Episode 139. Cacophony (2)

Countless sharp cuts.

And the traces of Magi digging into the wound reminded anyone of the work of the Dark Elves.

That was the reason Luna was speechless.

‘uh… ?’

My hair turned white.

At the same time, the blood drained from his face.

As soon as I saw the corpse, I thought that even the person who had never given an order couldn’t believe it, but what would Balak think?


“Oh no!”

Seeing the strength in Balak’s hands, she said urgently.

I don’t know what the situation was, but it was clear that there was a misunderstanding.

“We are not like that! I never gave an order like that.”

“Anyone can say that. It can’t be explained.”

Balak pointed to the body.

“If it wasn’t for you, what happened to that?”

“That, that… .”

Luna bit her parched lips.

It felt like my head was about to explode.

In my opinion, it was a situation where the other person could misunderstand, so I couldn’t think of anything to say.

‘I don’t even know the situation… .’

If given some time, we might be able to find the evidence, but first we had to deal with the enraged Balak.

she said urgently.

“I swear, I swear.”

“… vow?”

Balak met Luna’s eyes.

will you swear?

Unlike the oaths of the elves, dark elves’ oaths are not binding at all.

It is natural that there is no mana in the first place.

But if that didn’t mean anything, it wasn’t.

Now they are divided into different tribes, but in the end, the roots are the same, so the oath has a different meaning to them.

If you hit it with an orc, it’s the same as betting your warrior’s honor, and if you hit it with a priest, it’s the same as your own faith.

In other words, the fact that the corps commander said that much meant that he really didn’t know.

“… … .”

Seeing Balak sink, Luna was relieved internally and continued.

“… I don’t know the truth right now, so I can’t provide evidence. However, I will explain somehow after the war is over.”

It is not known how long it will take to uncover the truth during a war, and it can only add confusion to allies.

Only then did Balak loosen his grip on the axe.

“… i get it.”

But that didn’t mean the suspicions were completely gone.

The oath was made by Luna.

There was still a possibility that it happened without her orders and at the initiative of some Dark Elves who had an excessive grudge against the Orcs.

Balak said as he lifted the bag.

“From now on, we move separately.”


Orcs and dark elves can cover each other’s weaknesses, so it’s theoretically good to cooperate.

However, that was also the case when there was trust.

Balak had no intention of entrusting his back to a suspicious opponent.

Besides, Luna had grown tired of being overly conscious of her opponent’s traps.

“The corps will attack the center of the front tomorrow. You guys have to figure it out.”

After saying that, Balak left the abandoned barracks.

“ah… .”

Luna was about to say something, but gave up on Balak’s resolute back.

After a while, she murmured.

“… are you okay.”

It wasn’t that we completely refused to cooperate, we just wanted to move separately.

In this way, they were still able to fully prepare for the control of peripheral vision and night attacks, which they struggled with.

And even if you do this much, Balak can fully demonstrate his power.

‘Of course, there will be more damage during the siege, but… .’

This is because Orcs lack the means to keep the opposing archers in check.

However, if you cut off the opponent’s reinforcements well and push them with numbers, you’ll be fine.

Luna thought so and tried to soothe her bubbling stomach.

* * *

Balak went out immediately after collecting the dead.

Departure only with the strength of the pure Orc Corps, which did not include the Dark Elves.

The target was a battle fortress that had never been aimed at, thinking that the enemy’s elite troops would be gathered until now.



At Balak’s command, the Legion charged into the fortress through a rain of arrows.

A bloody battle that lasted over 7 hours.

The winner was Balak’s Legion.

Although the fortress was not occupied, it was enough to call it a victory given the degree of exchange of troops.

‘You won?!’

Luna was taken aback by the result.

There were many soldiers in the fortress, but there were no magicians and elite knights.

They managed to prevent the fall of the fortress, but suffered a lot of damage.

This unexpected result made Luna’s mind complicated.

‘Have I been wrong all this time?’

Balak crashed into a fortress that was sure to be teeming with the opponent’s elite.

However, the fortress was surprisingly empty, probably because of Heo Heosil’s strategy, and the result of the expedition was the best ever.

‘Maybe I overcomplicated it… .’

I wondered if I should have just let the orcs run into the opponent’s trap with confidence.

because the result was

‘… I need to focus on support.’

So Luna changed her mind, but it didn’t last long.

This is because the opponent’s tactics have changed after noticing the split between the two corps.

* * *

The method I chose to determine the enemy’s condition through Eeyore was to induce the division of Balak and Luna.

This was not difficult.

Since there were already seeds sown, I thought that if we induce appropriate conflict, they will divide on their own.

“How are you going to induce conflict?”

“that… .”

This wasn’t difficult either.

It was because Luna was a smart corps commander.

The thoughts of a moderately clever person were far more predictable than those of a ignoramus.

It was all the more so since I had fought hundreds of times in the game.

“We need to change the deployment of troops.”

I have dug a cunning trap.

He placed troops in places where she would come, and ordered the soldiers to only catch orcs as much as possible.

The result was 4 victories.

Compared to the minor friendly damage, the orcs’ damage amounted to almost 10,000.

From Balak’s point of view, there would be no choice but to boil.

‘It’ will be discovered soon, so the division is not far away.

As expected, a few days later.

A sad news has arrived.

“I got hit! Orcs take the fortress… .”

Orcs attacked the battle fortress in the center of the front line, and although it narrowly escaped capture, it was said that there were heavy casualties.

virtual defeat.

But instead of being disappointed, I asked the messenger about something else.

“How was the opposing force?”

“There were no dark elves.”

also. Because this was the outcome of the battle that could never come out with Luna’s judgment.

The fact that the Dark Elves did not show up to the end during the 7-hour battle was certain that a division had occurred.

“It’s really as Roan said.”

Sigrun admired.

But it is still too early to admire.

The important thing is from now on.


“Actually, not the best of circumstances.”

“What do you mean?”

I was looking forward to the infighting between the two races, but I guess that was too hopeful.

Seeing that Balak had gone out and the Dark Elves were still guarding her, it seemed that Luna somehow managed to seal it well so that it wouldn’t become the worst.

Sigrun asked.

“What are you going to do now?”

“… … .”

The answer was already out there.

After time passes and Balak’s anger subsides, you don’t know how things will change.

So, your chance is now.

Besides, didn’t he promise to give Ian a chance to deal with him?

I answered while moving my steps that had stopped for a moment.

“I have to catch it.”

“… What?”

There is only one.

Coincidentally, there were so many master class strongmen.

This is enough power to hold a corps commander raid.

“I’m going to catch Balak.”

“… Balak!?”


And the operation was also set up.

Perhaps, a strategy that would only work once.

The problem is that I don’t know if I can get permission from the commander… .

the commander asked.

“… Is this, is this really how the leader thought?”

“That’s right.”

“… … .”

I said calmly to the commander, who had a hard expression.

“It is necessary, Commander.”

From noble mtl dot com

At those words, the faces of the commanders around him hardened even more, but the commander was different.

His expression changed to serious.

“… It is necessary.”

He murmured softly, tapped the table, and washed his face dry.

The conflict did not last long.

He said.

“Then try.”

I’ll give you part of the OP, so make sure you succeed in what’s necessary.

* * *

“Let’s go.”


As soon as the meeting was over, preparations began immediately.

And to prevent Balak’s invasion, the troop disposition was revised again.

As it takes some time to prepare for the operation, Mercury had to precede it.

“Actually, we don’t know exactly where he’s headed.”

Unlike Luna, who moves with logic, Balak’s thoughts, which are somewhat spontaneous, cannot be read perfectly.

It is more often poisonous, but not in this case.

I had to compromise moderately.

“We start with the basics. Protect the center of the frontline and strategic points, and go to support in other areas as soon as possible.”

“Will it be right on time?”

“… We have to try to fit it as best we can.”

Some damage is an indispensable condition.

Giving flesh and taking bones.

No, as long as he devised an extreme strategy to give his bones and take his life, he has no choice but to hold on.

“You just have to avoid being captured somehow. And in the meantime, you have work to do.”

“If it’s something to do… ?”

“You have to completely drive out the Dark Elves or draw attention to them.”

This raid will only work if Balak is completely isolated.

Because he’s such a monster.

Also, as much as I have to fully reveal my abilities in order to catch Balak, I cannot tolerate any variables because I must never let him live.

“I will attach Noah and the wizard. Sir, please draw my attention.”

“All right.”

Although risky, I boldly excluded Iris from Mercury.

Luna had to do this to distract herself.

Iris is worried that she isn’t good at defense magic yet, but since Noah is with her, she won’t die.

“I will go as soon as the day goes down.”

“yes. please.”

After sending Sigrun, I called several middle and low-ranking commanders.

All of them were commanders with a low rank, but long service experience on the frontlines.

Since I received operational authority from the commander, this level of calling authority was sufficient.

“Thank you for coming. I have something to ask of you.”

“… You mean us?”

They looked at the map of the front lines on the table and nodded.

“If it’s a discussion of tactics, there must be better commanders?”

“The tactics have already been conceived. That is not what I want to ask for.”

“Um… ?”

“We need to get some applicants.”

I explained the situation to the commanders.

“There are definitely rewards.”

“… … .”

“Then, please.”

Just like the commander, he left the commanders with hardened expressions.

It’s not that I’m not innocuous about using this method.

I couldn’t help it.

‘There is no re-challenge now.’

to be sure to succeed.

Leaving the work with Sigrun and the commanders, I began my work.

I went to the fortress where the operation would be executed and started preliminary work, while giving detailed explanations to the commanders and commanders.

And he called the strongest helper to proceed with the raid.

Ian Karziel.

[Tell your brother. Please come to the place I said within 3 days]

A knight who has reached the level of a master, and a blood relative who knows my secret.

He needed his strength.

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