No one expected that Lin Chen would suddenly walk into a small square surrounded by the seven stone statues.

Looking at Li Tiangang being besieged by seven stone statues, as long as he is not a fool, he can definitely guess. The other seven stone statues are definitely not easy to mess with.

You don't have to think about it. As long as you step into any of the four areas, the seven stone statues will start to attack!

At this time, watching Lin Chen step into another area to the left of Li Tiangang, at the same time, the seven stone statues in that area have turned their heads to look at Lin Chen.

Everyone is stupid!

"This... Is this guy crazy? He even wants to die? Hahaha! What an idiot!"

After Lei Shan stayed down, he was ecstatic.

Even Li Tiangang fell behind when facing the seven stone statues. In his opinion, if Lin Chen was besieged by the seven stone statues, he would never survive!

Not only did he think so, but so did Qin Changxi, Baiye and Heitian, as well as other onlookers.

Even hearing the news of Renyue, his face started to panic.

Wen Renyue estimated that Lin Chen's strength should be comparable to the extraordinary seven heavy heaven, but it is definitely much worse than Li Tiangang.

Li Tiangang continued to attack the surrounding stone statues and laughed at Lin Chen:

"Boy, it seems that you have lost your mind? I really overestimate you. You are more arrogant than I thought, or stupid too much! Now, you can't just enter the palace, but also die under the siege of these stone statues!"

"Really? Just watch it!" Lin Chen shrugged casually.


Zhongzhenye sneers and scolds.

At this moment, seven stone statues up to two meters high have rushed to Lin Chen, holding various weapons in their hands. In the blink of an eye, they have blocked Lin Chen out of sight.

"Lin Chen! Be careful!"

Hearing that Ren Yue could not calm down at last, she was shocked and ran to the seven stone statues to help Lin Chen.

"Lin Chen!"


Qin Changxi, Audrey, Baiye, Heitian and others are also anxious and want to rush to help Lin Chen.

Only Lin Chen's face was not flustered. A silver needle suddenly appeared in his hand. He turned around and stabbed at the neck of a stone statue with a long sword on the left!

"Stupid! Even my attack can't work on these stone statues. It's useless for you to hold a small silver needle!"

Li Tiangang saw the silver needle in Lin Chen's hand, and couldn't help laughing. He thought Lin Chen was too self-conscious.

But the next moment, he was struck by lightning: "this..."

Lin Chen's silver needle went straight into the neck of the stone statue. At the same time, including the stone statue that was stabbed with the silver needle.

The seven stone statues beside Lin Chen stopped at the same time!

Wen Renyue, Qin Changxi and others all stopped and looked at the scene in front of them foolishly. Some of them didn't understand what was going on.

Other onlookers were equally stunned.

"One... One silver needle?"

Leishan and zhongzhenye are numb at this time.

"Boy! What the hell is going on?"

After Li Tiangang regained consciousness, he roared sadly and angrily.

He has been fighting here for a long time. He even called out the colorful glass python, but he couldn't get rid of the seven stone statues.

However, Lin Chen took a silver needle and pricked it, and it was done!

"Is this Chinese acupuncture? It's amazing!" Leonard looked at the silver needle that was stuck around the stone statue's neck and exclaimed.

Lance beside him had no good breath: "Chinese acupuncture is used to cure living people! Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand! This is definitely another means!"

"Well, what else can you do?" Leonard was a little unconvinced.

"Er... I don't know..." lance shook his head and looked at Lin Chen curiously.

All the others looked at Lin Chen and looked forward to his answer.

Lin Chen takes back his hand, and the silver needle still stays on the stone statue's neck.

He didn't mind explaining, shrugged and said:

"These twenty-eight stone statues form an array called the twenty-eight Xingxiu demon slaying array! The twenty-eight Xingxiu demon slaying array is also composed of four small arrays: green dragon, Xuanwu, white tiger and rosefinch. It can deal with multiple enemies at the same time."

"Each small array composed of seven stone statues was originally enough to deal with a powerful person of the extraordinary nine heavy heaven! However, the array has been destroyed for countless years, so its power has been greatly reduced. Now it can only deal with the existence of the extraordinary seven heavy heaven."

"As for why I can do it with a silver needle, it's very simple, because every small array has a stone statue with a life gate. If the silver needle pierces the life gate, the array will be broken!"

"The small array I am in is a Xuanwu small array. The famous family exists in the empty space among the seven stone statues of Dou, Niu, Nu, Xu, Wei, Shi and Bi."

Lin Chen talked with assurance. These are the knowledge he got from the inheritance of Leng Dongliu.

This stone statue looks broken, but even ancient treasures are difficult to destroy.

Lin Chen guessed that he might be able to use the Dragon tooth sabre, but he didn't plan to do that.

Although the people around still didn't understand this array, some people looked at Lin Chen with admiration.

Qin Changxi and Wen Renyue looked at Lin Chen with a trace of worship and pride.

Worship is because they feel that Lin Chen seems to know everything.

Pride is because this is their man.

"All right! Let's go!"

Lin Chen said a word to Wen Renyue, Qin Changxi, Audrey, Baiye, Heitian, Nick and Jon and asked them to come over.

When Wen Renyue and others passed the stone statue and walked to the gate of the palace on the other side, Lin Chen pulled out the silver needle and walked to them.

"Shifu, let's hurry along!"

Lei Shan turned his eyes and said something to zhongzhenye. Then he hurried into the Xuanwu formation.

Since the Xuanwu array was broken by Lin Chen, he didn't have to be afraid and wanted to follow him into the palace to get a share.

Zhongzhenye and the others all thought the same thing. Without any hesitation, they also rushed into the Xuanwu formation.

However, the next moment.

The seven stone statues suddenly moved!

The seven stone statues looked at Leishan at the same time, and the weapons in their hands waved at him!

The nearest to Leishan was a stone statue with two big stone hammers in his hands. In an instant, three big head stone hammers of Leishan were about to fall on his head.


Lei Shan was so shocked that he wanted to dodge immediately. However, with his extraordinary triple heaven realm, he could not dodge at this time!


The stone hammer fell on Lei Shan's head, and his head exploded, red and white.


The headless body fell to the ground.

And the seven stone statues did not move again!

Zhongzhenye and others trembled with fear. They were scared to death and stopped at once.

"Damn it! What's the matter? Didn't you break this array?" Zhongzhenye looks at Leishan's body. He is shocked and angry. He gnashes his teeth and looks at Lin Chen who is smiling at him on the other side.

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