"How brave!"

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Li Tiangang was furious and roared. His momentum broke out, and a wave of noise rushed towards the four directions.

Those who were in a lower level among the crowd were directly beaten by the noise and spewed blood.

Lin Chen waved his hand and the sound waves coming towards him were scattered.

Qin Changxi, Baiye, Heitian and others who stayed behind him were all OK.

Li Tiangang's feet kicked and the earth shook with a bang. He wanted to fly out of the siege of the seven stone statues.

However, just in the middle of the air, the two stone statues with big knives jumped into the air, and the two big knives cleaved down on him. The air remembered a burst of sound.

Under him, the other five stone statues were also attacking with weapons, instantly beating Li Tiangang in a hurry and falling to the ground again.

He slapped a stone statue out.

The stone statue seems to have gone through many vicissitudes, his face is fuzzy, and his body has some cracks. However, Li Tiangang's palm is enough to beat the iron ball into a discus, but it has not caused him any harm!

The stone statue just flew out for sevenoreight meters. Suddenly, a burst of white light lit up around it.

When the stone statue met the white light, it was like touching a rubber band. It rushed to Li Tiangang at a faster speed and stabbed Li Tiangang in the throat with a long gun.

Li Tiangang hurriedly dodged and kicked another foot on a stone statue on the left.

The stone statue flew backward with a bang. However, it soon flew back at a faster speed and stabbed Li Tiangang in the chest with a sword!

Li Tiangang was in a hurry. He couldn't get rid of the siege of the seven stone statues!

Looking at the power and speed revealed by the seven stone statues, Lin Chen was also a little shocked. Looking at Li Tiangang, he said:

"It seems that you can't do anything about me now. If you want to avenge ouyangxiao, you will rush out?"

The crowd was speechless when they heard the speech. This guy was too angry. When he saw that Li Tiangang couldn't rush out, he said so.

"You! Damn boy, do you think these things can really trap me?"

Li Tiangang looked at Lin Chen angrily. The next moment, he looked at his wrist and said in a deep voice, "don't sleep! Destroy these stone people for me!"

Originally, he didn't think it was necessary to use colorful glass Python to deal with several stone statues, but now it seems that it must be used!

Lin Chen's eyelids jumped and looked at Li Tiangang's wrist.

At this time, he found that there was a colorful snake there.

This little snake has only a long palm, and its body surface is as warm as a colored gem. At this time, its mouth is biting its tail, and its eyes are closed. If you don't look carefully, you won't think it's a snake at all, but think it's just a jade bracelet!

"Is this the colorful glazed Python?"

Lin Chen's eyes were afraid. He didn't know much about the insect, but since he could become the original insect of the leader of the beast riding clan.

Then, the colorful glass Python must not exist simply!

All the other people present saw the colorful glass Python for the first time and looked at the little snake curiously.

The colorful glass Python opened its eyes. Its pupils were golden and looked noble and indifferent.

The next moment, it opened its mouth, fell to the ground, hissed, and suddenly inhaled. The aura of several miles around rushed towards it.

Then, it seemed to become a balloon, rising in the wind. Soon, it became two meters long and the thickness of an adult man's thighs!

"This... This is what exists? It's incredible!"

A foreign strongman could not help exclaiming.

Most of the people present had seen big scenes, but at this time, they were still stunned and shocked!

Even Lin Chen was surprised. At this time, the breath on the colorful glass Python was stronger than the Li Tiangang beside it!

Lin Chen's eyes were afraid.

He is not afraid to deal with a Li Tiangang, but he will have some trouble dealing with Li Tiangang and the colorful colored glass Python!

However, at the next moment, he thought of what array these stone statues were made of, and his worry was put down again.

Although the colorful glass Python is strong, it is still the level of the extraordinary seven heavens. The existence of two extraordinary seven heavens can not break the array in front of us!

At the same time, colorful glass Python and Li Tiangang have already started!


When the colorful glass Python's tail was swung, it brought a series of crosstalk and exploded, and the two stone statues on one side flew out!


On the other side, Li Tiangang slapped a stone statue again!

When the stone statues bounce back, they continue to attack. At this time, one person and one Python attack at the same time. The attacks are extremely violent. Although they can't get rid of these stone statues, they have turned passive into active!

The seven stone statues, just like a ball, kept flying, and then flew back in an instant!

At the beginning, Li Tiangang also expected to destroy the stone statues together with colorful Liu Liman. However, after a few minutes of frantic attack, the stone statues still didn't look like they were going to break.

Li Tiangang finally frowned.

And the colorful glass Python also became irritable.

Just then.


The colorful glass Python gave a crazy cry, and once again the tail flew the stone statue in front of him!


There was a slight sound on the stone statue. At the same time, a crack that had already existed on the stone statue became a little bigger.

Seeing this scene, Li Tiangang was surprised.

"Very good! Continue to attack. It seems that these stone statues are not Vajra. They won't last long!"

Seeing this scene, Wen Renyue, Qin Changxi and others' faces changed. In their opinion, if Li Tiangang and colorful glass Python rushed out, Lin Chen would be finished!

Zhongzhenye, Leishan and others immediately smiled, but before Li Tiangang rushed out, they didn't dare to smile too obviously.

"Lin Chen, let's leave quickly! We won't go into the palace!"

Qin Changxi came forward to hold Lin Chen's hand and wanted to pull him away.

"Yes! Boss, let's go! Go back to Yunwu villa!"

"That's right! There are our master and leader Guo in the cloud mountain villa. If you invite master Murong Xuan from the moon invitation building, we won't have to be afraid of Li Tiangang and his big snake“

Day and night are busy.

This time, even Wen Renyue's face became anxious and agreed with Qin Changxi's words.

"Boy, do you know the owner of the moon invitation building?"

Li Tiangang's face changed, but then he sneered: "I tell you, it's no use even if you run away! Unless you let them stay with you for 24 hours, you will still die!"

"Run away?"

Lin Chen seemed to hear something funny. "Why should I run away? I have to go to the palace to find treasure."

"Stupid! You want to go to the palace? Do you think you passed these stone statues?"

Li Tiangang sneered, and the next moment, he widened his eyes, because Lin Chen did not hesitate to step into the attack range of the other seven stone statues. Suddenly, the seven stone statues suddenly turned around and looked at Lin Chen!

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