Episode 136. two faces (3)

“Ouch… .”

A Dark Elf who was hit in the jaw twice and stretched out.

In case he wakes up midway, I tied his hands and feet, put him in restraints, and injected paralyzing poison.

At this level, even if I came to my senses in the middle, there would be nothing I could do.


Then he asked Noah, who was snooping next to him.

“What is his name?”


I wanted to ask, but it was an extra.

It was a name I didn’t know.

Well, it wasn’t a major issue.


“They say he’s a mid-level member.”

“oh… ?”

A mid-level member would be just below the Knights, about a soldier with a special post.

You can easily compare them to Rangers.

It’s just their status, but their combat power itself is similar to that of human knights.

The power of the Dark Elves is made up of a small number of elites, so their practical status cannot be compared to that of the Rangers.

‘Are you lucky today?’

He muttered with a satisfied expression.

“I know everything.”

Magi was thinking of ordering a strong Noah to catch three of them, but if this was the case, there would be no need to do that.

He said while holding up the Eeyore.

“Let’s go back.”

We returned to the front line.

* * *

After realizing that there was too little information about the dark elves, my conclusion was simple.

no info?

Then grab someone you know and ask them.

In fact, it was something that others would call crazy, but in fact, the commanders were also very worried.

I was confident

The basis of that confidence was Noah.

It was because he could have disguised himself as a dark elf if only his skin color was not visible.

In addition, even if we were found to be of mixed race, we were confident enough to give ourselves up if it were just the two of us.

However, there was a problem that I had to match my own acting skills (?).

This was covered with my script and Noah’s overwhelmingly Maggie.

The way to return to the front after safely being captured.

“Oops, whoops… !”

“Oh, I woke up again.”


Every time the elf came back to his senses and rebelled, Noah gave him sleeping pills and anesthetic again.


“OMG… .”

It was a very strong drug obtained through Müller’s order, so as soon as the needle was inserted, the boy fell asleep as if fainting.

“Now we are here.”

We took prisoners and returned three days after leaving the castle.

This was before the Dark Elves even arrived at the kingdom’s borders.

The speed was similar for us and them, but there was a difference in that part because there were a lot more people.

“Open the gates!”

After returning to the castle, I first obtained the key to the dungeon.

and called the soldiers.

“Put it in the deepest place.”

“Hey, elf… !? Oh, I see.”

The soldiers were startled by the sight of the captured Dark Elf and accepted him with gulps of saliva.

“If you don’t know, stick with me.”

When I saw the soldiers walking nervously, I told Noah.

The soldiers could be in danger if they woke up just in case.

“… okay.”

After resolving the handling of the guy like that, I went to see the commander.

“Here you are.”

He was waiting for me as if the report went up right after he returned.

I said straight forward.

“I got it.”

“I heard you. But only one?”

“One person is enough.”

“Oh, I see.”

Also, even if I can only get a rough idea from him, I can fill in the rest with my own knowledge.

“How long will it take?”

“Hmm… .”

I have to extract information as quickly as possible so that my allies and I have time to think about strategies and tactics.

After thinking for a while, I replied.

“Three days is enough.”

* * *

dark dungeon.

Eeyore was curled up like a slug with restraints all over her body.

I stood in front of that guy.


The sound of stepping on the cold stone floor opened Eeyore’s eyes.

Then he glared at me and growled.

“Kill him.”

All Dark Elves are initially raised as water elves.

Of course, if you see strengths in other areas during the growth process, the role will change to that side, but to some extent, it is a basic knowledge.

From noble mtl dot com

Perhaps because of his education at the time, he seemed to have no intention of revealing any secrets.

I smiled at the guy and said.

“I’ll be able to tell you everything in three days anyway, but wouldn’t it be better to just blow on it quickly and get comfortable? to each other.”


“… gibberish?”

I bit the jailers.

And Yuriel, who followed me, was also bitten.

she asked.

“What are you going to do?”

“That should be interrogated. I won’t say anything like that.”

“Then me too… .”


She wanted to stay with me, but I was adamantly against it.

“I like not having you.”

“Why? I was determined.”

When the word interrogation first came out, Uriel must have noticed what I was trying to do.

So I would have said that I was determined.


“I can’t.”

He is a person who cannot be so harsh regardless of what he is determined to do.

It will be remembered for a long time, and the memories that remain like this will last a lifetime.

“It’s the same with Roan.”

“I am different.”

Memories will remain for a lifetime as well, but whether or not they hurt you is different.

I was confident that I wouldn’t be shaken by something like this.

“You know that?”

“that… .”

Uriel and Dante once said something like this when they were at the academy.

I think it is possible to selectively turn emotions on and off.

Actually, I think this is the word that best points out my essence.

“therefore. I will do this, so you do something else.”

“… … .”

When I returned the word of interruption, she reluctantly nodded.

It would have been embarrassing if I had insisted on it until the end, but fortunately, it seemed that they understood that it was not their role.

“If you say so, I understand. But come out once a day.”


She left the dungeon without saying a word.

“… … .”

So, only the two of us are left.

Eeyore, who had heard the conversation from earlier, said with an expression of astonishment.

“You’re doing something wrong.”

“shut up.”

“… Uhm?”

I hardened my expression coldly and kicked him in the stomach as hard as I could.



I hit it so hard that it sounded like dry firewood being split.

Power went into it, and Eeyore’s eyes instantly turned bright red.

“Cool, kuk!”

The atmosphere suddenly changed.

Embarrassed, Eeyore looked up at me with a confused look on her face as she struggled in pain.

From his point of view, it might feel like a completely different person.

“Who are you?”

As expected, he asked.

Instead of answering, I locked the door of the dungeon tightly so that no sound leaked out.

He then went over to the table on one side of the wall and grabbed a winding iron skewer and rusty pliers.

“Are you going to torture me?”

“Then, did you think I would let you rest in peace?”

“… No way.”

In fact, contrary to popular belief, torture is often difficult to expect.

There is no guarantee that the statements given under torture in the first place will be true.

There is no way to find out whether the accused character is fake information that he has been casually covering to avoid the current situation.


But I’m different.

This is because he has the confidence to ‘perfectly’ subdue the opponent’s mind.

“I’m not going to make you a member of my family because I could die.”

“… what? what are you talking about.”

Of course, it was very unlikely that he would die, but there was no reason to do so.

The Dark Elves were not absolutely necessary, and he was confident enough to subdue them without such means.

I thought to myself and laughed.

‘I never thought I’d use this at this time.’

During my family’s Closing Ceremony, I learned rigorously from Kayla.

It was really harsh, to the point where even thinking about it now makes my teeth tremble.

‘I thought I was crazy at the time.’

It was a difficult day to endure even with my mental strength, where my growth was on track.

He always gave me only enough trials that I could get through, and he never fainted and made me feel comfortable.

It’s a shame because there was no one next to me. If there was someone around at that time, a big accident might have happened.

Even I did, but could he really endure that much pain?

I thought it could never happen.

“You choose.”

I promised the commander, three days to go.

Even if he confessed everything, he had no intention of stopping the interrogation.

Until you completely let go of everything and give in mentally.


He poured mana into it to heat up the balloon.

Then, I scanned Eeyore’s entire body as she laughed at me.

That way, I found numerous points where his nerves and nerves intersected.

“… It will hurt.”

After being kind and warning.

I stabbed the skewer without hesitation.


“… What?!”

Eeyore’s eyes widen.

His chest gasped and his body trembled, as if his breath had been choked.

After I looked down at that guy.

He checked the clock on the wall and said.

“There are still 68 hours left.”

“… … !!”

“Will it be fun?”

Of course that’s what I’m talking about.

“It’s nice to be strong. I will not die on my own.”

“dare… !”

after smiling Carefully adjusted, the hot skewers were twisted.

“It will hurt a little more this time.”

“… !!”

to nerve-wracking devices.

Eeyore’s tearing screams echoed through the dungeon.

* * *

Even though Roan had blocked the prison door, it couldn’t completely stop the sound from leaking out.

The screams that started ringing in broad daylight did not stop until the day was over and the sun was bright the next morning.

“… Ugh.”

The soldiers trembled at the faint screams that could be heard in the distance.

As a soldier guarding the prison, I had experienced this often, but it was because I could feel the desperation mixed with desperation in the opponent’s screams.

… aaagh!!

It wasn’t just a scream in pain, a reaction to the pain.

A desperate scream uttered by a beast that has not overcome its primal fear.

Just hearing it made my forearms goose bumps and my fingertips stiffened.

‘What the hell is going on inside?’

The sound that stimulated the five senses made the soldiers nervous and stayed up all night with eyes wide open.

When there was about an hour left until the shift.

Then the screaming stopped.

‘… Turn off, is it over?’

Shortly after, Captain Roan, who conducted the interrogation, came out.

The soldier hurriedly saluted and said.

“Oh, you worked hard. Captain.”

Roan glanced at the saluting soldier and said with a wry smile.

“You did the hard work.”

“… … .”

“Are you guys shifting now? You worked hard, so rest in peace.”

The soldiers’ faces became awkward.

Even though he had been interrogated to the point of being terrifying to hear, he was neat and did not look haggard at all.

Rather, he encouraged the soldiers with a kind smile.

I was afraid that this gap felt rather inhuman.

How can a person be like that… .


“ah… ! Sin, sorry! Did you say something?”

The soldier suddenly came to his senses.

“I’ll take a break for three hours and come back. Please tell the shift staff.”

“Ah, I see.”

They interrogated me all night, took a break for only three hours, and started again… ?

For the first time, the soldier felt fear from his allies and sympathized with the enemy.

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