"What request?" Lin Chen looks at Adolf.

"We wolf Castle hope to become your subordinate force, Mr. Lin!" Adolf said, looking at Lin Chen expectantly.

Lin Chen raised her eyebrows.

Naturally he understood what Adolf meant.

Now that Lin Chen has some knowledge of the supernatural and divine power on earth, he also knows that the strength of wolf castle is really not strong!

The whole wolf castle, only Adolf, the God level six, got on the table. Other people are not worth mentioning.

Any sect in Kunlun holy land, as well as the dark Holy See, the saint alliance and other organizations, are not comparable to wolf castle!

For example, today, if Lin Chen hadn't come, Avis alone would have destroyed the wolf castle.

Adolf said that he wanted to be his subordinate, in fact, he wanted to be his subordinate. If there was anything, he could ask the people of wolf castle to do it. However, if something happened to wolf castle, he would also help!

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't speak, Adolf looked worried, and the other people in the wolf castle were also a little disappointed.

In fact, they also know that with the ability of wolf castle, if Lin Chen can't do anything, they can't do anything at all.

At most, he is an errand runner for Lin Chen.

"Lin Chen..."

Audrey could not help crying, her eyes imploring.

"Yes." Lin Chen nodded, letting Adolf, Audrey and others show surprise smiles.

Lin Chen continued: "under my name, there is a group, the saint devil group. Have you heard of it?"

Adolf hurriedly nodded and said, "it turns out that the saint devil group belongs to Mr. Lin. I have heard of it. Just a few days ago, the saint devil group in China has been rated as one of the top 100 enterprises in the world. It is really rare for a private enterprise to achieve this in China!"

In fact, people like them, let alone the world's top 100 enterprises, even if the world's richest man came, Adolf was too lazy to answer.

However, since it was Lin Chen's group, he naturally had to be careful.

Lin Chen nodded and said, "the saint devil group is also expanding its business in Europe. I need your help for some things. I will ask my wife Ye Yiren to contact you later. She is the general manager of the saint devil group."

"OK! Mr. Lin, please rest assured that we will certainly help your wife!"

Adolf nodded hurriedly and smiled. He was not afraid that Lin Chen would ask him to help. He was afraid that Lin Chen didn't need his help for anything.

Lin Chen nods. Ye Yiren wants to become the richest woman in the world. Now she is not too far away from this goal. As a man, she naturally has to contribute.

After leaving wolf castle, Lin Chen went to Italy.

On the one hand, jiangmengshu is making a film there. He hasn't seen her for a long time. He also misses her a little. According to jiangmengshu, he has to try to give her a "gift."

On the other hand, he was going to meet his godfather Carol.

Lin Chen thought for a while and chose to go to Carlo's side first. He told him that he had avenged his wife's murder and killed cardinal Arman of the dark Vatican.

Carlo didn't believe it at first, because in his opinion, yalman was not the existence that Lin Chen could deal with.

Even, Arman was almost invincible.

However, when he saw Lin Chen take out his mobile phone, and the screen of the mobile phone was Arman's body, Carlo was stunned.

The next moment, his old eyes were full of tears, and he even began to wail and cry: "Chris, he's dead! The man who killed you, he's finally dead! That beast, good death! Good death!"

Lin Chen sighed, comforted Carol and said goodbye.

At this time, it's better to leave Carol alone for a while.

Lin Chen stayed with jiangmengshu for two days, gave her the "cold dew chalcedony liquid" prepared for her, and then tried to give her a "gift"

On the third day, Lin Chen went to the port city, met Meng Xiaowan, gave her the "cold dew chalcedony liquid", accompanied her for two days, and then went to Guangyang city.

Walking out of the airport in Guangyang City, Lin Chen took a taxi directly to the building of the saint devil group in Guangyang city.

"First go to see sister Rong, and then go to Meng Huang."

He came out this time, in addition to solving Avis in wolf castle, he helped the girls who were not in the cloud mountain villa to deliver the "cold dew chalcedony spirit liquid".

Although the building of the saint devil group in Guangyang city is not comparable to the famous small Manyao tower, it can also be regarded as one of the landmark buildings in Guangyang city.

It was almost 1:30 p.m., which was the office time in the afternoon.

Standing not far from the gate of the building, Lin Chen seemed a little out of tune with a crowd of formally dressed office workers, and no one paid attention to him. No one would have thought that this young man who looked like a recent college graduate was the mysterious chairman of their group.

Lin Chen takes out her mobile phone and dials Zhang Yuerong's number.

"Sister Rong, where are you now?"

Zhang Yuerong's voice was a little happy: "why did you suddenly think of calling me? I am working now, dealing with some documents."

"Nothing. I just miss you."

Lin Chen chatted with Zhang Yuerong again, and then hung up the phone.

He didn't tell zhangyuerong that he was in Guangyang now, and that he had already arrived at the gate of the saint devil group building. Instead, he planned to give zhangyuerong a surprise.

After confirming that zhangyuerong was in her general manager's office in the building at this time, Lin Chen disappeared at the next moment, and a remnant ran towards the top of the building.

You need to swipe your card to enter the building. Since he wants to surprise Zhang Yuerong, he can only choose an unconventional way to enter the building.

"Go straight through sister Rong's window. I don't know what she will look like." Lin Chen smiled.

Now, the headquarters of the saint devil group has moved to Yuehai City, and ye Yiren has followed. Zhang Yuerong has replaced Ye Yiren here and has become the general manager of Guangyang branch.

Lin Chen has been to her office, which was the general manager's office before ye Yiren, and knows the location.

"Mr. Zhou... Mr. Zhou, I beg you. Would you please let me go? I really can't live without this job!"

A weak female voice came into Lin Chen's ears and made him stop, frowning.

The next moment, he floated outside a window on the fifteenth floor and looked inside.

This is an office with a man and a woman.

A man in his early thirties, with a good appearance, a suit and glasses, looks like an intellectual. He is a typical workplace elite.

The woman looks like a young girl in her early twenties. She looks beautiful and gentle. Wearing an ol suit, she has a soft beauty of Jiangnan women and a bit green. She looks like a little girl who has just entered the workplace after graduating from college. The girl said what she had just said. She was looking at the man with a pleading expression on her face.

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