Gu Xiao did not continue to speak, but his eyes fell on Baiye and Heitian, who suddenly felt as if there was a thousand foot high mountain pressing on them.

They fell to the ground, bleeding from their seven orifices. They looked at Gu Xiao in horror and could not even speak!


At this time, a roar came, and the invisible sound surged here, trying to help the day and night resist the terrible pressure.

"Buddhist lion roar? It's a good martial art, but your ability to kill you is too weak!"

Gu Xiao's face was contemptuous, and he slapped it casually in the air. With a bang, the wind went towards the sound wave, and all the invisible sound waves were scattered!

In the blink of an eye, master jimie, holding a Buddhist staff, was already standing in front of the white night and the dark sky. Looking at Gu Xiao, his face could not see the extreme.

At the same time, guodeyuan also appeared from a distance and came to master jimie in a moment.

Inside the moon invitation building, Murong Xuan ran out with many people. She came to master jimie, while the others stood beside suxiran's daughters.

Gu Xiao hissed and looked disdainful. He glanced at Zen master Ji Mie's face and asked:

"Annihilate the old bald donkey, guodeyuan and ouyangxuan. Why, do you want to protect that boy? How about living a good life? I'm so old that I have to hurry to die?"


Gu Xiao's words were so crazy that he didn't pay attention to master jimie at all. However, although master jimie's three faces were ugly, they didn't look insulted.

The terrifying momentum of Gu Xiao made them feel awe in their hearts. They were completely sure that this guy had stepped into the extraordinary eightfold heaven.

It is one level stronger than master jimie and Murong Xuan!

Just now, the roar of the silent Zen master spread all over the holy land of Kunlun. People kept coming here. When they saw the bodies of Wang Lei and others, they were all surprised.

"Who is that man?" Someone looked at Gu Xiao and wondered.

"He is Gu Xiao, the current leader of the Tianmo cult! Unexpectedly, he really dares to break into the holy land of Kunlun!"

An old man with white hair and beard had a look of horror on his face.

Everyone was in an uproar when they heard the speech. Unexpectedly, the leader of the evil cult was so bold that he broke in alone. He simply didn't take the people of the Kunlun Holy Land in his eyes!

Then, some people gloated.

"Ha ha! That Lin Chen is dead now! It's no use hiding in the moon invitation building!"

"That's right! He's a shrinking turtle. If he has the ability, he will continue to hide!"

"He hasn't come out yet. Did he run away? Hum! What a cowardly garbage!"


Master jimie looked gloomy, stared at Gu Xiao and said, "Gu Xiao, how dare you break into the holy land of Kunlun? Aren't you afraid of Kunlun religion?"

"Old bald donkey, after all these years, you are still not smart. Since I have come here, I am not afraid of Kunlun cult! If you have the ability, let lilingfeng come out and fight with me?"

Gu Xiao's eyes were cold and his tone was a little teasing.

Guodeyuan's face changed: "do you know that Li Zhangjiao is in seclusion?"

Both master jimie and Murong Xuan thought of this. Gu Xiao definitely knew that lilingfeng was in a critical moment of cultivation, so he was so confident!

"Cut the crap! Get out of here quickly, or you will die! If that boy dares to kill my disciple, he will die! You are not qualified to protect him!"

Gu Xiao's tone was a little impatient, a high-ranking attitude.

"You -"

Zen master jimie is also a fiery person. From the two people he taught, Baiye and Heitian, we can see that although he knows he can't win, Lin Chen is a disciple of Leng Dongliu. He can't let Lin Chen die in the hands of Gu Xiao anyway.

Without any hesitation, in an instant, the Buddhist staff in master jimie's hand brought a gust of wind and fell on Gu Xiao's head. There was a loud noise in the air, which was astonishing.

This Zen stick weighs 108 kg. It is also an ancient treasure. It is powerful and domineering. It will put an end to the war between Zen master and people. Few people dare to follow the attack of the Zen stick!

"Let me show you how far there is between me and the extraordinary eightfold heaven!"

Zen master jimie's angry eyes are wide open, and his momentum is amazing. With a fearless mentality, he seems to be a arhat trying to subdue the devil.

"Do it!"

Murong Xuan drank softly, and the sword came out of its sheath. The cold light flashed and went to Gu Xiao's throat!

As the owner of the moon invitation building, her sword is also an ancient treasure that cuts iron like mud!

Although guodeyuan was only a super six heavy heaven, he did not hesitate at this time. His momentum was like a tiger descending the mountain. He suddenly appeared behind Gu Xiao and slapped his back at the spine!

At this moment, the onlookers around felt that their hearts were trembling. If they faced the siege of master jimie, they would be killed instantly!

However, Gu Xiao still looked contemptuous. "A group of mole ants dare to be unbridled in front of me! Get out!"

As he spoke, he put his hands out and directly grasped master jimie's staff and Murong Xuan's sword. At the same time, the word "roll" came out and kicked guodeyuan behind him!

Zen master jimie and Murong Xuan turned pale. With all their strength, they couldn't get their weapons back and shake a penny.


Guodeyuan was kicked to vomit blood and flew out upside down. He fell on the ground and was bloodless. He had more air in and less air out!

Next second!

Bang! Bang!

Zen master jimie and Murong Xuan were also kicked out. When they fell on the ground, they vomited blood from their mouths and were in great pain. They looked at Gu Xiao in horror.

They know that the extraordinary octagon is very strong, but they can't beat each other, but they didn't expect that the gap between them was so big.

His own attack in front of the other side is just like a three-year-old child, waving his teeth and claws in front of a grown-up man!

There are more and more people around, including the leaders and elders of xuanlei Sabre sect, Shenquan sect, Ziyang sect and other sects. However, no one dares to help at the moment!

Seeing Zen master Ji Mie and Murong Xuan both fell to the ground and couldn't get up, a cold breath was heard. Then he looked at Gu Xiao in awe. His eyes were like a mouse looking at a cat.

Gu Xiao broke into the holy land of Kunlun, which was originally high above, but it was like a God coming down to earth. No one could stop him!

With a clatter, the Zen master's staff and Murong Xuan's sword were thrown on the ground by Gu Xiao like garbage.

Gu Xiao looked in the direction of the moon invitation building and said in a deep voice:

"Lin Chen, when are you going to hide? Come out and die! You killed people of our Tianmo cult, even my disciples. Do you think you can still escape? Get out and I'll give you a ride!"

His voice was not big, but it spread all over the Kunlun Holy Land in the blink of an eye. It was much more terrifying than the lion roaring sound before the death of the Zen master. When he spoke, Gu Xiao seemed to be the God who controlled everything. It seemed that it was natural for Lin Chen to come out and let him kill him!

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