"Look! That kid is scared to death!"

Some people saw that Lin Chen was motionless and couldn't help laughing. It was Lin Chen's performance in the face of Miyamoto Chuan just now that made them unhappy.

They were terrified when they faced Miyamoto Chuan, but Lin Chen was calm and said that Miyamoto Chuan was not worthy to fight with him.

Invisibly, I compared them. Naturally, they wouldn't want to!

Many others looked at Lin Chen sarcastically. Only a few people looked at Lin Chen with some sympathy.

However, the next moment, they were stunned.

Because the woman dressed in neon and like a fairy shot. The sword in her hand was so fast that their eyes could not catch it!

Moreover, at this moment, they felt cold all over.

In an instant, I heard that the Qingshuang sword in the moon's hand stabbed Miyamoto Chuan. Thousands of sword shadows, like snowflakes in the sky, could not be avoided.

"Baga! You, a woman, are also the strong man of the extraordinary six fold heaven? How can it be?"

At this moment, Wen Renyue tried her best, and her momentum was terrible. Miyamoto naturally saw her strength level.

Miyamoto Chuan's face changed greatly. In a panic, he couldn't take care of Lin Chen. The samurai sword turned and cut off towards Wen Renyue.

The samurai sword in his hand touched the green frost sword.

Miyamoto Chuan's face showed a sneer.

His Samurai Sabre is a famous Sabre "three days and moon". It can be regarded as cutting iron like mud. If it collides with other weapons, it can easily cut off the opponent's weapons!


A familiar voice rings.

Miyamoto Chuan scowled even more. In his opinion, the sword must have been broken.

However, the next moment, he saw his famous knife "three days and moon" broken in two, and the first half fell to the ground!

This scene made all the people on one side look foolish.

"How is that possible?"

Miyamoto Chuan's face changed wildly. It was difficult to accept the scene in front of him. Then, he heard that the Qingshuang sword in Renyue's hand had been stabbed again.

The sword is as cold and sharp as frost. You should stab everything through!

"Damn it! You, a woman, have ancient treasures?"

Miyamoto Chuan was stunned at first. The next moment, he said with a grim smile: "OK! Good! Now it seems that I have to get you! I want not only your people, but also your sword! It belongs to me!"

With that, he directly took only half of the samurai sword and fought with Wen Renyue.

People on the other side, hearing Miyamoto Chuan's words, were also aware of what was going on. They looked greedily at the Qingshuang sword in Wen Renyue's hand.

Wen Renyue didn't answer. Instead, he raised his sword and attacked wildly, reaching the extreme.

She is like dancing. Her movements are beautiful, but her moves are extremely fierce.

Seeing this scene, people like Audrey and others were stunned.

"Sister in law, why has she suddenly become so powerful?"

Dark sky rubbed his eyes, and some doubted that he was hallucinating.

"Wipe! My sister-in-law is really the oldest woman. She is as abnormal as him. Her Kung Fu strength has soared so much in recent days. She is not human at all!"

The white night is sad.

Lin Chen, the evil spirit, had already beaten him to pieces. Now, the strength of Wen Renyue has soared directly from the extraordinary fourth heaven to the extraordinary sixth heaven, making him feel powerless.

I feel like a waste!

Nick and Jon were both shocked and unbelievable. They were sure that they could not even take the action of hearing the moon at this time!

Hearing about Renyue and Miyamoto Chuan, a dozen moves have passed in the blink of an eye.

Miyamoto Kawa's weapons are at a disadvantage, but he tries to avoid confrontation with Wen Renyue. For a while, he seems to be close.

Even though they were evenly matched, Miyamoto Chuan could hardly see the extreme in his face.

He was still high up before, but now he can't even take Lin Chen's woman. He just feels hot on his face. He feels like being slapped in the face.

The onlookers looked at the scene as if they had lost their souls.

Linchen and Wen Renyue, who just said that they had a brain problem, suddenly trembled and became afraid.

He muttered in his heart that the other party should not have heard what he said just now?

If you hear that you want to make trouble for yourself, you will be finished!

Changshan had been foolish for a long time. Looking at this scene, he really didn't know how to express his inner shock.

After a while, Lin Chen said lazily:

"Well, daughter-in-law, don't practice sword with him any more. Hurry up and get rid of him! Don't kill him. Cut off one of his hands first!"

"Good!" Wen Renyue nodded, and the words were still brief.

All the people on one side heard that they were struck by lightning!

Sword practice?

Lin Chen actually said that Wen Renyue used Miyamoto to practice his sword, that is to say, he used him to practice himself!

If so, then this woman is too terrible!

"Baga! I don't believe it. I don't believe you are practising sword with me! Stop talking nonsense!"

Miyamoto Chuan was so angry that his eyes were red with blood, and his momentum was a bit violent.

"A sword blows snow!"

The sound of the moon is cold.

At the next moment, her temperament suddenly became extremely sharp and ethereal. In an instant, she seemed to be integrated with the green frost sword in her hand and swept towards Miyamoto Chuan!

At the same time, beside her, there were many snowflakes, gorgeous dreams!

Miyamoto Chuan felt a burst of pain in his right shoulder before he could react!

The next moment, his whole right hand fell to the ground, and blood sprayed all over the ground!


At the same time, he began to scream.

But Wen Renyue had already stood behind him, his face was indifferent, and the green frost sword on his hand was not stained with any blood.

One sword floating snow, also known as one sword floating blood!

There are many moves in the classic of flying snow sword, but the realm of hearing the moon is not enough, so I only learned this move.

However, it is enough to make her proud of the existence of the same realm!

Lin Chen just saw that Wen Renyue was able to deal with Miyamoto Chuan, so he didn't worry at all.

At this moment, all the onlookers were stunned. They looked at Wen Renyue with fear.

This woman is beautiful, but they are absolutely not blessed to receive it.

At this time, Lin Chen pointed to Changshan, who had not yet recovered his mind, and said to Miyamoto, who was frightened and dared not move rashly:

"Kneel down and apologize to him! And get rid of all the words you left on the wall, or I will kill you!"

Miyamoto Chuan said angrily, "boy, you don't pretend to be a tiger. It's not you who beat me, but your woman! You can only hide behind your woman. What a man! If you have the ability, you can fight with me!"

The onlookers looked at Lin Chen with envy and disdain.

The envy of nature is that Lin Chen can have such a beautiful and powerful woman as Wen Renyue. What he despises is that this guy doesn't do it himself, but lets his woman do it.

In their opinion, Lin Chen's so-called Miyamoto kawawa is not worthy to let him do it. It's nonsense. It's just an excuse to let his woman do it!

Lin Chen squinted slightly, looking at Miyamoto Chuan and said, "do you really want to fight me?"

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