"I guess that Lin Chen has already run away! How dare he come out!"

"Even Zen master jimie can't stop this man's move. Lin Chen's coming out is useless. It's estimated that the only person who can fight with this person in the whole Kunlun holy land is the Kunlun palm coach!"

"Ha ha! That shrinking tortoise, it's strange to just come out! It's definitely gone!"

"Humph! You are greedy for life and afraid of death!"


Hearing that Gu Xiao asked Lin Chen to come out and die, many of the onlookers joked and laughed.

Among them, it includes Wang Yu, the current patriarch of Yushou sect!

Because Li Tiangang died, Wang Yu changed from the leader of the beast hall to the leader of the beast driving sect. However, he would not be grateful to Lin Chen.

Li Tiangang and ouyangxiao are dead. The Tianluo hall and Fenglei sect, which belong to Yu beast sect, are also greatly damaged by the death of two leaders.

It can be said that the influence of Wang Yu, the leader of animal control sect, is far less than that of Li Tiangang as the leader of beast hall!

The training resources you can get in the future are also destined to be much less!

Therefore, he hated Lin Chen so much that he wished to see Lin Chen broken into pieces!

The rumors that Lin Chen was a shrinking turtle in the holy land of Kunlun were all manipulated by him in secret, and then the people of Tianluo hall and Fenglei sect followed suit!

Wang Yu thought that Lin Chen hid in the holy land of Kunlun and let him escape, but unexpectedly, Gu Xiao was so strong that he rushed directly to the holy land of Kunlun to kill Lin Chen!

Wang Yu just felt that God was so kind to him that he was helping himself!

"That boy is absolutely afraid to come out. It is estimated that he is on the way to escape now. Hurry up and look for him. When you find him, shout loudly. Don't let him escape!"

Wang Yu gave orders to the men beside him.

However, as soon as he spoke, he was stunned the next second, because a man came out of the moon invitation building with a broken sword. It was Lin Chen!

The rest of the people were stunned to see Lin Chen dare to come out.

At the next moment, Wang Yu laughed: "this stupid thing has taken the initiative to seek death!"

Just now, those who mocked Lin Chen for not daring to come out was a shrinking turtle. At this time, they were immediately beaten in the face. They felt a little embarrassed, but a moment later they sneered.

"This guy is so stupid that he even took the initiative to die. He is so stupid that he can't help it!"

Zen master jimie, Murong Xuan and others were shocked when they saw Lin Chen coming out.

"Lin Chen, hurry up! Don't come here!" Master jimie shouted to Lin Chen, looking anxious.

"Xiao Chen, leave quickly. Don't be confused!" Murong Xuan was also busy.

They all thought that when Lin Chen saw the situation here, he would know how to escape, but unexpectedly, Lin Chen chose to come out!

Yeyiren, Lin Chen's parents and others have just seen Gu Xiao's terrorist strength. Seeing Lin Chen come out at this moment, they are all pale with fear.

"Lin Chen, run away! Are you stupid? What are you doing out here?"

Anxieyao also subconsciously wants Lin Chen to run away, so anxious that tears are coming out. Ye Yiren sighs and says:

"Since he chose to walk out, he would never run away."

The women were stunned when they heard the speech. Then no one let Lin Chen run away. They knew Lin Chen's temper. At this time, they also knew that since Lin Chen had made a decision, it would be useless to try to persuade him.

"He was afraid that if he ran away, something would happen to us!" Su Xi ran turned pale.

All the women nodded and looked at Lin Chen affectionately.

There is no doubt that if Lin Chen runs away, Gu Xiao will probably vent his anger on master jimie and them. At that time, they will have no choice but to die.

Master jimie, murongxuan and guodeyuan also thought of this, and they were both pleased and worried.

Lin Chen was also helpless. As long as he took seven days, he could absorb all the energy of the devil's heart fruit. At that time, he would break through the extraordinary eightfold sky. With the 64 times increase of the Dragon elephant subduing the devil skill, he was confident that he could abuse Gu Xiao with one hand.

As a result, he did not expect that the other party would dare to break into the holy land of Kunlun directly, and only four days later, he came!

There is no doubt that old Meng ran back to the demon sect alive.

Yesterday, Lin Chen broke through the extraordinary seventh heaven. At this time, he is still far away from the extraordinary eighth heaven. He is not sure that he can win.

However, at this time, he must stand up!

He must not let his parents, women and elders face danger, but he chose to run away!

"Are you Lin Chen? Did you kill my disciple?"

Looking at Lin Chen coming, Gu Xiao looked at Sen Leng.

"Are you the leader of Tianmo cult? The master of hanxinghua?" Lin Chen asked back.

Gu Xiao frowned.

Many people were speechless. Unexpectedly, Linchen Mingming saw that Zen master Ji Mie and others were badly wounded. As a result, he dared to be so arrogant in front of Gu Xiao.

Only some of the older generation's strong men nodded their heads in secret and fought against each other. In any case, first of all, they can't lose their momentum. If they lose their momentum, they basically don't have to fight!

Next second!

Gu Xiao's face was disdainful. He suddenly clapped his hand on a silver streamer that suddenly shot at his brain from the side!


The Dragon tooth Sabre was directly shot and flew out and embedded into the rock wall tens of meters away.

Everyone was startled by this sudden scene.

"Dark... Hidden weapon?" Many people exclaimed in surprise. At the same time, they thought that Gu Xiao was too scared. If it were them, they would have been caught.

"Even if the weak depend on foreign things, they are still weak! In my eyes, you are a weak person worth mentioning!"

Gu Xiao looked at Lin Chen with a trace of irony on his face.

He knew that Lin Chen had a small knife that could be used to sneak attacks, so he was always on guard. At the moment when the Dragon tooth Sabre came, he noticed it.

Although the Dragon tooth Sabre is extremely sharp, he was patted on the blade, so naturally, he can't be harmed at all.

Lin Chen frowned and his face became solemn. Gu Xiao was even more difficult to deal with than he had imagined. He couldn't see the other party's move just now.

The next moment, Gu Xiao stepped out, turned his upper body, clenched his right hand and said, "you are no different from a waste in my eyes. If you kill my disciple, I will kill you! Now, you are dead!"

With that, he punched Lin Chen ten meters away!

"Void earthquake!"


An invisible wave condensed into a transparent fist and rushed towards Lin Chen, just like a wild dragon.

At this moment, all the people present were so shocked that their hair stood upright, and they had a feeling of being stared at by the God of death!

"Too, too terrible!" Someone could not help exclaiming.

The others nodded. Indeed, the power of this punch made them have an impulse to beg for mercy. If they were Lin Chen, they would never survive this punch!

You know, even master jimie and Murong Xuan couldn't accept Gu Xiao's move just now!

"Lin Chen, get away!" Master jimie shouted to Lin Chen.

Murong Xuan hurriedly asked Lin Chen to escape, while ye Yiren and other women screamed, and some turned pale.

Wang Yu's face was overjoyed. In his mind, a picture of Lin Chen being killed by this punch had already emerged!

In Lin Chen's eyes, the sense of war was rising. His knees were slightly bent and his hands were holding bloody broken swords. The whole person was like a towering mountain, and a powerful momentum rose from him.

"A sword shakes the world!"


In an instant, the huge transparent fist collided with the bloody broken sword and made a loud noise. The earth was shaking, just like the raging tide hitting the mountains. The tide was fierce and the mountains did not move at all!

In the twinkling of an eye, the terrible fist dissipated, and the ground at Lin Chen's feet cracked and sank for a few centimeters, but he had nothing to do except that his face was a little red!

"Well... How could this be possible? He even blocked the attack of the leader of the Tianmo cult?" Wang Yu's eyes widened in surprise.

The others were also dumbfounded. In their view, even if Lin Chen was not killed by the other party, he would be seriously injured. However, this is not the case!


Gu Xiao gave a light sigh, and his eyes showed a bright color. After looking at Lin Chen for a few eyes, he suddenly said:

"Boy, you are very good. Now I can give you two choices! First, join my demon sect and be my servant forever! Second, I will still kill you!"

When he spoke, he still looked like a high man. He didn't panic because Lin Chen took his fist.

Lin Chen sneered: "I also give you two choices! One is that you immediately kneel down and kowtow to beg for mercy and then go away, and the other is that I kill you!" When Lin Chen said this, the whole audience was silent, and everyone was dumbfounded. Gu Xiao's eyebrows had been twisted into pimples, and his eyes were full of evil spirit!

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