Episode 137. two faces (4)

Eeyore endured better than expected.

Is it strong against pain, is it well-educated as a killer, or both?

Even as he struggled, the miasma in his eyes did not easily disappear.

“Try it again and again.”

“… … .”

He had a haggard appearance, but his voice was not despondent.

But it didn’t last long.

After the sun went down, I raised my momentum in earnest and pressed him, and it began to break rapidly.

“Huh… ?!”

A savage force that presses the opponent as if they were stamping them.

Eeyore, who was only an intermediate level member, could not stand it.

In the meantime, the level of pain was getting higher and higher.

“Ouch, that, stop… !”

Finally, a desperate cry came out.

He was enduring the accumulated fatigue and pain with his mental strength, but it was only natural that he ate away his mental strength.

“We haven’t even started yet.”

“… !!”

You can’t stop just because you’re told to stop.

I answered with an expressionless expression.

And I closed my ears

Now, I didn’t want to listen to anything he had to say.


‘Because I can’t die.’

How long had it been since they tortured her with blood transfusions from time to time?

“… . black… .”

“… … .”

by the time the sun rises

The boy collapsed completely on the floor and let out only a groaning moan.

There was no more miasma in his red eyes.

I looked down at him and said.

“A day has passed.”

“… !”

At that time, I did not miss the arrogance passing by on his face.

The effect was definitely there.

I turned my back without regret.

‘I have to let him rest.’

because I can’t die

And because I can’t go crazy.

Just being infinitely harsh doesn’t mean it’s effective, so it took some management.

“Oh, you worked hard. Captain.”


The soldiers saluted with stiff expressions as if the sound had flowed out.

I passed them by and returned to the barracks to find Lord Dyke.

“Captain. Are you out now?”

“yes. What happened?”

Dyke replied with a firm expression.

“There was. Dark elves arrived at the front overnight.”

“… !”

As soon as they arrived, they took advantage of their superior mobility and stealth ability to encroach on the surrounding area.

“Has there been damage to allies?”

“There were, but fortunately there were only dozens of wounded. It is said that some elves felt uneasy and demanded a retreat from our skirmishers.”

“… … .”

From noble mtl dot com

Then you’ve retreated

It was fortunate that there was almost no damage, but it was not a good thing.

If they completely take over the surrounding area and the movements of the orcs become unknown, it becomes a headache.

‘Because the application will be late.’

If they concentrate their power in one place, starting with the corps commander, they must concentrate their entire power to stop it.

In fact, even in the case of the Balkan fortress, it would have been close to the end if reinforcements had arrived even a day later.

“Still, there has been no threat of invasion yet.”

“It is a matter of time. Once they have completely taken over the entire front, they will start to move actively.”

And this trend cannot be stopped.

If the elves fought hard, it seemed like it could take a few days, but there was a limit as the number of troops differed by more than 10 times.

‘It was originally meant to be like this.’

There was originally a difference in objective power, and now that the Dark Elves joined, it must have widened even more.

There was only one way to close this gap, as it was in the beginning, and there is still only one.

information right away.

After gaining an overwhelming advantage in the amount of information, we had to fight by creating a thoroughly designed battle plan.

‘To do so… .’

I had to find out. I woke up after only 3 hours of sleep.

“Are you leaving now?”

“yes. Gotta go right away. For the time being, think of me as absent, and please pay for quite a few items on your own.”

“… All right. Captain, don’t push yourself too hard.”

it’s okay because

No, on the contrary, he seemed to be more concerned because he looked so fine.

“See you tomorrow.”

He told me not to worry and headed to the dungeon.

In such a cold prison.

“ugh… . Ugh.”

Eeyore groaned and fell asleep as if fainting.

Sleeping in the middle of enemy lines.

It was enough for someone trained as a sprinkler, so it was understandable how tired he had accumulated in just one night.

“… … .”

Of course there is no mercy.


I picked up a skewer with a twisty end and pierced his thigh.

The point where nerves and nerves cross.

It is not life threatening, but the point where you feel the most pain.

As soon as it was stabbed, the guy screamed and poured out words.

“… !@$@%!!!!”

Of course, I couldn’t understand because I had already closed my ears.

‘About 45 hours left.’

I just kept repeating what I was doing silently, estimating the remaining time.

* * *

I remembered the first time I was trained as a shooter 50 years ago.

In order not to open his mouth to interrogation, he underwent harsh education, and there was a time when he landed in a remote area infested with demons in order to improve his ability to survive.

It was hard, but I went through all the courses, and I thought I had overcome quite a bit of fear at that time.

So when I woke up and realized I had been taken prisoner, I didn’t worry too much.

Because I was confident that I wouldn’t open my mouth no matter what they did.

Rather, it was intended to make up for the mistake by leaking fake information in moderation.


‘Wouldn’t that be fun?’

‘… !!’

The guy was a crazy person.

A madman far beyond imagination.

‘It will hurt.’

The guy started to torture without asking anything.

It was embarrassing.

I thought he was going to use torture to get information, but he was just a human being who enjoys inflicting pain on others?

That’s the article too.

‘What kind of guy… .’

What was even more surprising was the following.

The moment the skewer is driven into the thigh.

‘… sick!?’

In an instant, the violent pain hit her so hard that her vision turned white.

Not even a scream came out.

I struggled in the tidal wave of pain, shaking like an epileptic.

‘… Still, I can stand it.’

It was a thought he had while holding on to the string of reason.

Thanks to the hellish training in the past, I was able to endure it enough.

But when night fell.

The situation, no, the opponent has completely changed.

An intangible energy flowed from his body, and he began to press me down mercilessly.

‘ah… !’

then i realized How weak and small I am. And what kind of existence the opponent is.

apex of the species.

A predator or ruler at the top of any food chain.

‘ah… .’

I couldn’t help but tremble like a mouse in front of a cat at his savage spirit that wrapped around my whole body.

begged for the first time

‘No, I’ll tell you.’

‘… … .’

pouring bloody tears

I prayed desperately, weighed down by the fear that filled my head.

If only I could put an end to this painful time, I really intended to answer whatever he asked the truth.



‘Keuk!! my please… !’

‘… … .’

I belatedly noticed

That the other person is not listening to me.

with ears closed.

That they’re repeating mechanically treating and torturing me.

‘… ah.’

A feeling of hopelessness overtook him.

The despair of not seeing an end.

I was screaming and screaming.

‘… My, what do you want from me?’

‘… … .’

‘I’ll tell you! I’ll tell you everything, please… !’

So please, feel free to ask for any information.

Please tell me how to end this time.

I begged so fervently.

‘… … .’

But he still had no answer.

It was morning like that.

It was only then that he finally stopped the torture and spoke for the first time.

‘It’s been a day now.’

‘… … ?’

I thought about its meaning for a moment.

And soon I realized Obviously, he said this at first.

‘There are still 68 hours left.’

‘It’s nice to be strong. I won’t die on my own.’

Shocked by the blow to the back of the head, I couldn’t say anything.

What does that mean?

Doesn’t it mean that he has no intention of asking or listening to anything until the time he has set has passed?

He doesn’t care if I tell him confidentially or not, he will torture me for a set amount of time.

‘then… .’

how much time do you have left?

Since it was now dawn, there must have been at least 45 hours left.

The moment I realized that, I felt something in my heart break down.

I couldn’t stand it.

‘… … .’

slowly. But sure.

I put everything down.

* * *

“… … .”

how long has it been now

There were few means of grasping the passage of time in the dark dungeon.

However, since the article said ‘It’s the last day’, this painful time would not be long.


“Shut up, ugh… .”

The pain was still there, but I didn’t have the slightest energy to scream, so only the sound of air escaping from my lungs came out.

how long has it been like that


The knight put down the balloon.

Then he checked his watch and asked.

“What is your name?”

I woke up.

answered in a trembling voice.

“this… . Yor.”


“Mid-level members… .”

“hmm. good.”

My heart must have been dead for a long time, but for some reason, tears seemed to come out.

he continued to ask.

“Who is the corps commander?”

“… Luna.”

“… like. Was it that way?”

Among them, there were some that should never be answered like the above, but I continued to answer as if possessed.

The reason was simple.

Because the conversation went through.

He listened to me, and when I answered, he asked the next question.

‘… It’s over.’

I was finally able to realize his question.

that the torture is over.

“How big is the force?”

“About 43,900.”

“then… .”

The questions and answers continued.

when several hours have passed.

“Hmm, good. That’s it.”


He released the restraints.

and said

“Goes. Now take care of it.”

Then I really left.

Even without locking the cage.

“… … .”

Complete defenselessness.

If he tried to escape now, he might be able to take a few soldiers with him on the road.



Nothing but sharp blades came into my eyes now.

That rusty blade that has nicked my flesh time and time again.

It is now in my hands.

Then it was obvious what to do.

“… It’s over now.”

So, no pain.

at once.

Bu-wook… !

The prison is stained with blood.

* * *

“Go in and clean it up in an hour.”

“yes? Ah, yes.”

I left the soldiers who blinked at my words and headed straight to the headquarters.

From noble mtl dot com

It was very tiring, but the first thing was to inform the commanders of the information obtained through the interrogation.


“Commander. The interrogation is over.”

“… ah!”

When I requested a meeting in person, a seat was created within 30 minutes.

“I proposed a meeting to inform you of the results of the prisoner interrogation. first… .”

“leader. Previously.”

one of the commanders asked.

“How reliable is the information?”

“You can be sure.”

All the commanders were surprised by the answer that came without thinking.

the commander asked.

“Is that enough?”

“I have nothing to say on the basis of evidence, but I feel like it is.”

“… No, then you can trust me.”

The commander gestured this way as if to continue.

I nodded and continued.

“About 40,000 Dark Elves have joined.”

Among them, there are about 1,000 senior members and about 4,000 intermediate members.


“The corps commander is Luna.”

A corps commander with decent fighting power, enchantment, and the power of poison.

She was our next opponent.

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