Episode 127. fly like a butterfly (1)

After a duel over prisoners, the recently quiet Legion launched an attack.

They actively exploited their numerical superiority and started pounding all over the kingdom’s northern frontline, causing damage here and there.

“… after.”

After examining the reports from all over the world, Commander William sighed.

He was an experienced and capable general who had risen from Gilead, the previous frontier commander.

However, even for him, the current situation was something to sigh.

‘I can’t believe there are already so many dead.’

Even though it was thoroughly watered down.

It seemed that it was difficult to deal with because it was a completely different type from the enemies I had dealt with so far.

Of course, the enemy suffered more casualties, but unless the exchange cost was overwhelming, it was a loss for the allies.

‘not good.’

I don’t know how long the war with the Orcs will be, but I had to think about holding out until at least winter.

That’s about 6 months.

As long as it was not a short period of time, the kingdom was at a disadvantage in a war of attrition in which troops were exchanged in this way.

‘I have to find a way… .’

So it was time to carefully turn over the report with a worried expression on my face.


One report in the middle caught his attention.

It was because the unbelievable battle results were written.


An enemy, not an ally.

It was not a small unit, but a whopping 5,000 troops.

On the other hand, the damage of the allies was less than 200 dead and wounded.

The result of a battle that is truly worthy of a great victory.

If you look at the numbers alone, it was a level that was not an opponent at all.


As a matter of course, he was the first to suspect a false report.

Or that your adjutant who wrote the report made a mistake.

“Who the hell… . ah.”

However, when I checked the name of the commander of the fortress, I changed my mind.

because you’re used to it

He had given me this amazing news just a few days ago.

‘They said they destroyed the siege weapons.’

The messenger who delivered the news brought dozens of enemy flags, so I couldn’t help but believe it.

It was amazing.

Since there were elven reinforcements, it would have been possible to fight and win against the troops transporting the weapons.

So what was surprising was the initial idea itself rather than the result.

After the first battle broke out, all the commanders were thinking of defending by locking themselves in the walls, but on the contrary, they thought of striking the enemy from behind.

And what’s even more surprising is that the commander wasn’t the one who proposed the operation.

Surprisingly, the proposer was a first-year general manager who had just become an adult.

‘Roan Karziel.’

A genius knight of Karziel who established diplomatic ties with the elves and subdued the evil dragon that the kingdom had neglected for several years.

Seeing that he was listed as the highest contributor in this report, it was clear that he had made a great contribution despite the result of annihilation.


Is it really an aura to that older brother?

The general exclaimed.

Of course, in the report on the results of this battle, the place with the least damage was where Karziel’s knights were.

Considering the age of the two, it was inevitably surprising.

“… … .”

So when a small smile appeared on Commander William’s lips.


The door snapped open.

It was his adjutant who entered with an urgent expression.

He entered the boss’s office without knocking, but he could tell from the expression on his face that the matter was urgent, so instead of blaming him, he asked why.

“What is going on?”

“I found the corps commander!”

“what… !”

William jumped up.

He said he had found the location of Balak, who had never been seen except for the last duel.

“The skirmisher found it. They say they are currently heading to the Balkan Fortress.”

“Valkan? It is… .”

It was obviously the fort where the enemy’s first attack was launched.

On the left is the Goul Mountains, a battle fort built to block the enemy’s main march.


Realizing Balak’s intentions, the commander’s expression suddenly became serious.

There were not many civilians in the fort, but the location itself was a place that exquisitely blocked the road, so losing it could turn the war into a very unfavorable situation.

“What is the time difference?”

“The discovery was seventeen hours ago.”

“… … .”

“Probably, within a day, we will arrive at the Balkan Fortress.”


Even if we sent reinforcements right away, the time would be tight.

Even if you move as fast as possible, it would be best to arrive mid-battle.

But there was no other choice.

The Goul Mountains are a mountain range connected to the capital of the kingdom.

It’s almost the only combat fortress that blocks that place, and if it’s taken away, the problem won’t be too serious.

‘Orcs can’t cross that rugged mountain range. but… .’

But dark elves are different.

Mountains are the best battlefield for them.

It was certain that the moment the road was opened, it would be at an absurd disadvantage.

Because I still have to turn the troops of the front line that are still lacking to the inside of the kingdom.

‘Sure, it seemed like he wasn’t here, but… .’

It’s just a matter of turning back.

Because of this, the commander’s troubles did not last long.

I had to send reinforcements.

Since it was an urgent matter, the support was decided by the commander’s arbitrary judgment without a separate meeting.

“Also, so that high-level knights can be sufficiently recruited and sent.”

I had heard rumors that the might of the Orc Corps commander had reached the sky.

In order to stop him, it was necessary to send out elite knights as well.

“All right. then… .”

“Go right away.”

A hurried out adjutant.

Reinforcements were quickly formed.

Along with a considerable number of troops, the Knights, including Ian, began marching to the Balkan Fortress as reinforcements.


while marching like that.


While the soldiers and horses were resting, Ian turned his head at the quiet voice that came from behind.


There, someone who gave off a familiar feeling was approaching.

It’s definitely the first time I’ve seen it, but strangely, I didn’t feel any wariness at all.

‘… … ?’

Maybe it was because I didn’t feel any hostility or any emotion whatsoever from the other person.

“… Who are you?”

When asked, he answered.

“The Lord has sent a message.”

“… !!”

* * *

After winning the first siege, I went to Sigrun.

and suggested

‘I have to go out of the castle.’

You can’t block it inside.

This was a statement that went far beyond common sense, but there was sufficient evidence.

‘If it’s grounds… .’

‘We are much faster.’

Me and all of our knights were like that, not to mention the elves.

‘That’s because we’re not slower than the Orcs.’

In fact, at the end of the last battle, most of the elves chased down the retreating orcs and killed them.

‘That’s why.’

‘… ?’

‘We have to fight the chase like that. It’s not a battle to keep.’

Only then can combat using high speed and excellent archery skills be possible.

Even if you encounter orcs on the plains, you can drag them into guerrilla warfare as long as you don’t get surrounded.

On the other hand, as much as we are gone, the power of the defense will decrease, but we judged that this would be okay.

‘I think Mercury will be fine with just one Aris.’

‘… That certainly is.’

Mercury will suffice with just Iris and a decent army.

Realizing the power of magic through the last battle, Sigrun nodded his head coolly.

And then, after a while, he continued talking behind his back.

‘If it wasn’t for the corps commander, that would be the case.’

‘… … .’

If all the high-end forces to keep the corps commander in check are drained, it will be difficult even with the strongest mage.

Rather, it could be dangerous to directly target her with low interpersonal combat power.

‘It’s not like that.’

That was true, and this was a problem I was fully aware of.

‘It doesn’t matter as long as you know the location… .’

If you knew the exact location of Balak, you would be able to empty the castle with peace of mind.

I was in the middle of such a concern.

The thought arrived from the family.

[Balak has appeared.]

[…] !]

The corps commander I found the day before was currently on his way to the Balkan Fortress.

If it was Balkan, it was a battle fortress located directly opposite from here.

[Sir Ian went to the reinforcements a while ago.]

[If you do, tell your brother.]

I made a decision right away.

This was an opportunity.

The person called the commander of the corps hastily revealed his appearance lightly.

I had to make him pay for it.

[Never confront. Just tell them to hold on as long as possible.]

[All right.]

That was the end of what Ian asked for.

Hold on and stretch as much as you can.

Then, in a place where Balak is not there, I can bring you the news of victory.

* * *

The number of Balak’s legions that came to attack the kingdom numbered in the hundreds of thousands.

They were not united in one place, but were divided into thousands of units to strike several places on the front line at the same time.

one of them.

A place where about 3,000 orcs have settled down and are waiting for the next day’s departure.

“Chwik. What is that?”

“… ?”

At the words of a colleague who was on guard at night with him, the orc who had been sleeping secretly opened his eyes.

The guy cleared his throat and checked the direction the opponent was pointing.


There, blue lines were falling in a curved line.

They beautifully embroidered the exceptionally clear night sky today.

‘meteor… is it?’

The boy thought for a moment.

However, it was only then that I suddenly realized that the blue lines were falling in a steep descending curve.

Couldn’t a meteor fall this close?

That was an arrow.

That too, an arrow imbued with mana.

“Kureuk!? S, it’s an attack!!!!”

“What!? Right Now… !”

From noble mtl dot com


The orc, who was about to play the horn immediately, cut off in the middle.

It was because his head was blown off by something.

“… ?”

what was it

I obviously didn’t see anything.

The orc right next to him forgot the situation and thought so, and only after looking around did he realize what had happened.

‘Black color?’

The arrow had demonic energy.

Because of this, they did not know that they were flying overlapping with the color of the dark night sky.

‘for a moment. Margie!?’

As a result, the Orcs were in great confusion.

I thought it was a human attack, but is it actually a betrayal of the Dark Elves?

When the guy can’t accept the sudden situation and is riding the ice.

Arrows fired from a distance of hundreds of meters rained down on the sleeping orcs’ barracks.

… Wow!!

The guards suddenly came to their senses at the sound of screams coming from here and there.

Betrayal or not.

That was a matter for later judgment.

Woo woo woo… !

He hastily blew his horn.

Then, he looked at the location of the enemy forces that had launched a night attack.

The location could be sufficiently inferred through the trajectory of the flying arrow.

“… Kuruk! There it is!”

In the distance, on a low hill, I saw something in the shape of a man moving along the horizon.

The number was roughly in the hundreds.

‘Only a few hundred?’

Even if it’s a surprise attack, you’re attacking the main military base of thousands of troops with only a few hundred troops?

“Kureuk! Chase!”

“Don’t let me live”

The judgment of the Orcs was a counterattack.

They lit their eyes and charged.

It was only natural that their way of thinking was too linear to even consider the possibility of their trap.

f*ck! puck!


“… don’t mind! Don’t stop!”

Even though a considerable number of troops were knocked down by the arrows that continued to fly, they did not stop.

It was because he thought that if he narrowed the distance, he would be able to destroy the enemy with more damage than he had suffered.

It wasn’t until a few minutes after they started chasing that they realized something was strange.


It’s clearly running with full power.

Then, the distance of hundreds of meters should have been shortened long ago and a counterattack should have started.


‘… The distance does not decrease!’

The opponent was still shooting arrows unilaterally from a distance of several hundred meters.

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