Chapter 138. Cacophony (1)

‘not bad.’

Unlike other corps commanders, Luna, who has recently become a corps commander, will not yet be as strong as I remember.

The powers of the legionnaires are enhanced by their master, the Necromancer.

Because they are also monsters.

You can strengthen your powers through ‘Enhancement Spell’ among the spirit magic.

However, since the necromancer who was supposed to use the secret technique was in despair, Luna must have not yet received the strengthening technique.

‘In this case, enchantment is fine.’

If it was Luna in my memory, dealing with her would have been difficult enough to be comparable to Balak.

Because the allies right next to you may turn into enemies.

There was no way to stop them in the case of ordinary soldiers who did not know knights but had low mental power.

‘It was such a headache.’

Even when playing the game, it was not easy to manage Cale’s morale level.

He was a subdued sunfish, so once his mentality exploded, there was no answer.

However, now that there is no secret technique, the range of enchantment is narrow, so it is ineffective except when facing one-on-one.

In other words, it is correct to see that there is no value in war.

“Did you even find out the Authority!?”

the commander asked in surprise.

Even though the interrogation results were good, he looked shocked as if he had never imagined that he would have found out this much.

But where is the authority?

“yes. It was blowing.”

I was able to infer a lot just by getting the general information along with who the corps commander was.

For example, their specific strength and even Luna’s choice after that.

‘Luna was on the side of guessing.’

Even if they are enemies of each other, if the other’s opinion is valid, they accept it without revealing their personal feelings.

That’s why, when Balak asked to defeat the army, he quietly backed down.

There was a difference in strength between the kingdom and the corps enough to win without having to fight, so they avoided it on their own.

‘But not anymore.’

Trust has already been broken.

Originally, the war that should have been won ‘of course’ was going on strangely.

Slowly you will try to take the floor.

“Isn’t that worse? Luna? He must at least have a better understanding of strategy and tactics than the Orcs.”

“Not necessarily.”

Of course, Luna is a great corps commander not only for her strength but also for her intellect.

When she seizes the baton, we will have more things to think about than before.

But hadn’t the bomb been planted before?

I didn’t aim for this time, but the situation wasn’t bad.



“What does that mean again?”

He gave an explanation to the commander and commanders who asked with a puzzled expression.

Noah took advantage of the dark magic and caught the orcs and pretended to be the work of the dark elves.

“… ! Did something like that happen?”

“yes. It was a problem because the Orcs couldn’t find it.”

“Why is that?”

It was because we completely took over our peripheral vision.

It was a pity that the trap I had made was useless, but I left it as it was because I couldn’t bite the sight I had already solidly grasped with common sense.

However, the situation changed when the Dark Elves joined and naturally the allies retreated.

The bomb, which I thought was already buried deep in the ground, was revealed.

If so, what you need to do now is simple.

should use it

“We should light the fuse.”

“Is there a way?”


I answered without hesitation.

It’s just to stir up the conflict between the two corps commanders.

“Of course there are.”

“… !”

It was not difficult for me, who perfectly grasped the tendencies of the two.

The two are originally polar opposites.

It’s just that Luna is flirtatious and doesn’t show it well, but if the situation is well established, it can explode at any time.

“So, just give me a choice.”

It is a clear choice that will make different choices.

Then you’ll know how to hit it.

* * *

early morning.

“Aren’t you going out today?”

As usual, Sigrun, who would have gone out to reconnaissance immediately, asked the figure of remaining in the castle.

she clicked her tongue in response.

“yes. I tried to drag out as much time as possible, but it was difficult beyond this.”

“Good job.”

She said it would have been different if there were more reinforcements, and she said she was sorry.

“Well, that can’t be helped.”

There is bound to be a difference between the elves who have been confined to the cramped Elvenheim and the dark elves who have constantly increased their numbers outside.

In addition, the Dark Elves all received military training, so the actual number of combatants inevitably differed even more.

“Still, with a small number, it dragged on for a long time.”

Thanks to you, this one is also ready.

Now, all you have to do is fish.

* * *


“It’s done.”

Luna said, putting the map down on the table.

The map was marked with red X’s.

“What sign?”

“It’s the place where the enemy skirmishers were, that you didn’t notice.”

“… … .”

“Oh, my God. You were fighting an unwinnable fight.”

Luna covered her mouth and laughed.

It was a refreshing smile, but because of what he said before, Balak couldn’t help but feel it as a mockery.

His expression crumpled.

Whether he did it or not, Luna continued talking.

“The enemies have lost their eyes now. There is no way organic support is possible, so if you start shaking several places at the same time, there will be gaps.”

“… … .”

Balak said nothing with a hard expression on his face. And Luna’s words that followed made her even more firm.

“Please listen to my opinion on future tactics.”


“I know you hate our way. Still, that’s how things are.”

Balak wrinkled his brow.

In fact, even if they were the same corps commander, the opponent was a new corps commander who had not yet received a secret technique.

As there is a clear difference between status and power, the opponent has nothing to say even if he presses down with authority.


However, if you think about it rationally, Luna’s words weren’t so wrong.

First of all, they’ve been fighting the kingdom longer and know more about the situation on the battlefield.

It’s just a matter of mood, and there’s nothing to lose by listening to opinions.

“… I will give you a listen.”

Eventually, at the end of the long struggle, Balak nodded.

* * *

so the next day.

The dispatch of the two corps was decided.

“This is where we are aiming for.”

“Isn’t it too out of the way?”

“Right now, we need one clear victory more than a big one.”

“hmm… .”

Siege warfare inevitably puts the siege side at a disadvantage.

So, since Luna was fine with the outskirts, she made sure to take one castle, and then set up a plan to continue the offensive from there.

“Besides, there won’t be a wizard either?”

Since the reconnaissance was blocked, the magician, the core force, would of course be in the center of the most important battle line.

And he thought it would be easy to capture the castle without a wizard.

‘Because there won’t be any support anyway.’

But, when you get to the front.

Luna felt a deep sense of deja vu.

“hmm… ?”

“Why, what do you see?”

Lowest in terms of importance.

The number of soldiers guarding the outermost castle on the front lines was strangely large.

Luna turned and explained to Balak what she had seen.

“Are there really that many soldiers?”

Balak shook his head coolly.

“No way. Looks like support has arrived.”

“Support… ?”

“Still, it’s not at a high level.”

Balak showed confidence in the fight.

However, after struggling for a while, Luna shook her head.

“… It’s not possible.”

“Why? It is the power to win.”

“Looks like a trap. Support came when it shouldn’t have come, so it seems we have a scout that we missed.”

If so, it may not be all the forces that appear on the outside.

Rather, I decided to use this as an opportunity.

Power was concentrated here, so other places would have been relatively empty.

“I’m glad I knew before I hit. Shall we aim at another castle nearby?”

Balak didn’t like that he had to back down with all his strength to win, but he followed Luna’s opinion.

“… I will.”

I decided to listen to her opinion, and she also had a point.

“… Move!”

The legion turned and aimed at another castle.

And the result was defeat.


Balak hit the table.

The nearby castle, which I thought was an empty house, was full of wizards and the most elite knights of the opponent.

They also had the disadvantage of being on the siege side, so defeat was a natural step.

“Wouldn’t it have been better if the attack had been carried out as planned!”

“… The opponent was just smart. I thought about twisting it one more time.”

Luna frowned and replied.

She didn’t think her judgment was wrong then.

But the opponent did well.

“I was caught off guard. It won’t happen again from now on.”

“Whoa… .”

However, unlike those rants, similar things happened several more times.

In addition, the amount of damage was strangely concentrated on the Orcs.

From Balak’s point of view, he had no choice but to become more and more upset.

“What are we going to do with this? Wouldn’t it be better if we just fought!”

“It must have been a trap!”

“What is that about! Rather than fighting like this, wouldn’t it be better to run into something?”

Ballack resents.

In response, Luna, whose face was unusually flushed, coldly shot at him.

She, too, was very annoyed at the constant defeat.

“… Is that why you lost 40,000 men?”

“this… !”

“… After, I’m sorry. Balak though. It’s just bad luck. Opponents can’t throw a gambler again and again.”

“… … .”

“Next time I will definitely win.”

From noble mtl dot com

However, the corpses of the orcs found in the midst of this and the traces left on the corpses were enough to turn his eyes.

‘This… !’

Sharp scars corroded black.

An orc’s ax couldn’t make such a wound, and humans don’t have magic.

Then who would it be?


“… Gee, crazy.”

Balak, blinded, gnashed his teeth.

‘Come to think of it… .’

Strangely, the loss of the Orcs in the recent defeat was much greater.

In fact, this was a part of the kingdom’s army mainly targeting orcs, but Balak had no way of knowing that fact.


Breathing quickened and unrefined life exploded in all directions.

No matter how patient he is among the orcs, he was not objectively calm.

Physical evidence found while the mileage accumulated one by one. Balak couldn’t stand it any longer and exploded.

“… go back.”

Balak’s brain twitched slightly.

It seemed that he had calmed down in an instant, but this only subsided because his anger reached its peak.

“Chwik, Corps Commander… .”

“go away.”

As soon as Balak returned, he immediately looked for Luna.


Balak roughly broke down the entrance to the corps commander’s barracks and went inside.

“… What is this? No, what about going out before that… .”

“Shut up and explain.”

Then, unable to accept the sudden situation, he spoke to Luna who looked up with a bewildered expression.

“Why did you kill him?”

“What do you mean all of a sudden?”


Balak threw down the cannon.

Inside was an orc killed by Noah.

“… uh?”

Luna’s eyes widened.

Seeing this, Balak said, clutching the ax with red eyes.

“You should be able to explain.”

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