"Lin Chen, don't fight him!"

Adolf hurried to remind him loudly.

Audrey also looked worried. He didn't know what was happening to Lin Chen. She reminded him that the strongest thing about Avis was the terrible physical power.

As a result, Lin Chen still chose to fight with Avis!

As for Lin Chen's claim that his strongest strength is his brute force, Audrey disagrees. In her opinion, Lin Chen's bloody broken sword and dragon tooth sabre are his biggest reliance!

If he only relies on brute force, he can't defeat Avis!

"Lin Chen! Use weapons! Don't fight him empty handed. You can't fight him!" Audrey reminded again anxiously.

However, it is already late.


Lin Chen and Avis' fists are fighting together. The visual effect is like a person collides with a bear. Seeing this scene, no one thinks Lin Chen may win!

"It's over!"

Adolf's eyes were dull and his heart sank to the bottom of the sea. His heart said that although Lin Chen was strong, he was too young after all. After making achievements, he became arrogant!

Now, Lin Chen's arrogance is not only to compensate himself, but also to compensate the wolf castle!

The people of wolf Castle outside the hall also looked sad at this scene.

It was two of Avis' men who laughed grimly and scolded angrily.

"This idiot, unexpectedly, bumped into the patriarch. The patriarch could smash him into meat sauce with one fist!"

"Hum! Such a fool, I don't know how he lived to this day!"

However, at the next moment, everyone was dumbfounded and looked like a ghost.

Because they saw the expression of pain on Avis' face and stepped back a few steps. His right fist, which was fought with Lin Chen, was bleeding and his skin was broken. They could see some twisted bones inside!

"You, you, you..."

Elvis stopped and looked at Lin Chen. He was scared to death, but he couldn't say a whole word!


Lin Chen's second fist has come to him, bringing a gust of wind. Normal people, let alone take Lin Chen's fist, even this fist is enough to kill ordinary people!

"The second punch!"

Lin Chen blows at yawis' chest!

There was a popping sound at his feet. The ground cracked like a spider's web, and sank into pits. With bursts of noise, the eardrums of everyone present were almost broken!

Avis's face changed wildly, and his hands stopped in front of his chest!


Lin Chen's fist hit yawis's hands, making him scream, throwing him upside down and flying out!

With a bang, Avis broke the wall and continued to fly out. The bones of his hands were twisted, and bone spurs pierced the skin and flesh and came out, dripping with blood!

"Third punch!"

Boom! Boom! Boom

Lin Chen, like a wild beast, rushed towards Avis. Every time he took a step, the ground shook, as if he were a 100 meter giant, trying to crack the earth.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Chen had already reached dozens of meters away, and once again came to the front of yawis, and a punch was going to hit him in the chest!

Avis was so scared that his eyes were staring and his scalp was numb. He was fully aware that Lin Chen's strength was above him.

He was not even a little better than him. He had fought with several God level seven beings, and even killed one!

But no one has ever been so strong!

This is simply a high-level crush on the low-level. Lin Chen's strength and physical strength are almost twice as strong as him!

A feeling of extreme panic enveloped him, and a strong sense of crisis filled his mind.

For the first time, he felt that the sickle of death had caught his neck!

"Immortal bear soul!"

With a roar, Avis wanted to use the secret method of the "roversky family". Although this secret method could not double his strength, it could also become a big part stronger, so that he would not be beaten by such pressure!


It's too late!

Lin Chen's fist has reached him, less than ten centimeters away from him!

The last word in his mouth fell, and Lin Chen's fist had already hit his heart!

Click, click


The sound of bone fragmentation and heart burst at the same time!

Avis was blown out like a shell, and finally hit the rockery more than ten meters away, overturning the rockery. Then he stopped and fell to the ground!

After falling on the ground, his body twitched a few times and looked at Lin Chen. He seemed to want to say something, but he just kept vomiting blood.

Finally, without saying anything, he lost his breath with horror and confusion in his eyes!

He wanted to ask why Lin Chen had to fight against Li Tiangang for so long since he was so strong!

He would not have thought of breaking his head. In just a few days, Lin Chen's strength doubled!

When Lin Chen turned back, he saw people who seemed to have turned into stone carvings.

Adolf, Audrey and the rest of the people in wolf Castle seemed to be settled at this time. They looked at Lin Chen and Avis for a while. Many people rubbed their eyes. Obviously, they all had some doubts. This was a dream.

They don't think Lin Chen will lose!

But it was unexpectedly that Lin Chen won so easily that even Avis could not use the secret method completely, so he was killed by Lin Chen three times!

Three fists killed the existence of a god level seven, which made them feel cold. They just felt that standing in front of Lin Chen was like an ant facing a giant!

A silver light flew from Lin Chen's cuff.

Two of Avis' men were running frantically towards the gate of wolf castle, and just after a short distance, their bodies froze, and their heads were pierced by dragon tooth knives!

Lin Chen put away the Dragon tooth sabre, looked at Adolf and asked, "can you solve the rest of the roversky family by yourself?"

Even if he has made a complete enmity with the roversky family, Lin Chen does not intend to leave a curse. This does not mean that he will kill all the people of the roversky family, but at least, they can't make trouble again!

Those who have the ability to make trouble for themselves or will retaliate against wolf Castle should be solved.

Adolf then came to his senses. He understood what Lin Chen meant, and hurriedly nodded: "Mr. Lin, please rest assured that I will solve the rest! There is also a struggle within the roversky family. There is no need for them to destroy it! Now that Avis is dead, they will also understand the result of provoking Mr. Lin. I have a way to use them for myself. I just need to use you, Mr. Lin

Your name! "

Unconsciously, his address to Lin Chen has changed from you to you!

"Yes!" Lin Chen nods.

"Well, now that the matter has been settled, I will leave. I have something else to do."

While Lin Chen was talking, he took out his mobile phone, dialed a number and asked the helicopter to pick him up.

All the people in the wolf Castle felt that Lin Chen was too relaxed.

After killing Avis, Lin Chen was not proud and happy at all.

It seems that the ants have been crushed to death!

Audrey looked at Lin Chen and her eyes were shining. At the moment, she adored Lin Chen to the extreme.

"Mr. Lin, I have another request. I wonder if you could listen to it?" Adolf hurried.

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