"Madman! Is this boy a madman?"

Someone swallowed spittle and looked at Lin Chen with an unbelievable look.

They can't believe that Lin Chen dares to talk to Miyamoto Chuan like this!

Changshan is also completely stupid.

"It's good to have courage, but you can't see the situation clearly without strength. That's an idiot!" Someone sneered.

From the beginning to the end, only white night and dark day, Audrey and others, their faces as usual.

Miyamoto Chuan's eyelids twitched a few times when he heard Lin Chen's words, but he still didn't show anger. He looked at Lin Chen coldly and said:

"Boy, you are the Chinese dragon tooth, a waste in the secular world, aren't you? You are brave enough to talk to me like that!"

He glanced at the moon and said, "I ask you, is she your woman?"

Hearing this, the onlookers all understood what Miyamoto Chuan was up to. It turned out that they had a crush on other people's women!

On many faces, the expression of schadenfreude immediately appeared.

At the same time, after looking at Wen Renyue, they were all amazed.

"My God! Is this the fairy of the East coming to the world? This woman is so beautiful!"

Someone looked at Wen Renyue and sighed.

Even if they are super strong, they will have ripples when they see the appearance of Wen Renyue.

"No matter how beautiful it is, it will be ruined by Miyamoto Chuan!"

The former red haired woman said in a jealous tone.

When a woman is beautiful to a certain extent, she is regardless of East and West. Obviously, hearing the appearance of human month has conquered everyone in an instant.

"So what?" Lin Chen looks directly at Miyamoto Chuan and replies.


Miyamoto nodded and said, "now you get down on your knees and say that you are willing to give this woman to me unconditionally. In that case, I won't care about the person you saved me just now! Besides, I won't care about it. You are obviously a Chinese pig, but you dare to talk to me!"

His tone was casual, as if his words were taken for granted, and seemed to have given Lin chentian a big face!

With that, he looked at Wen Renyue and said with a smile, "beauty, you will soon understand that your man is just a little garbage compared with me. Only people like me are worthy of you! Don't worry, although I hate Chinese people, I will spoil you every night!"

Miyamoto Chuan was once dumped by Chinese women. Therefore, he has a kind of obsession with Chinese women. At this time, he doesn't even look at Audrey, who is also a beautiful woman.

Just recognize Wen Renyue! It's inevitable!

"Shit! Old man, you want to die, don't you? How dare you beat our sister-in-law!"

"Yes! What kind of thing are you? How dare you rob a woman with our boss!"

When I heard the words in the dark, I immediately became angry and began to swear.

This scene made the people around him speechless. They found that not only Lin Chen didn't know what to do, but also the people who were with him liked to die!

Wen Renyue's eyes toward Miyamoto Kawa were cold.

"Shall I say no?" Lin Chen said.

"Then I will kill you and take your woman away!"

Miyamoto joked, "remember, although you have a choice, you can't change the result! Anyway, your woman tonight is accepting my favor!"

Lin Chen reminds Gong benchuan of his rival in love, the guy who stole the woman he liked. Therefore, he not only wants to kill Lin Chen, but also wants to humiliate Lin Chen.

In fact, even if Lin Chen did what he said, he would still kill him!

In his opinion, there is no need to keep faith with the weak!

"Kill me? Are you going to fight me?" Lin Chen said with his normal face.

Miyamoto kawawa was stunned. Lin Chen's words, in his opinion, were nonsense!

He didn't have a good way: "that's right!"

Lin Chen nodded and said, "the problem is that you don't deserve me!"


As soon as he said this, the people around him were in an uproar again. They were speechless and felt that Lin Chen was really too rampant!

The problem is that it's just that you have strength to be rampant. It's too much to be so rampant without strength!

"Fark! Is this guy an idiot?" Someone could not help swearing.

Miyamoto Chuan's face became gloomy, and he could no longer maintain his enigmatic appearance. "Boy, it seems that you really want to die?"

As he spoke, the samurai sword in his hand was raised, and he looked like he was about to start.

"I said, you are not qualified to fight with me!"

Lin Chen shrugged his shoulders, looked at Wen Renyue and said, "daughter-in-law, someone here wants to pry your husband's corner, but this small role is really not worth my shot. Let me give you this opportunity?"


Wen Renyue nodded.

Miyamoto kawawa, a powerful man of the extraordinary six heaven level, is superior in the eyes of the people on the side. However, in Lin Chen's view, it is not worth mentioning at all!

When his realm was nothing more than the extraordinary quadruple heaven, he could kill the top-level existence in the extraordinary sixfold heaven of Arman. What's more, now his realm has broken through the extraordinary sixfold heaven!

On the contrary, Wen Renyue just broke through to the extraordinary sixfold heaven, and learned the flying snow sword classic. She just needs an opponent of the same level!

This time, Lin Chen's dialogue with Wen Renyue not only confused the people around him, but also made white night, black sky, Audrey and others look silly.

They know that Wen Renyue is just a super four fold heaven. How can they cope with the existence of the super six fold heaven!

It can be heard that if Renyue's strength is not enough, Lin Chen can't let her take risks.

Besides, when Wen Renyue heard Lin Chen's words, she still looked as usual, even excited and eager to try.

Therefore, although they were suspicious, they did not speak.

"I finally understand how these two people came together!"

Leonard looked at Lin Chen and Wen Renyue, shook his head and said:

"The feelings of these two guys are not normal. Miyamoto Chuan has been famous for hundreds of years. They actually think they can beat him?"

"These two people, in their Chinese words, are newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers!" Old John sighed.

"It should be called ignorance of life and death!" Lance laughed.

Miyamoto Chuan was completely enraged when he heard Lin Chen and Wen Renyue's words.

"Baga! Boy, since you want to die, then go to die!"

In a flash, Miyamoto kawawa drew his sword out of its sheath. He was almost to the extreme and used the skill of Dao Guo's sword pulling technique.

With a brush, the cold light flashed, and the samurai sword stabbed at Lin Chen's heart!

Naturally, he will not kill Wen Renyue. However, he has made up his mind to let Wen Renyue in bed tonight and pay the price for what she said before!

Lin Chen stood motionless, as if scared silly.

At this time, Wen Renyue also pulled out his sword! When the green frost sword came out of its sheath, the air seemed cold!

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