When the phone was connected, ye menghuang's surprised voice came.

"Lin Chen?"

"It's me. Where are you now?" "I... I'm with your friend now. I'm sorry. I didn't go back to Huaxia as I told you before. I was going to go to the Shendao mountain to find you. However, the Shendao mountain could not be found on the map navigation. Many people asked me and said they didn't know. Then I met you

They told me that they would help me find you. I am on their side now. "

Ye menghuang's voice faltered.

Mingming promised Lin Chen to go back yesterday, but she finally changed her mind, so she was afraid that Lin Chen would get angry.


Lin Chen glanced at the middle-aged man in front of him. His eyes were cold, but he said orally:

"Well, you can stay with them first. I'll go to you right away. By the way, they haven't done anything to you, have they?"

"They are very polite to me. Why do you ask?"

"Nothing. Wait for me. I'll be right there."

Hung up the phone, Lin Chen suddenly pinched the neck of the elated middle-aged man in front of him and lifted it up.

The middle-aged man turned red and struggled desperately, but he found that Lin Chen's hand was like a pair of iron tongs and could not shake a penny. He was shocked and angrily said:

"What do you want? You, don't mess around! We still have that woman!"

Lin Chen sneered: "now admit that you want to threaten me with my friends?"

At this time, Qin Changxi, Suzuki qianxia and others on the side also guessed about it.

Qin Changxi said angrily, "I didn't expect that the official of the island country should be so mean! Don't worry, Lin Chen. I'll call Mr. Jiang now and ask him to report it to the center and negotiate with the official of the island country. This means is shameless!"

Lin Chen nods.

Although he is confident, the other party has definitely set up a trap by inviting him over. If the other party can make friends with others through the power of the Chinese authorities, it is naturally the best.

After a long time, Qin Changxi put down her mobile phone and said angrily:

"The island officials said that they had not kidnapped anyone at all, and would not admit it. They also said that in order to show friendly relations, they would investigate the matter carefully."

"Investigate a fart, this is clearly Acting!" Lin Chen angrily said.

Qin Changxi nodded. There is no doubt that the other party must be acting, but they have no evidence and can't do anything about the other party!

She looked at Lin Chen and said solemnly:

"Lin Chen, no matter what, you can't go with him. As for your friend, old Jiang said he would find a way, and the people above would continue to exert pressure on the island official!"

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "exert pressure? It will take a long time. I can't wait for a moment!"

Yemenghuang is a woman and a beautiful woman. She falls into the hands of a group of men. Lin Chen has no idea to wait!

Lin Chen threw the middle-aged man who had turned his eyes on the ground and said:

"OK, don't you want to take me there? I'll go with you now. I'll see what tricks you can play!"

The middle-aged man covered his throat and coughed for a while. Finally, he calmed down. He sneered at Lin Chen and got up and said:

"In that case, your excellency Longya and I will go!"

With that, he turned to lead the way.

"No! Lin Chen, you can't leave. It's too dangerous. Who knows what dragon's gate array the other party has set up for you to pass! Although you are powerful, since the other party dares to let you pass, it shows that they are absolutely sure! The senior officials of the island country are not fools!"

Qin Changxi's face was tense and she hurriedly blocked Lin Chen.

Lin Chen frowned at her and finally sighed:

"I have to go. My friend is a woman. I really don't trust her. Do you want me to watch her go wrong? Or do you think I'm a coward?"

"I -" Qin Changxi was speechless.

Lin Chen pushed Qin Changxi away and followed the middle-aged man out.

Looking at Lin Chen's back, Qin Changxi was so anxious that she stamped her feet, but she could no longer say the reason to stop him.

At this time, Suzuki qianxia suddenly said:

"Miss Qin, do you know why I didn't persuade the master just now? In fact, like you, I also think his past words would be very dangerous. I don't want him to go!"

Qin Changxi looked at her in surprise, "why?"

Suzuki qianxia said proudly, "because I know that my master is a real man! He is not a man who is afraid of death. For the people around him, he can even give his life. Therefore, I am willing to give everything to him! Therefore, even if I don't want him to go, I won't stop him. I will only

Pray for him in my heart! "

Speaking of this, she paused, looked into Qin Changxi's eyes and said:

"And don't you fall in love with him because he is such a person?"

"I -"

Qin Changxi was silent. Then she realized something. She quickly waved her hand and said, "I, where am I falling in love with him!"

Suzuki qianxia said with a smile, "Miss Qin, you don't have to tell me this. I'm also a woman. I can see if you are in love with your master."

Qin Changxi opened her mouth and could not say anything in the face of Suzuki qianxia's wise and deep eyes.

She realized that the woman who looked like a brain powder in front of Lin Chen was not simple at all.

Qin Changxi didn't say anything more, and suddenly chased out the door.

"Lin Chen, wait a minute!"

Lin Chen followed the middle-aged man and was about to drill into a military vehicle to leave when Qin Changxi's voice came from behind.

Lin Chen said with a wry smile: "I really have to go. You don't have to persuade me."

"I'm not trying to persuade you!"

Qin Changxi ran to Lin Chen, but suddenly took a deep breath, kissed him on the mouth, and said when Lin Chen was stunned:

"Promise me that nothing will happen!"

Lin Chen touched his lips. Seeing that Qin Changxi's face was red, he laughed and said:

"Don't worry, of course I'll be fine. I'm waiting for you to warm my bed! You and the rest of the dragon team, go back to Huaxia first, and I'll go back to Huaxia to find you!"

Qin Changxi nodded. After the military vehicle completely disappeared in her field of vision, she touched her still hot face and touched her lips.

She didn't know how she could have done such a bold thing just now.

Nearly two hours later, the military vehicle drove to a very remote place. Finally, it even drove into a forest.

Lin Chen slightly frowned, just looked at the middle-aged man in the driver's seat, and then continued to be silent.

After a while, the scene in front of me suddenly opened up.

Lin Chen's eyes also narrowed, because in front of him was a military base. There were soldiers with guns guarding the gate of the base.

As a defeated country, the island country can only have a self-defense force and no army according to the regulations, but there is such a high-tech military base in front of it.

A cold feeling flashed in Lin Chen's eyes.

The other party brought him here with a bad intention, but for ye menghuang, even if it was a tiger's den, he had to break through.

The military car drove into the gate. A few minutes later, Lin Chen was taken to a room.

There is a large conference table in the room, and an acquaintance sits beside the table.

It was in the Shendao mountain that Linchen asked him to roll!

Yamamoto Hui waved his hand to the middle-aged man who led the way. After he left, he smiled friendly at Lin Chen, pointed to the next seat and said with a smile:

"Mr. Longya, please sit down!"

Lin Chen frowned. The guy was angry when he left Shendao mountain, but now he looks very polite. What does that mean?

However, he didn't bother to take care of it, so he came straight to the mountain and said, "where's my friend? Let her come right away, otherwise -"

"Lin Chen, here you are!" Before Lin Chen finished his words, ye menghuang's surprise voice had already sounded behind him.

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