Episode 140. trap (1)


After the Orc commander’s cry, tens of thousands of Orcs rushed into the castle.

As the momentum rose, the Orcs and strong soldiers were difficult to deal with.

In addition, Iris, the core of Mercury, and the few elves who played a prominent role were missing, making Mercury even more difficult.

“Shoot! Don’t let it come up!”

The commander continued to give orders while the messengers departed.

As the number of opponents was considerable, it seemed like the castle was in danger of being captured if support did not come in time.

‘At least five hours.’

No matter how quickly support comes, it will take that long.

Until then, I had to deal with it on my own.

In general, it’s not that difficult to just hold on from the standpoint of fighting with a castle.

But now things were different.

Because there was a corps commander between me.

“Bring my spear.”

Balak, who was looking at the wall from a distance, said to the orc next to him.

Upon receiving the command, the orc quickly brought a throwing spear three times larger than a normal one.

“… … .”

Holding such a spear like chopsticks, Balak looked around the top of the castle wall, but the person he was looking for was nowhere to be seen.

‘He’s not there today either.’

The knights of Karziel and his knights, who had been following him tenaciously, had not been seen for a long time.

‘Am I avoiding it?’

Balak thought for a moment when he saw Ian, who hadn’t been seen for several days, but then shook his head.

He was a knight who risked his life in the enemy camp to save his soldiers.

It was hard to imagine that such a knight would have avoided battle.

There must be another reason.

Considering that the Dark Elves’ territory was subtly pushed back due to the fierce resistance of the elves, who had recently mobilized wizards, and the time overlapped, it seemed certain that they had a plan.

Balak snorted.

“That plan doesn’t work for me.”

If you’ve dug a trap, you just have to trample it along with it.

It was such a tendency from the beginning, and the recent victories made Balak more and more buried in this thought.

‘You’re turning your head quite a bit. But even after the fort is taken, I won’t be able to do that.’


Balak gripped the spear.

The 5m long spear was covered with thick demonic energy and trembled.

“Huh… !”

Holding his breath, bending his waist to the limit, Balak threw the spear.

Like a cannon ball being fired, the thrown spear flew through the atmosphere.

Kwak Kwa Kwak!

The spear aimed at the commander above the castle wall hit the target precisely.

The commander, who commanded the troops while staring only at the bottom of the wall, exploded without leaving a trace and died instantly.

“Hey… !”

“Joe, watch out!”

On top of the wall that becomes mayhem.

Balak looked at it and raised the corners of his mouth in satisfaction.

With the disappearance of the Knights, who had followed like leeches, Balak was able to wield great influence.

“He’s coming!”


Even if he moves just a little, there is an uproar in that direction, and the bowstrings of the knights and rangers turn at once.

Fearing that they would dare to march, hundreds of troops were tied up.


A being that no one can stop.

Balak was such a presence here without Ian and his knights.


Hundreds of arrows flying nearby.



Balak paused for a moment and gave a great swing of his axe, which shattered hundreds of arrows into fragments.

“He stopped! Keep shooting!”

“Yes, old!”

First of all, Balak’s approach was blocked, but as many arrows were used here, the defense in other places was natural, but there was no choice but to loosen up.

“Come up! have to stop… .”


One by one, the warriors are allowed to invade and on top of the wall that is becoming a mess.

As there was a big difference between soldiers and orcs in hand-to-hand combat, the number of casualties increased rapidly from this point on.

how long has it been like that

By the time the shadows get longer.

“… Reinforcements!”

A soldier on the watchtower exclaimed as if cheering at the sight of thousands of reinforcements coming from the back gate of the fortress after a long way.


“Kuruk. ancient.”

Balak withdrew without regret.

After tenaciously enduring, the kingdom army managed to hold out until reinforcements came and succeeded in defending, but that was all.

The castle was captured, but it was not.

Considering the number of commanders and men killed, only the worst was spared.

Balak knew that too.

Human armies aren’t quick to recover from losses.

Unless it is an empire with a large land mass and a large population, it will take at least several years for a kingdom to recover its lost troops.

If not, there is no choice but to pull troops from other fronts or recruit more, but the former requires time and the latter has a problem that it will be difficult to use it immediately for a sense of power.

Even if the conscription was carried out now, it would be natural for the majority to be farmers who had not received basic military education.

‘not much left.’

Because of this, while retreating, he was convinced that the fall of the kingdom was not far away.

If you continue to beat the castle like this, sooner or later they will reach their limit.

‘And, even if I take just one castle like that, the war situation will drastically decline.’

You can use the captured castle as a base and continue the offensive around it.

Also, even if the war gets longer, there is a way to survive the winter based on the castle you took.

Whatever it is, it’s fatal for the kingdom, so there will be a response sooner or later.

Balak thought so and continued to attack all over the front.

* * *

So another 3 days later.

The change Balak had been waiting for had come.

“Brigade commander, this is an urgent message.”

Balak asked the scout who had entered, making a fuss.


However, this was a complete departure from the change Ballack had anticipated.

“Humans are on the run!”

“what? getaway?”

At the scout’s report, Balak reflexively narrowed his brows and stood up.

The soldiers of the fortress scheduled to launch tomorrow have escaped?

‘Could it be a trap?’

It was so unbelievable that even Balak thought this as soon as he heard the report.

Why all of a sudden?

Although the recent damage was great, the kingdom persevered and endured well.

Also, scams are almost non-dead.

Even Balak, who had been dealing with the Imperial Army for decades, raised his evaluation of the Kingdom Army by several notches.

But how do you make that decision?

so radically?


He couldn’t understand the situation.

However, the question was immediately resolved by the scout’s words that followed.

It was a really simple matter.

“Kureuk, it’s not like that. Only the commanders retreated.”

“What are you saying.”

“Only those who appeared to be high-ranking commanders secretly left the castle. The soldiers are still there.”

“… … .”

Balak was silent for a moment.

and after a while

Realizing the hidden meaning behind the words, he burst into laughter.

“Kheu, hahahaha!!!!”

Because it was so funny.

The soldiers are still fighting with their lives risking their morale.

The commanders were afraid of tomorrow’s battle and abandoned the castle to find their own way to live, so how could they not laugh at it?

‘It’s absurd.’

The level of the Kingdom Army, which Balak had raised with ridicule, was drastically lowered.

What if only the soldiers were strong soldiers?

Only then did the commanders’ heads feel inferior to that of the barbarians’ army.

“How do I do this? Once we ask the elves to scout… .”

“No, there is no need for that.”

From noble mtl dot com

Balak interrupted the soldier.

Of course, it would be better if you know the inside situation with certainty, but it will take some time.

It was because the realm of the Dark Elves had been slightly pushed back recently.

“Because things may change while we wait for them. So, the departure proceeds as planned.”

Balak decided that it was better to move quickly and take the castle first.

At the point when the soldiers were left in the castle, there was little chance that it was a trap, and even if it was a trap, it didn’t matter.

‘There is no wizard anyway.’

I knew the wizard’s location through a report that came in this morning.

If you calculate the time, it was a position that could never be reached until tomorrow.

There was enough reason to fight.

he was confident

If there was no magician like this, he thought that even if it was a trap, he could overcome it by force, and even if it was the worst situation, it would be possible to retreat.

“Give the army an order to go out.”

“All right.”

After sending a messenger to Luna.

Balak prepared to set out the next day.

* * *

… Kwakkwakkwa!!

“… … !”

A distant roar.

And the shadows on one side of the forest moved in that direction due to the trembling of the ground that followed like a shotgun.

“A wizard is nearby.”

The Dark Elves moved quickly, talking in low voices as if whispering.

“How many were killed?”

“Not many.”

At first, they were embarrassed by the power of magic and gave up their territory, but it was different now that they got used to it to some extent.

The Dark Elves constantly collided with their opponents day and night, and were looking for a suitable way to deal with them.

And one of those ways.

“Spread and attack.”

“… … .”


The Dark Elves nodded and scattered in all directions to pursue the opponent.

The mage was strong, of course, but there were not enough knights to support her.

So, as long as they are moderately spread out and not swept away by magic all at once, I decided that I could catch them enough.

No, now that I’m used to fighting them, it’s rather advantageous.

“You go back and surround yourself.”

“All right.”

A large number of Dark Elves gathered in an instant and began to surround the opponent.

Like this, the formidable power of magic was both an advantage and a disadvantage.

Because it is so powerful, it informs all directions of its location.

It wouldn’t matter if there were a lot of allies around, but doing that in the middle of enemy lines would inevitably have the opposite effect.

“… See, attack!”

“… … !”

In the end, the opponent was caught in the back of the back in a persistent pursuit shortly after.

The opponent immediately fled.

The Dark Elves relentlessly pursued the Elves and human knights and fired arrows at them.

puck! puck!


“be careful! It’s dark, so I can’t see!”

It wasn’t night, but the demonic arrows were basically invisible in the dark dense forest.

The opponent also fired arrows, but the difference in numbers was overwhelming.

So, there was nothing wrong with the Dark Elves in this kind of exchange of air and water.

Just one thing, if you’re careful with magic.

Tingle… !

A creepy aura passing through the body.

The captain shouted back.

“… be careful! Disperse!”

The thrilled Dark Elves folded their bows and scattered in all directions.

Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwam!!!

Right after that, magic exploded at close range.

A hot wind spread in all directions along with sparks and covered the Dark Elves.

The member who was swept away died instantly without doing anything. Members nearby were burned by the hot wind.

The surviving captain clicked his tongue.

‘Tsk, your aim is terrible… .’

Even if Iris’ skills have improved a lot, that’s only compared to before.

It was still a terrible level for the captain who had excellent archery skills.

However, just being swept away is enough power to put your life at risk.

Minor problems like that have been covered up enough.

The leader encouraged the members.

“… Okay! Keep chasing!”

In any case, the opponent had no means of resisting other than magic.

It’s not like you can fire magic continuously, so if you keep chasing after it, in the end, the one who loses will be the opponent.

“Sir, they keep coming after me. How do I do this?”

At Faye’s urgent question, Sigrun turned his head and looked around.

“… … .”

I’m running hard not to be trapped in the siege, but as Fay said, the distance gradually narrowed.

The reason was that the opponent was no longer shrinking from the formidable power of magic.

“… … .”

Dark elves flocking from all directions.

At this rate, you will soon be surrounded.

So originally, it would have been correct to retreat at this point and return to the castle.

“I won’t go back.”

Because he had a mission.

She asked Roan’s followers.

“Is it yet?”

“… … .”

The attendant answered after a while.

“It has started now.”


Sigrun drew in a breath.

get rid of that tension

She said to the human knights and elves who only looked at her.

“Everyone, prepare for battle.”

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