this one shot.

“Wow… .”

It was so powerful that Yuriel, who looked sideways, involuntarily exclaimed.

The princess’s magic shined even brighter in such a large-scale rotation.

If you add the firepower of at least one hundred high-ranking knights to the effect of breaking the enemy’s morale, the role was more than that.

“… Kuruk.”

Orcs who have lost their will to fight.

The number was still higher, but the morale of the allies was still soaring without knowing how high it was.

So, in fact, it could be seen that the win or loss has already been decided.

However, I didn’t stop.

“It’s not over yet!”

“… ?”

Sensing victory, he quickly calmed the excitable members.

After a long time, this side revealed the strongest hand, but it was not enough to end it with a simple victory.

more, had to do more.

I wanted to win a great victory that would change the atmosphere of the entire front.

“The goal is the annihilation of the enemy! Don’t let even one of them live!”

“… ! ancient!”

At my cry, the faces of the knights and soldiers were filled with the will to fight.

We went through the former for hours, and when the enemy was completely destroyed, we mobilized even the few remaining soldiers in the castle to chase after the orcs who started running away.

So, as the sun goes down.


“Keep it off… .”

When the spear was fired, the orc warrior collapsed in agony.

With a thump, the boy fell to the ground, stained red with blood.

He was the last remaining orc.

After confirming that he had stopped breathing, I lifted the spear upwards.

“Whoa, whoa… .”

“… … .”

Everyone breathed heavily as they looked at the battlefield where there was no living monster.

“… … .”

“… … .”

The heat of battle dissipated in an instant and the son-in-law became quiet.

But the silence was only fleeting.

“… Did you win?”

Realizing the victory belatedly, the soldiers and commanders let out suppressed cheers.

“We won!”

“Ooh, whoaaa!!!”

We were away from the wall to chase the fleeing orcs.

I turned my head more slowly than the cheering figure from afar.

“Everyone suffered. I will go back.”


The members were full of smiles on their faces even when they were out of breath.

At that time, Yuriel, who had been close to him, said while wiping his bloody face.

“Roan suffered too.”

“… What am I?”

Her face was flushed red as if the heat of battle hadn’t gone away yet.

As I went back so close to the wall, I felt many eyes.

“… hmm?”


To be precise, the eyes looking at me.

There was a look of awe and admiration in his gaze that was hard to hide.

Of course, it was Iris who killed the most orcs, but anyone who watched the battle would have known that I was the one who moved more than anyone else and collapsed enemy lines.

“… … .”

Stepping on the puddles of blood on the floor, I slowly made my way to the castle gate.

“… ah.”

“… … .”

Then, the soldiers gathered in front of the castle gate got out of the way one by one with expressions overwhelmed by something.

So I stood in front of the commander.

He looked at me and said.

“… Annihilation.”

It was a slightly hoarse voice.

After staring at the bloody battlefield for a long time, he raised his flag high and shouted.

said to have won

* * *

The battle results were tallied the next day.

Our forces had a little more than a hundred wounded soldiers, and less than that.

On the other hand, about 5,000 Orcs attacked and were annihilated.

No matter how different the loss recovery speed of the human and orc armies was, this was an overwhelming exchange rate.

“It’s a big win. Captain.”

“I see.”

“No, even the word great victory is not enough! Enough of this… !”

Lord Dyke raised his voice excitedly, asking if this was actually a one-sided massacre.

“Well, it is.”

“… Captain?”

But there was a reason I couldn’t be so easily happy.

I heard from my friends that all other fronts except here were damaged, and that some fortresses were actually in danger of being captured.

“So I am a little worried.”

“ah… .”

The wizard is one.

Iris can’t be supplied to every fortress, so they had to find another way to defend it.

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‘… Hmm.’

I’ve been thinking about how to do it all morning.

I came up with my own answer.

‘As expected, I have to go out.’

I went straight to Sigrun.

Elves needed help.

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