Episode 133. trap (3)

All subjugation preparations are over.

The night has come.

“Then, I will go.”


He looked up at the sky and said.

And when I got up, the commander stood up and nodded.

I headed to the reinforcement barracks and told Noah, who was waiting.

“let’s go.”

He also spoke to Yuriel, who was waiting as well.

“Can I ask you now?”

“… … .”

Uriel nodded slightly, gathered his watery hair to one side and showed me the nape of his neck.

I brought it close to my mouth, but somehow my heart was beating.

He laughed and tapped his neck.

“… Hee!”

“Are you sure it won’t hurt?”

When you scream in surprise. He took his mouth abruptly.

Uriel couldn’t react to this and gave the scruff of his neck as it was.

… Poo-wook.

“… omg!?”

Pointy canine teeth gently dug into the skin.

Yuriel stiffened stiffly.

However, when a large amount of life force was absorbed, the strength was lost and the body sagged.


Perhaps because he was a knight who had risen to the level of a master, the vitality that Uriel had was very pure.

The amount of vitality itself wasn’t a lot, but it seemed like it wouldn’t matter if it was this pure.


After a while, he opened his mouth and wiped the blood from his mouth with a handkerchief.

At that time, Yuriel muttered an incomprehensible word while looking at me with a clouded look.

“… %$^#… .”

The murmur was barely audible.

Looks like something drunk.



“sorry. I can not hear you… .”

I felt like I couldn’t even say what I wanted to say because I had no strength in my body.

So when you’re just staring at it.

Noah tugged at the hem of my clothes.

“… I don’t have time.”

“Oh sorry.”

Then I remembered something about time and said to Uriel.

“I’ll hear you later. Goes?”

“… !”

Yuriel, who was struggling because of lack of strength, left her on a nearby bed and went outside.

‘The other side has already moved.’

As ten thousand men, raked from all over the Western Front, were moving to surround the forest that was supposed to lure the orcs, we moved too.

“There it is.”

Verze pointed to the barracks located at the bottom of the hill and said.

After confirming the location, I bit the elves and members who had followed me.

“Let’s go back now.”

“yes. Be safe.”

That’s how everyone left, leaving only Noah and Sigrun.

After making sure they were far enough away, I blew the horn.


Strangely, there was no sound.

However, it was only known that the flute was working properly through the rapid loss of power the moment it was blown.

“Are you blowing?”

“… … .”

At Sigrun’s question, he just nodded without taking his mouth off the flute.

It was blowing.

However, she had a subtle expression as if she didn’t feel anything like me.

The response came from Noah.

“… !!!”

Startled, she opened her eyes wide and looked around.

definitely felt something.

It seemed that the effect of this magic tool could not be felt at all without magic.

“Are you okay?”

“are you okay.”

Fortunately, Noah quickly recovered.

The control over Magi was perfectly set, and since he was originally of mixed blood, he seemed to quickly find stability.

But the orcs were different.

I could feel the hustle and bustle of change taking place in the camp of the orcs.

‘It’s all broken.’

Since the barracks were within the magic tool’s effect range, they all woke up.

Waking from their sleep, they turned their heads towards me as if possessed, and slowly approached with unfocused eyes.

But that’s only for a moment.

“… Wow!”

Soon, the guys started running without covering their heads.


The effect of the magic tool was certain.

Now, all you have to do is induce.

we pulled ourselves out

Far away, towards the place where allies preparing for fire attack are in ambush.

* * *

As long as the effect of the magic tool was already applied, the next lure was not difficult.

Because of my body sagging, I went deep into the position I had found the day before, with Noah’s support.


From far away, the cries of the orcs chasing after them in a frenzy could be heard.

Because of the darkness around them, they bumped into each other and chased after them as if possessed by something.

It was creepy for me to see.

Now I was literally a piper.

I muttered as I climbed a tall tree and looked down at it.

“… The effect is certain. ah.”

crisp… .

The horn, having exhausted its effect by this point, crumbled powerlessly and turned to dust.

Also, too. It was disposable.

“Shoot me now.”

After waiting for the orcs to enter as deep into the forest as possible, Sigrun shot a signal arrow toward the sky.

The arrows, filled with magical energy beyond the limit, flew high into the sky and exploded, spreading blue flames in all directions.

“Let’s get out before we get caught up in it.”

Now the firework will begin.

I told my allies not to worry about our safety and to light the fire right away, so I hurriedly got out.


“Chwik… ? What happened?”

And by this time, some Orcs with strong mental power showed signs of being released from the curse, but it was too late.

It was because a bright red fire was already approaching from far away.

Sigrun looked ahead and said.

“We can get out safely.”


However, some of them were not Orcs who came to their senses.

They were stuck in this pit of fire.

“… … .”

As such, the operation was spectacularly successful, but Sigrun’s expression was dark.

Since chemical engineering destroys nature, as a high elf, she had no choice but to feel rejected regardless of the success of the operation.

I asked her as she stared blankly at the bright red flames.

“kyung. Are you okay?”

“Ah, yes. it’s okay. It’s a war, so it’s understandable… .”

It wouldn’t be a lie to say you can understand.

Doesn’t she know the situation too?

However, even so, it could not prevent the complexion from getting worse every moment.

“… Let’s go a little faster.”

“… … .”

It was hard to be in this space, so Noah, who was carrying me, followed her and accelerated.

Within ten minutes or so, we escaped to the grassland where our allies had ambushed.


The commander who spotted us approached.

he asked with a nervous expression.

“We also confirmed that the lure was successful. How is the situation inside?”

“Perfect. It was only a while ago that some orcs came to their senses.”

“then… .”

The commander’s mouth opened slowly.

I followed his back story.

“The operation was a success.”

“… !”

Winning or losing has already been decided, and now the key is how big you win.

“… … .”

The commander with a blank look on his face, apparently still not realizing it.

I said, showing my limbs in front of him.

“Then let’s go, Commander.”

I will go and rest now.

I did everything I had to do, and even if I wanted to do more, it was difficult because my stamina was running out.

The war is not only today, so I wanted to quickly recover my physical strength by skipping the battles I had already won.

“… her!”

When I said that I would go, the commander realized the victory and said with an airy laugh.

“Okay, captain, let’s rest.”

Wow… .

At that time, the orcs screamed from afar and broke through the fire.

The commander fixed his gaze on those guys and raised his sword.

and shouted

“Don’t let even one of them live!”

Just like that, the battle with the outcome already decided began.

* * *

The fire that covered the forest did not go out easily.

Even after raising black smoke and bright red flames all night, it didn’t stop until dawn.

In this situation, the orcs had only two choices.

To burn to death inside, or to get out, even through a fire.


Naturally, they couldn’t face death while sitting, so all the orcs tried to escape through the flames.

Of course, the results were not good.

Most of the orcs were suffocated or burned to death in the process, and some were crushed to death by falling trees.

Even the strong Orcs who managed to escape to the end could not avoid being severely burned.

Also, the commander ordered an attack with the momentum to really annihilate them.

‘Kill! These guys dared to attack the kingdom, don’t let even one of them live!’


The soldiers who sympathized with the commander and became very energetic.

Orcs who were already exhausted could not deal with them.

They were mercilessly cut without even a slight resistance.

A battle that was always one-sided.

The battle was over when the day was bright and the sun was over the top of their heads.

Out of tens of thousands of Orcs, only a few dozen returned alive.

“I won!”

“It’s annihilation, Commander!”

Soldiers and commanders cheering for the overwhelming victory.

It was such a great victory that it could change the game of war.

The impact was immediate.

From noble mtl dot com

* * *

Balak had many differences from other Orcs, befitting his position as a corps commander.

The moment he realized that Ian and his knights were watching him, he could tell just by looking at his position.

He could hold down the opponent’s elite troops without fighting, so he killed his belligerence and waited.

This coolness was his greatest strength, showing the biggest difference compared to previous corps commanders.

But no matter how much he was like that, it was hard for him to keep his cool on this report.


Balak asked the messenger again, bending his aching neck several times.

I heard it right, but I couldn’t believe it at all.

“Thousands of people were injured and more than 30,000 were killed in the fire. How am I supposed to take this?”

“Ku, kureuk. That is… .”

In an unusual atmosphere, the messenger swallowed and spoke again.

“Ha, they say they fell into a trap. Enemies used decoys.”

… an inducement?

“No one saw through the lures?”

“… that, yes If you listen to some of the survivors, the only explanation is that they followed them as if possessed.”

At those words, Balak pressed the branch.

Because I guessed there was something.

‘He followed me as if possessed?’

The first possibility that came to mind was spirit world curse magic.

I had been informed that the enemies had high-level mages.

However, he soon shook his head.

‘That makes no sense.’

Magic, of course, is powerful, but it’s not a power with high versatility in this way.

Even in the case of Arkhan, he couldn’t use magic outside of his field.

‘Then how?’

I thought about it, but nothing came to mind.

There were too few clues.


Had to go this way

I don’t even know the cause, but it’s because there was no way the remaining defeated soldiers could deal with it on their own in the future.

“Return right now.”

“Kiruk. If so, the Balkan Fortress.”

“I’ll put it off until later. and… .”

Due to the large number of troops dying, a power vacuum was created.

In this state, there is nothing I can do even if I move to the west.


“Send a messenger to ask for help from the Dark Elves.”

Balak narrowed his brows in annoyance and sighed.

I really hated it, but given the situation in the Legion, I had no choice but to ask for help.

he thought to himself

‘It’s been a while since I ran amok.’

Did I mention that the opponent uses speed and stealth as their main weapons?

To such an opponent, the existence of the Dark Elves would be extremely difficult.

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