Lin Chen turned to look at Suzuki qianxia and said with a smile:

"Of course, but now that you have become the leader of Jiahe, you have to re manage the Fujing chaebol. I'm afraid you don't have time to come to me."

Suzuki qianxia's eyes lit up and he said:

"Master, if I cultivate a trustworthy person and let him take over everything of jiaheliu, can I go to your side and serve you?"


At this moment, not only Lin Chen was stunned, but also Qin Changxi and the dragon group were stunned.

Then, the men of the dragon group all looked at Lin Chen with envy and admiration. They said that dragon Fang was not only terrible, but also terrible at picking up girls!

The leader of jiaheliu, the richest woman on the island, just wants to serve him by his side!

I was willing to give up everything for him.

This Yanfu is so envious!

Although Qin Changxi knew that Lin Chen had good luck in peach blossom, and there were many beauties in Yunwu villa, she was also a little sour at this time.

Looking at Suzuki qianxia's crazy eyes, it seemed that he wanted to make Lin Chen smaller and hold him in his chest all the time.

Although Lin Chen said she was a warm bed servant girl, she actually didn't have the consciousness of a servant girl at all, but this one in front of her was full of thoughts about being a servant girl with Lin Chen.

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "it's not necessary to serve. I have hands and feet, and I don't need to be served."

Suzuki qianxia's eyes darkened and he listened to Lin Chen:

"But if you ever come to Yuehai to see me, I'm welcome."

Suzuki qianxia immediately looked happy, and the grievances and loneliness in her heart disappeared.

"Good master, I will come and serve you when I am free!"

Her face flashed a little purplish red, bit her lower lip, and suddenly she whispered in Lin Chen's ear:

"Master, I know you dislike my dirty body and have been touched by other men, but I can serve you in other clean places. As long as you want, I can do anything for you."

With that, she bowed her head and her heart beat wildly.

For Suzuki qianxia, the biggest regret in her life is that she didn't meet the right person at the right time.

When she was a girl, she had to obey her father's arrangement. In order to seize everything from the Fujing chaebol, she married the heir of the Fujing chaebol at that time.

However, up to now, she had long forgotten the man's face. Even if she did not deliberately think about it, she could hardly remember the man's name.

She never thought that she would regret one day, and that she would fall in love with someone one day.

Perhaps her love is a kind of worship and submission of the weak to the strong, but she is willing to do anything for Lin Chen, and even give everything.

This kind of love may have a strong enough relationship with Lin Chen, but it won't happen again.

Even if she met someone stronger than Lin Chen, she would not have this kind of palpitation and madness, because her heart was already full.

Lin Chen listens to Suzuki qianxia's words and looks at her in astonishment. Some of them are shocked.

As for Qin Changxi and others, although they couldn't hear what Suzuki qianxia said, they also looked at her in doubt.

Suzuki qianxia saw that Linchen didn't speak. He just looked at himself and thought that he had caused his disgust. Suddenly, his face was a little alarmed.

Perhaps what I said just now makes the host feel shameless?

Suzuki qianxia suddenly regretted that she could not help confessing, but she also felt that if she didn't say anything, she would never have a chance.

"Master, yes... Sorry! It's my wishful thinking. I know I'm dirty. I'll always be your slave. Please don't stop me."

Suzuki qianxia's eyes were suddenly wet and his face turned pale.

She has only one father who hates her and Lin Chen is the master who has a close relationship with her in the world.

She took Lin Chen as a harbor for her feelings. At this time, she thought Lin Chen was disgusted with herself. She just felt that the sky had fallen.

Seeing her performance, Lin Chen realized that she had misunderstood her and quickly waved her hand:

"I didn't mean that. I......"

At this point, he suddenly didn't know how to go on. His mind got stuck and he said, "I don't dislike it."

Immediately, Suzuki qianxia's eyes shone. A face instantly turned from pale to red, some shy and some excited.

The master said that he didn't dislike it, that is to say, he wanted to serve him in other places?

Suddenly, Suzuki qianxia, the richest woman on the island, was ashamed like a little girl in her first love.

Lin Chen saw her expression and couldn't help smiling bitterly. The other party seemed to have misunderstood something.

He simply changed the subject and said:

"By the way, after the island officials know your relationship with me, they won't embarrass you, will they“

Hearing Lin Chen's question, Suzuki qianxia recovered the wise light of the strong woman in her eyes, shook her head and said with a smile:

"Master, don't worry. Even if the authorities are dissatisfied with me, they won't touch me. In this capital country, I have hundreds of billions of dollars in assets in my hands. They dare not mess about the employment problems of hundreds of thousands of people!"

Lin Chen nodded and said, "that's good."

At this time, a Kaga Ninja walked in, bowed to Suzuki qianxia and said respectfully to Lin Chen:

"Your Excellency, someone is looking for you."

"Looking for me? Who is looking for me?" Lin Chen was stunned.

"A middle-aged man in military uniform."

Lin Chen and Suzuki qianxia, Qin Changxi and others looked at each other, and then said, "bring him here."

Soon, a middle-aged man with a national face wearing an island military uniform was taken into the room.

As soon as the middle-aged man came in, his eyes stopped on Lin Chen. Before Lin Chen asked, he walked up to him and said directly:

"Your Excellency Longya, we, Mr. Yamamoto, would like to invite you to come over!"

Before Lin Chen answered, Qin Changxi frowned and looked at the middle-aged man and said:

"What do you want Lin Chen to do over there? He won't go. You leave now!"

Suzuki qianxia also had a bad eye and said, "what's your conspiracy?"

After Lin Chen killed the God, he slapped the official face of the island country. People present did not need to think about it. They also knew that this invitation was definitely a Hongmen banquet. They must have been ungrateful!

Lin Chen also said directly, "I'm not interested. Go back where you came from!"

Although he was not afraid, he was not so afraid that he would pass if people let him pass. He was not a fool.

The middle-aged man was also in a high position at ordinary times. Hearing Lin Chen speak so unkindly, he felt a little angry. However, he also knew that he had no way to take the man in front of him, and said faintly:

"Mr. Longya, do you have any misunderstanding? We have no other intention, but you have a friend waiting to see you, so we'll take you to meet her. Since you don't want to, forget it! I'll leave now!"

He smiled and joked, then turned to leave.

However, Lin Chen had blocked his way and frowned: "what do you mean, which friend of mine?"

The middle-aged man smiled and said sarcastically, "her surname is ye. She is a beautiful woman. I wonder if your excellency Longya wants to see her? If not, we will take care of her!"

Speaking of the word "take care", he bit his voice very hard, and his eyes were proud, as if he had decided to eat Lin Chen.

Surnamed ye, she is a beautiful woman. In the island country, she is a friend of her own. When these conditions are combined, Lin Chen immediately knows who the other party is talking about.

Ye menghuang!

According to the truth, ye menghuang promised to leave the island country yesterday. Now she should have returned to China!

Lin Chen gave the middle-aged man a cold look.

The middle-aged man seemed to have guessed Lin Chen's idea and said with a smile:

"Does your excellency Longya think I'm talking nonsense? If you don't believe me, you can call Miss ye to have a look!"

"You don't have to say, of course I will call!" Lin Chen said coldly, took out his mobile phone and dialed yemenghuang's number.

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