Only a very small number of people went to Shendao mountain to watch the battle between the island God and the Chinese dragon tooth.

Most people are waiting for the final result.

At the "second world" forum, there were also some people who came to Shendao mountain to broadcast live pictures and pictures.

When a picture of hundreds of samurai swords covering the sky and turning into a long dragon flying to the top of the mountain appeared on the forum, everyone was stunned!

"Fark! Blood wolf, you live broadcast and made special effects pictures to perfunctory us. Are you full and supporting?"

Someone immediately replied and scolded.

The rest of the people also expressed their dissatisfaction one after another.

However, the sender of the account named "blood wolf" immediately replied:

"My God! It's not that I perfunctory you! It's true! My God, just now I heard the God shout 'Dao Lai', and then all these samurai swords flew over!"

It seemed that he was afraid that people would not believe him. He uploaded another picture. The picture impressively showed the background of Shendao mountain Kendo hall, and all the people were dumbfounded!

Everyone at the forum immediately saw many famous figures in the underground world from this picture. At this time, these figures are also scared and stupid!

Now, no one doubted that the picture was fake!

Suddenly, the post seemed to be stuck for a while, and there was no reply from anyone. Obviously, they were all scared!

Then, the "blood wolf" uploaded another picture, impressively hundreds of samurai swords, condensed into a ten meter long knife on the peak!

At this moment, all over the world, in bars, war areas, ancient castles, high-rise buildings and other places, countless people looked at this picture and breathed their breath and stared at it!

It's terrible to use so many samurai swords to fight against the enemy. Even if these people are not ordinary people, they are scared!

Finally, someone recovered from the shock.

"God! Demigod, no wonder it's called demigod! This power is beyond the scope of human beings!"

"It's terrible! Falk, if I had known that I would have seen such a shocking scene, I would have pushed off the task I was carrying out, but I would have run there! It's worth seeing this scene once in my life!"

"Fark! I thought that Huaxia had a chance to win. I also bet 500000 dollars on Huaxia dragon tooth. I really can't take chances!"

"Now, who else can cure the God? It is estimated that the 'sun's fire' will soon become a super first-class organization like the 'eternal country'!"


Many people wrote back and said that they were basically amazed at the power of God. No one doubted the outcome of this war any more!

After they think about it, the Chinese dragon tooth is estimated to have been cut into meat paste by so many samurai swords!

"Blood wolf? What are you doing? Keep broadcasting!"

Someone found something wrong. It's been a few minutes, but the sender hasn't updated any more!

Other people, too, found this and began to wonder.

"How about the blood wolf? Has the Chinese dragon tooth been cut off? You should continue!"

"What's the matter? Keep broadcasting!"

"In my opinion, there is no need to broadcast live. That dragon Fang is definitely dead! The blood wolf must have left Shendao mountain and be on the way back!"


Everyone asked the blood wolf to continue the live broadcast, and the next moment, everyone's face was frozen, and their eyes almost protruded, just like a ghost!

Because the blood wolf posted.

"God, he has been killed! The people of 'sun's inflammation' have also been killed. There is no God or 'sun's inflammation' in this world!"


In an instant, countless people around the world sitting in front of computers or watching live broadcasts with their mobile phones were all stupid!

"Blood wolf, what international joke are you kidding?"

"How could that be!"

"Just by virtue of that scene, that terrible power, how could God lose! Are you kidding us?"


At first, people didn't believe it, but soon, they had to believe it!

Because the list of gods was updated again, the God disappeared out of thin air, and the code name "Yama" appeared in the second place, that is to say, the Chinese dragon tooth replaced the island God and became the second place in the new list of gods!

All of a sudden, they felt that their scalp was numb. They almost suspected that it was a dream.

Soon, there was a conflict between Lin Chen and the island Councillor, and the news came that they had killed the "sun's fire" people. Everyone was struck by lightning again. They were all stupid!

An incredibly strong madman!

Immediately, countless people made such an evaluation of Lin Chen, and many organizations listed him as a person who must not be offended!

The whole underground world is boiling with the result of this war!

The news soon spread to the ancient Chinese martial world.

Many Chinese martial artists were overjoyed after being unbelievable at the beginning!

At this moment, Lin Chen has become the idol of almost all Chinese martial artists. He is no longer worshipped by the younger generation, and there are even many people who are still famous!

Dragon group.

"Won? Really won?"

Jiang Lao, with his mobile phone, listened to Qin Changxi's report on the other side, but he was foolish.

He had been looking forward to miracles, but now that miracles happen, he is a little unbelievable.

The next second, old Jiang burst out laughing like a madman. For a moment, he seemed to be dozens of years younger, as if he had returned to his high spirited youth.

"Good! Good! Good! Ha ha ha! Good job, dragon Fang. This is our Chinese dragon Fang. Those who invade us will be killed even if they are far away. Kill the island country to kill the God, that's it!"

On the other hand, Lin Chen has returned to jiaheliu village with Suzuki qianxia and the dragon group.

Qin Changxi hangs up the phone, looks at Lin Chen and says with a smile:

"Now you have become a great hero. Old Jiang is very happy to hear the news."

Lin Chen said with a smile, "I didn't want to be a great hero. I just did what I thought I should do."

After the congressman left, he did not hesitate to kill those people who were "burning in the sun", and he did so only because he thought they deserved to die!

His martial arts are like this. Since he has decided on something, he will not hesitate.

Qin Changxi became serious and said:

"But Mr. Jiang also said that it's OK for you to kill the God. After all, it's an agreed showdown between you. But if you kill those people in public, there will be some trouble. The island officials probably won't give up."

"Mr. Jiang means that we should go back to China at once, so that the island country officials will not make any small moves! As long as we go back to China, the other party will not be able to take you! Today's China is not what it used to be, and we won't be afraid of the island country!"

Lin Chen nodded and said, "if we go back by plane, will the island country not let us leave?" Qin Changxi said, "don't worry. The 'sun's fire' is also an organization of the martial arts world. We have personal grudges with you. It's unreasonable for the island government to insist on meddling in the affairs of the martial arts world. Even if they are dissatisfied, they will not openly detain us. Otherwise, our country will not

They are vegetarian! "

Lin Chen nodded and said, "OK, let's go back to China now."

All the things he had to do had been done, and there was no need to stay on the island.

Moreover, although he is powerful, he has not yet reached the point where he thinks he can be an enemy of a country. Now the island officials are likely to trouble him. Naturally, he will not stay here foolishly.

At this time, Suzuki qianxia, on the other side, was reluctant to give up, saying in a low voice:

"Master, can I go to China to find you later?"

When he said this, Suzuki qianxia felt nervous. She knew that Lin Chen had no other ideas about her, but regarded her as a subordinate. However, she was moved by the master.

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