Zhenmo seal is one of the most powerful martial arts of Yushou sect.

After use, the power of one foot is as powerful as a mountain with a weight of 100000 kg. Even if a powerful physical monster is trampled on by one foot, it will fall to the ground or even die!

The ancient warrior of human beings will die if he is trampled on the key position!

"Lin Chen, be careful!"

"Boss, his' demon seal 'is terrible. Don't answer it! Get away!"

"Lin Chen, run quickly!"


Hearing about Ren Yue and Qin Changxi, they saw that Lin Chen and Li Tiangang had already started in the blink of an eye. They were all a little scared. In their opinion, Lin Chen could not beat Li Tiangang.

"Lord Li, just trample him into meat and mud!" Zhongzhenye is smiling.

In an instant, Lin Chen looked up and did not dodge. He held a sword in one hand and grabbed Li Tiangang's ankle with the other hand.

"This idiot!" Zhongzhenye burst out laughing.

Other people who knew how terrible Li Tiangang was, shook their heads and looked at Lin Chen with a trace of regret.

The only way to avoid the pressure of Mount Tai is to avoid it. If you want to push Mount Tai away, the only end is to be smashed into meat sauce.


Li Tiangang sneered. He didn't believe that Lin Chen could take this step.

In his eyes, he almost saw that the next second, Lin Chen's head was crushed by himself!

However, the next second, he felt a huge force coming from the place he was seized by Lin Chen. At the same time, the huge force he was carrying was led to another direction by Lin Chen.

Li Tiangang's face suddenly changed, and he immediately wanted to change his moves, but it was already late.

After Lin Chen led his great power to another direction, the seemingly slow and gentle movement suddenly became violent and violent.


Li Tiangang was like a huge hammer. He was severely hit on the ground by the quilt, with a roar, like an earthquake.

The terrifying force he threw on the ground was also the force he had used to "suppress the evil seal".

This scene stunned the people around, and the whole audience was silent!

At the same time, the bloody broken sword on Lin Chen's other hand suddenly went to Li Tiangang's neck!

Li Tiangang's face was startled, and he hurried to the side to avoid Lin Chen's sword.

His right foot was caught by Lin Chen. At this time, he pressed his hands on the ground, and the ground burst again. Then his upper body rushed to Lin Chen.


Li Tiangang punched Lin Chen in the head, almost to the extreme. At this moment, he had realized that Lin Chen was difficult to deal with, and dared not leave his hand.

The punch made the air burst!

As soon as Lin Chen's face changed, he loosened Li Tiangang's ankle and held the bloody broken sword in front of him with both hands.


Li Tiangang hit the bloody broken sword with a fist, and Lin Chen pushed dozens of steps in a row.

With each step back, the ground vibrated, leaving a footprint ten centimeters deep.

However, Li Tiangang was not happy. He used his right fist to bang on the bloody broken sword. At this time, the right fist was a little bloody.

However, there was no pain on Li Tiangang's face. The pain was nothing to him. He stared at Lin Chen and said in a cold voice:

"Boy! I didn't expect that your strength has reached the extraordinary seventh heaven, which is not much worse than me! I have to say that your talent is something I've never seen or heard of! If you were given another decade or two, I might not be your opponent!"

The onlookers were also dumbfounded.

Zhongzhenye swallowed his saliva and looked at Lin Chen with deep fear.

Wen Renyue, Qin Changxi and others were all happy, but still worried. After all, the victory or defeat between Lin Chen and Li Tiangang is still unknown.

"In ten or twenty years, I can kill you now!"

Lin Chen said faintly, his eyes were a little feverish and excited, and he rushed towards Li Tiangang again.

"This boy is also a battle maniac."

Wu Qianye, who was hiding in the little fox, was delighted to see this scene. Only a madman who had been more brave in the war could go far enough in the martial arts.

Only Lin Chen is strong enough to help her in the future!

"Can you kill me now? Hum! It's a long way off!"

Li Tiangang sneered and rushed to Lin Chen.

The two fought together, and for a time they were close.

From the ground to the air, Lin Chen wielded a sword, which was hidden by Li Tiangang. The terrible sword Qi still cut the small mountains not far away in half!


Half of the mountain, about ten meters high, fell to the ground!

Li Tiangang blew out with a fist, which was dodged by Lin Chen. A dozen huge trees in the distance behind Lin Chen were directly overturned by this fist!

The people on one side stared and breathed coldly.

The battle in front of us was like a war of annihilation. In the blink of an eye, the surrounding areas of Lin Chen and Li Tiangang were already in a mess. It was terrible to see.

But before he knew it, Li Tiangang slowly fell into the wind and was gradually suppressed by Lin Chen, which made his face more and more ugly.


They punched each other and pushed each other for more than ten steps!

Lin Chen became braver and braver. He rushed to Li Tiangang again. Li Tiangang said to the colorful glass Python on his wrist:

"Not yet?"

Hearing this, the onlookers looked different.

Qin Changxi and the man who heard about the moon were shocked.

Zhongzhenye smiles.

The rest of the people, looking at Lin Chen, were gloating and sympathizing!

Next second.


The colorful glass Python on Li Tiangang's wrist fell to the ground, and the surrounding aura gathered. In an instant, it turned into a two meter long, Adult Thigh thick horror python.

Without any pause, it shot at Lin Chen, just like a string arrow.

"Son, go to hell!"

Li Tiangang sneered and then rushed to Lin Chen.

"Shameless! Shameless old man, didn't you say that you can deal with my boss without colorful glass Python?" The white night scolded Li Tiangang angrily.

"That's right! Old man, are you ashamed of yourself? Even if you bully the small, you still have two dozen! Bah!" Black sky also scolds.


However, Li Tiangang didn't pay attention to it, and just snorted coldly.

When life and death were at stake, he would never care about his face.

Lin Chen has brought him a great sense of crisis. In any case, this son can't stay. Otherwise, in another ten or twenty years, maybe he and the colorful glass Python will not be able to defeat each other!

"Well come!"

Lin Chen saw that Li Tiangang and the colorful glass Python rushed at the same time. His face was also very dignified.

However, Lin Chen also knew that the more this time, the more he could not shrink back.

He laughed. The bloody broken sword rushed in front of him. His tail had been drawn towards him, and he took a series of colorful glass Python stabs with the sound of crosstalk.

Then his face changed.

After the colorful glass Python became larger, there was a layer of wet colored scales on its body. The bloody broken sword stabbed the colorful glass python. Most of its strength was directly removed, and then the sword was drawn aside.

Although the ancient treasure is sharp, it can't play a role and can't hurt it at all!


The tail of the colorful colored glass Python was severely pumped on Lin Chen. Immediately, Lin Chen was pumped upside down and flew out. With a bang, Lin Chen bumped into the mountain wall more than ten meters behind him. The man inlaid it and vomited a big mouthful of blood!

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