The armed forces composed of thousands of people, even fighter planes and tanks, are deployed. Ye menghuang is just an ordinary person. How can she see such a battle!

This is simply a scene in a war movie, but at this time, it actually appears in front of us.

It was aimed by thousands of rifles and dozens of tanks. Overhead, there was a roaring fighter jet that seemed to be about to drop missiles.

The huge sense of oppression and fear is unimaginable to ordinary people. Yemenghuang's face is pale and her feet are a little soft. She has already calculated.

Even a strong adult man is likely to be scared to pee directly in the face of this situation!

Although Lin Chen was not afraid, his face was ugly, but he also had a burning sense of war in his eyes.

In fact, if ye menghuang wasn't there, he wouldn't be afraid. Even if he couldn't fight, he was confident to run away.

Unless the other side sends out large-scale heavy missiles or even nuclear bombs, otherwise, he is really fearless about ordinary hot weapons.

Although he is still unable to carry tanks and fighter planes, he must be able to fight him!

However, with ye menghuang, things are in some trouble.

Thousands of soldiers stared at Lin Chen and yemenghuang coldly, and a huge invisible pressure shrouded them.

At this time, Yamamoto suddenly appeared on a tank, smiled and joked, held a loudspeaker and shouted:

"Lord Longya, I'll give you another chance to think about what I said before! Even if you are confident, can you care about yourself and the beauty around you? She is so young and beautiful, do you want her to die here?"

Lin Chen's face was gloomy.

Yemenghuang suddenly looked at Lin Chen with a pale face and said:

"Lin Chen, when you came here, did you guess that this might happen?"

Lin Chen nodded, "that's right."

In fact, when he entered the base, he expected that the other side would use the army against him. However, he still chose to come in.

Yemenghuang's face showed a brilliant smile. At that moment, the fear in her heart actually disappeared.

She looked at Lin Chen and said:

"Lin Chen, I'm so happy that you are willing to take such a risk for me! It turns out that I am so important to you!"


Lin Chen was stunned, and then she was in a state of bewilderment. How could this woman still think about this.

At this time, she should have been scared and panicked. She could even laugh.

Even he admires yemenghuang.

Lin Chen doesn't know that when women are moved, they can do anything crazy. Ye menghuang's performance is not surprising.

He said with a wry smile, "let's talk about this later. Let's find a way to leave first. Don't worry. I'll be fine with you."

Yemenghuang shook her head and said:

"In this case, we can't leave safely! Unless you agree to the conditions of the islanders, but I know that your character will not agree, and I won't force you to do such a thing!"

Speaking of this, she took a deep breath, looked Lin Chen in the eyes and said:

"Lin Chen, since we are going to die soon, I want to tell you something!"

Lin Chen said in consternation, "what's the matter?"

Yemenghuang said, "I like you! From today on, let's be true boyfriend and girlfriend."


Lin Chen looked at the scene beside him. He was speechless. He could not imagine that ye menghuang would confess his true feelings under such a scene.

After being silent, Lin Chen said, "are you sure? As I said, I have more than one wife." Yemenghuang nodded and said, "I'm sure! You even want your life for me. Why should I bother about those things? Besides, I know you're not an ordinary person. You shouldn't have been restrained by worldly rules! Besides, we're all going to die soon. I feel a little sorry

Your wives! "

"Well, now I'm upgrading from a fake boyfriend to a real boyfriend."

Lin Chen smiled and didn't worry about it. If he faced such a great classical beauty and met so many times, his heart was not moving.

Since a woman doesn't mind him, why should he be a man like a woman again.

Then he said:

"But don't worry, we won't die. I won't, nor will you. We will live well for a hundred years, tenthousand years, even forever."

Hearing Lin Chen's reply, ye menghuang's face showed a happy smile. As for Lin Chen's words that they won't die and can live for a hundred years, tenthousand years or even eternity, she just took them as comforting words.

At this time, Yamamoto's angry roar came over!

"Baga! Huaxia Longya, have you listened to what I just said? Give me a satisfactory answer immediately, or I will let you and your woman die without a whole body!"

Yamamoto was almost spitting blood with anger.

Although the fighter planes roared in the sky, he could not hear what Lin Chen and yemenghuang were talking about, but looking at their faces, he could also realize that they were talking about love.

In fact, if he can, he doesn't really want to start a fight with Lin Chen. The best outcome is that Lin Chen is directly frightened, and then chooses to give in.

Even if Lin Chen can't be frightened, is it all right to frighten an ordinary woman?

In his opinion, ye menghuang will definitely be scared to fall to the ground and cry loudly, begging them to let go. Then he will use ye menghuang to persuade Lin Chen!

What happened?

This woman is a madman!

In this case, can you still show happiness, shame and happiness on your face?

It's really a madman with a madman!

Yamamoto Hui looks at Lin Chen and ye menghuang and scolds in his heart.

And the thousands of soldiers, looking at the two flirting around them, were also a little silly.

Lin Chen ignored Yamamoto Hui, squatted down and said to ye menghuang, "come on my back!"

Ye menghuang answered, without asking what he wanted, and fell on his back like a shy little daughter-in-law.

Lin Chen stood up with ye menghuang on his back and said:

"Don't be afraid. I'll get you out of here safely. Just hold me tight and don't fall down!"

Seeing Lin Chen's performance, Yamamoto already knew his choice and said ferociously:

"Baga! Seek death! You are seeking death. You are a fool! No matter how powerful you are, that is, a person, do you really regard yourself as a God? Make it clear that this is modern society. The army is the strongest force. You can't win!"

Although, when he was in Shinto mountain, Yamamoto also saw the scene that the God summoned hundreds of samurai swords.

And Lin Chen can kill God, no doubt more terrible.

However, in his mind, he has a deep-rooted idea that the army is the strongest force to control the world!

He doesn't believe that one person can compare with the modern army of thousands of people. That's impossible!

"Shoot! Kill both of them!"

Yamamoto's eyes flashed cold, pointing to Lin Chen and yemenghuang, and he said that since he didn't appreciate it, don't blame me for being cruel! Just in time, this guy hit himself in the face in Shendao mountain before. Now it's OK to settle this account!

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