At the moment when Yamamoto issued the order, the thousands of soldiers immediately changed their positions. Their actions were crisp and quick. In a moment, they stood in a semicircle and raised their guns at Lin Chen.

In this way, they don't have to be afraid of hurting their own people!

Next second!

Dada dada——

The dense gunfire rang out, and thousands of bullets shot at Lin Chen and ye menghuang in an instant!

Under normal circumstances, in the face of such a terrifying and dense hail of bullets, they will not be beaten into a beehive at all, but will be directly beaten into a pile of rotten meat!

Yemenghuang trembled when she heard the gunshot. She closed her eyes and buried her head tightly in Lin Chen's neck. Only in this way could she feel less afraid.

If she didn't hold Lin Chen tightly at this time, she would probably be stunned in an instant and say goodbye to the world completely.

"In any case, at least I can die with him!"

Yemenghuang is afraid, but at least she has no regrets. She is ready to go to the yellow spring with Lin Chen.

At this time.

Ding Ding

Yemenghuang suddenly heard the sound of metal collision coming from her side, and the pain of being torn by bullets did not come.

'what's going on?'

Yemenghuang opened her eyes and saw the scene that made her stare round.

I saw a bloody broken sword on Lin Chen's hand. He danced it into a red light net. With a tinkling sound, a pile of bullets fell to the ground.

Lin Chen, on the other hand, rushed towards the other crowd at a very fast speed!

"This... How could this be?"

Ye menghuang couldn't believe that the scene in front of her was real.

She knew that Lin Chen was very powerful, but she didn't expect that it was so powerful that it was beyond her imagination, just like superman in science fiction movies!

Looking at Lin Chen, who was looking at this moment and moving forward with a sword, the fear in yemenghuang's heart became much lighter, more proud and obsessed.

My own man is so awesome!

Not only yemenghuang was dumbfounded, but the soldiers who fired also turned pale and their hands trembled!

Although Yamamoto said at the beginning that this young man was not an ordinary person, but a superman like existence, they actually disdained him.

There is no superman in this world!

In their view, facing thousands of submachine guns, absolutely no one can survive!

The man in front of them has undoubtedly subverted their world outlook!

Yamamoto Hui's face also changed wildly. He knew that Lin Chen was not an ordinary person, but a strong martial artist and a demigod. But he was still shocked by the scene in front of him!

In the blink of an eye, Lin Chen has rushed into the other camp.

"Close your eyes!"

Lin Chen whispered to ye menghuang on his back.

Yemenghuang did not doubt that he was there. She immediately closed her eyes and buried her face on Lin Chen's neck again.

The next moment, Lin Chen's bloody broken sword crossed!


A bloody red light appeared.

The guns and their bodies of the fourorfive enemies were cut off with a sword, just like tofu was cut open. Then several bodies and guns that were cut in two fell to the ground.

The ground is red with blood, and the viscera are exposed in the air. It looks terrible, like coming to a bloody slaughterhouse!

Rao Shi was present. All the soldiers were mentally competent. But at this moment, they were scared. Lin Chen's performance and terror were completely beyond their understanding!

In a panic, many people's bullets directly hit their own people, causing many casualties!

Lin Chen continued to wield his sword. Every red flash flashed, and several bodies fell to the ground!

After a while, there were already hundreds of corpses lying on the ground, as if in a war zone. The terror was extreme.

However, Lin Chen was not seriously injured at all except for being scratched by several bullets and emitting some blood stains!

Finally, someone was crushed by the scene in front of him!

If they were fighting against the enemy on the battlefield, they would not be afraid, but at this time, it was a group of elk that broke into the ferocious tigers, and they had no resistance at all!

"Don't fight! I won't fight! This guy is not human at all!"

"The devil! He is a devil! How can humans not be afraid of guns!"

"Ah! Don't kill me! I don't want to die!"


Suddenly, many people ran away without thinking about it. In order to run faster, they even threw away their rifles!

This normally unfavourable gun, at this time, has no effect at all in the face of this young man!

"Baga! This damn fellow is so powerful! Is it true that a strong martial artist is so abnormal? Hum! In that case, we can't let him go back to China!"

Yamamoto Hui was on a tank not far away. When he saw Lin Chen slaughtering his men, his face was gloomy, and he murmured to the interphone in his hand:

"Fire! Fire me now! The annihilator is ready to drop missiles and kill this guy. It's OK even if there are accidental injuries!"

His voice fell, dozens of tanks at different positions in the field roared at the same time, and dozens of large caliber shells shot at Lin Chen's place at the same time.

Boom! Boom! Boom

The sound of terror came, and the place where Lin Chen was was was shrouded in flying sand!

It is conceivable that even if there was an iron man there, it was blasted into iron slag at this time!

"Ha ha! Baga, this idiot will die!"

Yamamoto smiled, but the next moment, he saw a figure rushing out of the fog and directly to a tank. Then the next second, the tank was cut in half!

The driver, gunner and loader inside were also killed in an instant!


Yamamoto screamed and his eyes almost fell out!

He couldn't believe his eyes, because the person who rushed out was Lin Chen with ye menghuang on his back!

At this time, although Lin Chen looked a little embarrassed, he was still safe and sound, and even cut the tank and the driver in half with a sword!

At this moment, Yamamoto was really scared.

Dozens of tanks can't kill this guy at the same time. Even the other side can cut the tanks in two with a sword. What an international joke!

At the moment when Yamamoto Hui hesitated, Lin Chen had cut a tank close to him and the driver in half!

At this time, he was only a dozen meters away from Yamamoto's tank!

Yamamoto's feet were soft. He immediately got into the tank and shouted at the frightened driver:

"Baga! Why are you so stunned? Why don't you drive away? Stay away from that monster!"

At the same time, he shouted at the walkie talkie:

"Drop the missile quickly! Blow up this guy! This bastard is not human! Warrior? Damn warrior, is this a warrior or a real God? How can it be powerful here!"

Lin Chen was about to rush to another tank not far away. He was about to break them all up. Suddenly, a sense of crisis appeared in his mind.

He suddenly looked up and saw several small missiles break away from the fighter and fall towards his place!

Without any hesitation, he unleashed the "thunder of mountains and rivers", leaving the sound of thunder, and hurried to the side!

Although he is now half extraordinary and can be regarded as a half immortal, if he is really hit by this small missile, he will have to lose half his life if he does not die!


Lin Chen's face suddenly changed.

Although he can avoid this kind of attack, the aftereffects of the missile can't do him much damage, but yemenghuang is different!

She is just an ordinary person. The terrible missile aftershock, as well as the mixed rocks or other things, can definitely hurt her seriously or even kill her!

Without any hesitation, he grabbed yemenghuang from behind and held her in his arms, protecting her with his body, while he was facing the position where the missile fell!

This behavior made his movements slow down for a few seconds, and he was too far away from the place where the missile fell!

The terrible aftershock directly blows behind Lin Chen!

"Lin Chen, how do you -"

Yemenghuang felt Lin Chen's movement and couldn't help but open her eyes. However, she saw Lin Chen's blood gushing out, just on her flawless face! Suddenly, ye menghuang understood what was going on, and her face turned pale!

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