"Lin Chen!"


"Mr. Lin!"


Seeing that Lin Chen was photographed embedded in the wall of daoshan mountain, he vomited blood from his mouth. Hearing that Ren Yue, Qin Changxi, Baiye, Heitian and others were shocked.

The colorful glass Python has rushed to Lin Chen again. Li Tiangang's face shows a grim smile and follows him.


At this time, the sound of breaking the air came.

As soon as Li Tiangang's face changed, he turned around and saw that Wen Renyue's face was cold. He stabbed himself with his sword. He was almost to the extreme and was surrounded by snowflakes.

He was astonished, but he didn't expect that the realm of Wen Renyue was already the extraordinary six fold heaven.

Moreover, this move by Wen Renyue, the extraordinary six fold heaven, unexpectedly gave him a sense of crisis.

However, Wen Renyue is just an ordinary six fold heaven, which is far from Li Tiangang.

As soon as Li Tiangang's figure flashed, he hid the sword.

"Saint Wen, this has nothing to do with you. Step aside quickly and don't force me to do it to you!"

Li Tiangang scolded.

He doesn't want to fight Wen Renyue, because Wen Renyue, as a saint of Kunlun, can't mess with her.

What's more, master Wen Renyue can kill him with a slap!

There are so many onlookers here. If he starts to attack Wen Renyue, the news will inevitably be sent back to the holy land of Kunlun.

"If you let Lin Chen go, I will stop!" Wen Renyue said coldly.

"That's impossible!"

Li Tiangang snorted coldly and clapped it out with a palm. He heard the moon a meter or two away from him. He was directly photographed and flew out. After falling on the ground, he couldn't move.

"I've offended you! This boy killed the head of our Wugu hall and the head of Tianluo hall. He is really a devil. I must kill the people today! When I return to the holy land of Kunlun, I will go to Kunlun cult to explain myself!"

Li Tiangang's palm was just right. It could paralyze Wen Renyue for a short time without seriously injuring her.

With that, Li Tiangang rushed to the front. Lin Chen had come out of the mountain wall and fought with the colorful glass Python again.

Lin Chen tries to attack the seven inch position of the colorful glass python. This is the weakness of the common python. However, the colorful glass Python is unafraid and has no such weakness at all.

Li Tiangang joined the war. After a while, Lin Chen was completely defeated and the danger was all around.


"Lin Chen!"

"Mr. Lin!"


Qin Changxi, Audrey, Baiye, Heitian and others also rushed to help. However, just halfway through the race, zhongzhenye appeared in front of them!

"Hum! Just you punks want to mess up? Get out!"

Zhongzhenye gave a cold snort, banged his feet, kicked Daye and Heitian out of their mouths, spitting blood, and flew out.


"Nick, let's go! It's time to repay Mr. Lin for his kindness to our wolf castle!"

Next to Audrey, Nick and Jon did not hesitate. They rushed to zhongzhenye, cooperated with each other, and attacked both sides of zhongzhenye at the same time.

However, the existence of two extraordinary quintuples, combined, how can it be compared with one extraordinary quintuple?

After a few moves, Nick and Jon were beaten by zhongzhenye, spitting blood, and kicked out like garbage!

"Things that are beyond our means!"

Zhongzhenye grimacely smiles and looks at Qin Changxi and Audrey:

"You two are Lin Chen's women, aren't you? Hum! He killed my disciple. Originally, I should have killed him for revenge and let him pay for his life! Now that he is going to die at the hands of leader Li, you should pay this account!"

Qin Changxi's face was angry: "you are a villain! It is only at this time that you dare to attack us! If Li Tiangang is not there, do you dare to say such a thing?"

The people around him looked at zhongzhenye with some disdain.

Zhongzhenye's face sank and he was about to speak.


On his left, a figure suddenly rushed in, and a fist was about to hit him on the head, with a murderous spirit of terror.

This man is Changshan.

Before, he received Lin Chen's favor at the door. At this time, he thought of making a contribution to repay his kindness.

However, he is only the extraordinary triple heaven, which can not work.

"Get out!"

Zhongzhenye shouts angrily and kicks Changshan away. Changshan spits out a mouthful of blood in midair and falls to the ground without moving.

"Asshole! I'll fight with you!"

Qin Changxi's face was sulky, and his sword stabbed Zhong Zhenye.

Audrey let out a roar and turned into a werewolf. She also wanted to fight with zhongzhenye!

However, facing zhongzhenye, the two of them struggled in vain.

"OK! I'd like you to fight with me, but it's in bed, not here! I don't mind letting you take the initiative in bed!"

Zhongzhenye grinned grimly, and with one hand stretched out, he grabbed Qin Changxi's chest.

Before, he was angry with Lin Chen. At this time, he wanted to vent his anger with Lin Chen's woman.

What's more, Lin Chen's women are all first-class beauties, which makes him feel a little excited.

The onlookers looked at zhongzhenye with some disdain, but no one took action.

In fact, some people swallowed their saliva and even looked forward to Qin Changxi and Audrey's clothes being stripped off to reveal the spring!

A close call!


A cold silver light shoots at Zhong Zhenye's head.

"Be careful!" The voice of Li Tiangang came.

Zhongzhenye's face changes wildly. As soon as he turns around, he sees that a dragon knife is close at hand. The body of the knife shines cold and shoots at his head. It is almost to the extreme.

"Hum! Do you think this concealed weapon can hurt me?"

Zhongzhenye sneers, realizing that the concealed weapon was sent by Lin Chen. At this time, he can't dodge. He directly reaches out his hand and grabs it at the Dragon tooth sabre.

The next moment, he grasped the Dragon tooth knife. However, before he could smile, the Dragon tooth knife penetrated his palm.

A pop went through his head!

Zhongzhenye's body shakes, and his eyes are scared to death. With a bang, he falls to the ground!

"This, this is not an ordinary weapon..."

Zhongzhenye's mouth gushed blood, said a word, looked unwilling, and then died.

The sudden scene made everyone unable to react. When they saw that the silver knife flew back towards Lin Chen, those who had obscene thoughts in their hearts were so scared that they didn't dare to look at Qin Changxi and Audrey more.

"Lin Chen! Let me help you!"

After Audrey reacts, she will rush towards Lin Chen, but she is held by Qin Changxi. She looks at Qin Changxi in doubt.

Qin Changxi's face was full of worry, but she still said, "let's not go there, otherwise, it will only make trouble for him!"

Audrey hesitated and nodded. She thought Qin Changxi had a point.

On the other side, Lin Chen distracted himself from controlling the Dragon tooth sabre, and then revealed his flaws. He was pulled on his body by the colorful glass python, and with a roar, he was beaten out again and inlaid on the mountain wall!

Lin Chen only felt that his body seemed to have been split in two. It was so painful that he vomited several mouthfuls of blood. Anyone can see that he has reached the end of his powerful crossbow. He has many wounds on his body, and his clothes have been pulled into pieces by the colorful glass Python!

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