At the moment, yanghuiling's heart was extremely bitter. If she hadn't tried hard to endure it, tears would have flowed out.

She is an orphan and adopted by her ragged grandmother. Although her grandmother has no blood relationship with her, in yanghuiling's heart, her grandmother is her only family member in the world.

Grandma picked up junk for her to study, but she also worked hard for her own success. She studied well since childhood. Later, she was admitted to Nanhua University, a top university, and her tuition was free. She could also get a scholarship every year, so she could fully support herself.

However, grandma's health is getting worse and worse. Now she has no way to pick up junk. There are still some small problems in her body, and the treatment costs for these small problems are not a little too much!

To yanghuiling's surprise, she finally got her wish to enter the Administration Department of the saint devil group. As long as she qualified during her internship, she could become a regular employee of the saint devil group in three months.

At that time, her monthly income will enable her and her grandmother to live a good life and receive good treatment!

In these three months, she fought hard and tried her best to do everything. However, not long ago, she was informed that she was unqualified!

In other words, she was eliminated!

She must pack up now and leave the saint devil group!

She was the best of the 20 interns in the administration department, but she was the first to be eliminated!

Therefore, yanghuiling came uninvited and found the office of zhouchengwen, deputy manager of the administration department.

Her unqualified evaluation was given by deputy manager zhouchengwen.

She also knows why the other party made such a comment.

Sitting behind his desk, zhouchengwen moved his eyes from the documents on the desk to yanghuiling's face, held his glasses and said with a light smile:

"Xiaoling, it's not that I won't let you go. It's that you are unqualified. I can't help you!"

With that, he spread his hands, a helpless look, but his eyes were twinkling with a playful smile.

Yanghuiling bit her lip.

Although she has just come out of school, she is not a fool!

Manager Zhou invited her to have dinner with him for many times. One time, at 10:00 p.m., he called her and told her to go to his residence to discuss the company's activity planning plan for next week.

Yanghuiling is a man who loves himself and knows how to protect himself, so she refused.

As a result, she clearly performed the best, but Zhou Chengwen said she was unqualified!

The girl next door, who always played with her mobile phone at work, was rated as qualified because she accompanied zhouchengwen out for a few meals and went to discuss the activity planning and distribution plan with her partner in the middle of the night!

Yanghuiling certainly knows what zhouchengwen means.

To put it bluntly, let him lay down the rules so that he can become a full-time employee.

Yanghuiling doesn't want to lose this job, but she really doesn't want to participate in such dirty activities!

She worked so hard and did well, but why did others deny everything she had done in the end?

She really doesn't understand!

For the first time, she felt the coldness of society.

Seeing that the other party clearly understood what he meant, Zhou Chengwen was unwilling to cooperate, and his face sank, saying coldly:

"Xiao Ling, you are still young. There are some reasons you don't understand! There is no pie in the sky. If you want to get it, you have to pay! Don't you understand the basic truth of being a man? If you don't understand it, you will be like this in your life!"

Yanghuiling raised her head and said stubbornly, "I have paid, I have tried!"

"You're trying? You're trying!"

As soon as zhouchengwen patted the table, he said in a cold voice, "is it up to you to make efforts? It's up to me! So, I said you didn't make efforts, you just didn't! Do you understand?"

He said angrily, "you are really not sensible at all! I am comfortable and you are comfortable when we play together. What is there to be pinched? Chinese women are too conservative and out of date!"

Zhouchengwen was a doctoral student in Europe. He was not bad in both ability and appearance. When he was abroad, he always had no shortage of women. His private life was very chaotic. At this time, he returned home and suffered a lot from yanghuiling, a little girl. He was angry.

We should pass on his foreign "elite thought" to yanghuiling.

Yanghuiling took a deep breath, looked at Zhou Chengwen with disdain in her eyes, and said: "manager Zhou, I am conservative, but I don't think there is any problem! Maybe there are some sacred things in my eyes, but they are very casual things in your eyes! I always remember my grandmother and I said that since we were born human beings, we should be good people, not be animals


"Besides, you also have Chinese blood in your body. Please don't look down on China! It seems that this job has no chance with me. Goodbye!"

Yanghuiling said that and turned to leave.

She wants this job very much, but she can continue to look for it after losing it. If she doesn't believe in her ability, she can't find another good job!

And if something else is lost, she thinks she will never find it back in her life!

"You... You call me a beast?"

Zhou Chengwen was stunned. At the next moment, his face was livid and he said with a grim smile:

"OK, OK! I think you are shameless, aren't you? Just look for a job. I tell you clearly that as long as I say hello, you won't be able to find a job in Guangyang city!"

"In addition, someone will visit your shabby house this evening, which may send your grandmother to the hospital, or even kill her! You should prepare the medical expenses. No, it may also be the expenses for burial!"

Yanghuiling's body froze, her face pale, and she dared not take another step.

Although zhouchengwen is only the deputy manager of the administration department, with the influence of the saint devil group, he has the ability to do what he just said!

"Go! Why don't you go, little watch?"

Zhouchengwen walked up to yanghuiling, pointed at her nose and said coldly:

"Why do you think I want to play with you so much? I really think I lack women? It's not because you look like Zhang Yuerong. I can treat you as her when I fuck you?"

Yanghuiling's face was startled. Her appearance and eyebrows were indeed a little similar to that of general manager Zhang.

The key point is that she did not expect that Zhou Chengwen had such a dirty mind towards general manager Zhang.

You know, zhouchengwen is the senior student of general manager Zhang. The reason why he became the deputy manager of the Administration Department of the saint devil group is also because general manager Zhang appreciates him!

Yanghuiling felt even more disgusted at the thought of this. This week Chengwen was really a scum. General manager Zhang looked up to her, but he even made a fool of others!

"Bitch, did you hear what I said? If you don't want the dead old woman in your family to be killed, let me have a good time. I'm going to help you break your body now. If I guess right, are you still a baby?"

Zhou Chengwen's eyes glowed green. At this moment, he completely exposed his nature, like a fierce wolf.

Seeing yanghuiling and zhangyuerong have a similar appearance, his heart is hot, as if the woman in front of him is zhangyuerong he can't get.

In his mind, Zhang Yuerong, who is now high up, was pressed on his desk. Zhou Chengwen's blood was boiling!

He couldn't help but take off his pants first, and then smiled grimly at yanghuiling:

"Zhangyuerong, you bitch. When Lao Tzu chased you in college, you chose a loser Lichang. Now you ride on Lao Tzu. I will kill you today! Don't you kneel down for me!" At the moment, Zhou Chengwen, who was extremely excited, did not notice that outside the window, there were a pair of extremely cold eyes staring at him!

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