Time passed, and most of the day passed in a twinkling of an eye.

At dusk.

Wolf Castle hall.

Avis was sitting on a chair with a golden dagger. Audrey and Adolf were standing in front of him. Hundreds of people in wolf castle were stopped outside by his two men.

Avis was going to wash the wolf castle first, and then go to China to kill Lin Chen and all his relatives and friends.

As a result, Lin Chen said he would come to wolf castle, so he changed his mind.

He wants to kill Lin Chen in front of Audrey, Adolf and others, so that they can know how stupid they are. He even thinks that this Chinese can become the support of their wolf castle!

Avis stared at Audrey, who was still blue and not swollen, and said lightly: "originally, as long as you married Leo, you would be the most noble woman in Europe. We 'the roversky family' would also be the backer of your wolf castle! As a result, you bitch made a stupid decision to collude with the Chinese people and harm my son! Wolf castle

It is because of you that we perish! "

Avis doesn't have to think about it. His lecherous son will argue with the Chinese dragon tooth. It must be because of the woman Audrey!

In his opinion, Audrey and Lin Chen must have an indistinct relationship.

Audrey gritted her teeth and did not explain, because nothing could be changed by the explanation.

She also knew that Lin Chen was coming. At this time, she just hoped that Lin Chen could come quickly, defeat Avis and save wolf castle.

"The sun is going to set. That guy didn't plan to come at all!"

Avis's face sank. "I'll wait a little longer. If he doesn't come, I'll kill everyone in your wolf castle, and then I'll go directly to China to kill him!"

Adolf looked frightened.

He was worried. Maybe Lin Chen was really afraid of Avis and didn't dare to come over.

After all, Lin Chen had never seen how powerful Lin Chen was, and he had seen the horror of Avis.

If Lin Chen and Avis are on the right track, his heart actually feels that Avis has a better chance of winning.

And just then!


Suddenly the sound of a helicopter came from the sky.


Just as they were about to look into the sky, a figure fell from the sky and stood at the door, just between two of Avis' men and hundreds of people in wolf Castle who were blocked outside the door.

"Lin Chen!"

Audrey's face lit up with joy when she saw the visitor. Sure enough, he was definitely not the kind of person who would shrink from the battle!

Lin Chen glanced over Audrey and Adolf, and saw that Audrey's cheeks were blue and red, and Adolf's chest was scarlet. It was obvious that she had been hurt a lot.

His eyebrows frowned, but he was relieved that he had not been killed anyway.

Then he saw the headless corpse that had been trampled on by Avis.

Lin Chen's face was gloomy, and he felt guilty at the same time.

In the final analysis, he killed Leo, and some of Wolfsburg was dragged down by him.

"Mr. Lin!"

Among the hundreds of people in the wolf Castle outside, Jon was surprised to cry out when he saw Lin Chen. The rest of them looked at Lin Chen expectantly.

The fate of wolf castle now depends on whether this young man is strong enough!

Avis had turned around and looked at Lin Chen. He didn't open his mouth. His eyes were as sharp as a knife.

"Get out of the way!"

Two of Avis' men stood in front of Lin Chen, and Lin Chen said,

"Fuck! If you say get out of the way, I'll get out of the way. What are you?"

"Huaxia boy! Dare to be arrogant in front of our Elvis patriarch and seek death!"

Two of Avis' men were strong men of divine level 6. They were used to being superior at ordinary times. Lin Chen immediately annoyed them by talking to them like this.

Lin Chen didn't speak, but just started.

His right foot turned into a phantom!

Bang! Bang!



Two of Avis' men were directly kicked into the hall, fell to the ground, covered their stomachs, convulsed and screamed, and spat blood with visceral debris in the blood. They could not get up.

Two of Avis' men blocked hundreds of people out of Wolfsburg.

When Lin Chen came, in less than a second, the two men lost their fighting power and were directly abandoned!

At this scene, hundreds of people in the wolf Castle outside the door were stunned. The next moment, they took a breath, and then their faces were ecstatic.

Avis' face was still calm.

If Lin Chen can't even finish the two God level six levels in an instant, he is not qualified to make a move.

"You killed my son? Why?"

Yawis stares at Lin Chen, his tone is cold, and his eyes explode.

"Because he provoked me." Lin Chen is very casual.

"Then you killed him, and you provoked me! I want to kill you, and I want you to die in pain. Are you all right?"

Avis' face was a little ferocious. At the same time, his body began to change. Thick hair grew on his body surface. His body was much taller and grew fangs. His nails grew longer and glowed with cold light. After a while, he changed greatly.

At this time, he was almost 2.3 meters tall. It seemed that he was no different from a wild bear standing up!


Elvis finally knew that Lin Chen was not easy to mess with, so he became a beast!

At this time, Lin Chen stood in front of him. It was like facing a fierce beast. Avis had terrible muscles and his arms were almost as thick as Lin Chen's waist!

Anyone who sees this scene will subconsciously think that Avis can directly tear Lin Chen apart!

When ordinary people see the ferocious and terrifying appearance of Avis, let alone fight, they may not even dare to run!

"You want to kill me? I don't mind!"

Lin Chen raised his head slightly, looked at yawis, and said faintly, "the key is, can you kill me?"

For a moment, the scene was so tense that the air seemed to freeze.

Adolf, Audrey and others looked at this scene and even forgot to breathe. There was a sense of depression in their hearts. This feeling was like peace before the storm!

Lin Chen is not at the same level as Avis in terms of body shape. However, in terms of momentum, it is no different!

Adolf was very nervous. This battle would not only decide the fate of him and Audrey, but also the fate of the whole wolf castle!

In his and Audrey's view, Lin Chen and Avis are at the same level, and either of them is likely to win.

Even, in Adolf's view, Avis may win more, because he has seen how terrible Avis' strength is!

"Lin Chen, be careful!"

Audrey was so nervous that she couldn't help reminding him: "your broken sword and knife? Why don't you take it out? Remember! After Avis is turned into a beast, the biggest advantage lies in his physical strength. Don't fight with him!"

"You don't need weapons to deal with him. You can use your fists! In other words, my strongest strength now is brute force!"

Lin Chen nodded and smiled at Audrey. The next moment, there was a loud noise from his feet. The whole man had rushed towards Avis like an arrow!

In the blink of an eye, he came to Avis and hit Avis in the chest!

"Boy, do you want to fight me hand to hand? I think you are really confused by your false name!"

Yawis smiled grimly and hit Lin Chen's fist! His huge fist is almost three times as big as Lin Chen's!

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