"Er... What do you mean? Are you not afraid?"

Zhongzhenye is puzzled. In his opinion, when Lin Chen hears Luo Rui, it should be like a mouse hears the voice of a cat. It will be scared to death.

"Afraid? Why should I be afraid?"

Lin Chen smiled nonchalantly and said, "Laurie has been killed by me! Why should I be afraid of a dead man?"

"Hum! What a load of nonsense! You can kill the Lord Luo too? You're out of your depth!"

Zhongzhenye has a sarcastic smile on his face. In his opinion, Lin Chen is just talking nonsense.

Last time, Lin Chen dealt with caohongzhen in the holy land of Kunlun. Although his strength was close to the extraordinary sixfold heaven, it was only close.

Luo Rui is a truly extraordinary six fold heaven. Where can Lin Chen compare!

"Why, are you trying to help him trouble me?" Lin Chen raised her eyebrows and asked.

The wind and thunder sect and Tianluo hall are on the same side. They both follow the animal control sect. It can be seen from the previous mixing of caoyonghuan and Leishan.

Therefore, Lin Chen is not surprised that zhongzhenye is looking for trouble to help his friends vent their anger.

"Lin Chen! You are so arrogant that you dare to talk to my Shifu like this. Do you want to die?"

On the other side, Lei Shan was very unhappy.

He sneered in his heart. He wanted to see Lin Chen killed by a slap!

All the people in the Kunlun holy land, including Zhou Qing, the leader of Liangyi sect, and the elders of xuanlei Dao sect, Shenquan sect and Ziyang sect, were surprised.

Unexpectedly, Lin Chen dares to provoke zhongzhenye.

Some of them, such as old John, Leonard and lance, looked at zhongzhenye like an idiot looking for death.

Zhongzhenye is very angry when he sees Lin Chen dare to talk to him like this. His eyes are staring, and the cold light is flashing. Just about to speak, a man beside him quickly pulls him and says:

"Shifu! Misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding!"

Zhongzhenye looks at the young man aside and frowns: "Zhang Qing, what are you doing? What misunderstanding? Let go. I'm going to teach this boy how to be a man now!"

Zhang Qing is his proud disciple. He is young and gentle. He is already a strong man of the extraordinary triple heaven.

If other disciples dared to interfere with him, he would have thrown it away and taught him a lesson.

"Yes! What are you doing, elder martial brother Zhang? The boy doesn't know the greatness of heaven and earth. He really owes a lot of money!"

Leishan points to Lin Chen and is dissatisfied with Zhang Qing.

Zhang Qing's face was a little panicked, because he had just heard the comments of several foreigners around him and knew Lin Chen's terrible achievements not long ago.

One dozen four, even kill four super six strong men. It makes his scalp numb to think about it!

He immediately put his mouth to zhongzhenye's ear and told him what he had heard.

"What are you doing? Tell me what you want! After that, I have to deal with this boy!"

Zhongzhenye pushes Zhang Qing away, looking impatient.

All the people around the Kunlun holy land were puzzled because they saw the panic on Zhang Qing's face. They really didn't know what Zhang Qing was afraid of!

Zhang Qing had no choice but to say, "master, I just heard people around me say... That Lin Chen killed Shawang and park Renhe of the Tiandao group, as well as Kerry and Neil of the saints' league with one enemy of four!"

"You... What did you say?" Zhongzhenye is stunned.

He knows all the four people mentioned by Zhang Qing. Everyone is no worse than him!

Lin Chen even killed all four enemies with one enemy?

How could this be possible!

All the people in the other Kunlun holy places were in an uproar when they heard the speech, and looked at Lin Chen in disbelief.

Only a few months have passed!

They really can't believe that Lin Chen's strength will have such a terrible improvement.

Leishan was also confused.

The news made his head dizzy.

At this time, zhongzhenye also noticed that many foreign strongmen look at themselves with a dead eye.

He could not help trembling in his heart. He was sure that the news was true!

"Did you... Really kill the four of them, Shawang of Tiandao group?" Zhongzhenye turns around with some difficulty and looks at Lin Chen.

"What do you say?" Lin Chen asked back.

Zhongzhenye looks at the faces of Baiye and Heitian. Seeing that they are not flustered, he sneers at him.

He was absolutely sure that it was true!

Zhongzhenye thought of something again. His face was ugly and he said, "then you just said Laurie..."

"I killed him!" Lin Chen said.

Zhongzhenye suddenly steps back and looks at Lin Chen in horror.

Lin Chen said coldly, "why, didn't you just say you wanted to clean me up? You're not coming now?"

As he spoke, he took a step forward, and at the same time, a momentum stronger than the ordinary sixfold heaven emanated from him!

Zhongzhenye retreated a few steps in succession, like a frightened bird. He had no doubt about Lin Chen's strength any more. His face was ugly and he said:

"I... I just laughed! Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding!"

When they heard the speech, they all looked contemptuous.

Lin Chen looked at Lei Shan. Before he could speak, Lei Shan was scared to death and said with a strong smile, "Lin Chen, I'm kidding! I'm kidding!"

Zhou Qing, the leader of Liangyi sect, and other people in the holy land of Kunlun, looked at Lin Chen in horror, and there was a storm in their hearts.

At this moment, Li Tiangang, who was trapped by seven stone statues, suddenly looked at Lin Chen and shouted in a deep voice: "boy, say! Did you kill ouyangxiao, the leader of the Wu Gu Hall of Yu beast sect?"

He had thought that the one who killed ouyangxiao would be the Pope of the dark Vatican or the Zen master annihilation.

However, when he came here, he found that there was no other super sevenfold strong man except himself.

So he listed the most powerful Cardinal of the dark Vatican, Arman, and those savages as suspects!

After all, with ouyangxiao's strength, the general super six strong man can't help him!

However, he did not find Arman for a long time. As for those savages, he killed many of them, including the savage king.

However, he could not communicate with the animals and asked ouyangxiao if they had killed him.

In fact, ouyangxiao was really killed by savages in the end. It's just that the culprit is Lin Chen!

In a word, Li Tiangang now knows that Lin Chen can kill four extraordinary liuchongtian alone, and has listed Lin Chen as a key suspect.

All the people in the Kunlun holy land were surprised when they heard that ouyangxiao was dead!

In their opinion, Lin Chen will never admit whether ouyangxiao was killed by Lin Chen or not, unless he is not afraid of Li Tiangang's revenge against this extraordinary seven strong man!

However, the next moment they are silly. Lin Chen nodded and said casually, "he was torn to pieces by those savages, but the reason for that was that I cut off one hand first! So, he really could be killed by me!"

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