When Lin Chen turned around, he saw ye menghuang with a happy face. After looking at her, he found that she had nothing to do. He was relieved.

"Lin Chen, what's the matter with you? Aren't you happy to see me?"

When yemenghuang saw Lin Chen seeing him, he didn't speak. He thought he was angry that he didn't go back as he told him. He apologized:

"I'm sorry, I didn't follow your instructions. I, I want to see you!"

Lin Chen couldn't help asking ye menghuang why he wanted to see him, and said, "I'm not angry. If you're all right."

He walked over, took ye menghuang by the hand, protected her behind him, looked at Yamamoto and said, "tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Yemenghuang's hand was held by Lin Chen, and a blush and surprise appeared on her face. But when she heard Lin Chen's words, she was stunned.

He wondered, "Lin Chen, what's the matter? Isn't Mr. Yamamoto your friend?"

Originally, after she left the airport, she planned to use her mobile phone to navigate the location of Shendao mountain. However, she found that the mountain could not be found on the mobile phone navigation map.

So she took a bus to the junction of Kyoto and Shizuoka. As a result, she went there and asked many people, but she still found that no one knew the so-called Shinto mountain.

Even some old people said that there was no such mountain at all.

When ye menghuang was confused, Yamamoto Hui showed up in front of her and asked who she was looking for, so she said Lin Chen's name.

As a result, Yamamoto Hui smiled and said that he was Lin Chen's friend. He could go to his side and sit down first. Later, he would inform Lin Chen to come to her.

At the beginning, yemenghuang was still a little suspicious, but when Yamamoto Hui said that Lin Chen was now doing important things in Shendao mountain, and it was hard to disturb him, she believed it.

If you are not Lin Chen's friend, how can you know where Lin Chen is?

However, when she heard Lin Chen's words, her face changed.

Because, it suddenly occurred to her that besides Lin Chen's friends, Lin Chen's enemies are also likely to know where Lin Chen is!

Sure enough, he heard Lin Chen say, "of course he's not my friend. He probably wants me to die right away!"

Suddenly, ye menghuang's face changed. She was not stupid. She had thought of many things and said with a guilty face:

"Lin Chen, I'm sorry. Did he use me to threaten you? I'm sorry! I, I really didn't expect to give you trouble! I, knew I would go back!"

Her voice was so depressed that she simply hated herself. How could she be so stupid? Instead of helping, she just made things worse.

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "you don't have to apologize. They are determined to trouble me. Even if you're not here, they probably will have other actions! The king of hell is so annoying to kids. That's what they said!"

Ye menghuang nodded, but her face was still guilty. She knew that Lin Chen was comforting herself.

As for Yamamoto, he was very angry.

Although Lin Chen and yemenghuang speak Chinese, he can understand them.

The congressman is said to be a kid!

However, he still smiled and said:

"Your Excellency Longya is joking. How can I hope you die? In fact, I asked you to come here to talk about cooperation with you."

"Not interested! You and I have nothing to cooperate with each other!"

Lin Chen didn't even think about it.

Yamamoto's face froze, and the next moment he smiled and said:

"How can there be nothing to cooperate with? As long as a person is in this world, he must have something he likes, doesn't he?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Lin Chen raised her eyebrows.

At this time, ye menghuang also frowned at Yamamoto Hui.

Before, Yamamoto Hui was very polite. She even thought this guy was nice. Now, she thinks this guy is smiling. Like a smiling tiger, he is not a good thing.

If Yamamoto knew yemenghuang's psychology, he would spit blood angrily.

He is as polite as before. The reason why ye menghuang now thinks he is not a good man is simply because he stands on the opposite side of Lin Chen.

Women are often more unreasonable than men.

Yamamoto said with a smile, "I mean, no matter what you like, money, women, power or anything else, we can satisfy you!"

Then he added: "for example, if you like women, we can even build you an ancient Chinese palace with 3000 beauties. They are all first-class women!"


Lin Chen looked a little moved and said, "what do you want me to do for you?"

Yemenghuang looked at Lin Chen in doubt, but didn't say anything. She absolutely believed Lin Chen's character.

If Lin Chen was a coyote, with his ability, she would have been eaten clean by the other party. She couldn't resist!

Yamamoto thought Lin Chen was attracted, and his smile became more and more bright, saying:

"Very simply, our country also plans to set up a special organization similar to the 'Dragon Group'. I hope you can help us manage it. Moreover, your majesty will also grant you the title of 'warrior God'. You will become our great and most noble warrior!"

Lin Chen sneered in his heart. After a long time of feeling, these guys are interested in their own strength and want to bring themselves to their side!

But it's not surprising to think about it. Now that the "God" is dead and the "sun's fire" has been extinguished, the martial arts world of the island country can be said to have been overturned by him.

Of course, the island officials did not want to see this happen, so they turned their minds to him.

Lin Chen nodded and said with a smile, "I can agree to your request, but you must also agree to my request!"

Yemenghuang listened to Yamamoto Hui's words, but she had already been stunned.

The island state even wants to set up a special organization, and wants Lin Chen to help them manage it. Even the emperor will give Lin Chen the title of "God of martial arts"!

My God, this is incredible!

She knew Lin Chen was powerful, but she didn't expect that he was so powerful.

The island government wants to win him over, even give him honor, and let him help manage special national institutions!

However, hearing Lin Chen's answer, ye menghuang's face changed. She couldn't help pulling Lin Chen's hand and said:

"Lin Chen, if you do this, you will become a traitor!"

Yamamoto's face was overjoyed, and he hurriedly said, "if you have any requirements, just say it!"

Lin Chen patted the back of Ye menghuang's hand, looked at Yamamoto Hui and said with a smile:

"My request is, can you throw a nuclear bomb at your Kyoto for me to see? I really like watching mushroom clouds! I'm glad to see it, so I agree to your request!"


Yemenghuang's anxiety vanished in a moment, and she couldn't help laughing.

Sure enough, Lin Chen, as she imagined, could not do such a thing!

Yamamoto Hui twitched at the corners of his mouth and said, "are you kidding me?"

"Don't you believe me? Well, I'm just kidding you!" Lin Chen is very arrogant.

"Since you are not willing to cooperate."

When Yamamoto Hui said this, his tone changed, his face became fierce, and he said in a deep voice: "then go to hell! You can't go back to China alive!"

Lin Chen just wanted to answer, when he saw that Yamamoto Hui suddenly fell down with his chair towards the ground, and disappeared in the blink of an eye!

"What happened?"

As soon as Lin Chen's face changed, he rushed over, but saw that there was a gap on the ground where Yamamoto Hui was originally located.

It looks like a door is closed!

"The old man ran away!"

Lin Chen had an ominous premonition in his heart. The next second, it was like a scene in a science fiction movie. The walls and ceilings of his room seemed to have been disassembled and immediately received underground!

The room suddenly became vacant!

At this time, Lin Chen found that he had been surrounded!

Outside the room, there are estimated to be thousands of people, who are equipped with sophisticated weapons, holding rifles, and even behind the crowd, there are dozens of tanks like steel monsters!


At the same time, six fighter planes appeared over their heads!

"Yes, such a big battle!"

Rao is confident that Lin Chen is shocked to see this battle. Especially when he saw some frightened ye menghuang behind him, his face became even more ugly.

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