Episode 134. two faces (1)

The fire that covered the orcs and the forest burned everything in the forest and faded after three days.

Trees, as well as the corpses of the orcs, were completely burned, so there was nothing to clean up after the battle.

The Mahayana influence was immediately evident.

“The Orcs are retreating.”

It was a report from Berger the next day.

The Orcs, who lost tens of thousands of troops overnight, were forced to retreat.

It was the first time since the invasion that the orcs were bitten by Jin.

This alone was enough to show how perplexed he was.

and after a few days A thought arrived from the Balkan Fortress’s attendants.

[Balak stepped back.]

It is said that they did not just retreat, but left the fortress in a hurry with some of the supplies burned.

‘I must have been in a hurry.’

It was enough to burn even the normal supplies, so it was understandable that they were impatient.

At first glance, it may seem like an overreaction, but it is not strange from the viewpoint of Balak, who does not know the details of the Western Front.

You must have thought that if you left it alone, it could cause irreversible damage in an instant.

[Can I just leave it alone?]

[If you chase it, you will get hit in reverse. Only quick-footed people can figure out the location.]

Since there was no one to ask for, it was left to the subordinates.

We also talked about Ian.

‘Now that Balak has left, there’s no need to stay in the Balkan Fortress.’

There is no corps commander, but it is an overreaction to have thousands of troops and even Ian to protect that narrow fortress.

Since this directly leads to a waste of power, Ian asked for something else.

‘Ian should continue to be in charge of Ballack.’

He restrained Ballak better than expected.

Also, except for our allies in the first place, there was no one other than Ian to entrust Balak’s role in check.

[Tell my brother to be prepared to leave the fortress at any time.]

[All right.]

Since I have attached my followers to him, I should be able to pursue him as soon as Balak’s location information is updated.

‘then… .’

I also set up a countermeasure against Balak.

I woke up with the lights on.

“Are you going to a meeting?”

Lord Dyke, who was looking at the battle results report, asked.

I shook my head and answered.

“There is still a lot of time left. Before that, I want to see the status of the members.”

I couldn’t see the condition of the members because I was too busy recently.

There were no casualties among our knights, but as they were young and inexperienced, they needed constant observation and care.

“Oh, that’s a good idea. He should have returned from scouting the area by now.”

“I’ll go right away. I’m rooting for you.”

After saying hello to Lord Dyke, who was on duty, I left the office.


The first to find was Uriel.

Having lost a large amount of vitality, she went directly to the barracks because she was absent from the reconnaissance team for rest.


Knock on the barracks door.

I stood in front and asked.

“Can I come in?”

There are three female members in our knights, which is hard to find even one.

So, the whole room was given to the three of us to share.

The answer came back after a while.

“… who are you?”

“It’s me, me.”

I just said it, but when I said it, it was something like a scammer.

It was all the more so because my voice was kept low due to lack of sleep recently.

“… … ?”

The other person seemed to feel that too, but he felt a sense of hesitating instead of approaching.

I tried to follow up before the misunderstanding grew, but I didn’t have to.


Noah, noticing my muffled voice, threw the door open.


It comes with an expressionless look.

And behind such Noah, the other two were seen in comfortable clothes.

Everyday clothes made of very thin fabric.

“… !?”

As soon as I saw it, I was surprised.

And, of course, the two of them froze with more surprised expressions than I did.

A shrieking voice came out belatedly.

“… oh!”

Yuriel widened her eyes, and Iris screamed in astonishment.

“What are you doing!?”

“… come in.”

“What come in! Wait a minute.”


The door is closed.

“… … .”

I stood in front of the door blankly for a while feeling that the storm had passed.

Inside, ‘Why do you open it!’, ‘From now on… .’ Etc., a voice warned Noah.

after a while like that.

“… Come in.”

Iris poked her head out through the gap in the door and cleared her throat.

“A while ago… .”

“Ah! Don’t tell me!”

“… yes.”

In response to the hysterical reaction, I quietly shut my mouth and went inside.

Uriel had changed into a military uniform before he knew it, and Noah was sitting in the corner with a sullen look on his face, as if he had heard the sound made by the two of them.

Iris asked.

“So, why are you here?”

“I just came to see the status.”

While answering, I looked at Uriel.

A few days ago, she had no energy to the extent that she struggled to control herself, but she seemed fine now.

The wound on the back of my neck was also completely healed.

“I’ve had enough rest, so it’s okay. You can join us tomorrow.”

“hmm. okay.”

After a few more words, I went to check on the other members.

As Lord Dyke said, the members of the Knights Templar had just returned.

Among the busy members, I called out only the squad leaders and asked.

“Did you find anything?”

Berger shook his head.

“There was nothing nearby. Now I don’t have to worry about being raided.”

As the camp was pushed back, the enemy’s marching distance increased significantly, allowing them to detect attacks in advance.

First of all, it was good news.

“Then, how are the members?”

“Not bad.”

It was Dante who answered here.

the guy spoke up.

“Unlike the first time, there are no members complaining of mental fatigue.”

“is it?”

“yes. maybe… .”

Battles were frequent, but there were no dangerous moments, and we won them all.

It is said that as such a process continued, the fear of war was gradually forgotten and morale rose completely.

“… … .”

Those words made me a little worried.

The reason why they have been victorious so far is due to the influence of custom tactics, not because the combat power of each member is strong enough to steam the orcs.

“… Shouldn’t you be excited?”

You must not misunderstand this.

Assuming they go head-to-head in broad daylight, they are still strong.

“Shall I pay attention?”

“… not now Do it later when you see the situation and think you need it.”

It’s good, but you don’t have to pay attention.

If there is something to go out later, it is enough to sink it at that time.

So, this was left to the discretion of each squad leader.

“I had a hard time going. rest.”

After the members who had gone on an outside mission took a break, they met Lord Sigrun and headed to the Commander’s Conference Hall together.

“What is the meeting for today?”

Way to go. Sigrun asked.

I hadn’t heard anything about the purpose of the meeting beforehand, but I could guess enough from the current situation.

“Didn’t we win big? The commanders are not going to end this with a mere victory.”

The Orcs on the Western Front, which had a temporary power gap, pushed Jin back and there was no problem in Mercury.

Naturally, the commanders would also want to step outside.

“Now is your chance.”

As expected, these were the first words that came out after the commanders’ meeting started.

The commanders scrambled to reveal their will for complete subjugation.

“We must mobilize all the power of the front line to completely drive out the orcs who have fallen back.”

“Without a corps commander, now is your chance! After turning the troops back… .”

A look of complete confidence.

I sighed inwardly as I looked at his cold-hearted appearance.

‘It’s not that I don’t understand.’

It wasn’t just the soldiers who were excited about the overwhelming victory.

Even if they won, they won so much that even the commanders spoke without recognizing the objective difference in power.

No matter how you fight, you will win.

I was subconsciously thinking that.

From noble mtl dot com

“… Sir Roan. Are you okay?”

“It could be all right.”

One of them had to hit the brakes.

And it seemed like I was the only one who could do that.

I quietly looked at the commanders who were feverish with each other and raised my hand.

“… So, um? leader?”

“Commander. I’m sorry, but can I speak first?”

“Hoo… ?”

This was one knight commander interrupting another commander’s remarks, but no one blamed it.

“Of course. to do.”

Rather, he readily gave permission, asking if he had a good idea.

Just by looking at this, I could tell how much they trusted me.

‘It’s worth it.’

Because I was directly or indirectly involved in all the victories so far.

Regardless of my age or career, it wouldn’t be strange if I was already treated as a talisman for victory by them.

However, contrary to their expectations, my remark this time was a direct denial of their opinion.

“Now is the time to lock the gates.”

“… what!?”

Of course, the reaction was not good.

the commander of the Western Front asked.

“Let’s strengthen the defense? Did I hear you right?”

“yes. said so.”



“Why do you insist on subjugation on the contrary?”

“That is to continue the offensive. Isn’t it a natural decision to continue that momentum immediately after winning a major victory?”

The commander’s words made sense.

However, only in war between humans.

“Monsters and Orcs are different.”

“… !”

The guys were clearly defeated.

However, most of the Orcs we had to deal with did not experience defeat.

“This should not be overlooked.”

That way, the momentum won’t break.

Unlike humans, it is not ‘the defeat of an ally = the defeat of oneself’.

Simple and straightforward thinking becomes a strength at this time.

“On the contrary, those who have fallen back may be full of thoughts of fighting.”

When the situation turned strange, he just stepped back, but his nature was belligerent.

Far from dying, you can always fight but wait.

“So, it would be a mistake to fight an opponent like that right now. We have to keep calm and refine our defense.”

You can’t move it the way you want.

When the explanation was over, the commanders each looked like they had been beaten in the back of the head.

“… ah.”

The atmosphere in the hot meeting hall was chilly, as if ice water had been poured on it.

“… … .”

“… … .”

How long has it been without a word?

The commander of the Western Front laughed.

“… hot.”

It was a mixture of many emotions.

Soon after, he brushed his bangs up, looked this way and murmured.

“Thank you. I woke up.”

Not only did he speak, but his face was flushed.

“You learn from the young leader.”

“… no.”

“We need to reorient the meeting.”

Fortunately, the commander knew how to admit and accept his mistakes.

The meeting, which had been radical, began to proceed with the flow I wanted from this point on.

‘… good.’

After a certain amount of time, when the outline of the defense was established.

I raised my hand once again.

“What is it this time?”

And he brought up a topic that had been forgotten for a while.

Dark Elf.

They’ve been quiet up until now, but now things have changed.

so… .

“Now, we will move.”

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